Then the voice continued

"I have been doing well here, but I didn't expect you to ruin my plan. You all should go to hell together."

As he said that, an elf flew out and flew in front of Qin Ze.

""Night Demon Spirit."

Qin Ze murmured. This is a level 60 Night Demon Spirit. A wild one can be so high level, and it will also be in this place where the crowd is surging. This elf is not simple at all.

In an instant, the system was activated and analyzed this Night Demon Spirit.

"Night Demon, level 60, in good health, in the future: will break through the god level and become a legendary elf."

Oh my god! This elf is so powerful!

Qin Ze was stunned by the analysis of this system. Level 60 was enough to shock Qin Ze, but he didn't expect it to be so hidden.

"Are you responsible for all these ghosts?"

Qin Ze asked in a low voice. He saw that all the souls died with their eyes wide open, and each of them looked painful.

"Otherwise, how could I reach level 60? It's all because of you. But I will solve it right away and resume my party."

The Night Demon didn't take Qin Ze seriously at all and said to himself.

"I turned them into ghosts, and I absorbed their energy. Then their ghosts became my subordinates."

While speaking, Qin Ze noticed that the elves he had just seen were now in a fighting state, surrounding Qin Ze and his group.

Qin Ze and several elves stood back to back, looking around, not daring to make any rash moves.

"You guys, just die here today, just treat it as a small episode before my meal, it's not bad."

The Night Demon said, lying on the stone slab, supporting his head with his hands, crossing his legs, which made people extremely unhappy.

"Wind Fairy, Burning Bug, you two deal with these ghosts, Wind Speed Dog, find the right opportunity and attack that guy."

Qin Ze whispered. There are many ghosts around, but the attacks of Wind Fairy and Burning Bug are regional, and they can still be dealt with.

""Flame impact!"

A beam of flame spit out from the mouth of the burning worm, piercing the surrounding ghosts. The ghosts shattered at the touch and disappeared into the air.

""We can still handle it."

Qin Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

Wind Speed Dog's big palm slapped a group of ghosts, making it easier to deal with.

Seeing his men being dealt with one by one by this ordinary man in front of him, the Night Demon could not help but feel unhappy.

"Come on, all of them!"

The Night Demon sat up, raised his hands, and sent out more ghosts.


Qin Ze looked unhappy, watching the Dark Night Demon Spirit planning his strategy, which was really abominable.

"Windy Dog, shock wave! Towards the Night Demon."

Qin Ze ordered, and Windy Dog sent a shock wave towards the Night Demon.

"Can you handle the wind fairy and the burning bug?"

Qin Ze looked back and asked, and they nodded.

""Be careful."

Qin Ze warned, and rushed over with the wind speed dog, rushing towards the night demon.

The night demon dodged instantly and lay on the ceiling.

"So bold, you human, you are very interesting."

The Night Demon said, looking at Qin Ze with an excited face

"It just so happens that I haven't stretched my muscles for a long time, come and let me test you."

As he spoke, the Night Demon spit out a ball of purple air from his mouth, which was a ghost.

"Is this the only move you have?"

Qin Ze looked disdainful, and waved his hand, and the wind speed dog rushed out in the direction of Qin Ze's arm.

""Flame attack!"

Qin Ze shouted. The wind speed dog wanted to be the night demon, and spit out a day of flames from its mouth.


The Night Demon placed the ghost in front of him.

But it was broken.

The flame passed through the ghost and rushed straight in front of the Night Demon. For a moment, the air seemed to stop for a moment.

"How is it possible?"

The Night Demon was stunned, looking at the flame.

The flame rushed towards the wall, emitting a puff of smoke.


Qin Ze finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then a strong murderous aura rushed over. Qin Ze stared closely, and his heart suddenly lifted.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that a mere wind speed dog of yours would be so powerful. It's my problem. I didn't take you seriously enough."

The Night Demon said, walking out at a leisurely pace. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

""Let me see how powerful your fire attack is."

The Night Demon said provocatively, with his hands open. All the ghosts around him gathered together and gathered in the center of the Night Demon's hands.

"He is gathering these ghosts and using them as shields."

The wind speed dog murmured, because all the ghosts were attracted away, the wind fairy and the burning worm panted, appeared, and hurried to Qin Ze's side.

"Are you ok?"[]

Qin Ze asked with concern

"Not bad, huh."

The wind fairy took a deep breath, adjusted his breathing, looked at Qin Ze, and the burning insect coughed twice and calmed down.

""Let me see!"

The voice of the Night Demon suddenly became several times louder, and the ghost shield on his chest became bigger and bigger.


The wind speed dog was irritated, baring its teeth, with a look of anger on its face.

"Don't excite Windy Dog, he might just want to irritate you."

Qin Ze touched Windy Dog's back and said


It seemed that the wind speed dog didn't hear Qin Ze's words at all, and his eyes were filled with anger.


With a long howl, the wind speed dog spewed out a huge beam of fire from its mouth and rushed towards the Night Demon.


Wind Fairy and Burning shouted, trying to stop Windspeed.

It was already late, and the huge attack flame stabbed at Night Demon. He put the shield 440 in his hand and took the flame steadily.

Night Demon supported the shield with both hands, and neither of them gave in to Windspeed.

"You can't overload! Wind Speed Dog!"

Qin Ze said.

At this time, the wind fairy released a huge wind speed wave, and the burning insect also tried its best to release a beam of flame wave.

The three shock waves pierced the night demon spirit at the same time.

""Hahaha, that's it."

The Night Demon said nonchalantly, looking at the three elves in front of him.

Gradually, Qin Ze saw that the shield was damaged and shattered bit by bit.


Windy Dog increased its aggression, and gradually, the shield cracked and shattered.


The shield shattered, and the shock wave pierced directly behind the Night Demon. The house was directly broken open, forming a huge hole.

"I didn't expect that you still have some skills, but you are exhausted."

The Night Demon said, laughing, very wretched.

Indeed, the Wind Speed Dog, the Wind Fairy and the Burning Bug became weak and panting.

If they continue like this, they will definitely fail.

"Qin Ze was unwilling to accept this.

If they failed, they would all die here.

"Let me take you on your way." The Night Demon rushed over with an attack, Qin Ze grabbed the Wind Speed Dog and the three elves dodged and fell to the ground.


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