"Roar, roar, roar...."

Now Onix felt particularly uncomfortable.

His body was much heavier than before.

Every time he breathed, his body would sink closer to the ground.

The main reason was that his vitality was taken away by the Candlelight Spirit, and coupled with the injury to his eyes, it felt extremely tired.

""Roar, roar, roar!!!"

The next second Onix roared angrily.

It was a powerful elf of level 38, but it was tormented like this by a human and three level 20 elves!

This was definitely a great shame for it!

Even though it was very tired now, it had to fight on and cut the human and elves in front of it into pieces!

Onix:"Even if I'm weak now, it's easy for me to kill you!"

After Onix finished speaking, he gathered dragon breath in his mouth and was about to spit it out!

But at this moment, a huge shadow suddenly appeared out of thin air and enveloped Onix's whole body.

This sudden change made Onix stunned and subconsciously stopped spitting out dragon breath.

Looking up, he saw a huge rock covered with gray crystal ore falling from the sky.

With such a large rock falling, Onix immediately reacted to dodge, but it was too late and was hit directly.

""Boom boom boom!"

This violent smash caused quite a stir.

The entire cave shook continuously, with broken stones falling down continuously, and even several thin stone pillars nearby broke.

It seemed that this place would collapse at any time.


Onix was crushed under huge chunks of rubble. Its whole body was in extreme pain. It had no strength to break free and felt as if its body was about to break apart!

""Three, five, three""Rocks filled with gray crystal ore are much harder than ordinary rocks. You must feel very uncomfortable after being hit like this."

Qin Ze walked in front of Onix. At this time, Wind Elf and Wind Speed Dog fell down, looking for praise.

Qin Ze stroked their cheeks in affirmation. Sure enough, the gravity ring worked.

Under the action of five times the gravity of several gravity rings, many broken boulders were immediately pressed down.

Successfully hit Onix!

Although Onix is still conscious now, it is not far from dying.

Onix:"Damn human! I will kill you!"

Now the eyes of this Onix are full of strong anger and unwillingness. It can't understand why it is obviously much stronger than Qin Ze's Pokémon, but it has ended up like this. It really wants to get up again and avenge its previous shame.

However, it is very strenuous for it to speak now, and it is impossible to get up!

"Stop nagging and turn it into experience points for my Pokémon! Arcanine! Windsprite! Candice! Beat it up!"

Qin Ze ordered immediately.

After hearing the order, Arcanine, Windsprite and Candice all showed malicious smiles and approached Onix.

They were tormented badly by Onix just now, and now they finally have a chance to take revenge, so they will definitely hit them as hard as possible.

Onix, which was originally in anger, had to show a panic expression when he saw that the eyes of the three Pokémon on the opposite side were very wrong.

Unfortunately, before he could say anything, the three Pokémon on the opposite side had already used various skills to madly beat Onix, which only had a trace of blood.

At this moment, the screams of Onix continued to echo in the cave.

"Congratulations to Windy, Windy and Candlelight for defeating Onix, and each of them received 5000 experience points."

"After doubling, you will get 10,000 experience points"

"Upgrade the Windy Dog to level 24, the Wind Fairy to level 22, and the Candlelight Spirit to level 22"

"Congratulations to the wind fairy, you have learned super absorption."

The system's prompt sound kept ringing.

Seeing that only two of the three elves had upgraded to the next level, and this was also due to the accumulated experience from fighting many times on the ground, Qin Ze didn't know what to say.

He felt sorry for the hard work.

But there was nothing he could do. Who said that in this world, the later you go, the more difficult it is to upgrade.

It's already very good to be able to upgrade to the next level after a battle.

"You all did a great job, you've worked hard."

Qin Ze stroked the heads of the three elves after he finished speaking. They all looked very happy and proud.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully completing his first level-crossing challenge!"

Just then the system's prompt sounded again.

"Now the host is rewarded with the opportunity to learn skills. You can designate an elf to learn skills and re-stomp!"


Hearing this sound, Qin Ze immediately remembered what the skill of"Stomp" was.

It was a move that used all his energy to stomp the ground, causing vibrations, attacking the surrounding elves, and also reducing the opponent's speed.

It was a ground-based skill.

"This move can be learned by Windy Dog!"

Qin Ze immediately thought of who to let learn this move.

Windy Dog is undoubtedly the most suitable.

With its physique, the power of stomping is definitely not bad.

What's more, with this move, Windy Dog will be able to better deal with ground and rock Pokémon in the future.

If Windy Dog had already learned to stomp, then when facing Onix just now,

Windy Dog would have stomped directly. Even if it couldn't cause too much damage, it could have caused more trouble.

"System, I want to teach Windy Dog how to stomp!"

Qin Ze immediately answered the system

"Okay, Windy Dog has learned Stomp."

However, this learning surprised Qin Ze. Is it that simple?

Qin Ze then carefully observed Windy Dog with an appreciative eye. Indeed, Windy Dog's skill list had an additional Stomp.

"Windy Dog, you have learned to stomp now, right?"

Qin Ze asked


Arcanine nodded, as if he had really gone through the process of learning to re-step.

""Then you show me how to do it now."

Qin Ze suggested.

Windy Dog immediately agreed, and then it jumped to a position some distance away from Qin Ze, then raised its front legs with all its strength, and then stomped on the ground with all its strength!

""Boom boom!"

The noise was very loud.

The ground around was shaking and cracks appeared!

The strong impact caused cracks on the stone pillars next to it!

Qin Ze was also affected by the impact, but it was not a big problem.

"You really learned it. Do you know how you learned it?"

Qin Ze asked quickly.


Wind Speed Dog shook his head to indicate that he didn't know.

Wind Speed Dog:"I don't know either. It feels like I just remembered the memory in my blood and suddenly learned it."

After hearing this explanation, Qin Ze didn't say anything more. He couldn't understand the arrangement of the system, so he simply didn't bother about it.

"All right, it's time to take away the spoils."

Qin Ze looked at the unconscious Onix.

He didn't plan to subdue Onix. Onix must hate him now. If he subdues it casually, it's the least serious thing that it doesn't listen to him. The most troublesome thing is that it will be backstabbed.

This kind of thing has happened before.

Some trainers tried to subdue Pokémon that were too strong and particularly aggressive towards humans, but they were killed by their own Pokémon as soon as they were released.

Therefore, most trainers will never take the risk of subduing such particularly dangerous Pokémon.

What Qin Ze was eyeing was a large pile of gray crystal ore on the ground. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Not only the ones on the giant rock, but also those on Onix, he collected them all into the system space without leaving a single one.

Just treat it as the interest that Onix has to pay for chasing him.

I don't know what this guy's expression will be when he wakes up and sees that all his treasures are gone.

Qin Ze left here with satisfaction with the three Pokémons. After walking away, he found a place that looked safer to rest.

By the way, he took out food and Pokémon rations and ate here to restore his strength[]

After a while, Qin Ze and the others finally rested.

"Well, now there is only one thing we need to do, that is we should return to the ground."

When Qin Ze said this, the three elves stared at each other, they had no idea what to do.

"Alas, Qin Ze had never expected that these three elves could figure out how to get out. It seemed that he could only rely on himself."

"Just walk around and look around, maybe you can find an exit."

Qin Ze could only choose the dumbest method, exploring the cave and all the tunnels.

He hoped to find an exit quickly.

Qin Ze walked in this dark environment with three elves for an unknown period of time. The only light source was the flame above the candlelight spirit's head.

Fortunately, he had an elf by his side, otherwise he would have suffered a lot of mental torture if he was alone in such a dark environment. There was no signal here, and the mobile phone could not contact the outside world. He could only walk on his own feet to find a way out.


When Qin Ze passed through a tunnel, he found himself back to the place where he defeated Rock Snake.

That Rock Snake is still lying there.

"No way! It actually came back again!"

Qin Ze couldn't help but open his mouth wide when he saw the big rock snake.

The road here is too complicated. It can even go around and around again!

"or...Windy Dog, you use digging skills on the ceiling to dig a path upwards?

Qin Ze looked at Windy Dog. This might be the fastest way.........

But Windy isn't a ground-type Pokémon, and can't dig a hole at any angle like Onix. It's the first time for it to dig a hole from the bottom up.

It's definitely difficult.

But the problem is that this is the best way.

Windy naturally agreed and jumped up, ready to do it.

"Buzz buzz buzz!!!"

In the next second, the ground around them suddenly shook.

"What's going on! Is it an earthquake?!"

The sudden earthquake scared Qin Ze, and he quickly grabbed the pillar next to him to keep himself steady.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz!!!"

The earthquakes became more and more frequent, and everything around was shaking visibly.

"Boom! Boom!"

The rock walls, ceiling, rock pillars, and the ground were constantly shattered, cracked, and decomposed due to the earthquake.

It seemed as if this place was about to collapse.

"Damn it! How could there be an earthquake all of a sudden!"

Qin Ze shouted in shock.

He had never heard of an earthquake in this secret realm!

Just as Qin Ze finished speaking, the ground beneath his feet suddenly split, causing him to fall down.

If it weren't for the wind speed dog's timely reaction and grabbing Qin Ze with one claw, otherwise Qin Ze would definitely not know where he would fall.



Before Qin Ze finished his words of thanks, a large rock fell beside him.

It made quite a noise, making the ground, which was already full of cracks, even more awkward.

This was not the end. More and more large rocks fell from the sky.

Some of them were aimed at Qin Ze and his men.

""Oh no! Windy Dog, use Sparks! Wind Fairy, use Fairy Wind!"

Qin Ze quickly ordered the elves to use the elves to fight against this disaster.

However, the skills of Windy Dog and Wind Fairy could not completely destroy so many rocks, and could only barely change their falling direction.

"Windy Dog! Use your speed to take us away!"

Qin Ze quickly pulled the Wind Fairy and the Candlelight Spirit onto the back of the Windy Dog and ordered.

The Windy Dog immediately ran at full speed, avoiding the falling rubble, leaping over the cracks under his feet, and ran to a random passage.

""Woo woo woo!"

Just then the big rock snake finally woke up. After seeing the surrounding environment, he was stunned. He wanted to run quickly, but the pain in his body prevented him from moving immediately.

""For you!"

Just then Qin Ze dropped a tree fruit to the side of Onix.

It was a precious tree fruit that could quickly restore physical strength.

After Onix saw the tree fruit, it looked at Qin Ze unexpectedly. 2.1 But Qin Ze had already escaped from here on Windy Dog. Onix didn't want to think too much and quickly ate the tree fruit to restore physical strength.

Wind Fairy:"Master, why did you help that Onix?"

Qin Ze:"You can't just watch it die, don't talk, so as not to bite your tongue."

After Qin Ze finished speaking, he stuck to the back of Windy Dog, and now Windy Dog was running with all his strength.

To find a place that was not affected by the earthquake.

However, no matter how far you run, this place does not exist.

Now, all places that can be seen by the naked eye are affected by the earthquake, and there are constant collapses of rubble, and the cracks in the ground are getting bigger and bigger.

""Oh no! Turn quickly!"

Qin Ze shouted when he saw the crack in front of him spread to the feet of the wind speed dog.

However, it was too late. The fork road next to it also spread many cracks.

The whole ground was completely shattered, as if it had turned into an invincible hole. Qin Ze and his elves fell down one after another!


I don't know how long I fell.

Qin Ze finally landed on the ground, but it was very painful, and I felt like my whole body was falling apart.

"Woo woo woo"

When Qin Ze opened his eyes, he felt something flowing through his eyes. He touched it and then looked at his palm and found that it was his own blood.

"Windy Dog! Wind Fairy! Candlelight Spirit! Where are you?!"

Qin Ze looked around and saw three elves lying beside him. They were all seriously injured by the natural disaster and could hardly stand up.

"Ahem, this is ridiculous. I finally became stronger, but this is the result. Is it true that no matter whether it is humans or elves, no matter how powerful they are, they can hardly fight against natural disasters?"


This is my mother: I am a man Tôn

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