Elf Cultivation System

Chapter 552 Quick decision

"Just being a referee."

Du Ming explained: "I will have an elf battle with Mr. Liu later. You only need to be the referee to announce the winner. After all, it is a very formal battle and there must be a referee. As for whether it is professional or not Yes, you don’t have to worry about it so much. Basically, you just need to announce that ‘the elf has fallen’, ‘replace the elf’, and ‘the winner is the loser’. It’s very simple.”

The so-called simplicity is actually based on the fact that the trainers on both sides have not violated any rules. Those professional referees are actually there to deal with emergencies. After all, the world of trainers may not be free of violations.

There are even some violations that the referees and cameras cannot see at all.

For example, some drugs from the dark camp.

Another example is Du Ming's lucky fruit.

However, Du Ming and Mr. Liu were both trainers with real professional ethics. As long as it was a formal battle, they would not commit any violations. The burden on Xiaoxue is not big. Even a 10-year-old girl is fully capable of doing the job.

"For a 10-year-old girl, Xiaoxue is actually considered precocious, but she cannot reach the bottom line of traveling at all. It is indeed too dangerous. As for the original setting of traveling at the age of 10, it really cannot withstand scrutiny."

Du Ming thought to himself.

Immediately, he looked at Xiaoxue, waiting for Xiaoxue's response.

If Xiaoxue refuses, she can only wait for Sirona to come back.

"Can I really do this?"

Xiaoxue hesitated.

"Of course, you have to believe in yourself."

Du Ming pinched Xiaoxue's cheek and said dotingly.

After learning that Xiaoxue was actually an elf, Du Ming's attitude even changed for the better. This was a subconscious change in attitude that even Du Ming himself didn't notice. Probably because of his love for the house and the bird, Du Ming cherished his main battle elf very much, so he couldn't be cruel to most of the elves.

Even if it was Dr. Ouyang's Hu Di, Du Ming told Xu Zijun to arrange it well.

Of course, Hu Di's power is already very powerful, and he cannot release him at will. He must serve the alliance. If Hu Di is released, Dr. Ouyang is likely to be rescued in the end. If you draw a big pie for Hu Di and make Hu Di think there is a chance to rescue Dr. Ouyang, then he will be more willing to contribute.

There are many similar examples in the Elf Alliance.

After all, the relationship between elves and trainers is almost indelible. If it can reduce some troubles and disasters, there is nothing wrong with using some methods, such as using the feelings between elves and criminal trainers. The Elf Alliance is a veteran in this area, and Du Ming has nothing against it. It would have been the same for Du Ming.

Otherwise, the damage an elf who has reached the level of a heavenly king can cause is completely beyond anyone's imagination. If there are no restrictions, it is normal for a king-level elf to destroy a small town. Only the city has enough power to resist the destruction of the king-level elves in time. In particular, the attack methods of superpower elves are very strange, and the difficulty is soaring.

Now that Hu Di often performs tasks, he has found another way to survive and will not feel empty.

That's too far.

Xiaoxue held the palm that was holding Du Ming's face and nodded heavily.

Du Ming had been taking good care of her this month and had delicious food every day. Xiaoxue must be lying if she said she wasn't impressed. Especially since Du Ming didn't let her leave just now, Xiaoxue was really stunned at that moment.

Du Ming really loved her.

In this case, Xiaoxue would not refuse as long as it was something Du Ming asked.

"Yes, I can do it!" Xiaoxue nodded: "Xiaoxue has also watched a lot of videos of elf battles recently. The referee's job is not difficult, Xiaoxue should be able to do it."

"That's good."

Du Ming nodded, looked at Mr. Liu, and said, "Let's have a gym battle outside and record the video in case I get the badge but don't have enough credibility."

"You kid, do you really think you can win?"

Mr. Liu laughed dumbly, "Soon you will know the gap between the older generation and the younger generation. Many things cannot be made up for by special abilities. If there is not enough foundation, no matter how strong the power is, it will not be useful." The place of martial arts.”

"You have to fight to know that!"

Du Ming smiled slightly and took out 3 elf balls.

There was a flash of light in his eyes.

Exactly, future perspective.

Next, Mr. Liu will announce the spirits he will play as the gym leader. Du Ming will naturally be able to quickly choose a lineup based on the scenes in the future vision. Du Ming knew nothing about Mr. Liu's lineup, so he naturally had to be cautious.

Besides, in such an important battle, we have future vision but don’t use it?

That's not Du Ming's character.

"Guangnan Gym is a gym that specializes in steel. For example, Liu Wenxu's Lucario is a powerful spirit of steel + fighting. However, this battle is obviously not a formal gym battle, and Mr. Liu is the previous one. Gym leader, when Mr. Liu was the gym leader, he was not as particular as he is now. Therefore, Mr. Liu's battle elves were not all steel-type at all. Because of this, I was so profitable this time using Future Sight. "

Make a lot of money.

A future vision revealed Mr. Liu's lineup, allowing him to target him.

Du Ming's chances of winning have been greatly improved.

He was full of confidence at the moment.

Du Ming didn't show any pretense and directly announced his elf lineup.

"My battle elves are: Kirby, Elledor, and Crystal Lamp."

Kirby must play. Even if Mr. Liu's lineup is composed of steel and fighting types, Du Ming still wants Kirby to play. As Du Ming's ace elf, a purple-qualified elf that is tending to mature, Kirby does possess the powerful power to reverse attributes.

As for Elle Duo and Crystal Lamp Fire Spirit, they are both targeted and powerful choices.

Crystal Lamp Fire Spirit's flame ability is highly developed, and Elledor also has a super-evolved form.

They were almost the second echelon in Du Ming's team.


Mr. Liu raised his eyebrows and looked at Du Ming in surprise.

Du Ming's lineup made Mr. Liu feel strange.

It always felt like Du Ming had read his heart.

Although Mr. Liu was a little uncomfortable being directly put into some disadvantages, he could only bear the loss.

Secretly sighing, Du Ming is not a simple guy.

"My battle elves," Mr. Liu said, pointing to the three elf balls in the tray in front of him: "They are: Lucario, Mahuola, and Stinging Jellyfish. Well, you were almost perfectly restrained and targeted. You The boy is indeed as rumored, and his prediction ability is among the best."

Mr. Liu's praise was not false at all.

Du Ming smiled.

How could it not be accurate?

He can directly predict what will happen in the future, and Mr. Liu cannot interfere with time and space. Even if he is the King of Heaven champion, it is impossible not to fall victim to the attack.


Among Mr. Liu's main battle elves, there is one that can also control time and space.

Unfortunately, Mr. Liu did not.

"Please challenger and gym leader release the first battle spirit at the same time!"

Xiaoxue said crisply.

Du Ming's eyes flashed with light.

The battle between real masters ends in a moment.

Du Ming was also ready for a quick victory.

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