Suddenly, a loud noise shook the hall.


The Night Demon Spirit was shocked. Qin Ze protected the three elves and opened his eyes.

He saw a familiar figure blocking their way.

""Candlelight Spirit!"

The wind fairy said in surprise and flew over.

"I think I was hit by something just now, I was dizzy, but now I have recovered."

Zhu Guangling said, turning back and giving him a firm look.

It was so credible!

Looking at that look, Qin Ze and the three elves shouted in their hearts:

"This Night Demon is very powerful, be careful, I will help you."

The Wind Speed Dog whispered in the Candlelight Spirit's ear.


"I thought it was something else, but it turned out to be a small candlelight spirit."

The Night Demon snorted disdainfully, stood up, and looked at the candlelight spirit with an unruly face.

"Stop talking nonsense."

Zhu Guangling said

""Magic flame."

The flame on the candlelight spirit's head grew bigger and bigger, turning into a beam of light, piercing the night demon spirit.

The night demon spirit waved its hand and broke through the candlelight spirit's attack, knocking it aside.

"That's it."

The Night Demon looked down on him and slowly approached the Candlelight Demon.

""Hmph, naive."

Candlelight said, and dodged. Wind Speed Dog jumped out from behind Candlelight, and rushed towards Dark Night Demon with a beam of fire.

Dark Night Demon didn't say hello, and didn't notice that a beam of fire landed steadily on Dark Night Demon.


A wailing sound was heard, and the Night Demon was severely injured and fell to the ground.

""Tsk, a trifle."

The Night Demon stood up, glaring at the others with a wound on his body.

The smell of ghosts was so strong around here, and the Night Demon had a big move, which had to be activated first.

Qin Ze thought to himself.

"Burning Bug, how much energy do you have left?

Qin Ze grabbed the Burning Bug and asked.

The Burning Bug nodded.

"There are some more. What's wrong?"

"You use a big move to stimulate the ghosts around you. You are a fire spirit, and the light is bright enough to restrain this night demon."

Qin Ze said, looking around


After he finished speaking, the Windy Dog, Candlelight and Darkling were still fighting fiercely.

Then, the Burning Bug jumped into the air, and a huge fireball condensed.

Seeing the fireball, Darkling frowned, secretly feeling troubled. He had already taken a posture, ready to take this move.

However, the fireball flew straight towards Darkling, but suddenly bounced off, flew somewhere else, jumped into the air, and suddenly exploded.

The flames splashed everywhere and flew onto the surrounding houses.


The Night Demon was shocked. He noticed the purpose of the burning worm.

"Don't go, your opponent is here."

The candlelight spirit said, and rushed over with the wind speed. The night demon spirit took it with great effort.

The ghosts were excited and many ghosts flew out.

"At this time, the wind fairy, the tornado."

Qin Ze said, the wind fairy flew into the air, and the tornado swept all the ghosts into the tornado.


Because it was broken, the Night Demon didn't care about the Windy Dog and the Candlelight Spirit.

The Night Demon flew into the tornado and used its own power to force all the ghosts to gather together.

Now that it was forced out, the Night Demon directly gathered all the elves to form a ghost beam.


As he spoke, a beam of light flew out and pierced Qin Ze and his group.

"Light shield!"

Qin Ze shouted, and the light of the candlelight spirit condensed into a shield, blocking all the ghosts

"Help him."

Qin Ze shouted, and the wind speed dog gathered his strength and sent it to the candlelight spirit. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He blocked the attack steadily.

The night demon spirit was hit hard and rushed to the ground.

"Give him the final blow."

Qin Ze said, now only the wind speed dog still has strength

"Big Earthquake"[]

Qin Ze shouted, a voice pierced into the ears of the wind speed dog


The roar of the wind speed dog broke through the hall, and the wind speed dog jumped up and rushed towards the night demon fiercely.


Windy Dog slapped the Night Demon with both palms, and his body was pressed underneath.

"Tsk, a mere level 40 elf."

Qin Ze walked over, squatted down and looked at the Night Demon.

"One is level 40, but four are not."

"Kill or chop, it's up to you."

The Night Demon Spirit didn't soften his mouth at all, looking at Qin Ze.

This elf is extremely talented. After Qin Ze's training, it will be no problem for him to quickly upgrade to the god level, but this elf is unstable.

The evil in his heart is extreme. If he stays, it will not be a good thing.

But there is no way to change the future. He can only kill him now or subdue him.

"Are you willing to follow me?"

After a brief thought, Qin Ze was ready to ask


After asking this, the Night Demon was also stunned and looked at Qin Ze

"Let me go first, I won't run away."

The tone of the Night Demon suddenly changed. Qin Ze thought for a while and looked at the Night Demon.

"Let him go."

Qin Ze said, and the wind speed dog let go.

"I'm from grade ten till now……"

Thinking back to the past, the Night Stalker was originally a night watcher, living a self-entertaining and self-sufficient life in the forests of the Unova region.

Every day, the Night Watcher was active at night and rested during the day. At night, he would eat berries and drink nectar, and live with some other night watchers.

"This is delicious!"

The night watcher found a kind of wild fruit. He picked a lot of wild fruits and prepared to take them back to share with everyone.

He brought a lot of wild fruits back to their gathering place, but there was no night watcher.

Although they were elves living at night, it was close to dawn at that time, and they should all be here.

The night watcher put down the wild fruit, grabbed a few, and looked around.

Suddenly, a huge sound resounded through the sky and broke through the clouds.

The night watcher ran over, leaving only a huge pit where the night watcher was.

"What's going on?"

The Night Patrol shouted, rushed over, and saw no trace of Li Hao.

Looking around, the Night Patrol found his best friend under a big tree, the Night Patrol of the Different Colors.

"what happened"


I could only hear a weak groan.

"What on earth happened?"

Before the Night Patrol Spirit could continue to speak, he only felt a huge vibration coming from the ground.


The Nightwatchman said, pushing the Nightwatchman away. There was a burst of darkness, swallowing the Nightwatchman.

The Nightwatchman didn't care what happened, and ran back.

Finally, the Nightwatchman ran out of the Unova region and came to the Demon City.

Later, it was learned that a powerful Nightwatchman came to the Unova region and absorbed all the Nightwatchman's energy to help itself become stronger.

"I will definitely avenge you."

Looking at the news, Night Patrol made up his mind.

Since then, Night Patrol began his own training in the Magic City. (

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