The dark clouds turned into a vortex, and the center was like a black hole, full of a creepy and strange feeling, as if some great terror was about to emerge from it.


At this moment, the whole sky was filled with lightning and thunder, and there was an explosion like a nuclear bomb.

The whole sky actually shook violently.

It seemed to be about to collapse at any time!

Everyone who was still in the secret realm looked at the sky with worry and fear.

Every elf also had a look of worry and fear, and no one knew what would happen next.

""Swish, swish, swish!!"

The next second, countless fireballs suddenly fell from the center of the vortex of dark clouds, turning into a meteor shower and bombarding the earth.

Countless explosions were set off.

In just a moment, everything within a thousand meters of the explosion area instantly turned into a sea of fire.

""Here they come!"

Seeing this, Qin Ze immediately realized that this was an attack by the ultimate beasts. How many of them were there?

In the black hole, many creatures were constantly falling.

Each of those creatures looked the same - their bodies and limbs were like bamboo poles, and their important joints and heads were spheres with spots of various colors.

"Could this be the Bang-Head Clown?"

Qin Ze immediately recognized what this group of ultimate beasts was!

It was called the Bang-Head Clown, an ultimate beast with fire and ghost attributes, and its strength was quite powerful!

Just the racial value alone was very close to the second-level divine beast.

"How come there are so many Boom-Headed Clowns invading!"

This is the first time Qin Ze has seen an Ultra Beast invade in this world, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

He quickly observed the group of Boom-Headed Clowns with his eyes of appreciation.

""Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

Qin Ze couldn't help but gasp as soon as the result came out. They were basically all level 40 to 50. This was a very terrifying lineup!

You know, in this secret realm, the highest level of elves is level 40, but so many of them suddenly appeared, and their levels were much higher. It was undoubtedly equivalent to a crushing victory!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After this group of clowns appeared in this world, they began to attack and destroy everything they saw.

In just a moment, many places exploded countless times and turned into a sea of fire.

If you listen carefully, you can also hear the screams of many elves.

"Damn it!"

Qin Ze couldn't help but curse when he saw this.

He finally escaped from underground, but ended up encountering such a big scene. This is too unlucky!

""Houndoo! Let's go!"

Qin Ze said, and put Wind Fairy and Candlelight into the Poké Ball, and then immediately jumped onto the back of the houndoo.

The houndoo did not delay and immediately jumped towards the bottom of the valley.

Qin Ze hurriedly took out the map to identify his location.

Based on the map markings and the shape of the valley behind, Qin Ze roughly recognized where he was.

"Windy Dog, move at high speed, keep running over there!"

Qin Ze immediately gave the order after he finished speaking, and raised his arm to point in a direction.

After receiving the order, Windy Dog immediately entered a state of high-speed movement, running like crazy like a gust of wind, and ran quickly in the direction Qin Ze said!

Now the bang-headed clowns that appeared in the sky spread out in all directions, constantly dropping fire and shadow balls in the air to bomb everything.

Many elves were injured by them, some died, some were seriously injured and lay on the ground dying, and some fled in panic.

In short, it looked like a disaster.

As the culprits, the bang-headed clowns did not restrain themselves at all. Instead, they made a very weird laugh.


This sound sounds like the whisper of evil spirits from hell, coupled with their twisted clown postures, it is even more chilling.

"Roar, roar, roar!!"


The natives in the secret realm could not accept this sudden intruder who acted recklessly in their territory.

So they stood up to fight and resisted, using various moves to fight back.

It was a pity that the lowest level of this group of bang-headed clowns was 40. Except for those at level 40, or more than level 30, or elves with restrained attributes, the counterattacks of most elves were useless.

This actually increased the fun of the bang-headed clowns' attacks.


The next second, the group of bang-headed clowns raised their hands and did not know what to do.

Then, it seemed that black air came out from the sea of fire around them and flowed into the bodies of the group of bang-headed clowns.

"What is that?"

Qin Ze was puzzled after seeing this scene.

Then he saw that the source of the black air was a seriously injured circle bear lying on the ground.

"Could it be that! It is absorbing life energy!"

Qin Ze cried out in surprise after seeing this scene.

He remembered that the clown could indeed absorb life force, but he didn't expect it to be absorbed in this way.

After Qin Ze looked at it, he immediately returned to the front. These were meaningless. The most important thing was to escape from this place quickly.

Now there was a sea of fire everywhere. Anyone who dared to move here casually would be burned or killed.

But the wind speed dog was different. Its original characteristic was to attract fire. It was completely fearless of fire and passed directly over.

Qin Ze on his back was protected by the fur of the wind speed dog and was little affected.

While clinging to the thick hair of the wind speed dog, Qin Ze kept paying attention to the situation of the black hole.

There were constantly clowns popping up, and no other ultimate beasts appeared.

A rough count showed that there were at least more than sixty!

"Is this the invasion of creatures from another world? It's really scary."

The disaster scene at a glance is probably a scene that Qin Ze will never forget even in his dreams.

Today he completely realized how terrifying it is to have an invasion of the ultimate alien beasts!


Just then, a very miserable cry came out of Qin Ze's ears.


Qin Ze looked puzzledly and found that not far to the left, there was a walking grass sitting on the ground crying. In front of it was a queen flower, which was pressed down by a burning tree.

The queen flower looked seriously injured. The slight vibration showed that it was not dead, but if left alone, it would definitely die! After seeing this scene, Qin Ze did not intend to meddle in other people's business. He was afraid that if he stopped, he would miss the opportunity to escape.

"Ah woo woo..."

The wind speed dog looked over with a worried look on his face. The wind speed dog family has a natural sense of justice, which made it unmoved after watching it. It was quite difficult.

But it also knew that the master's orders took priority.

"Anyway, it's on the way, Wind Speed Dog, go over and hit it, don't delay."

Qin Ze thought about it and came up with a way to avoid delaying both sides.


After hearing this, Windy Dog immediately shouted excitedly and nodded vigorously. Then, while running, he deliberately got close to the big tree. Before the crying Walking Grass could react,

Windy Dog directly knocked the big tree away.

Then he continued to run forward without delay.

Walking Grass, who was crying non-stop, suddenly saw the big tree in front of him that was pressing down on his mother was knocked away. He was stunned at first, then quickly stood up and went to help Queen Flower.

Queen Flower still had some strength and was able to get up by herself. She barely looked at the direction where Windy Dog left.

"I have tried my best, the rest depends on their luck." (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Qin Ze thought so.

Then he paid attention to the surrounding environment to see if there were any clowns who noticed this place.

""Swish, swish, swish, swish!!!"

Just then, countless very sharp sounds of breaking wind came to Qin Ze's ears.

He turned his head quickly and saw that countless leaves emerged from the jungle not far from here, cutting a group of bang-headed clowns in the sky.

The group of bang-headed clowns were actually cut and fell to the ground one after another, followed by bursts of fierce bombardment.

Then a figure rushed into the sky, passed by a few bang-headed clowns, and those bang-headed clowns actually fell directly to the ground.

Then a lot of stones rose from that place to bombard the bang-headed clowns in the air.

No one knew what was happening over there.

"God, is there some powerful elf rebelling? I hope to attract more Bang-Headed Clowns over there."[]

Qin Ze couldn't help but think like this, although it didn't seem very good to think like this.

But if he didn't do this, he would be in danger sooner or later.


" Ah...

"That group of Rumble Stones were all less than level 30, no wonder they were beaten like that by the level 42 Boomhead."

After Qin Ze saw the difference between the two sides with his eyes of appreciation, he wanted to let the Windy Dog change its route.

At this moment, two Rumble Stones rushed over anxiously and hugged Boomhead to stop it from hurting its companions.

Qin Ze's eyes lit up when he saw this.

"Windy Dog, use that Booming Clown as a stepping stone!"

After receiving the order, Windy Dog immediately sped up.

When the Booming Clown was about to do something to the Rumble Stone that was hugging him, Windy Dog stepped on the Booming Clown's head with all four limbs at the same time.

A strong explosion broke out, and then he jumped out.

This time, the Booming Clown was blown so hard that his head shook.

Although it did not suffer much damage, it felt very uncomfortable because of the sudden attack.

After seeing this scene, the Rumble Stones around rushed up without thinking twice and attacked the Booming Clown.

Qin Ze did not care whether the group of Rumble Stones could win or not, he had done what he could.

Windy Dog continued to run forward at a high speed.

The fire was now It was getting bigger and bigger.

At the same time, trees kept falling down, forming natural barriers to block the way.

Fortunately, Windy Dog was not afraid of fire and could jump over it directly. Otherwise, Qin Ze would have to take a detour and waste time.

While running, Qin Ze kept paying attention to the place where the very powerful elf had just appeared.

The elf seemed to have moved its position. Although it was impossible to see where it was, as long as you saw the constantly falling Bang-Headed Clown, you could know its approximate location.

Judging from the approximate location, it seemed to be a bit close to Qin Ze.

If the situation was not urgent, Qin Ze would definitely want to go over and see what kind of elf was so powerful, but the most important thing now was to save his life!

""Duo! Wuhou!!"

At this time, Qin Ze saw a Nidoqueen and a Boomhead clown trembling between the bushes in front of him on the right.

Nidoqueen kept swinging her tail and using the Iron Tail attack.

The Boomhead clown's body movements were quite flexible, and it was very easy for him to dodge your attacks again and again.

At the same time, he threw sparks to counterattack.

Nidoqueen was not afraid of sparks, but became more and more courageous.

If you look closely, you can see that there are several Nidorinas behind Nidoqueen, and it seems that they are trying to protect their children from harm.

Nidoqueen is level 40, and the Boomhead clown she is dealing with is level 43. Although the levels are very close, the difference in racial values puts Nidoqueen at a disadvantage.

If it weren't for the strong will of motherhood to protect her children, Nidoqueen would not have been able to fight the Boomhead clown on the opposite side.

But at this moment, another Boomhead clown quietly landed above Nidoqueen, preparing for a sneak attack

"Windy Dog, hit the tree next to it!"

Qin Ze (Li Zhao) immediately ordered.

After receiving the order, Windy Dog turned around and hit the tree next to it that was burning with flames.���The tree flew out.

It just happened to hit the Boomhead Clown that was trying to attack Nidoqueen, stopping it from doing so.

Nidoqueen noticed the movement behind her and immediately turned around.

When she saw the Boomhead Clown landing, she instantly flew into a rage.

At this moment, her maternal instinct turned into a terrifying force, causing her to attack the Boomhead Clown in front of her frantically, and then to beat up the one behind her.

As for whether she could escape successfully, that was not something Qin Ze could control.


On the way forward, Qin Ze asked the wind speed dog to knock away a pile of rubble that was pressing down on a group of Spearows, and then continued on his way.

This was all he could do to help now. While running, he could bump into them to help them out.

He was asked to stop to rescue them, but sorry, he couldn't do that. His life was the most important.

""Swish, swish, swish!"

Just as the wind speed dog continued to run forward, several shadow punches suddenly fell in front of it, forcing the wind speed dog to jump back and dodge.

The power of the shadow punch explosion was very strong.

It directly blew a big deep pit on the ground in front of it!

Three 1.6-meter-tall clowns fell from the sky.

The spherical face without facial features made people feel creepy and uncomfortable.

"You seem to be interfering with our fun."

"It's a human. It's been a long time since we got rid of the humans here."

"Kill him!"

These clowns seemed to have seen Qin Ze's support. They all shouted in displeasure.

This made Qin Ze nervous, but he was also a little surprised that the translator rewarded by the system could actually understand the words of the Ultra Beast.

Sure enough, the Ultra Beast was also a Pokémon in his world, but for some reason, it became like this.......

This is my mother: I am a man Tôn

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