"What do you mean by black and white?"

Although Qin Ze has been in this world for quite some time, he still doesn't know much about most people.

"There are black and white in the Elf Continent. Black is the well-known organization that steals and seizes elves, such as Team Rocket, while white is the Elf Alliance. There are many types of Elf Alliance, including the Pure Yuan Group, the Magic City Group, and the Mo Yuan Group. They are naturally enemies of the black side. Some of them secretly use the Hai Rong Group, while others openly fight against the Hai Rong Group."

"Hairong Group is a well-known company that will work for anyone who pays and produces gold coins, but it is also notorious. However, they don't care, as long as they have money."

"I've also been in the Demon Abyss for a few days."

Lin Lili mentioned this casually. After

Lin Lili explained, Qin Ze roughly understood that Lin Tao belonged to the Chunyuan Group and he had even tried to get him to join the group, but Qin Ze was not interested in these things. He just wanted to improve himself through his own efforts.

"in this way"

"How come you don't know all this? What's going on?"

Lin Lili was a little surprised. There was no doubt that Qin Ze was gifted, but these things were known to everyone. Lin Lili had a feeling that Qin Ze didn't belong here.

"No, I just don't like to know these things."

Qin Ze laughed it off. It was getting late, and Lin Lili was ready to leave.

"I'll take you there. You came to see me, and it's not good for a girl to go back alone."

Qin Ze said, closing the door and taking Lin Lili downstairs

"Will you participate in the trainer competition in a few days?"

Lin Lili asked, holding the bag of cookies in her hand.

"I don't have much ability, but I will learn if I can. I am still too fragile."

Qin Ze snorted and said self-deprecatingly. The more he explored this continent, the more he felt powerless and weak. He had to take advantage of every opportunity to learn.

"Why did you suddenly ask about Hairong Group?"

Lin Lili was inexplicably happy about Qin Ze's affirmative answer. Thinking of the conversation just now in the room, she felt puzzled.

"No, I just found out by chance and I'm a little curious."

Qin Ze said as he arrived at the place

"Then, bye"

"Well, bye."

The two of them parted ways.

Suddenly, a dart flew over, slipped past the corner of Qin Ze's eyes, and flew straight towards Lin Lili.

"Be careful."

Qin Ze hugged Lin Lili, lay down, and used his body to cushion Lin Lili's back.

The dart was firmly inserted into the wall, nearly three inches deep.

Qin Ze immediately stood up and looked around. A figure flashed by, and Qin Ze realized what was going on.

"Go back first, this has nothing to do with you."

Qin Ze protected Lin Lili and let her leave.



Qin Ze panicked and shouted. After he shouted, Lin Lili was also stunned. Qin Ze was also stunned. Just as he was about to apologize, a dart flew over and Qin Ze grabbed the dart with one hand.

"Go first, I'll explain to you later."

Qin Ze's tone softened and he said, Lin Lili nodded, turned around and ran away.

Back in the courtyard, he immediately called the housekeeper to rescue Qin Ze, but there was no one outside.

At this time, Qin Ze chased the figure and came to the depths of the Magic City Forest.

""Okay, come out."

Qin Ze said, and Ye Han came out with a smile.

"As expected of Mr. Qin, you knew who I was right away."

Ye Han said, with a typical fox smile on his face.

"Didn't we agree on three days? Why are you picking on me today? You really hurt Lily by mistake. What will happen next?

Qin Ze grabbed Ye Han's collar and said angrily. Ye Han pushed Qin Ze's hand away and said with a smile.

"Mr. Qin still doesn't know Miss Lin well enough. Let alone darts, even if an army came, it might not kill Miss Lin. She just didn't attack on purpose."

Ye Han said

"Our boss changed his mind. Three days is too long. We need to make a decision within one day."

"I don't want to."

Qin Ze was very angry about what happened today. No matter how Ye Han described it, he would not believe it.

"This is not the attitude you take when asking for help." (To read the novel, go to Flylu.com!)

Qin Ze said, turning around and preparing to leave.

"Mr. Qin, don't make a mistake. We are notifying you, not discussing with you. You have to go whether you want to or not."

Ye Han said, his tone became fiercer, grabbing Qin Ze's shoulders and saying threateningly

"Come with us now, we will give you the highest VIP treatment. If you don't leave, don't blame me for being rude."

As he said this, Ye Han opened his eyes slightly, his face full of murderous intent.[]

Qin Ze turned around, waved his hand, shook off Ye Han's arm, and the two of them separated.

"Are you sure you can beat me, Mr. Qin?"

Ye Han said, turning his wrist and taking out a Poké Ball.

He released a strange force.

"Windy Dog!"

Qin Ze released the Windy Dog, and the two elves stood facing each other.

"Wind Speed Dog, don't show mercy, or you will die."

Qin Ze whispered in Wind Speed Dog's ear. The man in front of him was extremely murderous, and Qin Ze's confidence was not high, but he still wanted to fight.

""Super Force Impact!"

Ye Han used his ultimate move as soon as he came up, and the super force rushed over quickly, and the ground was shaking as he ran.

"Flame wave."

Qin Ze said, and the wind speed dog spit out a thick and fast flame. The strange force dodged it and got closer and closer.

""Strange power!"

Strange power howled and rushed towards the wind speed dog, charging his fists. Qin Ze pulled the wind speed dog and pulled it away with all his strength. Following the wind speed dog's 870 speed, he escaped.

Strange power punched the ground with both fists. The huge shock wave cut the air apart and a big hole was smashed in the ground.

Looking at the hole, Qin Ze couldn't imagine that this punch could smash several of himself stacked up.

"I can see that this is how you treat your VIPs. You are indeed a group that does both black and white."

Qin Ze said with a strange smile on his face. This smile made Ye Han wonder why Qin Ze suddenly became so confident.

"Ghost of the Light, come out"

"Let's try that combo skill."

Qin Ze told the two elves, and also told himself

"So what if I have two? Haha, so what if I give you one?"

Ye Han laughed crazily, with a strong disdainful mood in his heart.

"High-speed movement!"

The wind speed dog gathered power in its four legs and ran towards the strange force.

"There's no difference."

""Magic Power, split the mountain.""

Magic Power" jumped up, and the wind speed dog also jumped up

"Flame wave!"

The flames burned and rushed straight towards the strange force.

""The ghost of the light, the will-o'-the-wisp."

The ghost of the light nodded, flew up, surrounded the flame with his own will-o'-the-wisp, and split it with his strange power.

The flames quickly came together again!

This shocked Ye Han. Such a combination was something

Ye Han had never heard of before.


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