Biligion said solemnly. After the brief confrontation just now, she had confirmed how strong Boomhead was.

They were both level 100, and their race values were very close. No one could defeat the other.

"Damn it, if I was still in my previous perfect state, this would definitely not happen."

Biligion sighed helplessly.

Qin Ze was stunned at first after hearing this. Could it be that Biligion's strength has declined because of coming to this world?

""Swish, swish, swish!"

However, there was no time to think now. After the clown floated higher in the sky, he immediately fired flame attacks at the ground. He used various moves such as jet flames, big fire, and shadow balls.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Everywhere you look, there are huge explosions. Now, there is nothing intact anywhere you can see with your naked eyes.

There are charred charcoal and ashes everywhere. No one knows what these ashes originally looked like.


Bang-Head Clown was very satisfied with his masterpiece. The greater the destruction, the more excited he became. He had no mercy at all and only wanted to increase the damage.

The next second, black air kept coming out from all directions and flowed into Bang-Head Clown's body. This was the vitality of countless dead elves!

"Damn the beast!"

After seeing this scene, Biligion, who had always taken it as his duty to protect the weak elves, immediately became extremely angry, and his eyes almost spewed out flames!

"Let's kill it together!"

Qin Ze was also very unhappy now. This Bang-Headed Clown made him feel particularly disgusted.

So Biligion immediately ran towards the Bang-Headed Clown at full speed!

""Sharp stone attack!"

Qin Ze continued to order Biligeon to use sharp stone attack.

This time, Biligeon directly condensed thousands of sharp stones and fired them at Bang-Head Clown!

After noticing Biligeon's attack, Bang-Head Clown also reacted quickly.

He immediately released the flames and used the Big Word Explosion to fight!

After the Big Word Explosion hit thousands of sharp stones full of powerful force, many explosions were set off on the surface.

However, when all the stones were shattered, the flames of the Big Word Explosion did not disappear as imagined.

Instead, there was still some remaining flames, with a powerful power of 26, shooting towards Biligeon!


Biligion was surprised to see that the big word explosion was not cancelled, and then he jumped to avoid the falling big word explosion.

"It's the beast's upgrade!"

After seeing this scene, Qin Ze remembered what the common characteristics of the Ultimate Beasts are!

After the Ultimate Beasts defeat a Pokémon, the highest ability value of their own ability value, except for HP, will be improved.

Just now, when the Bang-Head Clown was bombing indiscriminately, he didn't know how many Pokémons he defeated.

So his ability value continued to increase.

It was so powerful that when facing the same level of Biligion, he could suppress the moves that restrained his own attributes.

"This is a bit troublesome."

The 100-level Bang-Head Clown was already troublesome.

Now its ability is constantly improving, which makes the battle even more difficult.


The Boom-Head Clown laughed strangely, as if he was mocking Biligion.

Then he opened his arms and turned his body towards the sky.

The next second, the dark clouds above him suddenly dissipated, and a dazzling ray of sunlight fell, like a waterfall, splashing on the Boom-Head Clown.

""Sunny day!"

Qin Ze immediately recognized this move, which was one of the tricks to change the weather.

He didn't expect that he could combine it with dark clouds to specify the range of influence of sunny day!

After the sunlight of sunny day bathed the body of Bang Head Clown, the black flame on the body of Bang Head Clown burned more vigorously.

Then a large number of strange flames condensed around Bang Head Clown, jumping on their own as if they had life.

This is a will-o'-the-wisp!


The clown snapped his fingers vigorously.

All the will-o'-the-wisp fire that had gathered immediately fell towards Biligion.

""Hurry up and get out of the way! Use lightning!"

Qin Ze saw so many will-o'-the-wisp fires falling and quickly ordered Biligeon.

Biligeon immediately turned into a flash of light and ran forward at high speed to avoid those will-o'-the-wisp fires.

However, under the control of the clown, these will-o'-the-wisp fires automatically chased Biligeon!

They bit very tightly, and no matter how Biligeon accelerated, he could not get rid of so many will-o'-the-wisp fires.

"Move to the left, move to the right, jump up, squat, and somersault!"

Qin Ze constantly adjusted Biligeon's movement and evasive actions according to the attack of the will-o'-the-wisp.

Avoid the will-o'-the-wisp that rushed over from all directions one after another.

The flying speed of this pile of will-o'-the-wisp was very fast and the power was quite amazing. Just a touch would cause considerable damage and a strong burn debuff.

So Qin Ze observed very quickly and then gave orders, making sure that Biligeon avoided all the will-o'-the-wisp as much as possible and did not get hurt at all!


The clown seemed to appreciate the way Biligion was running around in such a panic.

He flew directly to Biligion's father, constantly changing his position, admiring Biligion from various angles, and the anxious posture of the human on her body. He controlled the will-o'-the-wisp, attacked from various angles, and played with Biligion.


Qin Ze immediately changed his order.

Biligeon immediately opened his shield to block the ghost fire that was swarming over.

""Lightning flashed!"

Qin Ze didn't have time to confirm whether all the will-o'-the-wisp fire was blocked, and immediately Biligion attacked Bang-Head Clown.

Biligion immediately rushed to Bang-Head Clown's arms at the fastest speed.

Bang-Head Clown quickly retreated and rose up after reacting, trying to avoid Biligion's attack!

""Sharp stone attack! Just a few shots will do."

Qin Ze immediately switched the command.

This time, Biligion followed Qin Ze's instructions and condensed several sharp stones, which quickly hit the clown!

Although this attack was not as dense as the previous large number of sharp stones, it also caused damage immediately.

The 100-level elf used a rock-type attack to the fire-type clown, which would definitely cause a lot of pain.

"Now! Holy Sword!"

Qin Ze caught the clown's slowed down movement due to the attack, and immediately ordered Biligion!

A powerful force gathered on Biligion's head, turning into a dazzling light. The light shrank and changed its appearance, turning into a very sharp sword.

"Watch out!"

Biligion used the holy sword to thrust, exerting strength on his limbs, and his body was like a missile!

He thrust at the Boom-Head Clown with all his strength!

He didn't care what kind of damage the fire on its body would cause to him!

This time, the holy sword suddenly pierced the body of the Boom-Head Clown.

Biligion was ready to exert strength again and pierce the Boom-Head Clown in one breath.

But at this moment, the Boom-Head Clown's head suddenly burst into a strange light.

The light was quite dazzling. When Qin Ze and Biligion saw it, their brains were dizzy for a moment.

Especially Qin Ze, he felt confused and couldn't see anything clearly in front of him.

"Wake up!"

Just when Qin Ze was in this strange state for a second, Biligeon's roar sounded. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!) He pulled Qin Ze out of this weird state.

""Strange light!"

Qin Ze immediately understood what happened just now. It was the clown who used the strange light, which caused Qin Ze and Biligion to fall into a moment of confusion.

Although it was only less than a second, it was enough for the clown to quickly get rid of the holy sword!

And burst out a powerful telekinesis to bind Biligion[]

""Strong Mind!" The terrifying mental power, like a mountain, pressed down Biligeon's body, making it unable to move for a moment, and then threw Biligeon out!

Biligeon and Qin Ze were thrown a hundred meters away, and even fell directly into the sea of fire.


"Are you okay?"

Qin Ze hurriedly asked about Biligion's condition. The clown just used a mental power, which would cause great damage to the fighting type.

"I'm fine. I've lived so long that I'm not that fragile."

Although Biligion was injured, he was not seriously hurt.

""Hoo, hoo, hoo!!"

Just then, the Bang-Head Clown returned to the sunlight.

It kept panting under the sunlight, touching the wound stabbed by Biligion.

It seemed that Biligion's previous attack still caused damage to it.

This situation seemed to make the Bang-Head Clown extremely angry. Even from a long distance, one could feel its strong killing intent.

The next second, it gathered a lot of flames all over its body, forming a big word, and released the big word explosion again!

The big word explosion passed through the air like a meteorite, setting off a sonic boom, and slammed towards Biligion and Qin Ze!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

��After the big word exploded, a terrifying explosion occurred.

The shocking explosion, like a magnitude 10 earthquake, caused everything around to collapse. The forest, which had already turned into a sea of purgatory, was destroyed even more severely at this moment!

The earth was shattered, a large area of landing, and countless rocks were lifted up.

The terrifying mushroom cloud occupied the sky and was difficult to dissipate.

At this moment, this place seemed to have turned into a volcanic zone!

""Hoohoo, hoohoo!"

The clown was very satisfied to see that his big explosion was so powerful.

He put his hands on his head and carefully observed the original positions of Biligion and Qin Ze with his eyes from somewhere unknown.

There was a huge bottomless pit.

Qin Ze and Biligion could not be seen at all.

Maybe they were directly blown to ashes alive!

""Lulululululu, ah, hahaha!"

After seeing this satisfactory result, the clown kept laughing, and his laughter was full of ridicule, as if he was mocking Biligion for overestimating his own abilities and actually wanting to challenge him.

While laughing, the clown pulled the wound, and couldn't help feeling uncomfortable, so he stopped laughing.

Then he looked elsewhere, as if he was looking for new prey.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

But in the next second, the ground under Bang Head Clown was suddenly blown to pieces, and countless stone giants rushed out from the explosions, all aiming at Bang Head Clown!!!

This sudden attack made Bang-Head Clown stunned, but he still reacted. He immediately released the Big Explosion to destroy the pile of sharp stones.

Bang-Head Clown thought that he could use the Big Explosion to offset so many sharp stone attacks before, and he must be able to do it this time.

However, when the two collided this time, it shocked him.

The Big Explosion was abruptly exploded by thousands of sharp stones.

It only offset 70% of the number.

The remaining one-third of the speed was 790 and hit Bang-Head Clown without decreasing.

Bang-Head Clown felt that the power of the sharp stone attack this time was much stronger than before.

It was beaten and screamed, and it was very painful.

But no matter how painful it was, it also had a high combat awareness. It immediately threw down a few shadow balls and landed on the position where the sharp stone attack flew out.

It wanted to blow out Biligion hiding inside.

The next second, two figures jumped out from underground.

One of them was naturally Biligion, and the other was Qin Ze's Wind Speed Dog.

But the strange thing was that the Wind Speed Dog was actually biting Biligion.

"Okay, Windy Dog, thank you for waiting underground."

Qin Ze thanked him and immediately put Windy Dog into the Poké Ball.

"Biligion, I hope my wind speed dog didn't cause you any pain."

Qin Ze asked with a smile

"No, it makes me stronger."

Bilgeon smiled.

In fact, just when the Big Bang was about to hit them, Windy Dog arrived in time to dig a tunnel, allowing Biligeon and Qin Ze to take refuge underground.

It's just that the power of the Big Bang was too strong and it still affected the underground. Fortunately, under Biligeon's protection, they didn't suffer much damage.

Qin Ze originally wanted Biligeon to use sword dance underground to increase his strength before going out.

But he was worried that the delay would give Boomhead the time to attack other elves, further triggering the monster upgrade and improving his special attack.

Then Qin Ze thought of a way to quickly increase Biligeon's strength.

That is to use Biligeon's characteristic, the heart of justice.

The heart of justice is the characteristic that as long as it is attacked by evil attributes, it will increase its own physical attack.

And Windy Dog can bite, so it can keep biting Biligeon while Biligeon moves, so as to increase Biligeon's strength.

So there was the situation just now that Biligeon's attack to the sharp stone suppressed the big Bang.

"It's our turn to fight back. Biligion, use the Sunlight Blade as agreed!"

Qin Ze ordered immediately.

After Biligion received the order, sunlight gathered on his head to form a blade.

Originally, the Sunlight Blade requires a long period of absorbing sunlight to be used.

But this is the sunny area of Bang-Head Clown, so it can be used quickly.

Biligion immediately slashed out a crescent-shaped blade formed by sunlight with an extremely high temperature, and attacked Bang-Head Clown at a high speed!

Seeing this, Bang-Head Clown sneered.

He didn't use sharp stones to attack, but used a trick whose attributes were restrained by himself.

Even if he was hit, it wouldn't hurt Bang-Head Clown much. Thinking of this, Bang-Head Clown immediately used the big word explosion to dissolve the Sunlight Blade......

This is my mother: I am a man Tôn

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