""Roar, roar, roar!!!"

Onix:"None of you can escape! This is my territory! Don't even think about escaping. No bastard can leave here safely after eating my ore!"

After Onix roared angrily, it immediately chased after Qin Ze and the others. It would not stop until it caught them!

"Windy Dog, move at high speed!"

When Qin Ze saw Onix chasing him, he ordered Windy Dog to use high-speed movement to speed up.

At this moment, Qin Ze experienced how terrifying the speed of Windy Dog was when moving at high speed.

The sense of speed and the strong wind blowing in his face were many times stronger than a roller coaster.

Even though he had been exercising with the gravity ring to strengthen his muscles in the past two days, he still felt extremely uncomfortable.

Windy Dog:"Master! Where should we run!"

Qin Ze:"Whatever, just run wherever you look."

Qin Ze didn't know where it was best to run, and he didn't know the roads here. He couldn't find the way back after running around, so he could only run around blindly to get rid of Onix first.

"boom���Boom! Boom!"

Every time Windy Dog runs, there is a slight explosion, and the flames under its feet explode rapidly the moment it lands.

The impact of the explosion will further increase the speed of Windy Dog!

Originally, Windy Dog was very fast when moving at high speed, and with this little trick, its speed was even more exaggerated.

Even though Onix was at a high level and had increased its speed by grinding with rocks, it was impossible to catch up with Windy Dog.

The two sides kept a long distance!

""Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!"

At this moment, Onix kept spitting out dragon breath to attack Arcanine.

It also realized that it could not catch up with Arcanine in such a short time, so it decided to use attacks to interrupt Arcanine's movement!

""Left! Right! Get out of the way!"

Qin Ze stared at the dragon's breath coming from behind, constantly pointing out the direction for Windy Dog to avoid being hit.

But if he continued like this, it would not be a solution.

He had to find a way to get rid of Onix, even if it was only temporarily!

"Windy Dog! Jump up and use the ceiling as a step!"

Qin Ze immediately thought of a way to order Windy Dog


After receiving the order, the wind speed dog quickly jumped up, just in time to avoid a dragon's breath that just passed by.

Then it used its hind legs to kick the ceiling fiercely, and the flames under its feet suddenly exploded!

The wind speed dog flew out with the reaction force!


Because of the 120 explosion, the top rock wall immediately exploded, and a lot of rocks fell, just landing on Onix.

Although this did not cause much damage, it could slightly slow down Onix's movements.

"Windy Dog, keep jumping up and stepping on the rock wall! Wind Fairy, use Fairy Wind!"

Qin Ze continued to give orders, and did not forget to let the Fairy Wind of the Wind Fairy speed up the speed of Windy Dog's rushing out!



So along the way, the wind speed dog kept destroying the top rock wall, and a lot of rubble fell to block the road behind.

Keep slowing down the speed of the big rock snake! So that it can gradually get rid of it!

After running for an unknown time and distance, the wind speed dog came to a relatively large space, stopped at Qin Ze's command, and rested beside a thick stone pillar.


The wind speed dog was exhausted and panting heavily with its tongue hanging out. It seemed that it was really exhausted.

""Thank you for your hard work, Windy Dog. Eat some fruit to restore your strength."

Qin Ze stroked Windy Dog's fur, gave it some fruit to restore its strength, and then looked at the detector.

The detector did not detect Onix. Obviously, Onix could not find them yet.

But it was only a matter of time before it was found.

"We want to escape, but we don't know where we are. We are completely lost."

Qin Ze looked around at the unfamiliar environment.

This is a very spacious underground space with passages everywhere. There is no way to know where they lead to.

Not to mention finding a route back to the ground.

The worst thing is that now there is such a big trouble with Rock Snake. If luck is bad, Qin Ze and his friends may have to die here.


"Awoo, awoo."

At this time, the wind fairy and the candlelight spirit looked at Qin Ze with worry.

In this situation, they didn't know what to do.

"Don't worry, I'm here, I'll find a way."

Qin Ze looked at the two Pokémons who looked so worried, and stroked their heads to assure them.

Then, he looked at the detector and found that the red dot representing Onix was moving around, and it didn't get close to here yet.

Qin Ze looked at the red dot on the detector and began to think about what to do next.

Should he hide while looking for a way to leave?

Would that work?

Windy Dog's stamina is not infinite. Once it can't run and is caught up by Onix, it will be in big trouble.

So the best choice is undoubtedly to kill Onix first, and then slowly find a way out.

But Qin Ze didn't forget that Onix is level 38, which is much higher than any Pokémon present, and it is impossible to beat it head-on.

The Wind Fairy's Leaf Blade probably can't cause much damage.

"If you can't challenge it head on, you can only rely on wisdom."

Qin Ze sat down next to the wind speed dog.

He held his forehead with both hands and thought carefully to find a way.

The three elves were particularly well-behaved at this moment. They didn't say anything, but just looked at their master calmly. They believed that their master would give them a satisfactory answer.

"If you can defeat Onix, you will get a lot of experience points for challenging a higher level, but if you are not careful, you will die without a burial place."

Qin Ze rubbed his hair while muttering, and then looked at the candlelight spirit and the wind fairy.

At this moment, a flash of inspiration came to his mind.

He quickly grasped the fleeting inspiration and thought carefully.

"The unique ability of the candlelight spirit, the characteristics of the wind fairy...Wait! If you do this, there might be a chance, but it's very risky...."

A bold and effective method gradually took shape in Qin Ze's mind.

However, this method was still missing a decisive thing, and he needed to think more.

Then he looked around, trying to find inspiration.

But that decisive thing, how could it be thought of just by thinking about it?

Qin Ze racked his brains, but couldn't think of what to do.


Just then, Qin Ze noticed that according to the detector, the big rock snake was approaching here.

"Windy Dog! Hurry up and go!"

After Qin Ze saw this, he immediately pulled the Wind Fairy and the Candlelight Spirit onto the back of Windy Dog.

Windy Dog immediately moved away at high speed.

Along the way, Qin Ze let Windy Dog stop to rest after seeing that the detector could no longer detect the Onix.


At this moment, the Wind Speed Dog was so tired that it stuck out its tongue. If it continued to toss and turn like this, there was no telling how long the Wind Speed Dog could hold on.

"Damn it! What's the key missing?"

Qin Ze scratched his hair hard. He just couldn't think of what the key part was.

Without that part, there was no way to form a perfect plan to defeat Onix! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Then Qin Ze looked at the detector and found that the detector showed that there was a treasure here.

However, Qin Ze looked around and saw that it was all bare ground. There was no treasure at all.

So he simply raised his head and looked upwards. What he saw made him gasp instantly.

There was a very large stone on top of his head. It was so huge that even the Onix could not completely wrap around it.[]

Of course, the stone is nothing, but the important thing is that the surface is covered with gray crystal ore.

Then Qin Ze stepped back and took a closer look. This big stone can be said to be a small-scale gray crystal mine. It grows upside down on the top of the rock wall and looks quite spectacular.

If it were safe now, Qin Ze (cgci) would definitely be very happy to see such a gray crystal mine and would find a way to mine it.

But now that the disaster is imminent, he can't be happy no matter what.

"Hey, wait! Gray crystal ore is very hard, even Windy Dog can't destroy it, so how hard must such a large gray crystal ore be!"

Qin Ze couldn't help but have such a thought, and then immediately raised his head to look at such a large stone mine.

At this moment, a very bold idea emerged in his mind, and combined with the previous idea, it formed a perfect plan.

If this plan can really work, maybe it can completely get rid of Onix!

So Qin Ze continued to think and ponder. Doing so might be very risky and would involve the elves, but it was the only way.

He couldn't think of any other effective way. He could only take a risk.

But before he did so, he had to communicate with the elves.

"Guys, I have a way to take down that Onix, but it's going to be risky, especially with the Wind Fairy and the Candlelight Spirit."

""Arcane, Windy, Candlelight, listen carefully, I have found a way to kill that Onix!"

Qin Ze said solemnly.

After hearing this, the three elves immediately gathered around Qin Ze and looked at him expectantly.

"But this method is very risky and will endanger life."

Qin Ze said seriously, and then told the three elves the plan in detail.

After listening to it, the three elves, especially the wind fairy and the candlelight spirit, showed surprised expressions.

"Candlelight spirit, wind fairy, I know this method is very risky for you, but now I can only do this. If you don't want to, I won't force you. I will find another way to leave here."

Qin Ze's voice was quite gentle, and he stroked the heads of the two elves while speaking to comfort them.

Candlelight spirit:"It doesn't matter! I'll do it!" Candlelight spirit immediately made up his mind and shouted with his white hands raised high.

Wind fairy:"Don't you humans have a saying like this? Fortune and wealth are sought in danger, and I can only take a risk. It's just a shit shoveler! I want a snack when I go back!"

"No problem, the wind fairy can eat as much as he wants!"

Qin Ze was relieved when he saw that the two of them agreed.

Then he looked at the wind speed dog.

At this time, the wind speed dog had already taken a stance and kept nodding vigorously.

Wind speed dog:"No problem! Master! Just leave it to me!"

The three elves agreed to Qin Ze's crazy plan.

It was not just that they had no other choice, but more importantly, they trusted the trainer.

"Very good! This is the state! Thank you very much for trusting me like this! I promise to take you out safely!"

Qin Ze said with full momentum and stretched out his right hand with the back of his hand facing up.

Seeing this, the three elves put their hands on it.

Then everyone pressed down hard at the same time! Cheer up for themselves and each other!

At this time, Onix was wandering around in the tunnel looking for Qin Ze's traces.

"Where did the damn human thief run off to?"

Onix kept cursing while searching, the anger in his eyes had never subsided from the beginning to now, but became more and more intense.

It seemed that he really hated Qin Ze and the others! Imagine that as soon as you return to your own territory, you find that the food that originally belonged to you has been easily snatched away. Who wouldn't be angry!

In addition, Onix is more domineering, and it is impossible for him to just give up!

""Swish, swish, swish!"

Just then, there were a few slight sounds of breaking wind.

Then, a few leaves pierced the body of the rock snake.


This level of attack could not cause any harm to Onix, but it made it look in the direction where the leaves came from in confusion.

In a tunnel, Wind Fairy and Candlelight Spirit slowly walked out, both of them were dressed in arrogant and fearless clothes.

Wind Fairy:"Hey! You big fool, come and hit me if you dare! Lululu!"

Candlelight Spirit:"Big fool, come here if you dare, Lululu!"~~"

Wind Fairy and Candlelight Fairy stuck out their tongues and made faces, and said all kinds of unpleasant words to provoke Onix. Onix was furious when it saw these two elves who were obviously weaker than it actually had the courage to mock it!


Seeking death!���The snake saw these two elves, who were weaker than him, dared to show up and mock him so blatantly. He instantly became extremely angry.

So he immediately spit out a breath of dragon to attack the wind fairy and the candlelight spirit.

The wind fairy and the candlelight spirit were already prepared. When they saw the big rock snake coming to attack, they quickly scattered and dodged.

""Roar, roar, roar!!"

At the moment of dodging, Onix quickly rushed towards the two elves!

It looked like a high-speed train, and it seemed that it could crash through everything!

After Onix rushed in front of Wind Fairy and Candlelight Spirit, its tail radiated light, and it was ready to do a somersault, swinging its tail towards the two guys!

But at this moment, Wind Fairy took the lead in throwing out a piece of purple powder.

When Onix touched the purple powder, it suddenly felt very uncomfortable all over its body.

It was as if countless ants were biting itself.

The sudden pain made Onix's attack stop all of a sudden.

This is the effect of Wind Fairy's poison powder!

It poisons the opponent.

And it is released before Onix through the characteristics of Mischief's Heart!

When Candlelight Spirit saw that Onix was poisoned, he immediately jumped up and used Misfortunes Never Come Alone to attack Onix.


Say goodbye: Bất Hủ

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