The double power brought more misfortunes than one, which made Onix feel a little painful.

At the same time, the Wind Fairy continued to release the Flying Leaf Blade, bombarding Onix's body like a machine gun!

Onix:"Do you think this will work?"

Facing the coordinated attack of the Wind Fairy and the Candlelight Spirit, Onix roared and swung its tail vigorously to attack. Before the swing had completely fallen, the strong wind that blew down immediately allowed the Wind Fairy to take advantage of it.

He immediately grabbed the Candlelight Spirit and flew out with the strong wind, narrowly avoiding the sweep of Onix's tail!

Now Onix's expression looked normal, as if he had gotten rid of the poisoning state.

However, no matter how high the resistance to poisoning is, once it is poisoned, it cannot be gotten rid of by itself within a few rounds. It just depends on how much it can withstand.

Now because the Wind Fairy's level is much lower than Onix, Onix can withstand the poison of the Wind Fairy.

Even if there is a little effect, it will not have much effect on him.

Onix:"Go to hell!"

After Onix roared, it immediately summoned countless rocks and attacked the Wind Fairy and the Candlelight Spirit with a rockfall.

Seeing this, the Wind Fairy immediately hugged the Candlelight Spirit and spit out the Fairy Wind as its own jet power.

Then, relying on its own light weight, it flew at high speed like a jet plane.

It dodged left and right, up and down, and successfully avoided the falling rocks one after another!

""Swish, swish, swish!!!"

But that was not the end.

The Rock Snake immediately spit out dragon breath continuously.

However, its target was not the wind fairy, but the pile of stones.

The stones hit by the dragon breath were not only broken into smaller pieces, but also ejected like a shotgun with the impact of the explosion.

Attacking the wind fairy at a faster speed.

In the blink of an eye, dense rubble approached the wind fairy like a storm!

Faced with such a fierce attack, the wind fairy could only continuously increase the power of the fairy wind, increase its flying speed, and try to avoid so many pieces of rubble.


""Ah, hey, hey!!"

But the Wind Fairy was still hit by several pieces of rubble, and it screamed in pain and fell heavily to the ground.

Just as it was about to do so, Onix caught up immediately.

Seeing this, the Wind Fairy immediately released yellow powder.

This is paralysis powder! It is using the characteristic of Mischief Heart.

While Onix is about to attack, it attacks first and paralyzes Onix!

Let Onix enter a state of both paralysis and poisoning!

In this world, these negative buffs can be stacked together!

Seeing this, the Candlelight Spirit immediately stood up and launched a double-misfortune attack.

After Onix suffered a little damage, it directly sprayed dragon breath from its mouth, hitting the Wind Fairy and the Candlelight Spirit just in time.


This caused a very violent explosion.

The whole tunnel was filled with smoke!

In the thick smoke, a figure was blown away and fell lightly to the ground.

That figure was the wind fairy!

The wind fairy stood up covered in dust, looking unharmed.

Dragon Breath is a move belonging to the dragon attribute. For the wind fairy with fairy attributes, it has no effect at all.

However, this cannot let the wind fairy relax. After seeing that the dragon breath was useless, the big snake immediately swung its tail and slapped the wind fairy.

The wind fairy hurriedly flew back Escaped.

Then she immediately used the paralysis powder to paralyze Onix, and then used the Leaf Blade to perform a useful attribute restraint attack!

However, the level difference is too big, and the time to paralyze Onix is only two or three seconds at most, and the power of the Leaf Blade is quite small!

So when the Wind Fairy finishes her attack, she will immediately spray the Fairy Wind and fly backwards.

When she keeps a similar distance, she will continue to repeat the process of paralysis powder, Leaf Blade, and retreat, using this set of processes repeatedly, adopting guerrilla warfare tactics.

Onix:"Damn Wind Fairy! If you didn't have such a disgusting mischievous heart characteristic, I would be toyed with by you like this.?!"

Onix stared at the flying Wind Fairy in exasperation.

Onix:"But where is the Candlelight Spirit just now? And where is your master?!"

At this time, Onix found that the Candlelight Spirit that had just acted with the Wind Fairy had gone somewhere.

What it cared more about was where Qin Ze was!

Wind Fairy:"What's it got to do with you! Lulululu!"

The Wind Fairy would not kindly answer Onix's voice, and directly responded with the Flying Leaf Knife.

Onix was annoyed by this, and was too lazy to care so much, and directly chased after it and released a rock collapse attack!

As for where the Candlelight Spirit went, just treat it as if it had been blown to death!

At this time, Qin Ze was on the other side.

When the Wind Fairy and Onix were fighting each other,

Qin Ze ordered Wind Speed Dog to take him to climb the mountain and hang on the top of the rock wall, and conduct careful observation and research.

In the end, it was discovered that this was not entirely a gray crystal mine, and part of the area above was still ordinary stone.

"Windy Dog! Now use the digging function on the positions of these ordinary stones to see if you can dig out the ore inside."

Qin Ze pointed to a position and ordered Windy Dog


After receiving the order, the wind speed dog immediately jumped up and lay down at the position Qin Ze said.

One claw went deep into it and dug it like a hole. After digging out a few pieces of ordinary rocks, it did touch the very hard gray crystal ore.

Then the wind speed dog exerted all its strength and forcibly pulled out some of the gray crystal ore from it and threw it to the ground.

"Very good! That's it, dig through this area! Let this large piece of ore fall down!"

Qin Ze immediately ordered after seeing this scene, thinking that his method might work!

This is his plan,���Let the Wind Fairy and the Candlelight Spirit attract the attention of Onix.

Then let Windy Dog dig out a part of the top of this huge rock so that the remaining large part can fall down.

Hit the Onix that was led here.

The hardness of the gray crystal ore is quite high. If such a large rock rich in so much ore falls down, the destructive power will be absolutely terrible!

Qin Ze is confident that even the Onix will not be able to withstand it.

So Windy Dog acted as a miner, using the method of digging holes to laboriously dig out the gray crystal ore on this route.

Then dig through the ordinary rock layer little by little.

Try to dig through this boulder as soon as possible so that it can fall down.

"The next biggest problem is timing. If we can't get that big rock snake here before it falls, it won't work."

"The timing of falling should not be too early or too late."

When Qin Ze thought of this, he looked at the detector.

Now the Onix was moving around, approaching him little by little.

It was obvious that the Wind Fairy was trying its best to play with the Onix. Although the Wind Fairy was not the opponent of the Onix, it could still find ways to delay the Onix by relying on its extraordinary speed and its mischievous heart to release paralysis powder to disgust people.

"The Wind Fairy must hold on, and the Candlelight Spirit, your part is also very important."

Qin Ze prayed for everyone in his heart.

After more than ten minutes

"Roar, roar, roar!!"

""Eh, eh, eh, eh!!!"

The cries of Onix and Wind Fairy came from the nearest tunnel.

The difference was that

Onix's voice was full of anger, while Wind Fairy's voice was full of pain.

Wind Fairy was hit out of the tunnel like a ball and fell heavily to the ground. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Its whole body was covered with serious injuries and it looked like it was about to enter a dying state.

"Wind fairy!"

Qin Ze saw the Wind Fairy's appearance and immediately went up to give it medical supplies, trying to maintain the Wind Fairy's life as much as possible and prevent it from entering a dying state.

Wind Fairy:"Shit shoveler, I tried my best and my mission is accomplished."

Just as the Wind Fairy was panting, Onix also ran here.[]

Onix:"Damn human! Your Pokémon made me run around so tired! I didn't expect you to hide in this place so that I could find you easily!"

At this moment, Onix was panting, sweating all over, with fatigue written all over his face.

Onix:"I haven't been so tired in a long time. I was played so badly by this damn wind fairy. You are all ready to die here! Haha!"

Onix took a few heavy breaths after he finished speaking.

When he was chasing the wind fairy just now, he didn't know if it was because he was constantly attacked by the wind fairy with paralysis powder and flying leaf knives, as well as that little bit of poison.

Onix now feels that he has consumed a lot of physical strength.

This made him even more annoyed.

When did he ever consume so much physical strength to deal with a Pokémon weaker than himself!

If he didn't kill it hard...���It would be impossible to calm the guy's anger by giving him a beating!

"Damn, Windy hasn't dug through it completely yet."

Qin Ze looked at the Onix so close at hand, his expression not very good.

Windy hasn't dug through the boulder yet.

Although the boulder now has fewer connecting parts and a large part of it is shaking, it is not likely to fall off.

So Qin Ze immediately turned his head quickly, thinking about what to do.

At this moment, he immediately thought of something he had that could come in handy!

"Oh, try this!"

Qin Ze thought about it and immediately took out six gravity rings and gave them to the wind fairy.

"Wind Fairy, take these to Windy Dog, place them at the positions that have not been dug through, and turn on 5 times the gravity!"

Qin Ze ordered quickly.

After receiving the order, Wind Fairy killed the six things, then dragged his tired and injured body, floated upwards, and then immediately spit out Fairy Wind to the bottom.

Let himself rise quickly like a rocket.

Onix:"What are you still trying to struggle for! No matter what you do! It's useless!"

Onix didn't care what they wanted to do. In his eyes, in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy and tricks were useless!

So he immediately approached Qin Ze to get rid of the most important trainer first.

Qin Ze slowly backed away, with cold sweat, looking at Onix calmly.

At this time, Onix opened his mouth, ready to spit out a dragon breath to kill Qin Ze instantly.

But at this moment, Candlelight Spirit appeared on the top of Onix's head at some point, and then climbed like a spider, all the way to Onix's eyes

""Hoohoo, hoohoo, hoohoo!!!"

The next second, the flame on the candlelight spirit's head suddenly expanded many times, turning into an extremely fierce and thick flame, directly and mercilessly burning the big rock snake's eyes!

""Roar, roar, roar, roar!!!"

The eyes were suddenly burned by flames, making Onix feel extremely painful. It couldn't help howling and shaking its body wildly, trying to throw the Candlelight Spirit away!

However, the moment Onix screamed, the Candlelight Spirit immediately jumped out and landed in front of Qin Ze.

Candlelight Spirit:"Master, I have done what you asked."

Candlelight Spirit proudly asked Qin Ze for credit.

""Well done!"

Qin Ze gave Zhu Guangling a positive compliment without hesitation.

At this time, the pain of the big snake gradually stabilized.

Seeing this, Qin Ze immediately issued an order

""Candlelight Spirit! Strange light!"

After hearing this, Candlelight Spirit immediately jumped up and released a very strange light at the injured part of Rock Snake's eye.

As soon as Rock Snake opened his injured eye, he was suddenly illuminated by the strange light.

He felt a burning pain instantly.

It made him more painful, causing mental confusion and successfully entering a state of confusion.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

I don't know whether it was to relieve the pain or it was really in confusion. The big snake shook its body wildly, hitting the stone pillars beside it, and even broke one.

""Misfortunes never come alone!"

Qin Ze ordered immediately.

Now Onix was in a state of confusion, how could it miss such a good opportunity.

So Candlelight Spirit immediately used Misfortunes never come alone to hurt Onix.

Just when Onix felt the pain, it immediately forced itself to cheer up, suddenly stuck its head out, and hit Candlelight Spirit hard, smashing it into the ground.


This made Zhu Guangling feel like she was dying, and she kept groaning in pain.

Seeing this, Qin Ze hurried over to feed Zhu Guangling some medicine so that it could feel better.

"Where did you come from? I didn't see you just now!"

The Rock Snake yelled at the Candlelight Spirit in confusion.

"You must be confused about how the candlelight spirit came out.

Qin Ze understood what Rock Snake said and couldn't help but smile.

"But I won't explain it to you."

Qin Ze looked cunning.

But in fact, from the beginning, when the big rock snake attacked and produced smoke,

Qin Ze told the candlelight spirit to become smaller at that time....Then crawl into the gap of Onix's body and absorb its vitality.

This is a ghost-type Pokémon, and it is also the specialty of Candlelight.

This is why Onix was so tired when it was chasing the Wind Fairy.

Because Candlelight has been absorbing Onix's vitality.

Onix may not have noticed it before.

But now...A lot of Onix's health has been absorbed.

This is the method Qin Ze came up with by combining the characteristics of the Wind Fairy and the Candlelight Spirit. The

Wind Fairy's mischievous heart first used the paralysis powder to make Onix a target for a while and allowed it to be attacked. Repeating this tactic repeatedly caused damage to Onix little by little, and repeatedly interrupted Onix's attack.

It also used the characteristics of the Candlelight Spirit absorbing vitality, and the skill of being difficult to detect after becoming smaller.

The combination of the two formed a very effective consumption tactic!


This is my mother: I am a man Tôn

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