Then, the flames gathered together and surrounded the strange force again. The fire became bigger and bigger. The strange force fell to the ground and couldn't struggle.

Not long after, the flames stopped and the strange force fainted and fell to the ground.

""Good, good, good."

Ye Han clapped his hands and looked at Qin Ze with admiration.

"You are indeed extraordinary. It seems that I must accept you into our group, whether it is you or your body."

Ye Han said, and kicked with strange force, like kicking away a piece of trash on the side of the road.

"What are you doing!"

Qin Ze said angrily

"It's just garbage. How should I treat my garbage? Mr. Qin should take care of himself first."

As he said that, Ye Han took out a Master Ball. The purple surface of the ball indicated his extraordinaryness. Looking at the ball, Qin Ze swallowed his saliva and became thorny.

The Poké Ball was thrown to the ground, and a Jirachi jumped out. A god-level Pokémon!

Qin Ze shouted in his heart. After he came here, he had hardly seen a few god-level Pokémon. Even if there were, they would watch from afar. This was the first time for Qin Ze to be so close, not to mention fighting with himself.

The situation became more and more critical. Qin Ze was already thinking about how to escape from here. This place was located in the center of the Magic City Forest, and it was about three thousand meters away from the safe zone. He could only run away while pulling.

"Humph, a god-level elf……"

Qin Ze said, his brows knitted tightly together, looking at Ye Han with anger and murderous eyes.


Qin Ze shouted, got on the wind speed dog, and ran quickly out of the forest.

He looked back from time to time, but he didn't see anyone.

"Faster, but still not fast enough."

Ye Han's voice came over eerily, making Qin Ze tremble.

"The end."

Qin Ze and his team were blocked by a high mountain and came to a dead end.

"There is no other way, we can only fight to the death."

The Wind Speed Dog nodded, and prepared for battle with the Light Ghost.

Jirachi jumped into the air, and many stars gathered above his head.

"High-speed stars, destroy them."

Ye Han's voice was cold, as if he was treating an ant.

""Okay, Master."

Jirachi nodded mechanically.

At the critical moment, the high-speed star was extremely fast, and Qin Ze had almost no time to give orders.

Suddenly, a tall figure appeared in front of him.

Qin Ze looked over, and the figure was extremely thick. He protected Qin Ze and launched a huge protective shield in front of him, blocking the high-speed star.

Then, Ye Han was shocked.

"Moyuan Group, what are you doing here?"

Seeing the armbands on the two people's clothes, he said angrily

"I knew that you, Ye Han, were committing crimes here. Fortunately, I arrived in time."

One person said, looking at Ye Han.

"I don't, I just want to recruit talents."

Although Ye Han was disdainful, his words were less unruly.

""That's a nice thing to say, just surrender."

The man said, chasing after him. Ye Han fled, leaving another person standing in front of Qin Ze. He turned around. He was also a young boy, about the same age as Qin Ze.

"Are you okay?"

The man pulled Qin Ze up

"No... nothing."

Qin Ze stood up, not knowing how to thank him.

"We are from the Elf Alliance, the Moyuan Group. My name is Lin Yi, nice to meet you, Qin Ze.

Qin Ze took Lin Yi's hand and was a little surprised that he knew his name.

"Don't be surprised, we came here to invite you."

As he said that, Lin Yi led Qin Ze out of the forest, chatting as they walked.

"The Elf Alliance holds a hunting competition every three years to select people who can work for the Elf Alliance. Naturally, we don't have any overbearing clauses. Every participant is invited, and the participants who are finally selected will be free to choose whether to stay or leave."

Lin Yi said, Qin Ze nodded, he knew this competition

"There is another reason why we found you.

Lin Yi suddenly stopped and said

"We already know that you are being targeted by the Hairong Group. We ask you to participate in the hunting competition to lead out other spies and thorns in the eyes of the evil forces."

Lin Yi said with a very sincere tone.

"I want to go, but I……"

Qin Ze said, unable to speak


"I don't have any strength, I don't think I can handle this request." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Qin Ze said, lowering his head. He was even ready to die.

After hearing this, Lin Yi was still a little confused.

You? No strength? Are you kidding?

Lin Yi complained in his heart.

In fact, just when Qin Ze and Ye Han started fighting, Lin Yi and the others were watching in the dark. Qin Ze's fighting style opened Lin Yi's eyes. His potential is almost tangible.[]

But... it's better to be humble. Being humble makes you more obedient.

Lin Yi thought to himself darkly and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Mr. Lin?"

Qin Ze woke Lin Yi up.



"Don't worry, we will give you the most efficient training mode, help you harvest new elves, and definitely allow you to pass the selection of the hunting competition."

Lin Yi said, stretching out his hand.

This is his lifesaver again, speaking so politely, and there is such a good training opportunity. Qin Ze has to agree even if he doesn't agree.

"~ I do."

Qin Ze held Lin Yi's hand and nodded firmly.

"Give you a badge, no matter where you are, you can ask for help from the Moyuan Group, and it can also protect you from the threat of evil forces."

Lin Yi said, handing Qin Ze a badge. Qin Ze felt warm in his heart after taking the badge.

The two finally added their contact information and separated. Qin Ze returned home.

This day was really too chaotic, all kinds of people, all kinds of things, these people and things, like a tide penetrating his ears, unable to accept it all at once.

Looking at the badge in his hand, Qin Ze gradually closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The next day, as soon as he opened his eyes, he received a text message from Lin Lili.

Open the door

Qin Ze opened the door, and Lin Lili rushed in directly, checking Qin Ze's whole body.

"Are you okay?"

Lin Lili asked with a worried look on her face (of Qian Zhao).

Qin Ze was a little stunned, and Lin Lili realized that she had been so rash.


"It's okay, it's okay. I'm fine. Sorry to have worried you."

Qin Ze said, pouring a glass of water.

"I heard what Lin Yi and Gao Han told me. I was so scared."

Lin Lili said

"I didn't expect that they had been following you since the day you won the award."

Lin Lili said, looking aggrieved and self-blaming. How could Qin Ze believe that Lin Lili was a"woman who could not even be defeated by an army" and was completely a weak woman?

"It's okay, it's my fault for not realizing it earlier. Do you know those two people?

Qin Ze thought that Lin Yi must have told Lin Lili about it, and his embarrassing scene was also known.

It's so embarrassing.

Qin Ze said helplessly in his heart

"Well, didn't I tell you that I'm also from the Moyuan Group, and I'm picking them up in the Magic City." Lin Lili said.


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