Elf Cultivation System

Chapter 550: Royal Sister is the King

One month later.

Sunny and good weather.

Autumn has entered, the heat of summer is almost gone, and the air is filled with coolness. The difference between summer and autumn in the south is not that obvious, and the trees will not turn yellow, but it will just become cooler.

The probability of meeting Heracross will also become very low.

In fact, summer is the time when the probability of encountering insect elves is lowest. This is true whether it is Heracross, Kairos, green caterpillars, or spiny tail worms. After summer, insect elves are rarely seen.

It seems that summer can make insect elves become more aggressive. Ripe fruits make insect elves appear in conspicuous places. Summer is also the time when resin is most delicious. After spending the summer, many elves who still have the potential to grow will begin to convert the energy absorbed throughout the summer into their own strength.

That's what Mr. Liu's carapace cocoon is like.

In just such a month, Mr. Liu could hardly get along with the carapace cocoon.

Carapace Cocoon is almost always with Xiaoxue.

Xiaoxue really liked Carapace, and even though Du Ming had a very high affinity, she couldn't get Xiaoxue to look at him more. Du Ming could only accept his fate and found that he might not be able to attract Loli's attention that much.

It's so painful.

Lolicon has no future at all!

Only Yujie control is the kingly way!

Du Ming looked at Sirona aside and thought to himself.

In this month, Du Ming and Sirona's relationship has also made a lot of progress. At least kissing on the lips or something like that can be easily accepted by both parties. Du Ming and Sirona seemed to have their own concerns, and neither had a more in-depth communication.

It just stopped at the point of kissing the little mouth.

Sometimes Mr. Liu gets anxious, but after all, Mr. Liu has no position to interfere.

"If I didn't pay attention, I would have thought it was the love of our time."

Mr. Liu complained secretly.

This progress is too slow!

I still want to hold my great-grandson!

Invisibly, Mr. Liu regarded Du Ming as his junior, very sincerely.

I have to say that the older generation’s vision is really sophisticated.

This is true whether it is Mr. Liu or Mr. Du.

Du Yue knew from the beginning that Du Ming's qualifications as a trainer were not high and could not compare with those real geniuses. Du Ming's so-called advantage of time travel is nothing in front of a 4-star trainer. After all, many elves' information is not secret, and is even more detailed.

Memorizing it is also a basic skill.

There are also flaws in aspects such as reaction speed.

That's why Du Yue planned to let Du Ming become a researcher.

Without the emergence of the system, Du Ming would have become a trainer by force, and he would probably be a passerby now.

The same is true for Mr. Liu.

He could easily see Du Ming's problem.

Mr. Liu's main battle elves, those elves who have experienced hundreds of battles, are each Du Ming's mentor. Du Ming does not have many secrets in front of them. Every battle is based on Du Ming's fighting style and details. Correction.

Du Ming's progress was too fast.

Even Mr. Liu was shocked.

After a month, Mr. Liu even believed that Du Ming had truly become an 8-star trainer.

An 8-star trainer who has just been a trainer for one year?


Mr. Liu didn't really believe it either, and just suggested that Du Ming go to Elf Island to take the assessment.

Du Ming said that he was not in a hurry.

The road ahead is long.

He just wants to go at his own pace.

Besides, there will be a city-level grand competition in the city ten days later, and Du Ming doesn't want to miss it. For Du Ming, the national trainer competition is no longer interesting. The continental competition is still a long time away. Du Ming does not want to compete with Sirona on the same stage. As Sirona's boyfriend, even if Du Ming has the strength to defeat It is impossible for Sirona to prove herself to Sirona in such an important competition.

That would be stupid.

After all, there can only be one champion.

Du Ming's goal is also to win the championship, which conflicts with Sirona, and it is impossible to participate in the same competition.

Du Ming's goal is to compete in the Americas in a few years, an intercontinental competition whose reputation, expectations, and scale are no less than those of the Asian competition. Before that, Du Ming wanted to invest his time and energy in the gorgeous competition to gain more experience for himself.

You can also make up for your own elf appropriately.

Compared to the trainer competition.

Glam contests don't hurt.

More relaxed.

It’s also more entertaining.

Du Ming's elf just works too hard and doesn't know how to entertain. Du Ming didn't want their lives to be filled with memories of battles and killings.

It would naturally be better if it could be richer.

Therefore, the gorgeous contest is the best choice.

As long as you get badges in three municipal competitions, you can participate in the provincial competition. As long as you finish in the top three, you will naturally be qualified to participate in the national competition. Winning the top three and the continental competition is not a dream.

Very clear promotion path.

Well, there's another reason, and that's reputation value.

You can also get so much reputation points, why not choose a more novel way to get them?

Du Ming hoped to expand himself.

For example, Mi Keli is much more famous than Dawu.

A strong trainer may not necessarily be an excellent coordinator, but an excellent coordinator must be a powerful trainer!

There is no doubt about it.

Thinking about this, Du Ming looked under the umbrella.

Xiaoxue is holding the carapace cocoon. The monotonous appearance and single movements of the carapace cocoon make Xiaoxue unable to put it down.

Carapace Cocoon is also very attached to Xiaoxue, even closer than Mr. Liu. If it weren't for the elf ball in his hand, and Carapace was not bad to him, Mr. Liu would have suspected that Carapace was going to leave with Xiaoxue.

Mr. Liu is so old, he doesn't want more green on his head.

That would be too painful.

Carapace cocoon (purple): lv10

Very strange.

"A month ago, the level of the carapace cocoon was quickly raised from lv7 to lv9 under the influence of some magical power. But a month later, it only increased by 1 level. What's even stranger is that every day I You can all feel that the aura of the carapace cocoon has improved slightly and seems to have become stronger. The qualifications and levels have not changed, so how can the aura become stronger?"

Du Ming really couldn't understand.

The only explanation is Xiaoxue.

Xiaoxue is very mysterious. No matter how large and elite the search and rescue team is, they can't find Xiaoxue's mother, and they can't even find Xiaoxue's address. Originally, Sirona wanted to invest more energy in investigating, but Sirona really didn't want to believe it. Could it be that Xiaoxue's memories were all false?

Du Ming stopped her.

There is no need to know more, as long as Xiaoxue is Xiaoxue, that's fine.

Even if——

Xiaoxue is actually an elf.

Du Ming did not tell Sirona the real situation. He was able to determine Xiaoxue's elf identity based on the system's prompt tone. There was no evidence at all. This month, Du Ming still got along with Xiaoxue normally, nothing unusual.

What about elves?

Compared to the intrigues of humans, aren’t elves cuter?

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