The black flames all over Bang-Head Clown's body kept pouring out like a tide.

With the blessing of a sunny day, the temperature of the flames instantly increased a lot.

Then in the blink of an eye, it was about to form a big word to welcome the sunlight blade.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened to Bang-Head Clown.

After Biligion released another sunlight blade, he actually released another one!

And this time, the sunlight blade was faster than the previous one!

In a blink of an eye, it caught up with the sunlight blade in front, and the two collided with each other and exploded directly!

It emitted an extremely dazzling light!

The extremely strong light, like countless needles, madly stimulated Bang-Head Clown's entire face.

This made it feel the pain of countless long needles piercing its head.

This was particularly strong and hot, which forced Bang-Head Clown to cover his round head.

As a result, the big word fire could no longer form and automatically dissipated.

"" Now!"

Qin Ze shouted excitedly. At this time, Bilijian had already rushed in front of Bangtou Clown.

���Qin Ze and Biligion had discussed in advance that the Sunlight Blade would create such an effect.

Since Biligion's strength has increased, what he needs is to go all out and hit Bang-Head Clown with his moves without reservation!

So Qin Ze suddenly had an idea and used two Sunlight Blades to collide, creating an extremely powerful light, which temporarily blinded Bang-Head Clown and made him unable to react to Biligion's actions!

Sure enough!

Qin Ze's strategy really worked.

Now Bang-Head Clown is holding his head uncomfortably, unable to stop Biligion from approaching him.

Biligion straightened his neck with all his strength, concentrating all his strength on the top of his head, creating a very long holy sword!

However, the length of the holy sword is constantly increasing, and it will not stop until it exceeds the height of Bang-Head Clown.

Biligion just swung the holy sword, which is much longer than himself, and chopped it down at Bang-Head Clown without any hindrance! When Bang-Head Clown came to his senses, he saw that the holy sword was about to fall on him, and he had no time to react at all


The sound of the wind breaking this time was like a missile explosion, the scale of the movement was unimaginable!

The space around was shaking because of it!

Biligion's holy sword pierced through the body of the clown very smoothly. The large amount of flames on the clown's body were blown away, and then a large amount of black gas flowed out of the clown's body.


At this moment, Boomhead Clown could no longer keep up the strange laughter it made when playing with its opponents.

It felt extremely painful now, its vitality was rapidly draining away, and its body seemed to be shattered.

At this moment, it was really splitting, and its body was slowly splitting into two halves with the wound left by Biligion as the dividing point.

However, at this moment, Boomhead Clown made a strange cry with all his strength.


The black air from its wound began to gather together.

Then the body of the clown, which was about to separate, was reunited as one!

"Is this a unique way for ghost-type elves to recover?"

Qin Ze murmured when he saw this.

The body structure of ghost-type elves can no longer be described by normal biology. No, perhaps it should be impossible for any elves to describe it.

In short, although ghost-type elves have physical bodies, they are more like spirits.

So no matter how badly a ghost-type elf is injured, it can recover.

"Keep attacking!"

Qin Ze continued to order Biligion.

Then attack with the holy sword!

Biligion naturally had the same idea. He shook his head and neck, waving the holy sword above his head, and took advantage of the fact that Bang-Head Clown couldn't resist. He continued to decompose Bang-Head Clown's body.

In just a moment, Biligion swung the holy sword several times and split Bang-Head Clown into more than ten or twenty pieces!

Every swing of the holy sword will cause violent space tremors, and the air will split into a storm. It is conceivable how powerful Biligion's holy sword is!

Now Bang-Head Clown has no power to resist at all.

He can only be decomposed by Biligion, and it seems that he will lose at any time.

However, the facts seem to be a little different.

The black gas coming out of Bang-Head Clown no longer continues to condense Bang-Head Clown's body, but instead brings black flames to wrap around Biligion. The weird black flames are like tattoos, instantly covering Biligion's body.


" Wooo...

""Wow! What kind of fire is this!"

Qin Ze was also injured by the fire, his whole body was burned, and he felt particularly uncomfortable.

This was not just the pain of being burned by fire.

It was more like his own energy was being taken away!

Qin Ze felt very weak instantly.

Biligion's physical strength was also rapidly draining away.

This caused Biligion to be unable to continue using the holy sword to attack Bang Head Clown.

This gave Bang Head Clown enough time to restore his decomposed body and restore it to its complete form.

But the Bang Head Clown is not much better now. The black flames seem to have completely transferred to Biligion, and he is panting and shaking. The original cracked part has obviously healed, but it is still emitting black gas.

If you look closely, you will find that the color of its body seems to be much darker.

It seems that it has suffered a lot of damage from Biligion's holy sword attacks in succession.

Even if you don't know where Bang Head Clown's eyeballs are, you can feel a very strong and hateful gaze.

""Whoosh whoosh!"

At this moment, flames appeared on the clown's head.

Then it was seen to take off its head immediately.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

An explosion far more terrifying than the previous big explosion appeared in the air. The terrifying explosion wave swept around like a wave, dispersing the clouds it touched, raising the temperature many times, and setting off a series of gas explosions!

The dazzling flames filled the sky.

Anyone who saw it would feel their eyes burning, unable to continue watching, and could only close their eyes.

In the flames, two figures were falling from the sky.

They were Biligion and Qin Ze.

Both of them had very serious burns all over their bodies. If it weren't for the burnt wounds, you could see the situation inside their bodies.

""Woo woo."

Biligion looked at the ground that was approaching quickly, and then looked at Qin Ze next to him.

So he immediately endured the pain and turned around to bite Qin Ze's clothes.

Then he used Guard and opened the shield to cover himself and Qin Ze, reducing the impact when falling to the ground.

"Qin Ze, are you okay?"

Biligion looked at Qin Ze uncomfortably and asked

"Cough cough! I won't die."

Qin Ze coughed twice to express that he was fine for the time being.

"Where is that Bang-Headed Clown?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After Qin Ze got up, he immediately looked around to prevent the Bang-Headed Clown from suddenly attacking.


Just then something fell from the sky and landed heavily on the ground, creating a large hole.

That figure was the level 100 Bang-Head Clown!

The Bang-Head Clown staggered to his feet, with smoke coming out of his body and many burns on his body.[]

It looks like he was also seriously injured.

Just now, Bang-Head Clown used his strongest trick, Exploding Big Head, to fight back.

That trick is not just very powerful.

It can also easily hurt yourself.

In the game, Exploding Big Head will attack all elves on the field, including yourself.

In fact, you can control the distance of throwing the big head to ensure that the explosion will not affect you.

However, when Bang-Head Clown used Exploding Big Head, I was right next to him, so naturally I was affected and suffered a lot of damage.

Fortunately, it is a fire-type and has a certain resistance to fire-type skills, otherwise it would have been hurt more seriously.


Boomhead clown walked towards Biligion with great effort, it seemed that he wanted to continue fighting, and wanted to give it a fatal blow while Biligion was seriously injured.

Biligion was a grass attribute, and it would naturally be very seriously injured if it took on such a powerful fire attribute move head-on.

Boomhead clown was hit countless times by Biligion's holy sword after the physical attack was increased, and was also seriously injured by his own Explosive Head.

It can be said that Biligion and Explosive Head are both in a state of only one breath. Whoever can hit first will win first!

Therefore, Biligion struggled to stand up. No matter what, he must defeat this Boomhead clown and must not lose to the Ultra Beast!

At this time, Boomhead clown gathered shadow balls in front of him, intending to kill Biligion with one shadow ball.

Biligion was ready to rush forward, and he wanted to seize the opportunity with the fastest flash of lightning.

But just when Biligion was about to take a step, one of its legs was injured so badly that it lost its balance for a moment and was a beat slower.

Seeing this, Boomhead wanted to release the Shadow Ball immediately to defeat Biligion.

But just when Boomhead was about to attack, its body suddenly stopped.

At this moment, no matter how hard it tried, its body could not move to the next step, and it felt paralyzed and unable to move!

""Hey hey!!"

Just then, Qin Ze's wind fairy appeared above the head of Bangtou Clown, smiling smugly.

Then he immediately used the fairy wind to attack Bangtou Clown!

""That's great, Wind Fairy!"

Qin Ze, who was lying on the ground, immediately gave a thumbs up to praise the Wind Fairy after seeing it.

The reason why the Bang Head Clown was temporarily unable to move was because the Wind Fairy used the paralysis powder!

If it was the Bang Head Clown in its heyday, no matter how strong the Wind Fairy was, its power might not be able to work on the 100-level Bang Head Clown.

But now the Bang Head Clown was in a seriously injured state, giving the Wind Fairy a chance to paralyze it!


At this moment, the ground under the feet of the clown suddenly exploded, and the terrifying impact force erupted from it like a volcanic eruption, madly impacting the body of the clown.

Then, the wind speed dog came out from the ground, with a ferocious look on his face.

""Windspeed! Bite!"

Qin Ze saw Windspeed coming out and immediately asked it to use the evil-attribute move"Bite", which is very effective against ghost-type Pokémons!

Windspeed used all its strength, gathered it in its mouth, and then bit the body of Boomhead hard.

This made Boomhead scream very loudly.

""Candlelight Spirit! Misfortunes never come alone!"

Qin Ze suddenly ordered.

Then he saw a Candlelight Spirit who was hiding somewhere jumped out from the back of Windy Dog.

He used the move"Misfortunes never come alone" to attack Bang-Head Clown.

Although the move"Misfortunes never come alone" cannot exert twice the power when the opponent is not in an abnormal state.

But considering that Bang-Head Clown also has ghost attributes, the move"Misfortunes never come alone" will cause a considerable attack on Bang-Head Clown!

Originally, the attacks of Windy Dog, Wind Fairy and Candlelight Spirit could not cause any damage to the level 100 Bang-Head Clown.

But now Bang-Head Clown is at the end of its strength. Facing the beating of three elves, it is so uncomfortable that it screams in pain.

""Arcane! Roll over the road!"

Qin Ze immediately continued to give orders.

This level 100 ultimate beast was just right to test the power of Arcane's new skills!

After receiving the order, Arcane immediately jumped up and overshadowed Bang-Head Clown!

(Li Qian Zhao) Then he saw the four limbs of the wind speed dog stomping on the clown at the same time!

The whole body's strength burst out at this moment, and it was mercilessly leaning on the clown.

The clown who slaughtered the elves and humans in this world as if they were toys was completely trampled under his feet!

The ground shook!

A powerful 100-level ultimate beast was finally trampled under the feet of a wind speed dog that was not even half of its level. It looked so funny and ridiculous.

""Woo woo woo!"

After enduring this move, the clown released a stream of black air from his throat, and his voice was particularly weak and painful.

There was also a bit of anger.

Perhaps it was because of his dignity as a level 100 strongman that he could not allow himself to be trampled by an elf that was dozens of levels lower than him.

He wanted to resist and teach the wind speed dog a lesson, but he really didn't have the strength.

"Keep attacking! Don't stop!"

Qin Ze continued to give orders!

After receiving the order, Windy Dog, Wind Fairy and Candlelight Spirit immediately used various moves to attack Bang-Head Clown.

Biligion was watching from the side without participating, she already knew what the final outcome would be.

Now Bang-Head Clown could not see everything in front of him, and gradually fell into darkness. He could no longer feel the blows and pain he had suffered.

After Windy Dog, Wind Fairy and Candlelight Spirit were tired of beating him, they quickly retreated to catch their breath. Bang

-Head Clown fell to the ground motionless, only steam was coming out of his body, and it seemed that he was in a state of dying.

"Is he dead?"

Qin Ze looked at the clown with a bang and asked worriedly.

"It just entered a state of near-death and temporarily lost its fighting power. The Ultra Beasts have very strong vitality and are not that easy to kill."

Biligion next to him explained.


This is my mother: I am a man Tôn

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