""Tsk, tsk, tsk," the ghost of the lamp said disdainfully, and Qin Ze also rolled his eyes.

The next day, he came to the dinner as usual.

"Hello Mr. Qin, we were working yesterday, today we are having dinner by ourselves, you are welcome."

Lin Lili looked only eighteen or nineteen years old, but she looked very experienced.


Qin Ze replied calmly.

While chatting on the field, Qin Ze would occasionally see an elf following Lin Lili.

Why did she bring a little fire dragon with her when she ate?

Qin Ze complained in his heart that Lin Lili took good care of the little fire dragon as if it were her own child.

"Are you bothered by this, Mr. Qin?"

Lin Lili seemed to notice something was wrong and pointed at the little fire dragon and asked. Qin Ze shook his head.

"No, it's just the first time I've seen an elf being kept as a pet, haha."

Qin Ze said with a laugh.

"This is what my grandfather left me. I don't want him to participate in any elf battles. Just be good."

Lin Lili said, lowering her head, stroking the little fire dragon, and putting her hair behind her head with her right hand, with a smile on her face.

In an instant, Qin Ze's world was like a breeze blowing, and the world around him was like flowers blooming all over the mountains, with fragrance everywhere.

This... is this an angel?

Qin Ze was stunned.

"Don't be silly, people are laughing at you."

The wind fairy whispered behind Qin Ze's ear.

""Oh oh."

Qin Ze came back to his senses. Lin Lili looked at Qin Ze's appearance, covered her mouth and smiled softly. Qin Ze's face suddenly turned red with shame.

It's so embarrassing!

This sentence kept repeating in Qin Ze's mind.

After dinner

"Mr. Qin, if you are interested, would you like to come to my training room and take a look?"

Lin Lili held the little fire dragon and invited him. Qin Ze was stunned for a moment and nodded.

"My pleasure."

Then we came to Lin Lili's training room, which was a large and empty room.

"This is a free control environment, which can maximize the suitability of the elves and help the elves upgrade faster."

Lin Lili stood in the control room and pressed a few buttons, indicating.

Once pressed, a small purgatory appeared, and the wind speed dog barked excitedly.

"If you like it, go in and try it."

Lin Lili smiled and nodded. The wind speed dog came in, and its speed and agility were greatly improved.

""Don't play too crazy."

Qin Ze reminded.

Lin Lili smiled, put down Charmander, and Wind Speed Dog took Charmander and ran around playing.

Looking at this harmonious scene, Qin Ze smiled. Lin Lili stood beside Qin Ze, looking at Qin Ze's smiling face, Lin Lili was stunned for a moment, and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

What's going on?

Lin Lili asked herself in her heart

"Want to compete, Miss Lin?"


Lin Lili was stunned for a moment when she was asked this question suddenly.

"I want to see how far I am from you."

Qin Ze said, in a humble tone, very respectful

"Seeing that you are so pious, I will agree."

Lin Lili said with a smile, took back the little fire dragon, put him in the control room and watched the field.

Standing on the field, Qin Ze and Lin Lili stood opposite each other.

Now the environment in the field has not changed, it is still the environment of the fire elves.

"Come out, Charizard."

Lin Lili said in a soft voice.

A Charizard jumped out. Looking at Charizard, Qin Ze looked back at the Windy Dog, sweat on his head.

Come on, I believe in you, Windy Dog

"Qin Ze you……"

Qin Ze immediately turned his head away. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

I also thought that Miss Lin would use her ultimate move right away.

"Flame Wheel."

Qin Ze released the move and said

"Charizard, fire attack."

Lin Lili's voice was still soft. Charizard moved quickly, and a ball of fire shot out of its mouth, flying straight towards the Wind Speed Dog.[]

The only thing that the wind speed dog could do was to let the flame wheel collide with the attack of the fire-breathing dragon and take the opportunity to dodge.

At the moment when the two fireballs hit each other, suddenly, the sound of the sky collapsing and the earth cracking came, and the air in the whole field was torn apart, forming a circle of impact rings, piercing in all directions.

Qin Ze squatted down and escaped.

However, he was stunned.

Is this the power of the fire-breathing dragon?

Qin Ze squatted there, like an ant, and the image of the fire-breathing dragon was extremely enlarged, like a giant, standing in front of him.

The wind speed dog barked twice

"Qin Ze, what are you doing?"

The wind speed dog pulled Qin Ze back to reality. Qin Ze looked at the wind speed dog like a child who had done something wrong.

"Fire-breathing dragon, dragon roar."

Lin Lili didn't seem to give Qin Ze any face and continued to issue orders. The sound of the dragon roared through the sky and pierced Qin Ze's ears.

"Yes, Miss Lin respects me so much, how can I be like a turtle?

Qin Ze said to himself, standing firm.

"Spray flames."

The speed of the wind dog suddenly increased, rushing towards Charizard.

"Dragon Breath."

Lin Lili calmly gave the order, and Charizard leaped up, raised its claws, and steadily caught the Windy Dog.

""Whether it's defense, speed, or attack, or even the fact that he's a flying elf, we're at a huge disadvantage. If we want to defeat him, we have to penetrate him from one aspect, and that's... speed!"

Qin Ze said, and the wind speed dog nodded, mumbling.

"Move at high speed."

Qin Ze said, and the wind speed dog was ready to go.

"It's a waste of effort."

Lin Lili saw Qin Ze's purpose and said

"Break his rhythm, Charizard."

Charizard fired a fire attack, stabbing at the fast-moving Arcanine.

"Right now, bite it!"

Qin Ze caught the flying attack of Charizard, and the wind speed dog jumped up, grabbed the running Charizard, opened its mouth wide, and bit the Charizard's neck.


Lin Lili was surprised when Arcanine just used its high speed to daze Charizard. Although Arcanine was famous for its speed, it was completely unbelievable that it could bypass Charizard's sight as a Pokémon of low level.

Then, Arcanine's bite force became stronger and stronger, and Charizard's arm could not reach that place.

""Okay, Windy Dog."

Qin Ze shouted, stopping Windy Dog, and Windy Dog jumped down. Charizard wailed in pain and fell to the ground.

"You win, Qin Ze."

Lin Lili took back the fire-breathing dragon, jumped over and came to Qin Ze's side.

"Ah, yes."

Qin Ze nodded. On the surface, he looked calm, but in fact, he was sweating all over.

He had high hopes for the attack of the wind speed dog.

"Good luck."

Qin Ze said, he dared not underestimate the jumping, gentle and lovely girl in front of him.

"No, no, no, Qin Ze, you are really amazing. You deserved the title of the video champion yesterday."

Qin Ze blushed after being praised like this.

"It just so happens that I also need to heal the fire-breathing dragon. Do you want to come and see our healing room?"

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