Chapter 5: The First Battle of Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

Several trainers have come to challenge the Dragon Gym these days, but just like before, they didn't cause any waves.

Qin Mu has been looking forward to the emergence of a very powerful master who can defeat Charizard, and then he can take out his newly acquired Blue-Eyes White Dragon to fight it, just in time to see the strength of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

However, Qin Mu has not waited for such a person to appear.

However, he has also heard that a new mythical beast is suspected to have been born in Carlos recently.

"I wonder if my Blue-Eyes White Dragon can compete with that mythical beast.……"

This was the first thing that came to Qin Mu's mind when he heard about this.

What he didn't know was that it was his Blue-Eyes White Dragon that was recognized by everyone as the birth of a divine beast...

Until the evening, no one had come to the Dragon Gym. Qin Mu thought that no one would come today and was about to close the gym when a familiar voice came over.

"Director Qin!"

Qin Mu looked closely.

It was Xiaozhi and Serena again!

Qin Mu was a little surprised. He didn't expect Xiaozhi to come to the Dragon Gym so soon.

And the partner next to Xiaozhi, Serena, seemed to be looking at him with admiration. Qin Mu didn't know if it was his illusion.

""Director Qin, I want to challenge the Dragon Gym again! I am very confident that I can defeat your Charizard this time!"

Qin Mu smiled after hearing this. If Xiaozhi can really defeat his Charizard, it would be even better. He will have the opportunity to show off his Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

"Xiaozhi, are you sure? Why don't you go back and train for a few days? I don't think there's such a rush.……"

Since Serena witnessed the power of the Dragon Gym with her own eyes, she has admired Qin Mu from the bottom of her heart. Although Xiaozhi is her good friend, she really can't muster up the confidence to face such a strong opponent.

"Serena, one failure does not mean failure in the future. This time I am really sure I can defeat Charizard! Believe me!"

After hearing what Xiaozhi said, Qin Mu began to admire Xiaozhi. To be honest, Xiaozhi is the best among his peers. Although he is young, his strength should not be underestimated.

"It doesn't matter. If you don't try, how can you know the result?"

Serena saw Qin Mu also speaking for Xiaozhi, so she stopped interrupting and followed them into the ring.

Qin Mu released Charizard, and Xiaozhi also let Pikachu enter the ring and prepared.

""Pikachu, just like we did during special training! Come on!"

Pikachu looked at Charizard with a more determined look after hearing what Xiaozhi said.

The few days of devilish special training in the purple gym had greatly enhanced its strength, and its cooperation with Xiaozhi was even more outstanding. This time, it would definitely be able to defeat the big guy in front of it that was ten times bigger than itself!

""The challenge begins!"

Qin Mu struck the gong, and the battle was about to begin.

This time, Pikachu took the lead and used a super spiral combo to attack Charizard.

Charizard didn't expect that Pikachu would use its small body to hit it right away. Thinking that Pikachu, who was so much smaller than itself, would not cause any harm to it, it just stood there and dodged, intending to use its body to directly block this move.

""Pikachu! It's time!"

As Xiaozhi gave the order, something unexpected happened.

Pikachu, who was about to use the Super Spiral Combo on Charizard, suddenly changed his moves and used Thunderbolt!


Pikachu used all his strength to use his special move to hit Charizard.

Charizard underestimated the enemy and had no time to react. He was hit hard by Pikachu's thunder.

"Pikachu, seize the opportunity and use 100,000 volts! Don't let Charizard have a chance to fight back!"

Seeing that it was a good opportunity, Xiaozhi quickly planned the next step for Pikachu on the ring.

After receiving the order, Pikachu immediately used his second ultimate move, 100,000 volts.

Charizard, who had just been hit by lightning, suffered a second trauma. This time, Charizard was unable to fight back. Smoke came out of his body, his head was blinded by electricity, and he knelt on one knee on the ring.

This scene did not surprise Qin Mu.

Charizard's strength is indeed far superior to Pikachu, but this time Xiaozhi and Pikachu cleverly used tactics to deceive the unprepared Charizard, and thus defeated Charizard.

However, it must be said that in a battle, strength is important, and a suitable combat strategy is also very important. Xiaozhi and Pikachu are indeed a pair of partners with a tacit understanding.

"Come back, Charizard."

Qin Mu threw out the summoning ball and put Charizard into it.

Seeing Charizard being defeated by Pikachu, Qin Mu showed no disappointment but a hint of excitement.

Because he finally had the chance to release his Blue-Eyes White Dragon!

Serena was so surprised that she didn't even blink. She didn't expect Pikachu to actually beat Charizard. Xiaozhi actually did it!

"Serena, did you see that? I told you I could do it this time! I defeated Charizard, so I will definitely succeed this time!"

Xiaozhi was overjoyed! The training in the special training room was specifically for Charizard, so he was very confident that he would win this time!

""Go, Blue-Eyes White Dragon."

Qin Mu threw the summoning ball towards the ring.

A white light flashed, and Xiaozhi and Serena couldn't help but squint their eyes to resist the dazzling light.

"What is this?"

When the light faded, Xiaozhi and Serena were shocked to see what appeared on the stage.

A dragon several times larger than Charizard appeared on the stage. The dragon was surrounded by light, as if it was not a product of the mortal world...

Just looking at its appearance and aura, Xiaozhi and Serena were so surprised that they were speechless...

Now they really believed that what Qin Mu said before that Charizard was the weakest Pokémon in this gym was true.……

"Xiaozhi, congratulations on defeating Charizard. Now Blue-Eyes White Dragon will fight you."

"Blue-Eyes White Dragon……"

Xiaozhi and Serena came back to their senses and repeated Qin Mu's words.

They had never heard of the name Blue-Eyes White Dragon in their lives! They had never seen a dragon-type Pokémon with such a strong aura! They were so oppressed that they didn't even dare to breathe.

"Xiaozhi, look at Pikachu!"

After hearing Serena's exclamation, Xiaozhi looked at Pikachu on the stage.

Pikachu, who had just shown a victorious attitude, now covered his head with his hands, closed his eyes tightly, and trembled slightly. He did not dare to look up at the blue-eyed white dragon in front of him.

This was the first time that Xiaozhi saw Pikachu behave so strangely when facing a Pokémon.

Is this strength suppression...

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