Standing on the maglev skateboard, Sun Ye had just said goodbye to Uncle Xia and continued to rush to school.

'A total of 35

cocoa nuts!'

With his spiritual power, Sun Ye also counted the number of cocoa nuts in the box.

Because this box is a box dedicated to things like cocoa, these cocoa nuts are very well preserved.

Sun Ye roughly calculated, these cocoa nuts were exchanged for elf coins, which were about 380w-400w.

Thinking of Uncle Xia who treated him like this, Sun Ye also secretly made a plan, he must repair Rhubarb's injuries in the future!

Sun Ye heard his father say that Uncle Xia used to be an officer stationed in the secret realm, but for some reason, the main elf was seriously injured, which eventually led to his retirement.

Thinking of this, Sun Ye was also a little curious, and when he had the opportunity to inquire later, Sun Ye always felt that this matter was not simple.

After more than ten minutes, Sun Ye had already arrived at his school, Fanhua City No. 1 Senior High School.

In front of the gate, some students arrived one after another, but most of them didn't know Sun Ye, after all, there were nearly 2,000 people in one grade, and Sun Ye was not a person of the central air conditioning type.

Because it is the early start of the school for the third year of high school, although the school already has students, it is far from being as lively as usual.

Rely on the memory in your head and walk to your class.

Students in Fanhua No. 1 Senior High School do not need to be divided into classes and change classrooms.

When I opened the classroom door, some of the students had already arrived.

"Sun Ye,

it's morning!" "

Sun Ye, how is the summer vacation?"

Regarding the greetings of his classmates, Sun Ye also smiled and nodded in response.

Because Sun Ye usually has excellent grades, coupled with his good attitude and gentle attitude, his popularity in the class is good, but it is limited to this class.

If it weren't for the fact that he was lazy and unwilling to be the class president, then he would have been re-elected as the class president of this class since his first year of high school.

There is another thing that Sun Ye himself feels a little speechless, I don't know when it started, every time a classmate becomes the class president, he will pull himself to eat once, every time it is like this, what to say to thank himself for his courtesy

! Now this behavior has become the rule of Sun Ye's class!

If it weren't for Sun Ye's plan to apply for early graduation, then he would have to be treated to two or three meals this year.

"Ah, Brother Yezi, you came so early!" Just

as Sun Ye was about to make up for sleep, a crisp shout reduced his sleepiness a little.

Before he could look up, he felt a warm body rush into his arms.

"Xi'er, you're here.

Looking down at Jiang Anxi, who was half-squatting with his arms around his upper body, his huge eyes also raised his head to look at himself after hearing his words, which was full of attachment.

Because of this, I also sat up straight.

And Jiang Anxi saw that he was even more bold to sit in his arms, his hands wrapped around his neck.

"Qing'er, you're here too.

Seeing Jiang Anqing next to him looking at himself and Jiang Anxi with a smile on his face, Sun Ye also scratched his head a little embarrassed and said.

After all, making out with her sister in front of her sister, Sun Ye himself is also ashamed.

Sun Ye knows that they all like themselves, but they don't regard this as capital, which is disrespectful to them, and it is also disrespectful to their own feelings!

Of course, if they attack themselves, they will take it right, in this case, not accepting it is really irresponsible.

Seeing that his sister was so close to her beloved, Jiang Anqing was a little jealous to be honest, but after thinking of the agreement between herself and her sister, this jealousy also dissipated.

didn't answer Sun Ye's words, Jiang Anqing smiled gently, and then put his hands on both sides of Sun Ye's head and massaged him gently!

Seeing his sister like this, Jiang Anxi just pouted, and then didn't do anything more, but sat in Sun Ye's arms with peace of mind.

The surrounding students also made some soft comments when they saw Sun Ye like this, but there was no slap in the face.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that these three people are obviously childhood sweethearts, talented and beautiful, where is it their turn to make trouble.

Moreover, the family backgrounds of the two sisters of the Jiang family are also public, and they are almost the top in Fanhua City.

So although the teacher knew that Sun Ye and the three of them had a special relationship, they didn't care, after all, they didn't delay their studies, and they were in the top ten of the grade every time.

In this way, for the rest of the time, Sun Ye hugged Jiang Anxi, enjoyed Jiang Anqing's massage, and spent time under the conversation of Li Yishu and Wu Xiong.

The time came, half past nine in the morning.

The head teacher, Wu Jing, had already walked in from outside the door in professional clothes.

The students in the classroom also fell silent after seeing the homeroom teacher walk in, after all, this is the homeroom teacher who has been taking them since the first year of high school.

Jiang Anxi in Sun Ye's arms and Jiang Anqing next to him also returned to their respective seats.

Although they are in love with Sun Ye openly with their family background, what they should learn is still learning, and what they should respect their teachers must also be respected.

Seeing that the classmates were all seated and quiet, Wu Jing was also very satisfied.

The next dozens of minutes were all about how important Wu Jing was in the third year of high school, and how important it was to work hard and be prepared in the next year!

"Okay, I'm almost done, do any classmates have anything to add?"

Although Wu Jing said so, she already had the idea of going back to the office to prepare for classes.

After all, this is usually the kind of polite words.

And she also feels that she has finished talking about the knowledge points that should be done in the third year of high school.

"Teacher, I'm going to apply to you for an early graduation exam!" Just

as Wu Jing was about to say the end of class, Sun Ye raised his hand and said calmly

!, "Classmate Sun Ye, are you serious?!"

After hearing Sun Ye's words, Wu Jing was actually stunned for a few seconds, and immediately asked after reacting!

In fact, some people apply for Fanhua No. 1 High School every year,

but most of them are brushed off by the exam.

After being brushed off, those classmates will also have an impact on the future exams, so when she saw Sun Ye applying for an early graduation exam from her, Wu Jing was so surprised and worried.


sure, teacher!" Hearing

his homeroom teacher's worried tone, Sun Ye also knew that the homeroom teacher cared about him, but Sun Ye, who was sure, still said firmly!

"Okay, I'll start the exam for you in the afternoon!"

Seeing Sun Ye's determined eyes, Wu Jing also knew that he had made up his mind.

After teaching Sun Ye for two years, Wu Jing also knows his character, once he decides something, he must give it a try himself, and it is difficult to persuade him to come back.

Forget it, just take it as his early test.

Thinking of the difficulty of the exam questions, Wu Jing also shook her head, thinking that she would let Sun Ye suffer a loss and exercise for a while.

As for the elf level or something, Wu Jing is not worried.

Because he dared to apply for this exam, then this student's elf must have met the standard.

What worries her the most is the questions, after all, the questions in each student's exam are different!

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