The next day, Qin Ze got up early. The breakfast delivered by the robot was very different from the breakfast cooked by Lin Lili. In comparison, the breakfast cooked by Lin Lili tasted better.

When they arrived at the place Lin Lili mentioned yesterday, the first one to be trained was the wind fairy. The wind fairy had a lot of room for improvement.

"The Wind Fairy is a very unique spirit, it can be either a demon or a wind spirit. Generally speaking, the demon spirit will have better attack performance, while the wind spirit will have better defensive skills. However, what we require is that both spirits should be balanced."

Lin Lili explained. They are now in a plain area.~

"Those are some targets, practice your accuracy first."

As he said that, the wind fairy stood a little in front of Qin Ze, and Lin Lili stood beside Qin Ze.

"Flying Leaf Sharp Knife, try to aim."

Qin Ze gave the wind fairy an order and said.

The wind fairy nodded, flew up, and floated in the air, with sharp eyes.


Dozens of flying leaves radiated from his body, and he quickly rushed towards the target.

"There are 87 in total, 47 hit the target, 10 are in the bull's eye, the accuracy is 13%, which is low."

A robot flew out and analyzed

"So smart!"

Qin Ze was shocked by the robot's fast and accurate calculations.

"Thirteen percent, that's really low, keep trying."

Lin Lili said.

The whole morning, the wind fairy was trying that skill.

"I'm so tired."

After returning to the house, the wind fairy muttered, and when he saw the bed, he jumped on it, and then closed his eyes and fell asleep.

For the next six days, he practiced the skill of the wind fairy.

After six days, the wind fairy stood in front of the target, his eyes were firm, and he seemed to use all his strength to release twice as many flying leaves as on the first day.

""One hundred and sixty were fired, one hundred and forty-five hit the target, one hundred and twenty hit the center of the target, and the hit rate is 75 percent."

The robot said.

Lin Lili walked over from behind, clapping her hands and smiling, looking at Qin Ze

"Qin Ze has made rapid progress, and Wind Fairy is great. Give me some candy."

Lin Lili said, rubbing the Wind Fairy's head and handing him a candy.


The wind fairy shouted comfortably, with a happy face.

"The competition is tomorrow, do you want to go?"

Lin Lili said, and Qin Ze finally realized it.

It turned out that six days had passed so quickly.

"Although I have been training the Wind Fairy for the past six days, I can use this competition to see the results. Although it is a small competition for you and me, there will still be many famous trainers coming to this competition."

Lin Lili said, with a smile on her face, explaining to Qin Ze

""Okay, I'll join."

Qin Ze smiled, and the wind fairy lay on Qin Ze's shoulder, looking at Qin Ze's smile, a little confused.

The next day, early in the morning, Lin Lili took Qin Ze out of the base and came to the competition.

Before it started, there were already many people outside, waiting for the competition to start.

"Is that Chen Xuan, a famous trainer who likes to use fire-type Pokémons?"

Qin Ze pointed at a white-haired man wearing a stupid sweater and said with a curious look on his face.

"Yes, I have fought with him before. His moves are very strange and I was fooled by him many times. But, I think he is still okay."

Lin Lili said

"That's Lu Xiaoqi, he likes to use earth-type elves. If you fight him, you must learn how to break his moves."

Lin Lili said.

Then, Lin Lili pointed out a few more to Qin Ze. Some of them Qin Ze knew, and some he saw for the first time.

Qin Ze was walking on the road, and someone tapped his right shoulder. He turned around but didn't see anyone. He turned left and Lin Tao looked at Qin Ze with a smirk.

"Lin Tao, you are still here.

Qin Ze punched Lin Tao on the shoulder and said

"Then I must come, this competition is very famous."

Lin Tao said, looking at the

"Qin Ze, let's go."

At this time, Lin Lili walked lightly on the way here like the wind.

"What is this?"

Seeing Lin Tao, Lin Lili looked strange.

"This is my good friend, Lin Tao, and this is Lin Lili."

Qin Ze said, and Lin Tao was a little confused, and then he stretched out his hand to shake hands with Lin Lili. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I've heard of you for a long time. This is Miss Lin, the famous trainer in the Magic City. You are as beautiful as on TV."

Lin Tao said with a greasy tone.

This made Lin Lili very disgusted. She looked at the hand, did not take it, and nodded slightly.

Lin Tao took it back with some embarrassment.

"Please keep an eye on my Qin Ze, hahahaha"[]

Lin Tao said, pulling Qin Ze to the other side

"What's going on? Why do you two look so close?"

Lin Tao said, as if he owed Lin Tao a lot of money.

"No, we just met by chance a few times."

Qin Ze said, and Lin Tao hit Qin Ze's shoulder.

"I don't believe it. Don't hide from me that you have such a beautiful wife."

Lin Tao said, pushing Qin Ze back.

"Well, let's go, Qin Ze."

Lin Lili took Qin Ze to the back and handed him a competition table.

"Your first opponent is Bai Mumu, and I will give you some analysis tables of him."

Lin Lili said, making all-round arrangements.

"I like to use demon-type Pokémon, Gengar."

Qin Ze looked at the table and read it out involuntarily.

"Next game, Qin Ze will play against Bai Mumu. Please come to the arena and prepare quickly."

Qin Ze came immediately and Lin Lili patted Qin Ze on the shoulder.

"Come on, Qin Ze, I believe in you, just go for it."

Lin Lili said, smiling from the bottom of her heart. Qin Ze looked at that smile and instantly felt full of strength.


He turned around and stepped onto the field. Since it was the first game, there would be many matches, so not many people were watching Qin Ze.

But because Qin Ze's popularity was not low, there were more people on Qin Ze's side than in other places.

It doesn't matter if you are Gengar or something, come on.

Qin Ze muttered in his heart, Bai Mumu was wearing a red dress with a wristband wrapped around his wrist, looking like a middle school boy.

"Come out, my evil dragon."

He said, and released a Gengar.

It seems that he is really a middle school boy.

Qin Ze complained helplessly in his heart.

"Windy Dog, just feel free to fight. I haven't let you out these few days. Are you angry with me?"

Qin Ze said with a flattering smile.


Windspeed nodded like a cool male god.

"Three-headed dog, right? Let my dragon defeat you."

Bai Mumu said, raising one hand. Qin Ze thought: You are playing an awkward game, right?

"Windy Dog, fire attack."

A beam of fire flew out quickly, piercing Gengar. Gengar shook his head and dodged swiftly.


Bai Mumu suddenly became calm, looking at Qin Ze's Wind Speed Dog, Gengar quickly dodged, and used telekinesis to break the flames of the Wind Speed Dog.


This shocked everyone on the field. (

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