Ash was full of joy, hoping that everyone could see his performance comparable to Chiye.

(Ash and the new Pokémon Ghost Stone return to the Golden Zodiac to challenge Nazi.) )

(At the beginning of the game, Ghost Stone disappears, the other Pokémon are afraid to play, and Ash tries to escape but Xiaoxia and Xiaogang are turned into dolls by Nazi.) )

Xiaoxia: That's it?

Xiao Gang: That's it?

Ash: This....

(A mysterious man saves Ash, revealing that it is Nazi's father.) Nazi becomes cold due to her superpowers and has another personality. )

(Ash searches for Ghost Stone for help in order to save his partner, but Ghost Stone's attitude is unknown.) )

Kikuko: Ghost Pokémon are not something that ordinary trainers can subdue and master.

Fleur: But sometimes, as long as you have a childlike heart and are not afraid of them, they will also be close to you.

Wanlong: You can try writing novels, maybe Ghost Si is your book fan.

Acerola: You can also try archaeology, there are more archaeology, and ghost Pokémon are naturally close.

Ash: ...

(Ash fights Nazi again, and Ghost Stone disappears.) Pikachu fights bravely, but does not work well against Nazi's Yongkira. )

(At the critical moment, Ghost Stone appears to tease Nazi, causing her to be unable to command Yongkira.) )

(Ash wins, the partner who was turned into a doll returns to normal, Ash gets the gold badge, and Ghost Stone stays behind in the Golden Zodiac Hall to accompany Nazi.) )

Xiao Mao: Ash, do you rely on strength? Say it again yourself.

Ash: ...

Even if he himself thinks that he can get the badge, most of it depends on luck

(Ash continues on his way, taking in the hot monkey on the way.) )

Ash was disappointed

You know, the red ash on the opposite side, take the Kabi beast,

Who is the hot monkey or the kabi beast, which has more potential, children know ah.

(Ash and the others arrive in Yuhong City.) Xiaoxia and Xiaogang want to buy perfume, but Ash criticizes the uselessness of perfume, angers Lijia, the manager of the perfume store, and is kicked out. )

(Ash goes to the Yuhong Dojo to challenge him, but is rejected for criticizing perfume.) Team Rocket's perfume tasting was also chased. )

(Ash disguises herself as a girl to enter the dojo, but is recognized by Pikachu.) Lijia, the owner of the Dojo Hall, fights against Ash, and each side wins or loses. )

(Lijia stinks the flowers, and Ash can't beat its stench.) )

(Team Rocket stole perfume and set it on fire.) Ash rescues Lijia's stinky flower trapped in the fire and receives the Rainbow Badge. )

(Lijia reveals that the perfume stolen by Team Rocket is actually stinky flower extract.) )

Dr. Ohki: Ash, you....

Hanako: Ash, you....

Ash: ...

What is your future self???

I got two badges in quick succession.

But why do you feel that none of them are obtained by their own strength????

At this moment, the video on the red ash's side began

The people of the Pokémon world are concentrated

Looking at Ash's future, it seems that ordinary young men have grown up in history

But looking at Red Ash is like looking at Shuangwen

[The other side. Red Ash already. Got 1 million yuan and learning machines. And Xiaoxia happily hit the road. 】

[While on the road, the sky suddenly darkened, and the downpour poured down like a broken bag of pearls. 】

[The rain splashed the tips of their hair, and they rushed forward, hoping to find a place to shelter from the rain.] 】

[Footsteps sounded rapidly in the rain, and they soon arrived at a small town called "Ziyuan". 】

[In this wet environment, Red Ash and Xiaoxia are slightly confused, they are not sure where they are. 】

They tried to find answers from the passers-by who walked, but everyone who passed by carried an umbrella and had a cold expression on their faces, as if the air of this town was filled with a sense of distance. 】

"People here are always wary of outsiders. A voice sounded from behind them, making their hearts jump. 】

The two turned around and saw an old man wearing an old felt hat and a wrinkled face carved into it. 】

[The old man looked down slightly, his eyes looked through the raindrops and said, "Didn't you pay attention? This whole town is full of quiet graves. "】

[Due to the rain, Ash and Xiaoxia had not noticed it before, but now that they looked closely, they noticed that the white buildings and the shape of the cross around them showed a quiet and sacred atmosphere. 】

The old man continued: "Every piece of land here is buried with the memories of a Pokémon, so this town is regarded as the final resting place of Pokémon. "】

[His eyes revealed a deep emotion, and he looked at the red Ash and Xiaoxia again: "I guess, you are also Pokémon-loving trainers, right? "】

[The two looked at each other and smiled, nodded,].

"For children who have a passion and love Pokémon, I always have a special affection. The old man Fuji said with a smile, a warm glint in his eyes. Come to my house for a cup of hot tea. "】

They followed the old man's steps and soon came to a quaintly furnished room. 】

[It was the home of the old man Fuji, surrounded by Pokémon-related ornaments and photos, each of which revealed the deep emotions between the old man and Pokémon. 】

[When Old Man Fuji makes tea for Red Ash and Kasumi, he begins to slowly tell the history of this town, which is said to have been the place where Pokémon revenants were housed a long time ago. 】

He paused, the teapot in his hand steaming hot, contrasting with the cold wind outside the window. 】

He then pointed to the ancient tower outside the window, and the light shone through the glass window, making it even more ancient and sacred.] "This town was built to soothe Pokémon souls, you see, that is the Pokémon's Spirit Bone Tower." 】

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