This made Biligion feel humiliated.

Many powerful trainers wanted to subdue her, but they were all defeated by her without even having the chance to throw a Poké Ball.

This human in front of him was obviously very weak, but he was so delusional that he wanted to subdue him at this time. Did he really think that he would be easy to talk to because he saved him once?!

"No! You misunderstood me. I want to be your eyes for a while! So that you can concentrate on the battle!"

Qin Ze noticed that Bilijian was not in a good mood, and hurriedly explained


After hearing this, Bilijian immediately became confused.

"Look at your waist, there are some burns on it."

Qin Ze pointed at Bilijian's waist, and there were indeed some black burns.

"This is because he was injured by the level 50 Boomhead Clown just now. With your strength, one or two Boomhead Clowns will definitely not be able to hurt you, but if there are too many of them, it is possible."

Qin Ze analyzed.

"I know you are strong, and every one of the Bang-Head Clowns here is as strong as you, but don't forget that there are so many of them, enough to consume your strength and cause you serious injuries."

"I believe you definitely did not appear here to deal with a few Ultimate Beasts. You must be acting for a greater goal. If you suffer greater damage because of them, it will be difficult to achieve your goal, right?

Qin Ze analyzed in an orderly manner.

After listening to this, Biligeon thought it made sense and nodded subconsciously.

"That's why I have to be your eyes. Let me observe the battle situation for you and tell you how to react. You just focus on the battle and act according to my instructions! In this way, you don't have to pay attention to the surrounding situation while fighting, causing yourself to be seriously injured suddenly!"

Qin Ze said his last thoughts and looked at Biligion sincerely.

After hearing what Qin Ze said, Biligion did not answer immediately, but looked at the surrounding Bang-Head Clowns.

The next second, the surrounding Bang-Head Clowns released flames and shadow balls at the same time to attack, especially the two level 70 Bang-Head Clowns, and directly released a big explosion attack!

Attacks from all directions, after hitting one position at the same time, set off an extremely terrifying explosion.

A huge mushroom cloud rose.

The terrifying heat wave spread around like a tsunami, crushing many trees and splitting the earth!

In this explosion, a figure ran out of it. It was Biligion, and it brought Qin Ze and Wind Speed Dog with it.

After Biligion landed, she shook her back slightly uncomfortably. Her back was injured by the explosion just now.

Seeing this, Qin Ze immediately took out the potion to help with the treatment

"You can see that there are so many of them, and they don't follow the rules. It's really too much for you to deal with them alone."

Biligion didn't say anything, but looked at Qin Ze's eyes, and then looked at the clowns flying quickly.

She knew very well that it would be impossible for her to deal with so many powerful clowns alone without any damage.

If she acted like that, it would be difficult to fight against the bigger troubles behind.

"Why do you think you have the ability to command me?"

Biligion's words made Qin Ze happy. Does this count as recognition of him?

"Please believe me, if you think there is something wrong with my command, you can kill me first."

Qin Ze patted his chest and promised


Windy Dog:"My master is very powerful and absolutely trustworthy!"

Windy Dog also spoke for Qin Ze.

Biligeon looked at Windy Dog, and Windy Dog's clear eyes stared at her without any taboos.

"Let's give it a try.

This time, Biligion actually agreed.

"You must have something special to make your elves trust you so much. What's more, you are a man who can stand up to protect the elves. Your philosophy is similar to mine, so you may be trustworthy. Let me see how strong you are."

"But remember, if I think there is something wrong with your command, I will abandon you without hesitation, regardless of your life or death!"

Bilijian agreed and sternly warned Qin Ze

"No problem!"

After hearing Bilijian's words, Qin Ze responded with confidence.

""Woo woo woo!"

Just then the group of bang-headed clowns came over and released fire bombs one after another!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

A terrifying mushroom cloud rose up from the spot. When the mushroom cloud dissipated, the ground turned into a charred abyss with a diameter of hundreds of meters and a bottomless depth!

Such a terrifying power is absolutely impossible for most elves to resist.

""Biligion! Use sharp stones to attack!"

At this moment, Qin Ze's voice sounded from the sky.

Qin Ze rode on Biligion and followed Biligion to jump into the sky.

After Biligion received the order, he immediately condensed a large number of sharp stones and fired them like missiles.

He successfully hit some of the clowns.

The powerful restraining attribute of the trick directly put those clowns into a state of near death.

"Let me take a look at Bilijian's data.

Qin Ze observed Bilijian with an appreciative eye and obtained a set of astonishing data.

【Elf: Biligion ()】

【Level: Level 100 (peak of the master level)】

【Attribute: Grass + Fighting】

【Features: Justice (When encountering evil attacks, the sense of justice will increase the attack)】

【Individual stats: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)】

【Skills: Lightning Flash (Master), Self-Fierce (Master), Magic Leaf (Master), Quick Defense (Master), Double Kick (Master), Hold (Master), Leaf Blade (Master), Holy Sword (Master), Slam (Master), Sword Dance (Master), Stone Attack (Master), Sunlight Blade (Master)】

【Carrying items: Miracle Seed (can increase the power of grass-attribute moves)】

【Potential: Level 2 God】

【Elf Future: One of the three legendary swords in the Unova region, a second-level god with extremely strong strength....At present, his strength has not grown to the peak state, but only to the peak of the master level. In this world, he helps the suffering elves everywhere, and is neutral to humans. Later, he will go a step further and grow to the strength of a god!】


"Very strong!"

After reading the data of Biligion, Qin Ze didn't know how to describe it except strong.

He even felt that strong was not enough to describe Biligion.

What a high number is level 100?

It represents the peak strength of the master level!

However, even the four kings may not have a level 100 elf.

You know, it is simply a fantasy for ordinary elves to reach level 100.

After all, reality is not like a game, there is still a big difference.


Biligion's skills have all reached the master level.

This means that any of its skills have been used to perfection, and there is no need to worry about consuming too much physical strength!

It is worthy of being an elf of level 80, it is amazing!

"Biligion continues to attack with sharp stones! Remember to leave two behind."

After Qin Ze finished the order, a large number of sharp stones appeared around Biligion, there were dozens of them, each of which looked as sharp as a blade. For the sharp stone attack, many elves can only summon a dozen or twenty at most. The more they summon, the more physical strength they consume, and the accuracy may decrease.

How can Biligion create so many at once! Biligion fired so many sharp stones in one breath, bombarding the group of Bang-Head Clowns on the opposite side.

The group of Bang-Head Clowns were not to be outdone, and immediately used jet flames, shadow balls and other moves to fight against the incoming sharp stones, causing many explosions.

""Lightning flash!"

Qin Ze's voice sounded again.

Biligion rushed out of the smoke and quickly rushed towards a Bang-Head Clown. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!) It was clearly in the air here, and Biligion had no foothold. How did he use this trick?

It turned out that the two stones that Qin Ze had asked Biligion to leave behind were for this purpose.

Let Biligion have a foothold in the air and use the lightning flash!

Not only that, after hitting a Bang-Head Clown.

Qin Ze continued to order the use of lightning flash to attack the nearby Bang-Head Clowns.[]

Without thinking twice, Biligion used the Bang-Head Clown he had just hit as a stepping stone and used Lightning Flash to rush over and attack, then repeated it, attacking the Bang-Head Clowns around him!

Biligion was already very fast, and Lightning Flash was a preemptive move.

In this way, Biligion turned into a silver meteor, rushing back and forth between the Bang-Head Clowns, knocking them away one after another.

All of this happened in just a few seconds!

By the time the Bang-Head Clowns reacted and tried to dodge, one third of them had already fallen to the ground.

Just Lightning Flash could have such power, worthy of Biligion!

""Attack with sharp stones!"

Qin Ze ordered again, taking advantage of the group of Bang-Head Clowns' anxious retreat.

Biligion immediately gathered sharp stones and released them around, defeating several Bang-Head Clowns at once. The

Bang-Head Clowns finally reacted and counterattacked, immediately releasing various moves to fight back.

Some used jets of fire, some used shadow balls, some used will-o'-the-wisp, and some used strange lights. Various moves emerged one after another, and they were determined to defeat Biligion quickly.

""Hold on!"

Qin Ze immediately changed the order.

A protective shield quickly appeared in front of Biligion.

It blocked so many attacks and bombardments.

But he was forced to fall down continuously.

Just when the group of Bang-Head Clowns were about to hit him, Biligion immediately stepped on the sharp stones and quickly moved his position.

However, at this moment, the two level 70 Bang-Head Clowns suddenly appeared on the ground and took off his head at the same time.

"Quick defense!"

After seeing this scene, Qin Ze immediately understood what was going on.

He immediately issued an order.

Biligion didn't understand what Bang Head Clown was doing, but after hearing Qin Ze's order, he quickly used quick defense to protect himself.

"Boom! Boom!"

When the two level 70 Boom-Head Clowns took their heads, the two heads exploded at the same time!

The horrific blast wave destroyed everything within a few hundred meters!

It left behind a huge pit burning with flames and unknown depth!

The two Boom-Head Clowns at the center of the explosion were just slightly injured and floating in the air. They didn't know when their exploded heads had grown back.

They looked in the same direction at the same time, where Biligion had just stood firm.

"Fortunately, I listened to you, otherwise I might not be able to react in time and get hit."

Seeing such a horrible explosion, Biligeon was still in shock. This was definitely a big blow to it, which was a grass attribute.

It didn't know much about the Bang-Head Clowns, and it never thought that their heads could explode and have such power.

If it weren't for Qin Ze's order, Biligeon would have no time to defend!

This made Biligeon change his opinion of Qin Ze.

"Good luck."

Qin Ze also exhaled with lingering fear.

Fortunately, he remembered that Bang Head Clown had a move to use his head as explosives, which was a big head explosion.

This move was quite weird. Suddenly seeing the opponent take off his head, who would have thought that it was used as an explosive?


Just then, the remaining clowns in the sky had already flown down. Their laughter was no longer full of mockery like before, but instead filled with anger.

"Bilijian, can you lift up the earth?

Qin Ze asked.

Bilijian smiled when he heard the question.

"Although I'm not as strong as Delakion, I can still lift the ground!"

After Biligion finished speaking, he thrust his two front legs into the ground at the same time!

Then he lifted it up suddenly!

A huge rock with a height and width of more than 50 meters and a thickness of more than 20 meters was lifted up from the ground by Biligion and fell towards the group of clowns opposite!

The clowns were not panicked at all in front of such a huge rock. They directly released various skills to bombard the huge rock and blew it into pieces.

""Swish, swish, swish, swish!!!"

In the next second, many sharp stones passed through the exploding boulders and directly hit the group of Boom-Head Clowns behind.

One by one, the remaining Boom-Head Clowns of more than 60 levels were hit without any chance to fight back, and flew out like meteors.

Only the two Boom-Head Clowns of level 70 were barely able to hold on, still standing!

They shook off the rubble in front of them and looked forward.

However, Biligion was no longer visible.

""Vertical rotation, double kick!"

Qin Ze's voice came from above.

The two bang-headed clowns immediately raised their heads.

They saw two legs falling down, hitting their heads respectively.

Who else could the owner of these two legs be other than Biligion.

After Biligion's front legs hit the target, he immediately rotated and hit the two bang-headed clowns with his hind legs!

""Leaf Blade!"

Qin Ze quickly ordered.

Biligion immediately used the Leaf Blade. The leaves on both sides of his neck turned into the sharpest blades and hit the two clowns one after another.

""Woo woo woo woo!"

This hit their vital points directly.

The two level 70 Bang-Headed Clowns screamed in pain.

Then they fell to the ground and could not move for a while.


After seeing this scene, Qin Ze smiled, and then he couldn't help vomiting.

Just now, riding on Biligion, fighting with her at high speed, and spinning in the air, Qin Ze really couldn't stand it.

Fortunately, he used the gravity ring to exercise his body, otherwise he couldn't stand such a fierce battle!


This is my mother: I am a man Tôn

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