Elf Cultivation System

Chapter 551 Evolution, hunting swallowtail butterflies!

Chapter 85

Sometimes, things develop beyond expectations.

Such as now.

Xiaoxue and Carapace Cocoon were playing around.

In fact, the carapace cocoon can perform very few actions.

Basically it can only spin silk.

Xiaoxue's cute face was covered with white threads, but the carapace cocoon didn't want to bother Xiaoxue after all, it was just so easy to pull apart. The gentleness of Carapace Cocoon also made Xiaoxue like her even more.

Carapace Cocoon was finally no longer content to be quiet in Xiaoxue's arms.

She wanted to move.

I want to have richer interactions with Xiaoxue.

Carapace Cocoon finally felt something was different, and there was consciousness underneath the body made of silk threads. As an elf, Carapace Cocoon is just a "cocoon", but the silk threads are also part of Carapace Cocoon's body.


Now, the feeling as if the shell does not belong to him makes the carapace cocoon feel strange and at the same time surprised.


White light spreads out from the body of the carapace cocoon.

This is the most obvious feature of elf evolution.


Du Ming was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

He suddenly remembered that the conditions for the evolution of the carapace cocoon were also at level 10. Regarding the concept of level, Du Ming learned more about it from games. There was no concept of level in reality. It has been too long since I have conquered new elves, and I have not come into contact with too many elves that have not yet evolved. I have almost forgotten the memory of the evolutionary levels of elves in my mind.

Du Ming looked at the scene in front of him.

The light flickers.

Mr. Liu did not leave the courtyard today, so Mr. Liu quickly discovered the abnormality of the carapace cocoon. The white light flashing on the carapace cocoon made Mr. Liu look excited on his face. Having known Mr. Liu for so long, Du Ming rarely saw Mr. Liu so excited.

Of course.

His own elf is about to evolve, which trainer can remain calm?

absolutely not.

Du Ming was the same.

He could understand Mr. Liu's mood.

Evolution is actually a very fast thing, but the elf's accumulation finally triggered the power hidden in the blood, and even the form changed, becoming stronger. Soon, the white light disappeared completely.

Instead, there was an extremely beautiful colorful butterfly.

Hunting swallowtail butterfly (purple): lv10

Although the level of this hunting swallowtail butterfly is only level 10, and it is only at the bottom of the elven ecological chain, no one can deny that the hunting swallowtail butterfly has a powerful potential that is enough to shock anyone.

The qualification is purple!

In the theory of evolution of qualifications, purple is theoretically the highest.

As for higher qualifications?

Almost impossible to achieve.

Even though the Staff Tail Scale Armored Dragon and the Biting Land Shark are said to be very close to the mythical beasts, as long as they have not truly reached the level of legend, there will always be an indelible and huge gap between them and the mythical beasts.


The hunting swallowtail butterfly flies happily in the air, and the silver light falls from the sky.

As beautiful as a galaxy.


Mr. Liu showed a happy face, stroking his beard and smiling happily.

As long as he continues to cultivate the hunting swallowtail butterfly, Mr. Liu will naturally get a powerful helper.

How could Mr. Liu be unhappy?


The hunting swallowtail butterflies surround Xiaoxue, looking very friendly.

Xiaoxue looked at the hunting swallowtail butterfly, with a hint of relief in her big eyes, but there was also sadness in it.

The carapace cocoon has finally evolved into the hunting swallowtail butterfly. The original agreement between Xiaoxue and Du Ming was just to evolve into the carapace cocoon. Now that the evolution is complete, Xiaoxue has no reason to stay in the Du family courtyard.

The beautiful flowers and plants outside will have nothing to do with her.

It is estimated that I will not be able to enter this small courtyard in the future.

It's obvious that I am so happy here.

After Xiaoxue had fun with Hunting Papilio, she asked Hunting Papilio to find her real master, Mr. Liu. Seeing the elf he had high hopes for walking towards him, he smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed. Xiaoxue looked at Du Ming, waiting for Du Ming's decision.

Du Ming slowly walked towards Xiaoxue.

But he just touched Xiaoxue's head and walked straight towards Mr. Liu.

Xiaoxue was a little stunned.

Du Ming turned around and smiled at Xiaoxue.

Xiaoxue's origins were unknown, and he didn't even know where Xiaoxue's address was. How could Du Ming push Xiaoxue away?


Du Ming knew that Xiaoxue was actually an elf, otherwise the system would not prompt like that. Although it is unbelievable, Latias can transform into Xiaoya's maid uniform, a powerful elf, and even the legendary elf transform into Xiaoyue, what's so strange about it?

After experiencing many things, Du Ming's acceptance ability has also improved a lot.

Since Xiaoxue's status is special, she can no longer leave it to the Elf Alliance. Du Ming decided to take Xiaoxue with him first. After all, Xiaoxue found him first. The one who should be responsible must be Du Ming who knew Xiaoxue's true identity.

If it were left to Mr. Liu, he didn't know what would happen without knowing it.

Du Ming felt that he was still very gentle.

"Congratulations to Mr. Liu, we have another battle elf with unlimited potential. As long as he is properly trained, the future of hunting swallowtail butterflies is limitless."

Looking at Mr. Liu who was in high spirits, Du Ming smiled.

"Haha, you kid can talk!"

Mr. Liu laughed.

The hunting swallowtail butterflies were flying around Mr. Liu. Although they were only level 10, their speed was not slow at all, and the color of their wings was impeccable. The more he watched the hunting of swallowtail butterflies, the more Mr. Liu liked it.

Very happy.

Du Ming smiled.

Of course you have to be able to speak. If you can't speak, you won't get the badge.

Well, it's time to get started.

"Mr. Liu."

Du Ming's expression suddenly became solemn.

Mr. Liu looked at Du Ming, narrowed his eyes slightly, patted Du Ming's shoulder and said, "Are you really so anxious?"


Du Ming nodded, "The badge of Guangnan Gym is very important to me. It would be best if I can get it quickly. So - I will officially challenge Guangnan Gym as a challenger!"

Really loud.

Mr. Liu took a breath.

"Then I can only accept the challenge."

Mr. Liu said seriously: "I will respond to your challenge with world-class gym battle standards, which is also a respect for you. But since you challenge me, then I will naturally go all out. Even if it is the same elf, When commanded by different trainers, the effects are completely different. I believe you already have enough understanding."

After speaking, Mr. Liu looked at Xiaoxue.

Du Ming also cast his gaze over.

"Xiaoxue, you will be the referee."

"The referee's job is up to you."

Mr. Liu and Du Ming said at the same time.

They all thought of going together.

The main reason is that Sirona is not present today. After all, Sirona has to prepare for the Asian competition and cannot practice with Du Ming every day. The most important thing is that after practicing more often, the effect has also decreased. By the end, they are almost familiar with each other, so Sirona simply prepared for the battle with all her strength.

Therefore, the referee has only one choice.

Xiaoxue looked at Du Ming and Mr. Liu, confused.

What, what's going on?

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