[Red Ash received a prize of 1 million yuan. In addition, a learning machine was obtained. 】

Dr. Ohki: He actually subdued the Kabi Beast, and his strength has reached a higher level.

Ash: You won't lose to Ash in that world. You'll all wait and see. I will definitely take more powerful Pokémon as well.

But the people in the Pokémon world don't believe that Ash can defeat Red Ash

In their opinion, they can stop Red Ash in the Kanto region. There are only four heavenly kings

The boss of Team Rockets. and the sacred beasts of the Kanto region.

This red Ash has the level of such a Pokémon master at such an age. Definitely a surprising thing

I am afraid that many people are not willing to face this fact at this moment.

At this time, the picture of the future of their world began to play. Ash expects that his performance must be better than that of the red Ash.

(After being attacked by the "Dragon Fury" of the Tyrannosaurus, Ash and the others and Team Rocket accidentally landed on Nameless Island, and woke up to find that Pokémon were not around.) )

(Pikachu finds and releases the Little Fire Dragon, Jeni Turtle, and Magic Frog Seeds, and temporarily cooperates with Team Rocket's Meow, Gas Bomb, and Apper Snake.) )

(On the island, they are often attacked by giant robot Pokémon.) It turned out to be a robot paradise. After a series of chaos, Ash reunites with the party and arrives at Lampurchi. )

(Note that this is actually the territory of Team Rocket's boss, but unfortunately, with the cooperation of Team Rocket's trio and Ash, it's over.) )

Kojiro: ...

Musashi: ......

The boss of Team Rocket Sakaki felt that he was really strong-willed, so he was not angry to death

(After Ash and others accidentally crashed Grandpa Liu's yacht, they began to work for him to compensate for the damage, and competed with Granny Kim at a neighboring restaurant.) )

(At Dr. Ohki's suggestion, they organized a Pokémon beauty contest, and Hanako won.) )

Hanako: This....

(Team Rocket tried to sabotage, but failed, and Granny Kim suffered.) )

(Grandpa Liu begins his journey, and Ash continues his spiritual journey.) )

Grandpa Liu: Did Mother-in-law Jin see it, and the final winner was me.

Mother-in-law Kim: Hmph!

(After Ash misses the ship, he rescues the injured Mohaima and the people who fell into the water, and learns that Granny Kim has destroyed the habitat of the onyx jellyfish, causing the wrath of the stinger jellyfish.) )

(Team Rocket breaks into catastrophe, causing the Stinger Jellyfish to evolve and dislike humanity.) )

(Pikachu's attempts to persuade him failed, but Kasumi succeeded in convincing the jellyfish to return to the sea and take in Mohaima.) )

Dama Lanchi: Mother-in-law Kim, we need to talk.

Mother-in-law Jin: No, no, I'll change it, I'll change it.

Xiaoxia: It seems that in the trio, adversity depends on me.

Ash: ...

(Ash and others participate in the Summer Temple Festival in Jungfraujo, Team Rocket steals, and a mysterious beauty attracts Kotsuya and Kojiro.) )

(An old divination woman warns them to stay away from beautiful women or there will be disaster.) )

(Both later disappeared.) Ash and Team Rocket search for them and discover that the "beautiful ghost" and "soothsayer" are actually ghost transformations. )

(The crowd tried to fight it, but to little effect.) Eventually, the ghosts disappear at sunrise. )

(The crowd continued to celebrate the temple fair.) )

Ash: Is Ghost so strong????

Kikuko: I became one of the four kings of the Kanto region by relying on ghost Pokémon, do you say that ghost Pokémon are not strong?

Fleur: I became one of the four heavenly kings of the Feng Yuan region by relying on ghost Pokémon, do you say that ghost Pokémon are not strong?

Wanlong: I became one of the four heavenly kings of the United Region by relying on ghost Pokémon, do you say that ghost Pokémon are not strong?

Acerola: I became one of the four kings of the Alora region by relying on ghost Pokémon, do you say that ghost Pokémon are not strong?

Xiao Zhi and many trainers were shocked at this moment.

Ash: Why did I confiscate the ghosts???

Xiaoxia: Is there a possibility that you can't accept it.

Ash: ...

(On the way to Golden City, Ash and the others see a spawning butterfly on a cliff, and Ash's butterfly likes a pink butterfly but is rejected.) )

(The Rockets captured many butterflies, including the pink ones.) )

(Butterfly heroically rescues his companions and defeats Team Rocket, winning the heart of pink Butterfly.) Finally, Bada Butterfly said goodbye to Ash and flew across the ocean to lay eggs. )

Ash: ...

I didn't take any powerful Pokémon.

On the contrary, Ba Da Butterfly also weighed on the color and ran away.

At this moment, Ash wanted to cry without tears.

(Ash was ambushed by Team Rocket to challenge the Golden City Dojo and was rescued by the mysterious girl Nazi.) Nazi is the owner of the Dojo Hall, defeating Pikachu with the evolved Yongkira and trapping them as toys. )

Kazuki: That's awesome

Gadria: Is Nazi? I want to compare with you.

Nazi: Hmm.

(A mysterious man tells Ash that he must take in Ghost Pokémon in Ziyuan Town to defeat Nazi, and Ash decides to go.) )

(Ash searches for ghost Pokémon in order to face Nazi into the Pokémon Tower in Aster Town.) The tower is full of spooky phenomena, and Ash encounters funny ghosts, ghost stones, and geng ghosts. They have no malice, they just want their playmates to spend their loneliness. After learning their true intentions, Ash decided not to capture them. However, Ghost Stone is willing to follow Ash to challenge Nazi,)

Ash: Everyone, I'm going to start beating Nazi.

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