"Oh, I see."

Qin Ze then remembered that Lin Lili had said in the morning that she belonged to the Moyuan Group.

"So, will you go to the hunting competition?"

Qin Ze asked. He knew that there was a competition recently.

"Maybe, Lin Yi also told me that he would take you to train, so I will be in charge of you for the next few days."

Lin Lili said with a playful look on her face.

""Ah? You brought me with you? I thought it was Lin Yi."

Qin Ze was a little surprised.

"Lin Yi is very busy. He is in the action team of the Moyuan Group and often has to run around to eliminate evil forces."

"What? It's me you don't like."

Lin Lili said, pouting her lips, and Qin Ze waved his hand quickly.

"No, no, no, how could that be possible? I’ll trouble Miss Lin then.

Qin Ze said, scratching his head.

The next day, Qin Ze came to Lin Lili’s training base.

"We are not training here, we are going to your special training base."

Lin Lili said, walking in front and leading the way.


Qin Ze followed behind, a little surprised

"Your elves, wind fairies and fire bugs are in urgent need of upgrading and evolution, the light ghosts also need training, and the wind speed dogs need strengthening. I spent a day yesterday to complete your exclusive training base."

Lin Lili pointed out the shortcomings and deficiencies of Qin Ze's pets, and said 153, standing still, they had already arrived.

Behind them was a big door. Lin Lili pressed a button and walked in with Qin Ze.

"Here you can find your sanatorium, rest room, and natural training area. Each elf has its own place, and there are enough supplies."

Lin Lili showed Qin Ze one place at a time and explained.

"You will probably be here all the days before the hunting competition begins. Of course, you can go out if you want to get some fresh air, but for your rapid progress, I suggest a six-day cycle, where you can go out once every six days. Of course, you can also choose twelve days or eighteen days.……"

Looking at the entire field, Qin Ze was still in a state of surprise. This, this, this, a free training opportunity. This is a great opportunity to improve myself. Why should I go out? I want to live here forever.

Thinking in his heart, Qin Ze was so excited that he couldn't express it in words.

"That training is a competition?"

Qin Ze remembered that the competition should be in a few days.

"Of course, you can participate. It's an opportunity to test yourself."

Lin Lili said, explaining to Qin Ze.

Then, Qin Ze was taken to his own lounge, a room with a bathroom, a large living room and a bedroom.

"You should get familiar with this place today, and we will officially start training tomorrow."

Lin Lili said

"This robot is your assistant. You can find him if you need anything. I will come here from time to time today."

Then, Lin Lili taught Qin Ze how to use the robot and left.

Qin Ze jumped up and fell on the bed. The soft mattress wrapped Qin Ze inside.

"So comfortable."

Is this heaven?

Qin Ze said, as if by magic, he gradually closed his eyes and fell asleep.

When he woke up again, the sunlight had gone from not being able to shine into the house to filling the entire house. The setting sun sprinkled on Qin Ze's face, making him warm. Qin Ze opened his eyes dazedly.

There was a sound outside. Qin Ze rubbed his eyes and saw a soft figure busy in the living room, wearing an apron.


Qin Ze was a little confused.

"You woke up, I just cooked, try my cooking."

Qin Ze turned around and gave him a warm smile, which touched Qin Ze's heart.

This is heaven! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Pick up a piece of pork belly, it melts in your mouth


"I didn't expect that your cookies are so bad, but you are really good at cooking."

Qin Ze said bluntly, and immediately realized that something was wrong.

"No, no, no, no"[]

"Biscuits just have a lot of room for improvement."

Lin Lili looked at Qin Ze's silly look and laughed out loud.


Seeing Lin Lili burst into laughter, Qin Ze didn't know what happened and scratched his head.

"(cecb) Has anyone ever told you that you are really silly and stupid?"

Lin Lili said

"For so long, I have been living alone in the Magic City. My friends are running around in the Demon Abyss Organization, but I am locked here. The so-called famous trainer is all fiction. I just practice occasionally because I am bored. This title is just made up by the organization so that I can stay here safely."

Lin Lili said, her eyes a little sad.

"Ah? You can only stay in the Magic City? Isn't that too boring?"

Qin Ze said, a little surprised.

"Yes, the farthest place I have ever been to is probably the milk tea shop on the border of Shanghai."

Lin Lili said in a self-deprecating tone.

"Why don't you go somewhere else? Why do you have to be here? Why can't others be here?"

Qin Ze also felt sorry for Lin Lili. Lin Lili was in her prime, but she had been locked up here. As an excellent trainer, she also had a lot of skills, but she had no place to display them.

"This is the order of the organization."

Lin Lili said, smiling helplessly. The smile she gave to Qin Ze was obviously no different from before, and it was still so sweet. However, Qin Ze did not seem to feel warm at all at this time. What he felt was the sadness and helplessness that Lin Lili had to hide.

"Come with me to the hunting competition, which should be held in the Guanzhong area."

Qin Ze suddenly became serious and said while holding Lin Lili's hand.

A big hand suddenly pulled her wrist. Lin Lili looked at Qin Ze's big hand and inexplicably felt a warm current rushing straight to her heart and brain.

After finishing the meal, Qin Ze sat on the sofa. He couldn't sleep anyway. He turned on his computer and flipped through it casually. He and Lin Lili had added each other as friends, but looking at her dynamics, they were all some official-looking words, and her daily life was very rare.

What kind of little girl are you?

Looking at the interface, Qin Ze was lost in thought.

Similarly, Lin Lili was lying on the bed, thinking back to when Qin Ze pulled her wrist during the day, and her face turned red involuntarily.

The little fire dragon lay beside Lin Lili.

""Mom, do you like him?"

The little fire dragon suddenly spoke in a childish and cute accent.

It would have been fine if he hadn't spoken. But when he spoke, Lin Lili's face turned red like a valve that couldn't be controlled, and it was about to emit steam.

"How could I possibly like him? He has no real ability, is not considerate, and is also very straight.……"

As the explanations became more and more detailed, Charmander looked at Lin Lili with a mysterious smile.

"Humph, Mom, stop pretending."

"Well... a little bit." Lin Lili said, and opened her phone to look at Qin Ze's space dynamics.

He didn't post a single dynamic.

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