In the next second, three clowns released flames at the same time, attacking Qin Ze and Wind Speed Dog.


Seeing this, Windy Dog quickly stood up to resist the three flames!

The three powerful flames pushed Windy Dog back continuously, but it could only do so much.

Windy Dog's powerful fire-starting property would not be harmed by fire at all.

After the three Bang-Head Clowns noticed this, they immediately stopped releasing flames and then simultaneously condensed shadow balls to attack.


Qin Ze didn't want to fight with this group of level 40+ Ultimate Beasts. Just facing a level 38 Onix, he had to rack his brain cells, let the three handheld Pokémons cooperate with each other, and rely on luck to handle it.

Now he was asked to deal with so many level 40+ Boomhead Clowns, he couldn't beat them at all!

He could only order Arcanine to run away immediately.

However, when Arcanine chose a direction to run over, two more Boomhead Clowns fell over there to block the way.

When he turned around, another one came from behind.

Now there were six Boomhead Clowns surrounding Qin Ze and Arcanine, and it seemed that there was no way out.

"Damn it!"

Qin Ze didn't expect that he would be forced into a dead end by this group of bang-head clowns in the end, which made him look extremely unwilling.

At the same time, he was thinking about how to escape.

At this time, the six bang-head clowns were ready to release the shadow ball.

""Swish, swish, swish!!"

However, at this moment, a shadow passed through all the Bang-Head Clowns.

At this moment, several sounds of breaking wind were heard.

Qin Ze saw at this moment that several cold lights appeared in the air, as if someone was swinging a sword.

The next second, the six Bang-Head Clowns fell to the ground at the same time, seemingly losing their ability to fight.

"Who is it?"

Qin Ze looked behind him in shock. He actually killed six level 40+ Boomhead Clowns with one move. They must be the very powerful Pokémon that was fighting nearby just now.

When Qin Ze saw the silhouette of the Pokémon clearly, he was stunned.

Her body was like that of an elk, but the whole body was mainly green, only the hind legs, two thighs and abdomen were white, and the leaves on her neck were pink. She even looked like a goat, and her every move was full of noble temperament.

Qin Ze recognized this Pokémon at a glance. It was one of the three holy swords in the Pokémon Black and White series! Biligion!

"Biligion! It's really Biligion!"

Qin Ze looked at Biligion in shock.

He had heard from Lily a long time ago that there was a legend about Biligion in this secret realm.

At that time, he thought that Biligion might have left the secret realm long ago and it was impossible to meet him.

But it turned out to be in front of him!

He often caught the legendary beasts in the game, but when he actually saw the legendary elf appear in front of him, he didn't know how to describe his feelings.

"It's you, the human who would rather sacrifice himself for the survival of the elves."

Biligion seemed to know Qin Ze.

After Qin Ze heard Biligion's voice, he thought he had mistranslated its words, but he found that Biligion didn't seem to speak when he was speaking.


Qin Ze immediately thought of something.

The second-level divine beast Biligeon has the ability to communicate with humans telepathically. Just now, Biligeon communicated with Qin Ze telepathically.

"It turned out that you were the one who saved me!"

Qin Ze looked at Biligeon in surprise.

He still remembered the conversation and the feeling at that time.

If he hadn't been put into the hot spring, he would have thought that it was all a dream.

He was originally very confused about who saved him, but now after seeing Biligeon, he realized that it was his savior!

"Thank you very much! Thank you for saving me!"

No matter what, Qin Ze immediately thanked Bilijian.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just thinking about your elves. They all like you very much, and you've sacrificed your life for them, so I'm helping them a little."

Biligion kept turning his head to Qin Ze while paying attention to the surrounding situation.

"If you are the kind of person who uses elves as tools to satisfy your own selfish desires, I will never let you go. You should be glad that you are not one of them."

Biligeon said as he prepared to leave.

"Wait, are you going to fight those clowns? Did you show up because you knew the Ultra Beasts would invade?

Qin Ze had a lot of questions at the moment.

No wonder he encountered many beasts that many people would never see in their lifetime. Now that he saw the Ultra Beasts invade, he connected the two things together.

"Yes, leave here quickly and keep going northeast, and you will reach the exit of the secret realm."

After Bilijian finished speaking, he was about to leave when he suddenly paused.

(cgda)"By the way, all the elves that you and Windy Dog helped just now said thank you."

Biligion disappeared instantly after he finished speaking, and a strong wind blew up at the spot.

Qin Ze almost couldn't stand still.


"It's really amazing, it's worthy of being a level 2 divine beast. This performance is really not something you can feel in the game."

Qin Ze couldn't help but sigh as he watched Biligion crush the Boomhead Clown with great fanfare.

Especially now that Biligion hasn't used its signature move, the Holy Sword.

This shows that it is still at ease!

Qin Ze looked at the black hole again, and his pupils couldn't help but dilate.

There are still many Boomhead Clowns constantly emerging from the black hole, as if they are endless.

And now there are no more than level 40, all of them are level 50. There are even a few two-meter-tall, level 60 Boomhead Clowns mixed in!

"No! We have to leave here quickly!"

Qin Ze immediately patted the wind speed dog's body, then immediately sat on its back and gave it a potion to restore its strength.

This gave the wind speed dog more strength to continue on its way.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The clown who started at level 60 joined the game, making the environment of the secret realm even more dangerous.

Small mushroom clouds could be seen rising everywhere, the ground was constantly shaking, and the originally beautiful natural scenery had turned into a sea of purgatory.

No one knew how many elves and humans died at this moment.

In short, Qin Ze had already seen several human corpses on the way, all of whom were unlucky enough not to escape in time.

Qin Ze didn't want to be one of them.


At this moment, a very strange laugh fell from the sky.

Hearing this laugh, Qin Ze didn't know why, his whole body couldn't help but stiffen.

He clearly didn't see anything.

But his body couldn't help but sweat.

This feeling was like a natural human prediction of danger.

Qin Ze quickly raised his head and looked forward. He saw a level 62 Bang Head Clown slowly falling in front of Qin Ze.

It snapped its fingers casually, and a lot of black air came out from behind it and poured into its body.

It is conceivable how much vitality it has taken away from the elves.

This time, the Bang Head Clown's target is Qin Ze and Windy Dog

""Go left quickly, run at lightning speed!"

Qin Ze saw such a powerful Boomhead Clown blocking his way, and quickly ordered the Windy Dog.

After receiving the order, the Windy Dog entered the lightning speed state and ran to the left, trying to quickly bypass the Boomhead Clown.

However, the Boomhead Clown was faster. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Even if the current Windy Dog was so fast that it was impossible to see clearly, the Boomhead Clown could immediately move to the road in front of the Windy Dog and block his way.


Qin Ze immediately changed his order.

Wind Speed Dog immediately turned to the right[]

However, before he could run a few steps, Boomstick immediately caught up with him.

No matter how Windy Dog changed direction,

Boomstick was like a cowhide ointment, and he couldn't get rid of it at all!

"Run back!"

Qin Ze had no choice but to run back.

However, this time it was quite strange.

The clown watched the wind speed dog run back.

Then it let out a very creepy laugh.

Then flames came out of its body and it slowly chased after it.

The flames around the clown seemed to have life, dancing around it automatically.

This move was will-o'-the-wisp!

The clown looked at the wind speed dog running very anxiously, couldn't help laughing, and then controlled the will-o'-the-wisp to attack.

"Windy Dog! Left! Right! Jump forward quickly!"

When Qin Ze saw the will-o'-the-wisp attack, he quickly ordered Windy Dog to dodge.

He finally understood what this clown wanted to do!

He wanted to play with Qin Ze like a monkey!

This made Qin Ze feel very unhappy.

But he couldn't beat him, so he could only run first.

"Hey, wait, in front?"

At this time, Qin Ze saw the sound of fierce fighting coming from not far ahead.

So he smiled evilly and asked the wind speed dog to speed up.

At this time, Biligion was fighting with a group of more than 50 level thumping clowns who surrounded him.

Although they all restrained his fire attribute.

But Biligion, as a second-level divine beast, would not be at a disadvantage because of the attribute restraint problem.

On the contrary, he became more and more courageous in this sea of fire.

Fierce and rapid attacks cut through the flames and defeated one thumping clown after another.

No matter how these thumping clowns moved and attacked, they could not hurt Biligion at all.

Even as soon as he made a move, he was defeated by Biligion.

"Leaf Blade!"

Biligion used Leaf Blade to kill three Boomhead Clowns in one move, despite the reverse attribute.

In less than two minutes, more than a dozen Boomhead Clowns over level 50, which were a particular headache for any Pokémon in the secret realm, all fell at Biligion's feet.

""Hey! Biligion!"

At this moment, Biligion heard a very familiar human voice.

He turned around and saw Qin Ze riding on the wind speed dog and the clown chasing Qin Ze.

""Help me! Biligion!"

Qin Ze waved and shouted at Biligion.

Biligion sighed helplessly, and then directly condensed a lot of sharp stones in front of him.

""Sharp Stone Attack!"

Biligion released this pile of sharp stones and bombarded the Bang Head Clown.

The Bang Head Clown could not react to the sharp stone attack at such a high speed, and was instantly beaten into a hornet's nest and fell heavily to the ground.

"Biligeon! Thank you very much!

Qin Ze was grateful for Biligeon's support.

"Why are you back again? Didn't I tell you to leave immediately?"

Bilijian asked in confusion.

"I can't run away, there are extreme beasts everywhere."

Qin Ze replied helplessly.


Just as Qin Ze finished speaking, a fireball landed nearby, causing a big explosion!

Then, more than a dozen Boom-Head Clowns of more than 60 levels gathered above here.

Their bodies were covered in flames, and they looked ready to attack at any time.

This was not the end. More Boom-Head Clowns appeared at the black hole further back.

This time, there were no longer just a few Boom-Head Clowns above level 60, but more than a dozen or twenty.

What was even more exaggerated was that there were two Boom-Head Clowns starting at level 70, with bodies over three meters tall, that also fell from the black hole.

This group of Boom-Head Clowns, unlike their previous compatriots who attacked in a scattered manner, all flew towards Biligion and Qin Ze.

Instantly, an encirclement was formed, with three layers inside and three layers outside, surrounding the surrounding roads tightly.

"Damn, there are even level 70 ones!"

Qin Ze looked at the two clowns at the top, not knowing whether it was because of the hot environment or because of fear.

Beads of sweat kept falling from his head.

He really didn't expect that the invasion of the ultimate beasts would be so terrifying. The rare level 60 to level 70 elves now appeared in front of him.

Any one of them would be enough to crush the entire secret realm!

"You have bad luck, take care of yourself, I don't have time to take care of you."

Biligion took a deep breath, looking at the two level 70 Boomhead clowns, his eyes gradually became solemn.

The level 40 to 60 Boomhead clowns in front were nothing to her, and those starting from level 70 were the ones she had to deal with seriously.

After Qin Ze heard it, he looked around.

So many Boomhead clowns blocked the road, and the weakest one was still level 50, how could he escape.

Now, the usually majestic and fearless Wind Speed Dog couldn't help showing fear, and his limbs kept trembling.

"Don't panic, Windy Dog."

Qin Ze stroked Windy Dog's neck and soothed it.

Then he looked around.

No matter how hard he thought, he couldn't think of a way to escape by his own strength.

There was only one way.

When Qin Ze thought of this, he looked at Biligion who was ready for battle.

"Bilijian, can we join forces?"

At this time, Qin Ze asked


Biligion looked at Qin Ze in confusion.

"You feel...How can your elves help?"

Biligion thought Qin Ze also wanted to let the elves participate in this high-level battle, and felt that he was simply overestimating his own abilities.

"No, I know very well that my elves are no match for these ultimate beasts, I want to command you to fight."

Qin Ze shook his head and said what he really thought.


Biligeon was instantly furious when she heard this.

This human actually wanted to subdue her at this time!


This is my mother: I am a man Tôn

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