Elf Cultivation System

Chapter 553 Snap your fingers!

In a three-on-three battle, the basic attribute restraint relationship is not that complicated. Everyone has been reading this book for so long. Regarding the attribute restraint relationship in this battle, I will not explain it in detail here.

Anyway, it is impossible for Mr. Liu to have a recognized advantage in the attributes of the fighting elves.

Following Xiaoxue's order.

Du Ming and Mr. Liu opened the elf ball at the same time.

Speaking of which, Xiaoxue, as a referee, although she is still very young, her firm eyes and voice are quite presentable, without any sense of drama.

Being a referee for the first time, Xiaoxue was also very nervous.

However, she quickly overcame her nervousness and her mental quality was not bad. Xiaoxue recalled the words and deeds of the referees on the field in her mind, trying her best to imitate the actions of those uncles who were very mature in Xiaoxue's eyes. But she didn't know how high-end the elf battle she was hosting was.

The challenger is the winner of this year's Neon Conference, a talented trainer who has attracted worldwide attention. The gym leader is one of the world-class gyms. The previous gym leader of the Guangnan Gym was an old top trainer who won the championship title decades ago.

If the battle between them is announced in advance, and the battlefield is in the Guangnan Gym, many reporters will come to surround it, and it will even attract some TV stations.

Visible influence.

After all, in today's network, Du Ming represents traffic.

No one is as popular as Du Ming.

"Brother Du and Grandpa Liu's battle elves..."

Xiaoxue glanced over.

Despite her young age, Xiaoxue has a comprehensive reserve of knowledge about elves.

She could spot the two elves in front of her at a glance.

Mahuola, Elureduo.

After going around in his head several times, Xiaoxue finally recalled the restrained relationship between Mahuola and Elureduo. It is true that Mahuola, who is of the ice + evil system, can be immune to any superpower elves in Elureduo through the pure evil energy existing on the body surface. However, the ice + evil system should not be too disadvantaged when facing fighting elves!

4 times more restraint!

Furthermore, because of the attribute combination of Elledo's super power + fighting, evil skills cannot restrain Elledo. After thinking about it, Mahuola's only advantage lies in the ability to target.

Mahuola is an elf specializing in physical attacks, and its special attacks can almost be ignored. However, Alureduo's close defense is a shortcoming, and Mahuola can target it.


Du Ming looked at Mr. Liu and showed a smile.

Sorry, my Alluredo has no shortcomings.

Mr. Liu couldn't help feeling a little helpless when he saw that Du Ming's battle elf was actually Elle Duo. With Liu Lao's strength, he could naturally see at a glance the restrained relationship between the attributes and abilities between Elle Duo and Ma Xunla.

"Du Ming, his ability is really special."

Mr. Liu didn't believe that Du Ming could guess his true thoughts. The relationship between experience and qualifications allowed Mr. Liu to think several steps ahead of Du Ming when fighting.

No matter what, it would be difficult for Du Ming to defeat Mr. Liu tactically. The only possibility is Du Ming's special ability. The bonding power cannot be that magical, it can only be the power of the heart.

The weight of your heart determines the strength of your strength.

How domineering!

If it is really that exaggerated, it would not be surprising no matter how miraculous the power of the heart is.

Mr. Liu didn't know that Du Ming actually had a third special ability...

If he knew, he would probably call him a monster!

Just as Mr. Liu was thinking a lot, he suddenly saw Du Ming's smile. He originally thought that Du Ming was proud of the elf's choice, but Du Ming's actions told Mr. Liu that it was not as simple as he imagined.

Du Ming took out a beautiful transparent gem from his neck.

"Super evolution."

he whispered.

Mr. Liu looked startled, then smiled bitterly.

"I actually forgot about this, I'm getting older."

He was a little emotional.

The restrained relationship between elves is the message engraved in Mr. Liu's soul. As for Du Ming's main battle elf, Mr. Liu may not be able to recall such comprehensive information.

Nothing but joy.

Regarding Super Eluredo, there are actually already research results.

A truly well-rounded elf!

The only flaw is that the energy attack power is too poor, but that's not a flaw at all. Eluredo does not need to use special attack skills. Eluredo is the king of melee combat. After super evolution, it makes up for the physical defense and greatly improves Eluredo's close combat ability.

Coupled with the increase in attack power.

Eluredo was even close to the first echelon of Du Ming's team, and the gap with Kirby was not too big.

I saw a dazzling light appearing on Elle Duo's body. But it's not like the real evolution, which completely covers the elf's body, but a blurry shadow can be seen.

The light faded.

Eluredo's momentum became stronger.

Like a knight in white armor, majestic.


Du Ming ordered: "Close combat!"

He didn't intend to give Mahuola a chance to adapt to Super Eluredo's fighting style.

Alureduo (blue): lv72

Mahuola (blue): lv79

Judging from Mr. Liu's battle spirit, he does not intend to show mercy. Judging from the level of Mahuola, it is almost the mainstream of the king level. You must understand that when Du Ming first met Sirona, Sirona's main battle elves were all at about the same level. Not to mention, it was Mr. Liu who commanded Ma Xuanla.

The threat is even more heightened.

But, sorry.

From the moment he launched the challenge, Du Ming was not prepared for defeat at all.

He has only one goal.

Guangnan Gym Badge!


Alureduo shouted lowly.

The domain spreads out, and everything around it is under Elureduo's induction.

At the same time, Du Ming's heart power and bonding power were also integrated, and through the process of super evolution, he became more closely connected with Elledo.

Super evolution itself has a high degree of compatibility with bond power. Even the combination of bond power and super evolution can completely increase the execution ability of the elf. Nowadays, the power of bonding and the power of heart are integrated to a great extent, and when combined with the super-evolved Elle Duo, the effect is even more explosive.

Du Ming also studied for several days before discovering this technique.

Otherwise it will be difficult to overlap.

"Without the improved execution power after fusion, Elledo would not be able to match Kirbymon's combat power. The super high execution power is really very useful. No wonder bond evolution and bond enhancement are the same level of ability alienation."

Du Ming thought to himself.

while he was thinking.

Elureduo has appeared in front of Mahuola.

Mahuola also has fast movement.

But it's no use.

Elureduo has a complete grasp of Mahuola's dynamics.

Like a shadow.


Ma Xuanla opened her eyes wide and couldn't believe that this elf in front of her, who was obviously much more immature than herself, could actually keep up with her movements and even suppress her.

"Haha, it's really amazing!"

Mr. Liu praised: "But if you think you can easily defeat my Ma Xuan La, you are too naive."

Saying this, Mr. Liu snapped his fingers.


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