Xiaozhi swallowed the saliva in his mouth that he forgot to swallow because of the shock. This time he really knew that he had no hope of winning.

He could defeat Charizard by luck with Pikachu through strategy, but this Blue-Eyes White Dragon just stood there, using its powerful aura and the energy fluctuations it emitted to suppress Pikachu so that he dared not move at will...

This is the absolute strong man in the world of elves!

Qin Mu was a little surprised by this scene. How could Pikachu be so scared when the Blue-Eyes White Dragon didn't do anything?

Then he understood that in the world of elves, the strong are the kings. The strength of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon is far above that of Pikachu. Pikachu is in such a state because of its strength.

Seeing that his opponent was so cowardly, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon looked disdainful and then let out a dragon roar.

This dragon roar directly shook Pikachu away for a long distance

""How dare you! Don't mess around!"

Qin Mu growled, and the arrogant Blue-Eyes White Dragon immediately became obedient to Qin Mu and stopped moving.

At this time, Pikachu had already run to Xiaozhi's side in fear.

Xiaozhi hugged the trembling Pikachu, and in his heart, he once again surrendered to this man named Qin Mu.

Not only did he say that Charizard was the weakest one in his hands, but he also subdued such a powerful elf that they had never heard of or seen before. This man's strength is simply terrifying!

Not only that, this Blue-Eyes White Dragon with such terrifying strength was very obedient in front of Qin Mu. You know, the stronger the elf, the stronger the rebellious psychology. Even if you have conquered it with great difficulty, you have to spend a lot of effort to tame the elf. If the master's strength is lower than the elf, the elf is very likely to backfire!

So judging from the attitude of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon towards Qin Mu, you can know that Qin Mu's strength is far beyond their expectations!

"Director Qin, I give up the challenge.

Xiaozhi said with regret. Pikachu's condition was no longer suitable for fighting. Although he had other Pokémon, Pikachu was the strongest one among them. Even Pikachu was like this when he saw this Blue-Eyes White Dragon, let alone other Pokémon.

Qin Mu nodded. The gap in strength between the two sides was indeed too big, and there was no point in fighting.

"Serena, you are right, coming to the Dragon Gym to challenge is indeed not a good choice.……"

Xiaozhi turned around and wanted to talk to Serena, but he saw Serena staring at Qin Mu with a nymphomaniac look on her face, which scared Xiaozhi.

"Being able to capture such a powerful Pokémon and open such a powerful Dragon-type gym, Director Qin is really amazing!"

It was the first time that Xiaozhi saw Serena like this. As a partner, they had seen many storms and waves, and Serena had never admired someone like she did now.

"Serena, we should go.……"

Before Xiaozhi finished speaking, he saw Serena walking straight in front of Qin Mu.

"Director Qin... May I ask how old you are this year? Do you have... a girlfriend, a fiancée, or something like that?……"

Serena's face was red at the moment. She had already regarded Qin Mu as her idol.

Qin Mu smiled awkwardly. Serena looked no more than fifteen or sixteen years old. Although she was well developed, had a pair of long legs, and had an excellent appearance, he was not very experienced in dealing with such a situation.

"Well, I'm twenty, so I'm not in a hurry to get a girlfriend.……"

Serena's eyes lit up when she heard this, and her face turned redder. Her rosy face was very cute. She was about to say something, but Xiaozhi caught up with her and pulled her away.

"Serena! We should go now!"

Xiaozhi pulled Serena out angrily.

"Well, Director Qin, we will come again……"

Before being dragged away by Xiaozhi, Serena glanced at Qin Mu reluctantly.

After opening this dragon gym, Qin Mu also gained several fans, but none of them were as pretty as Serena. It was rare for a 15 or 16-year-old girl to have such a well-developed figure.……

"Come back, Blue-Eyes White Dragon."

Qin Mu took the Blue-Eyes White Dragon back into the summoning ball. He didn't expect that he would have the chance to summon the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, but he would not have the chance to see the Blue-Eyes White Dragon show its strength... What

Qin Mu didn't know was that at the moment when the Blue-Eyes White Dragon was released again, the four major forces in Carlos detected this energy fluctuation at the same time...

The Elf Alliance Headquarters

""Alliance leader! We've detected it! It's under the jurisdiction of the head of the Eastern District Three!"

The head of the Survey Department rushed to the leader's office, and the urgency of the matter made him forget the etiquette of knocking on the door.

"What is the specific location?"

The leader showed a hint of joy on his face, but was soon replaced by a serious expression.

"The specific location has not been locked yet, but the range is in the eastern part of District 3!"

"Let the mayor of District 3 take immediate action!"


The leader's expression was very serious. He knew that the other major forces must have detected the energy fluctuation just now, and they also took action immediately like him.

The Elf Alliance must get this beast!

""Miss Lilyko, gather all the district heads in the eastern region."

The leader instructed Lilyko, the secretary beside him.

Lilyko did it immediately.

After Lilyko left, the leader took off the sunglasses he had been wearing. Under the sunglasses, there was a black hole in the leader's left eye!

When he was young, he fought with a mythical beast, but was defeated miserably. Fortunately, he saved his life, but lost his left eye.

Now he is no longer the boy he was back then. Now he owns the entire Pokémon Alliance. Not to mention one mythical beast, he is confident that he can take down two mythical beasts!

In order to prevent the mythical beast from escaping during their capture, he specifically instructed Miss Lilyko to gather the district heads of the eastern region. He wanted to make sure that the mythical beast had nowhere to escape!

For a while, the town of Longxu in the east of Carlos became lively. Longxu Town was originally the place with the most wild dragon-type Pokémons. Many trainers who wanted to own dragon-type Pokémons came here in droves. Come here to capture.

But the dragon elves rioted half a year ago, causing the wild dragon elves here to almost disappear, so fewer and fewer people came, and Longxu Town gradually became deserted.

But today, there are suddenly many strangers in Longxu Town. These people are exquisitely dressed, and they are accompanied by powerful elves. They are not ordinary people at first glance.

And there are four groups of people dressed differently. Although they are dressed differently, the expressions on their faces are very different. It seems that they all came for the same thing.

Soon someone recognized that these"uninvited guests" in Longxu Town were actually people from the Elf Alliance, the Seven Colors Gym Group, the Night Sea Group and the Dark Hunting Group. The people known as the"Four Major Forces" of Carlos actually appeared here together. The strange scene in Longxu Town instantly attracted the attention of many media, and more people rushed to Longxu Town...

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