"Indeed, I can see how strong this guy's vitality is."

Qin Ze nodded, very impressed.

After this battle, he had a deeper understanding of the ultimate beast....He also got a rough idea of the strength of the elves between level 50 and level 100.

Then he looked at Biligion, then at his own elves, and couldn't help but clench his fists.

One day, he would train his own elves to level 100!

"Congratulations to Windy, Windy and Candlelight for defeating the level 100 Boomstick and gaining a total experience value of 150,000!"

"After doubling, it will be 300,000 experience points"

"Divide it equally among three elves, that is, each elf has 100,000 experience points"

"Congratulations to Windy Dog for upgrading to level 40 and learning how to crush, revenge, flash charge, roar and save the day"

"Congratulations to the Wind Fairy for upgrading to level 39 and learning Super Absorption, Ultimate Absorption, Acting Coquettishly, Parasitic Seed, Cotton Spore and Energy Ball."


Congratulations to Candlelight Spirit for upgrading to level 38 and learning Flame Vortex, Night Shadow, Curse and Shadow Ball.���After receiving the feedback of the results, he couldn't help but reveal a smile of ecstasy.

He risked letting three elves pick up the missed attacks, and the attack levels were far higher than his own Ultra Beasts, just for this!

Get experience points and significantly increase the level! Enhance strength!

Among the sixty-level and seventy-level clowns that Biligion killed before, some of them have not lost their combat ability and are still alive.

Qin Ze arranged for Windy Dog, Wind Fairy and Candlelight Spirit to make up the attacks.

Let Windy Dog dig a hole to sneak attack below, drag those Ultra Beasts that are only breathing, drag them underground, and beat them up.

In this way, a large amount of experience points are accumulated and the level is constantly increased.

Now they have solved the 100-level clown together, and the experience points they get are very much, so they can naturally upgrade more levels.

So, in this battle, the three elves basically upgraded 16 levels in a row.

They also learned several new skills, and their strength has increased a lot!

"It's a pity that they can't level up more than 20 times in one go."

Qin Ze thought helplessly.

He originally thought that by killing Ultra Beasts at level 60, 70 or even 100, he might be able to reach the top in one step and make three Pokémons over level 40 or even 50.

He didn't expect that they could defeat them to such an extent, and the number of defeats was even greater, and they only leveled up 16 levels in a row.

This made Qin Ze more and more aware of how huge the experience points needed for the subsequent upgrades would be.

Tens of thousands of experience points at the first level might be considered a small amount.

If other trainers knew Qin Ze's idea, they would definitely be furious.

It is extremely difficult to level up several levels in a row.

Qin Ze's Pokémons are even... Upgrading to level 16 in a row is definitely an unprecedented and unparalleled feat.

With such a good result, Qin Ze actually still felt it was not enough and wanted more.

If this idea were to spread, it would definitely anger many trainers.

Especially those trainers who could only level up one or two levels after practicing all year round, they would want to beat people to death!

Qin Ze also knew that his idea was not very good, so he stopped immediately and hurriedly took out various medical drugs.

Although some of them were damaged, the important ones were still there.

He endured the injuries and gave emergency treatment to Biligion and the three Pokémon. After giving them drugs to restore their physical strength, he treated his own burns. It was so uncomfortable.

"Thank you very much, human. If it weren't for your help, I would not be able to defeat this clown on my own, or both of us would suffer."

Biligion thanked Qin Ze for his help from the bottom of his heart, and his eyes were full of admiration for Qin Ze.

"I should be the one thanking you. Without you, my elves wouldn't be able to improve their strength quickly. Thank you for trusting me."

Qin Ze replied with a smile.

Bilijian just smiled after hearing this.

"I, Bilijian, never owe favors to anyone. Since you helped me, I will definitely repay you."

Bilijian looked at Qin Ze seriously and said

""Oh! Really? Then can you be my handheld Pokémon?"

Qin Ze immediately became excited after hearing this. He was eager to try it out, and he was almost ready to take out the Poké Ball.

If he really captured a mythical beast, I'm afraid the whole world would look up to him, and he would reach the peak of his life earlier.

"Do you think it's possible?"

Biligion looked at Qin Ze speechlessly. She couldn't help but wonder if she had admired the wrong person just now.

"Just a joke."

Qin Ze immediately laughed it off.

"It is impossible to subdue it for you, but I can give you something good."

After Biligion finished speaking, he gathered his strength above his head and summoned the holy sword again.

However, this holy sword was different from the previous one.

A green fist-sized crystal with diamond-shaped corners and a sword in the middle appeared in front of Biligion.

"This is the essence of the holy sword that I condensed with my own power. It has the power of my holy sword. If you meet a suitable elf and give it this crystal, you can learn my holy sword."

"Elves with different attributes can inherit my holy sword. If it is grass attribute, the degree of fit will be higher. If it has grass and fighting attributes like me, it will naturally be the highest degree of fit. But who to give it to is ultimately up to you."

After Biligeon finished speaking, the emerald green holy sword crystal gently fell into Qin Ze's hand.

"Is it appropriate to give me such a valuable gift? This holy sword is your signature skill, right?

Qin Ze asked hurriedly.

Although several elves who are not mythical beasts can learn this move, the effect of using it is definitely different from that of Biligion, a second-level god.

"You humans have a saying that a sword is given to a hero, and I believe you are worthy of my holy sword."

Biligeon believed in Qin Ze very much.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

At this time, the black hole in the sky continued to explode with thunder. With each explosion of thunder, the black hole would cause the entire sky to tremble violently.

"What's going on? Has another Ultimate Beast appeared?"

Qin Ze stood up and asked anxiously.

"No, it's the other side that's calling the Ultra Beasts here to go back quickly. They sensed that the strongest Boomhead had been defeated, and they want the remaining Ultra Beasts to go back."

Biligion looked at the black hole seriously and answered

"They? Who are they? Are they the masterminds behind the invasion of our world by the Ultimate Beasts?"

Qin Ze grasped this key information and asked hurriedly.

"I don't know either. The only thing I can tell you is that the world over there is different from our original world and is more aggressive."

Biligion shook his head and could only answer this way.


At this time, Biligion felt something again and looked in another direction.

"Hum, did those two guys finally catch up?"

When Biligeon said this, he lowered his head helplessly and smiled.

"Those two guys?"

Hearing this, Qin Ze couldn't figure out who Bilijian was talking about.

"Goodbye, human. Oh, by the way, I still don’t know your name."

Biligion just remembered that he didn’t know Qin Ze’s name, so he asked.

"Qin Ze.

Qin Ze immediately gave his name.

"Qin Ze, I will remember you. We will meet again one day. Let me see how much stronger you have become and whether your love for elves has diminished."

After Bilijian finished speaking, she immediately ran in one direction. With just a few jumps and acceleration, she disappeared from Qin Ze's sight.

Bilijian ran to the top of a small hill and looked around.

""You haven't shown up yet!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Biligion's voice was filled with a hint of blame.

"Sorry, sorry, I just went to rescue some elves!"

A cheerful voice responded to Biligion

"Sorry, we didn't make it in time."

Then came a mature and steady voice.)[]

Two elves with different colors and a serious temperament appeared on both sides of Biligion as if they were teleporting.

They were the other two of the Three Swords of Unova, Gopalion and Delakion.

"I'm sorry, Biligion, for letting you face the Boom-Head Clown on your level alone. You've suffered a lot."

Gopalion looked at the injuries on Biligion's body and spoke with apology.

"Yes, but it seems you are not fighting alone."

Derakion said

"Yes, there is a very interesting human who helped me."

Biligion nodded and replied

"Oh, you fought alongside humans, what kind of humans are you able to recognize?"

After hearing this, Terakion immediately asked with great interest.

"Is...A man who can sacrifice himself for the elves and do his best to rescue the elves in a critical moment is very interesting and powerful."

Biligion praised Qin Ze generously.

"To be able to receive such an evaluation from you, it seems that this human is indeed very interesting."

After hearing this, Terakion became even more interested.

"Yes, we have been in this world for many years and have seen many kinds of humans, including trainers who can connect with Pokémon and fools who regard Pokémon as hostile species. There are all kinds of humans, which are no different from our world. But there is still a lot of room for improvement in this world."

Biligion said with emotion

"No matter how much progress they make, humans are the same no matter which world they are from."

At this time, Gopalion said coldly:"No matter where humans are, they are the same. They like to involve elves in their own selfish battles. For their own desires, they use elves as weapons. It is still full of ugliness!"

When Gopalion said this, he looked so angry that his teeth itched.

Seeing this, Biligion and Delakion next to him did not refute and nodded slightly.

"Never mind, our target is not those humans."

Gopalion quickly skipped this topic and looked at the black hole.

Now the Ultimate Beasts that were wreaking havoc in the secret realm are crossing the black hole and returning to their own world.

They seem to be more anxious than each other.

After all, even the level 100 Bang Head Clown was defeated. If they continue to stay here, they will only die. Naturally, they have to leave quickly!

They are afraid that if they are a step slower, they will suffer the same fate as their dying companions.

Now even the level 100 Bang Head Clown has woken up and hurriedly flew towards the black hole, with no intention of continuing to fight.

""Let's go!"

Gopalion gave the order and ran towards the black hole first.

Then came Biligion and Delakion.

The three of them burst out with amazing speed, passing through the mountains and forests, and quickly arrived at the bottom of the black hole.

"What do they want to do?"

At this time, Qin Ze was sitting on the back of the wind speed dog, and saw the three holy swordsmen running fast.

"Are they going to go through the black hole to the other side of the world?"

Qin Ze couldn't help but think so.

""Horny, go after them and have a look."

Qin Ze immediately ordered Horny to chase the three holy swordsmen.

Now the Boom-Head clowns were all in a hurry to go to the black hole and stopped destroying it.

Naturally, Qin Ze had enough time to see the excitement.

Gopalion, Delakion and Biligion were looking at the sky from under the black hole. There were dense crowds of Boom-Head clowns crossing the black hole.

"According to past practice, the Ultimate Hole will not disappear within two or three days, so we must destroy it now."

Gopalon had a serious expression on his face, and his whole body exuded a strong aura of majesty without anger.

"However, Biligion, your injury is not completely healed yet, are you okay?"

Dailakion looked at Biligion worriedly and asked.

"You really underestimated me. I am not so fragile that I can still swing my sword for the sake of our cause."

Biligion's words are full of strong confidence.

It gives people a sense of courage that women are not inferior to men.

""Very good, then let's go together!"

After Gopalion finished speaking, he stomped the ground with his forelimbs, and holy swords began to gather above his head.

Delakion and Biligion also gathered holy swords at the same time.

The three swordsmen, three holy swords, intertwined together, just like the ancient swordsmen swore an oath with swords!


Gopalion, Delakion and Biligion jumped up one after another, using the Boom Head Clowns above as stepping stones, stepping on them continuously so that they could continue to jump up, approaching the Ultimate Hole little by little.

The group of Boom Head Clowns noticed the three elves that suddenly appeared. They immediately attacked together, trying to knock the three of them down.

However, no matter how the group of Boom Head Clowns launched sieges from all directions, they could not hurt the three holy swordsmen at all.

In the air, they constantly used the passing Boom Head Clowns as stepping stones, switching many moving routes and angles. They successfully avoided all attacks and gradually approached the Ultimate Hole.

"What are they going to do?"

At this time, Qin Ze finally caught up and looked at the sky with curiosity.

The three holy swordsmen raised their necks high and bent their heads backwards at the same time.

Their bodies formed a bow!

Then they swung the holy swords violently!

At the same time, they hit the ultimate hole in the sky.

Three sword lights combined into a cross!

When the three holy swords cut through the ultimate hole, an incredible scene appeared!

That is, this ultimate hole was actually decomposed!


This is my mother: I am a man Tôn

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