"Elf: Little Phantom

Attributes: Ghost

Gender: Level: ♀



Elf: Dark Blue

Attribute: Water

Gender: Level: ♀



"Well, Jing'er has been upgraded one level again, not bad!(*๓ ́╰╯'๓)" ♡

"You'er is still a little close, and the level can reach the primary peak!"

Looking at the information in front of him, Sun Ye touched his chin and thought.

Although Sun Ye has not trained You'er and Jing'er in the past few days.

But he provided one cocoa fruit every day for the two little ones.

If you have money, you still have to have what you should have.

Because of this, Sun Ye's newly rich pockets gradually suffocated.

Looking at the points underneath the system, well, there's still 2w.

Turning off the system, Sun Ye is also planning to go to bed early today, and school will start tomorrow.

Because he is a prospective junior in high school, Sun Ye has to start school half a month early.

He also plans to apply to his homeroom teacher for "early graduation" tomorrow.

That is to say, as long as he comes back to get his graduation certificate before the college entrance examination or his parents, the rest of the time is at his disposal.

first put You'er and Jing'er beside him, covered them with a thin blanket, and then lay down comfortably on the bed and slept peacefully.


!" "It's time to get up!"

> o<"

Under the crisp shout of the pudding again, Sun Ye and You'er, the two main pets, became confused.

And Jing'er on the side had already gotten up early and started self-training.

"Really, Pudding screams so loudly every time!" Sun

Ye stood in front of the washstand, brushing his teeth with a toothbrush in one hand, and picking his ears with his little finger with the other, as if he was really deafened by Pudding, and complained.


"You'er also thinks so!" "

In front of the sisters and the master, the little guy quickly abandoned his sisterhood and sat on Sun Ye's shoulder, brushing his teeth the same, frowning, and echoing.


"What are you talking about?" Pudding

outside the room was busy with something, but when he heard his little master and sister muttering something, he stuck his head out and leaned inside, wondering what they were talking about.

"Hey, nothing, nothing.


!" "Yes, it's nothing!"


Pudding's poking head, Sun Ye also quickly rinsed his mouth, stretched out his two hands, swayed, and said vaguely.

You'er also kept nodding, indicating that there was really nothing.


!" "Really, I feel like you guys were talking about something bad just now!"


nodded a little uncertainly when he saw the appearance of his little master and his good sister, as if he believed it, but his big eyes were still staring at Sun Ye tightly.

My instincts told her that they were talking about themselves just now, and it was not a good kind.

"You've thought too much. Feeling

the pudding's staring at his gaze, Sun Ye turned his head a little weakly, touched his head and said.


"cloth... Sister Ding, you... Sure...... It felt wrong. "

You'er here is also lying for the first time for her master.

But it may be the first time, and I stumbled a little when I spoke.


!" "Yes!"

Seeing such a weak heart, the two of them couldn't help but smile, and in the end they didn't say anything, and then retreated, busy with their own business.

In fact, Pudding also has a general understanding, which is nothing more than complaining about himself.

Just now, I just saw my little master's weak heart, I felt very cute, and I couldn't help but want to tease him

! The black pudding woke up!

Seeing the pudding walking out, Sun Ye and You'er also couldn't help but glance at each other, and then laughed happily.

Looks like everyone (the elves) are having fun.

Sun Ye also quickly solved his breakfast, first put Jing'er and You'er into the gollum ball, and then put the gollum ball into his elf belt.

Because the school has a rule, the elves can only be released if they have the approval of the battle class or the teacher.

This rule is also in order to ensure the safety of the students, after all, some elves have very unique personalities, and they are only close to their own trainers, which is dangerous to others.

The teachers' elves are also, under normal circumstances, they are not allowed to release grunt balls.

You'er was reluctant at first when she heard that she was going to enter the grunt ball, but after hearing Sun Ye's explanation, she expressed her understanding, and then obediently entered the grunt ball.

You'er is usually a little temperamental, but in front of the interests of her master, she is still very sensible.

He patted his elf belt and signaled to You'er and Jing'er that they were leaving.

Then Sun Ye jumped on the maglev skateboard and rushed in the direction of the school.

"Grandpa Xia, it's early!" "Rhubarb, it's early!"


at Uncle Xia who was playing Tai Chi in front of him, Sun Ye stopped, greeted politely, and saw the rhubarb

lying on the ground on the side, Sun Ye also said the same morning.

"Yo, Xiao Ye, why are you going so early?" After

seeing Sun Ye, Uncle Xia also stopped what he was doing and said kindly.

Because Uncle Xia is a lonely old man, with no children and no daughters, and he is also a neighbor, Sun Ye's parents take good care of him, and they usually give him a little if they make good things or the fruit trees in their orchards or fatten the fry in the fish pond.

And Sun Ye was also raised by him since he was a child, and he had long regarded him as a grandson.

On the other side, Rhubarb has also been known to Sun Ye since he was a child, almost like the elves of Sun Ye's parents, and he is very close to Sun Ye.

"Oh, today I'm at school and I'm going to report to school.

Sun Ye touched Rhubarb's head intimately and replied.

"Xiaoye, this is for you.

After hearing Sun Ye's words, Uncle Xia seemed to think of something, and took out a rather large box from the space ring.

"What is this, Grandpa Xia?"

Looking at the silver, technologically charged box in front of him, Sun Ye raised his head and said suspiciously.

"This... But it's a good thing!" Uncle

Xia didn't answer Sun Ye's question at first, but slowly opened the box and said a little mysteriously.

"It's... Cocoa Fruit

!" "

There are so many!" Looking

at the box of cocoa nuts, Sun Ye was very shocked!

Although he himself used dozens of cocoa nuts, he exchanged them in small quantities, but like now, dozens of them were presented in front of his eyes, and he was still shocked.

You must know that Uncle Xia does not have a system, and ordinary trainers can only buy (modify settings) one cocoa fruit from the official website every month, so many cocoa fruits, how long does Uncle Xia have to save them!

"That's right, are you happy?!" Seeing

Sun Ye like himself so shocked, Uncle Xia felt quite accomplished.

It's like your grandson knows how great his grandfather used to be.

"I like it, I like it

, but..."

Sun Ye also nodded and said when he heard Uncle Xia's words, but in the end, he didn't know what to say, and he looked at Uncle Xia with great confusion.

After all, for no reason, why did Uncle Xia give him so much cocoa.

"You are something I grew up watching, and I already think of you as my grandson in my heart. "

Since you are my grandson, shouldn't you leave your grandfather's things to your grandson, haha!"

Seeing Sun Ye's puzzled look, Uncle Xia also opened his mouth to explain.

When he finished speaking, he laughed even more

, and couldn't help touching Sun Ye's head! Looking at such a bold "old man" in front of him, Sun Ye's heart was also warm, and he felt very moved!

"Okay, don't act like a girl, put it away

!" "Since you want to thank me, bring me a champion back next year!"

Seeing that Sun Ye was very moved, Uncle Xia also waved his hand and said boldly.

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