It can't go on like this.

Nazi also realized that something was wrong.

She gritted her teeth and made up her mind.

The energy of superpowers emanated from her body and began to be introduced into Yujira's body, and with the blessing of Nazi's superpowers, Yugira's momentum soared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Ding, the strength of the opponent Yongjira is rising, and the current strength is at the junior level."

Su Mu finally couldn't help it, "Miss Nazi, you're a little too much!! "

What else to fight, he simply admitted defeat.

Su Mu's questioning did not make Nazi's face change in the slightest, she hummed softly: "I didn't foul again, 1V1, the elf used is one, which rule did I violate?" "

Nazi's straightforward appearance made Su Mu hate the itching of teeth.

Looking at Su Mu's angry appearance, Nazi's heart was dark, she had not forgotten that when she asked Su Mu for help in the jungle last time, Su Mu refused her without hesitation, women are very vindictive.

The saving grace has been rewarded, and now it is her turn to vent her anger.

It was another illusion light, but compared to the last time, the power was not the same, and the seed machine gun that Myo Frog Grass used all its strength did not succeed in stopping the advance of the illusion ray.

The light hit the body of the frog, and it almost crushed its teeth in pain.

After Yongjira's strength was raised another notch, Su Mu's plan to kill Yongjira by counterattacking by defense was shattered, and he had to change his strategy.

There is no way but to try that trick.

"Use the flying leaf fast knife after the magic frog grass sleep powder." Su Mu thought silently in his heart.

The powder erupted from the red stamen on the back of the frogweed, and after a while, the surrounding area of the froggrass was covered with sleeping powder.

"It's useless." This was the first time Nazi had spoken during a battle, "The powder has no effect on Yugira, who has superpowers. "

Nazi didn't say nonsense, and the sleep powder that slowly drifted towards Yujira was all blocked by it from the protective shield composed of mental power.

Sleep powder alone won't have the slightest effect, which doesn't need Nazi to remind him.

That's why he had to let the Magic Frog Grass use the Flying Leaf Quick Knife.

Yongjira's mental shield blocks the sleep powder, but it can't stop the flying leaf fast knife.

The green scimitar in the sky slashed at Yongjira under the control of the Myo Frog Grass.

"Is that what you're for? When Yongjira uses his superpower to destroy the Flying Leaf Quick Knife, there is no way to maintain the mental power shield, so that the sleep powder can work. Nazi calmly analyzed.

"That's right." Su Mu simply admitted that he was a complete yang scheme, and Nazi would have nothing to do with it even if she saw it.

"Hmph! It's too naïve, just beat the magic frog grass before the effect of the sleep powder takes effect. Yonggira's maximum illusion light. "

It is not so simple to be regarded by the Kanto Alliance as the future of Kanto, and even if she removes her superpowers, she is also an excellent trainer.

After understanding Su Mu's thoughts, she found a way to crack it in an instant.

Powerful superpowers burst out from Yongjira's body, and the flying blade fast knife that attacked it was all shattered by it, and the terrifying illusion light hit the magic frog grass with the help of its soup spoon.

"Hey." Su Mu sighed and there was no way, the only thing he could do now was to pray that the Miao Frog Grass could hold on.

However, it is not easy to insist on the word.

The energy that hit the Miao Frog Grass continued to increase, and the Miao Frog Grass was almost unable to hold on.

Just when Su Mu thought that the defeat was set, something unexpected happened.

The miracle seeds originally carried in the stamen of the Miao Frog Grass began to inject energy into the body of the Miao Frog Grass, and with the help of the miracle seeds, the Miao Frog Grass slowly persevered.

Such an accident was something that Nazi did not expect, and Yongjira, who had not taken down the Mystic Frog Grass in a short period of time, became worse and worse, and Su Mu could feel that the energy of the illusion light was slowly weakening.

Floating in the air, Yongjira's eyelids began to fight, and the sleep powder began to work.

Damn it!!!

Nazi somewhat regretted that she was still conservative, and she should have directly raised Yongjira's strength to the high level of the dojo.

Now she has no way, no matter how strong her superpower is, there is no way to relieve the sleep effect!


When Yongjira fell from the air to the ground, the duel was over.

"You win!" Nazi's face is not very good-looking, originally planned to squash Su Mu for a while, but after cheating, she still did not win the battle, it is strange that she can be in a good mood.

Contrary to Nazi, Su Mu's mood was quite good.

Not to mention winning the battle, the magic frog grass will also evolve, what ending is more perfect than this? There shouldn't be.

After the miracle seed injected the last trace of energy into the body of the magic frog grass, the magic frog grass began to evolve.

The white light illuminated the entire Golden Zodiac Hall, and the Myo Frog Grass became larger and larger in the light.

"Please give me more advice in the future, Miao Frog Flower."

Looking at the evolved Miao Frog Flower, Su Mu said with a smile.

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