[Now the swimsuit man and the insect catcher boy have decided to simply bypass the Kabi beast, so that there is still a chance to win. ] 】

[Now even Xiaoxia looked at the red Ash: "Let's take a detour. 】

[But now Red Ash rejected Xiaoxia's proposal. 】

[Red Ash shook his head slightly: "No, in my opinion, there is no need for a detour at all. Just take this Kabi beast and you'll do it. "】

[Red Ash's words are called Xiaoxia, a man in a swimsuit, and an insect catcher boy who is unbelievable. ] 】

[Red Ash would actually say such a thing. You must know that the difficulty of subduing the Kabi beast is quite high. 】

[At this moment, the swimsuit man, the insect catcher boy is ready to turn away and detour to the end, but the red ash has already called out Pikachu, the magic frog seed, and the mosquito swimmer,].

[Red Ash at this moment gave a gesture to the three Pokémon,]

[The three Pokémon immediately knew what to do,].

[Mosquito swimmers as tanks, Pikachu, and Magic Frog Seeds assist on the side,].

[Pikachu as a mage, Miao Frog Seed as a shooter.] 】

[First, Pikachu's 100,000 volts fell on the sleeping Kabi beast. 】

[Under such thunder and lightning, even if the Kabi beast slept sweetly, it was now climbing up. ] 】

[Just as the so-called preemptive strike, although the Kabi beast has rough skin and thick flesh, Pikachu's 100,000 volts is not so easy to bear. ] 】

[Angry, the injured Kabi Beast is now ready to attack the existence in front of him. 】

[The mosquito swimmer and the Pikachu magic frog seeds began to cooperate. 】

[At this moment, the battle situation seems to be appropriately comparable. 】

[Xiaoxia is unbelievable about this, Red Ash relies on these three Pokémon to fight with the Kabi Beast to such a level,]

[I only feel that the red Ash is really too strong. 】

[If the Magic Frog Seed or Pikachu as an auxiliary can be a little stronger, they can completely defeat the Kabi Beast. 】

[But at present, there is no such hope.] 】

[It's just that Xiaoxia noticed that Xiao Zhi still had a smile on the corner of his mouth, what does this mean?] 】

[It shows that Red Ash has 100% confidence. But where does this faith come from? Xiao Xia didn't understand for a while, and couldn't figure it out. 】

[Red Ash: "We still have hope to defeat the Kabi Beast, have you noticed no, the Kabi Beast is now only using impact, charging power, etc., and has not used Tarzan Crushing, Heavy Impact and other skills, which means that it will not. "】

Grandpa who plays the flute: You know, the Kabi beast eats and sleeps, and eats when it sleeps, there is no time for training at all, so that the Kabi beast can learn some powerful skills. There's really no way around it.

Maggie: Hello everyone, I'm the director of Lazy Banana Land. I have a kabi beast here who often steals bananas from me. I didn't even know what to do, although he didn't have skills such as Tarzan Topping, but just falling asleep there, I couldn't help it.

Oruoglu: I'm a member of the Pokémon Professional League Baseball King Carp team. I have a kabi beast and it is my partner. But he was not motivated to do anything. But fortunately, I worked hard to get him to learn the big crit. I don't know what to do if I want to learn other stronger skills? Just by letting him learn to crit, I went to Half-Life.

Ash: There is a trainer of the Kabi Beast, how did you take the Kabi Beast?

Oruolu: I grew up and subdued, but it was too difficult to subdue the giant kabi beast.

Wataru: It's true that Kabi is quite difficult to convince.

Shirona: Even if the coffee beast doesn't have those powerful skills, it is indeed quite difficult to defeat him.

Sarina: No matter what, I believe that Red Ash will succeed.

[Now the red Ash just glanced at Xiaoxia, and then told Xiaoxia that he had encountered honey when passing through the woods just now

[Red Ash asked Xiaoxia to get some honey, Xiaoxia was very depressed, is this really okay?] 】

[But there is no other way.] Now Xiao Xia nodded and ran into the woods, and soon brought the hive over. 】

[The swimsuit man shook his head, what's the use of taking honey?] 】

[The insect catcher boy also swore and judged: "What's the use of doing something useless?] "】

[But I didn't expect ah, at this moment, the red ash threw the hive to the end side, and for a while, the Kabi beast that smelled the fragrance ran away. ] Go towards the honey. 】

[Red Ash didn't say a word, riding his bicycle over. 】

[For a time, the red boy won the championship, you know, the scene that happened just now happened between the electric flint, Xiaoxia, the swimsuit man, and the insect catcher boy did not expect it at all. ] 】

[At the same time, Ash's hand is completely killing two birds with one stone, when the Kabi Beast is chasing honey. ] At this moment, Pikachu's 100,000 volts, the skill of the magic frog seed, and the power of the mosquito coil swimmer all bombarded the Kabi beast

[But when the Kabi Beast finished eating the honey, he also noticed that he was scarred and panting. 】

[This is a guy who can forget a lot of things in order to eat, Red Ash took out the baby ball and directly took it in. ] 】

Ash: You all say that I rely on luck, but now it seems that this is not the case at all, look at this red Ash is exactly like me.

But at this moment, many people feel that Ash's words are wrong.

Dr. Ohki: "Ash, don't say it. He relies on wisdom, and you get those two badges, you rely on luck.

Sarina: Yes, yes, Dr. Ohki is right, Ash, don't try to quibble, Miss Red, he has long understood the habits of kabi beasts. Everything was expected, he knew what to do, and you are different, you don't know what to do at all, and you won two dojo competitions in a state of confusion. Got the badge. It's not the same thing at all.

Ash: ...

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