After getting the golden badge, Su Mu did not dare to stay in the Golden Yellow Dao Hall for a long time, and immediately slipped away.

Judging from what Nazi did in the battle, Su Mu still didn't know where Nazi wanted to give him some color to see.

Su Mu didn't think there was anything wrong with Nazi, and he estimated that he would do the same thing as Nazi.

Taking advantage and running is Su Mu'an's capital to stand up, and today he "earned" enough, so he won't stay here to hinder Nazi's eyes.

"Miss Nazi, Mr. Su Mu has left." The apprentice who left with Su Mu came back to report to Nazi.

"Well." Nazi's expression remained unchanged and she nodded, "You step down first." "

"Yes, Miss Nazi."

After the apprentice left, there was no one else in the entire training ground except Nazi.

Without outsiders present, Nazi no longer concealed it, she gritted her teeth and said to herself: "Su Mu, you wait for me, it won't be over like that!! "

"Aa Su Mu, who left the Golden Yellow Daoist Hall, sneezed loudly, "Who is thinking about me?" Forget it, I don't want to make these messy things, I have to go to Rainbow City quickly. "

Great ferocity, I'm coming!!


"Well done, Pippi."

After challenging the dojo, Su Mu did not choose to return to the Pokémon Center to treat Miao Frog Flower, but let Pippi try to restore Miao Frog Flower's strength.

Pippi's healing skills have been almost mastered, and now the difference is just practice.

Su Mu planned to let Pippi go to the Pokémon Center for an internship after a while, and if he wanted to become a qualified team doctor, he couldn't do it without enough practical experience.

Because he helped Miss Joy of Dead Leaf City solve the big trouble of Ma Zhishi, Su Mu and Miss Joy of Dead Leaf City have always maintained a good relationship.

After learning the news of the accident on the Saint Annu, the other party also asked Su Mu's safety for the first time, and learned that Su Mu left the Saint Annu early and there was no accident, Miss Joy let go of her heart, after all, the ticket of the Saint Annu was given to Su Mu by her, if Su Mu did anything else on the Saint Annu, her conscience could not go.

As the relationship with Miss Joy became closer and closer, Su Mu learned that Joy was not their name, Joy was just a title, and every person in charge of the Pokémon Center would be called Joey.

As for their real names, only those who have a good relationship will know, and Miss Joy of Dead Leaf City is named Xingmei.

Unlike in the animation, Miss Joy's appearance is not the same, which is Su Mu's conclusion after comparing the appearance of Miss Joy in various places.

After all, reality and animation are still different, and it is impossible to have people who look exactly the same, but every Joey is beautiful enough to be real.

"Pippi !!" After receiving Su Mu's praise, Pippi also showed a smile on his face, it seemed that he enjoyed treating people.

"Su Mu !!" Familiar voices, familiar trios, it seems that the three of Xiaozhi have also come to Golden City.

"Long time no see, Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang."

It's been a little since Yumachi Pier was separated for half a month, and they really haven't seen each other for a while.

In the conversation with Xiao Zhi, Xiao Xia, and Xiao Gang, Su Mu learned that Xiao Zhi released Ba Da Butterfly like the original plot.

Su Mu didn't know what to say, he admitted that Ash was indeed a person who loved Pokémon, and would be carefully cultivated, and the potential elf happened This is not something that everyone can do.

But appreciation is appreciation, but he doesn't approve of Ash's actions, if his words must have subdued the other Bada Butterfly, then it will not be the best of both worlds.

"Okay, Ash, don't be sad, do you want to have a Pokémon duel with me." In order to help Ash out of his pain, Su Mu decided to have a Pokémon duel with Ash.

"Pokémon Duel?!" Ash was really still the same Ash, and when he heard the Pokémon duel, the sadness in his heart was directly driven away, and he instantly became enthusiastic.

"Come on!" Su Mu said with a smile.

In addition to helping Ash out of his pain, in fact, the most important thing is that Su Mu wants to test the magic frog flower that he has just evolved.

The battlefield of this world is really everywhere, and after walking a few steps forward, Su Mu saw the public battlefield.

"Ash, let me see your growth."

"Don't underestimate me Su Mu, I'm a trainer who has obtained three badges."

Xiao Zhi was always so confident, even in the face of Su Mu, whose strength was far above him, he did not have the slightest fear.

"Or three badges? I've already got 5 of them. "

Xiao Zhi handed over the opportunity to pretend to be X, and of course Su Mu would not let it go.

"5, Su Mu, have you already obtained the golden badge?" Xiao Gang asked.

"That's right!" Seriously, the golden badge should be the most thrilling badge I have taken so far, and I was almost overshadowed by Nazi.

"It won't be long before I'll get the Golden Badge too, right, Pikachu."


Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia are not as blindly optimistic as Xiao Zhi, they have heard Su Mu and Xiao Mao say before that Nazi has the strength close to the Heavenly King.

Su Mu actually wanted to tell them that Nazi did not have the strength close to the Heavenly King, she had already stepped into the realm of the Heavenly King.

But even if Ash knew, it is estimated that he would challenge Nazi without hesitation.

"Let's not say this, let's duel!!"

"Come out, Wonderfrog."

"Has the Magic Frog Grass evolved into the Magic Frog Flower?" Xiao Xia stuck out her tongue, "It's really a terrifying growth rate!" "

"Wonderful Frog Flower?" Ash thought about it and did not send Pikachu to the field, but chose the magic frog seed.

"Go, Magic Frog Seed!!"

It's still as imposing as ever, Ash.

"Tanai! Tanai! "

In the face of the Miao Frog Flower Miao Frog Seed, which is several times larger than himself, or his final evolutionary type, he is not afraid at all, on the contrary, it looks full of war.

Speaking of which, Su Mu is also a little envious of Xiao Zhi, every elf that Xiao Zhi casually subdues has a very good potential, even if they are all warlike.

You must know that there are many elves in the Pokémon world who do not like to fight, and the pipi in Su Mu's hand is, although the pipi does not refuse to fight, it is not much interested in battle.

Ash is different, the elves he subdued can't wait to fight every day, and it can only be said that the protagonist's aura shines on him.

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