Not long ago, Nightwatch realized that the elf was also an elf like the Night Demon. Nightwatch imitated the Night Demon that slaughtered his own tribe through memories.

Gradually, Nightwatch learned to lock spirits and evolve quickly until it reached the highest level.

In addition, Nightwatch also learned that if the power is strong enough, it can revive the dead elves.

This news firmly grasped Nightwatch's heart, and he wanted to improve himself until he could revive his former friend.

"Just a little bit, just a little bit!"

Looking back, Dark Night Demon pounded his hands hard on the ground, tears falling.

Seeing Dark Night Demon's painful appearance, Qin Ze couldn't bear it and helped Dark Night Demon up.

"You should be talking about the incident when the Night Demon went berserk. The Night Demon took the wrong medicine in the laboratory and escaped, then went berserk. No one had investigated what he had destroyed, but now it seems to be your tribe."

The Night Demon said in disbelief.

"Then what"

"Then the Night Demon was locked up in the laboratory and did not enter the prison...……"

Qin Ze said this with some pain. He doubted whether this was justice. His subconscious told him that this was not justice.

However, Qin Ze did not do anything. Before Qin Ze arrived here, he did not know that a group of night patrol spirits had been exterminated.

"So, there is no retribution for evil, and no corresponding punishment."

The Night Demon said, roaring

"If you want revenge, go ahead. He is imprisoned on the sixth floor of the Demon Abyss Laboratory in the Demon City. If you want to judge him, go ahead."

Qin Ze said, loosening his hand. The Night Demon Spirit walked out firmly without any thought.

"Are you just going to let him go?"

Windspeed asked, frowning.

"Everyone needs to resolve their own knots, no matter if it's an acquaintance or an elf. Once he resolves his knot, he should go to the elf prison."

Qin Ze said, looking at the back of the Night Demon.

"Elf Prison? Aren't you going to subdue him?"

The wind fairy interrupted, puzzled.

"I just always feel that he has a lot on his mind, and I want him to open up. I will report his affairs to the Inspector of the Magic City Police. I can't take care of him. The Night Demon will have something, let's find it."

Qin Ze said

"I can't do it anymore, I want to rest."

The wind fairy said, falling to the ground.

"I want it too. I want it too."

The burning bug said, like a spoiled child. Qin Ze had no choice but to

"Alright alright"

"You guys go back and rest first."

Qin Ze took them back, and Zhu Guangling and Wind Speed Dog looked around.

In a corner, there were several wooden boards pressing down.

Qin Ze walked over slowly, pulled open the wooden boards, and wiped off the dust on them.

"Is this it?"

The candlelight spirit flew over and looked at

"It should be."

After Qin Ze opened it, there were many vengeful spirits inside.

"Sad urn, this should be saved by the Night Demon to save his former friend"


As he spoke, Qin Ze's eyes were full of complicated

"This way, you won't be able to come back to life."

Qin Ze said

"Absorbed it, the Night Demon Spirit should not come back."

Qin Ze said, handing it to the Candlelight Spirit.

Since the Candlelight Spirit is a light and spirit spirit, it can absorb and utilize it, and the wind speed dog must not touch it.

The Candlelight Spirit closed its eyes and absorbed those remnants into its body.

Gradually, a golden light shone from the Candlelight Spirit, shining with golden light.

"It's time to evolve."

Qin Ze murmured, lamenting that time passed quickly.

After a while, the candlelight spirit turned into a lamp ghost, with a brand new look. The only thing that remained unchanged was the pair of eyes that followed Qin Ze.

"I feel full of strength. It turns out that evolution is so comfortable."

The ghost of the light said with a bright face.

"Well, of course."

Qin Ze touched the head of the Ghost of Lights and said with a smile. He walked out with the two elves. It was already dark. He looked up and saw the brilliant stars in the night sky, but Qin Ze's eyes were full of sadness. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

My strength, is it so fragile?

Qin Ze said in his heart.

Through this battle, just a level 60 elf in the highest form made Qin Ze so strenuous. When he first came here, Qin Ze wanted to get the most powerful elves, such as Super Dream and Dream.

Of course, Qin Ze didn't dislike what he had now. The potential of the Burning Bug and the Wind Fairy was immense, not to mention the Wind Speed Dog, and the Candlelight Spirit was successfully upgraded.

However, that dream seemed very far away.[]

How would Qin Ze, who doubted himself so much, make a choice?

The future of the Night Demon Spirit was a god-level elf, so he would definitely not die, but he would not change if he entered the elf prison, so what would happen...

Thinking of this, Qin Ze laughed.


"What's wrong, Master?"

The ghost of the light floated beside Qin Ze and asked

"It's okay, you guys must be tired, let's go back and have a good sleep."

Qin Ze said, and took them back to the hotel. The next morning, he arrived at the place early. Qin Ze sat in the waiting room, holding his head with one hand, squinting his eyes, waiting.

After a long time, a gentle female voice floated into his ears.

"Hello, Mr. Qin?"

Qin Ze woke up in a daze, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

An angelic face came into view. Four words can summarize Qin Ze's current mood:


But Qin Ze responded calmly. Although Lin Lili was one of the few fairies he had ever seen, Qin Ze was not so expectant after seeing her.

"Hello, I'm Lin Lili, thank you for coming."

Lin Lili stretched out her right hand, and Qin Ze shook hands with her.

During the filming, a group of people stood in the dark and watched Qin Ze

"Is that him?���

"It's him, Young Master."

Two male voices sounded

"It looks ordinary."

The male voice said, not taking Qin Ze seriously at all.

"But he was the one who settled the recent incident with the Night Demon Spirit and the last incident on the highway. He should be a man with unlimited potential."

A voice said, seeming to be very optimistic about Qin Ze.

""Then give it a try."

Another person said in unskilled Chinese.

After that, the two left. Qin Ze's eyes drifted over and looked at the two people who had been observing him.

These two people...

Qin Ze had noticed these two people a long time ago. They were not staff members, but were dressed in extraordinary clothes.

"I won't be targeted by any mysterious organization, I have always been very low-key."

Qin Ze said, looking at the elves

"You are still keeping a low profile, boss."

The wind fairy said, rolling her eyes at Xiao Xiao.

"I'm not low-key."

Qin Ze grabbed the wind fairy and they played with each other.

"Now that we're done filming, where are we going?" asked the Ghost of the Light.

"I don't know, Lin Lili invited me to dinner, so I have to go."

Qin Ze looked helpless and deliberate.

"No way, the personality is too strong"

This is my mother: I am a man Tôn

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