Urban World, the secret hall of the Red River Secret Realm.

At 7:30 in the morning, it was the time for the staff of the secret hall to change shifts.

After two waves of staff handed over work to each other.

I prepare for each.

Inside the result hall.

Suddenly, there was an emergency alarm!


"Transcendent energy has been detected in the secret territory of the Red River, overloaded, overloaded......"


The sudden special intelligence made all the staff in the secret realm hall stunned for a second.


All the staff subconsciously started to make calls!

Escalate the situation!

And the armed forces stationed at the gate of the secret realm quickly calmed down after a little panic.

Just as they were about to enter the secret realm to check the situation.

The captain stopped the first team member.

His eyes were fixed on a place not far from the gate of the secret realm, and he whispered, "Wait!

The captain's words made all the members of the armed forces present stop their movements and follow the captain's gaze one by one.


Some people looked terrified.

Someone looked shocked.

Some people were shocked!

"Isn't that ...... It's another secret door!?"

The captain's murmur was not loud.

But the rest of the team subconsciously thought......

That's the truth!

In the secret territory of the Red River, a new type of secret realm was born in their Kailuo City, and it was born in the secret territory of the Red River!

Otherwise, how to explain the secret gate that appeared next to the secret gate of the Chihe secret realm?

"It's expanding!"

"It seems that you can see directly through the door of the secret realm?"

"Mountains and rivers are changing wildly......"

"A miracle, a miracle!"

The team exclaimed.

But no one dared to enter the door of the secret realm at this time.

"Wait, what's going on with the secret hall over there at the Gate?"

As soon as the captain thought of this, he suddenly shook his head and exclaimed: "Now is not the time to care about this, we in Kailuo City, I'm afraid we will welcome trainers from all over the world in the future......"

At this time, there were some trainers from other realms in the Secret Realm Hall, and they had witnessed the newly appearing space portal next to the Gate of the Red River Secret Realm!

Those who have brains can quickly associate with new types of secret realms.

The city of Kailuo can't even hide it if they want to!


In the days that followed.

The city of Kairo 413 will become the sweet spot for all trainers in the world!

Everyone can't wait to come and pick up wool!

Sure enough, no more than 10 minutes!

The international news genie network has begun to have news about the secret realm of the Red River!

[Surprise!Located in the three-star Chihe Secret Realm next to Kailuo City, a special incident occurred at 07:30 this morning! A new secret realm gate is suspected to have appeared next to the secret realm gate in the secret realm hall!]

Next to the door of the secret realm of the three-star Chihe secret realm, there is a suspected origin of the space portal, according to the guess of the champion-level trainer, it is very likely that there has been a big change in the Chihe secret realm!]

[It is understood that the three-star Chihe Secret Realm has a space power fluctuation at 07:30 this morning, and it is suspected that there are divine beasts in the world, and it is reported that there are already several heavenly kings in the Eagle Country!]

[Divine beasts are in the world, in this era when the champion level cannot easily leave their home country, the Heavenly King-level powerhouses are the top combat power, and Kailuo is gathering the world's attention!]

Crazy, exploded!

Some international news outlets.

For the sake of the heat of the action, it doesn't matter so much until the matter is clear, especially if the incident happened in the territory of Kailuo, which is even less to worry about!

For the sake of traffic!

These media frantically add all kinds of words and gimmicks that don't want money to the news!

It doesn't matter if he's true or not, I'll talk about it later!

It's just that Kairo is no longer afraid!

There are not a few trainers who pay attention to the International Genie News Network around the world!

These people began to express their opinions and doubts as soon as these news appeared.

- Isn't it?

- It seems that there is really a problem in the Chihe Secret Realm, but it's hard to say what the specifics are, my friend is in the Chihe Secret Realm now, and he told me that if you want to join in the fun, you don't have to go, and there are already many hall master-level powerhouses who have already set off to go.

- I don't know if it's true or not, I won't evaluate it, who wants to team up with me to meet Kairo?

These media are really not afraid of traffic, and they dare to rely on any words and gimmicks, and I think this time it is fake news.


It doesn't matter if the news is true or not.

In short, the world did look at Kailuo City, which is located next to Heizhou, for the first time, the three-star Chihe Secret Realm!

Many powerful trainers immediately said that they would invite their friends to go there and find out as soon as they heard the news!

Hold up the bold, starve the faint-hearted!

Of course, most CIBI trainers don't have that idea.

One, there is no strength, and second, I am not sure whether it is true or not.

Most of them are holding on to the fun.

In short, the matter of the Red River Secret Realm began to ferment!

Heavenly king-level trainers from various countries have been dispatched.

The United Nations has long been agreed.

Unless there are special circumstances, champion trainers are not allowed to leave their home country without reason, otherwise they will face joint efforts from other countries in the United Nations!

Something like the Red River Secret Realm.

Generally, those who are dispatched are king-level!

After all, if a Heavenly King-level trainer completely lets go of his hands and feet, it will also be a terrifying attack at the level of destroying the city and destroying the city!

Meetings were held at the headquarters of the alliance in each country.

United States, Eagle Country, Enamel Country, Hairy Bear Country, and more!

Dragon Kingdom is no exception!

In the imperial capital, at the headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance, a high-level meeting presided over by the champion Long Jun was held!

Long Jun sits in the first place!

The lowest off the field is also a king!

There are even a few old men with champion-level strength.

This is basically the highest combat power meeting of the Dragon Kingdom!

The top powerhouses who can be named are basically here!

Those who didn't have time to come over are also online videos!

"What do you think, tell me!"

At the meeting, Long Jun was as domineering as ever, and waved his arms to let everyone speak freely.

"First of all, there is no doubt that this matter is true, there are two Pavilion Master and several elite-level trainers in my country who are in the Secret Realm Hall of the Chihe Secret Realm, and there are also some other level trainers in addition to this. "

The first to speak was a gray-haired mother-in-law, who spoke, and everyone else listened attentively with a proper attitude.

"Well, Granny Long, please continue. "

Even if it's Long Jun.

It is also to give this dragon mother-in-law enough respect.

"At present, we have already got in touch with two of the trainers, and we have confirmed that the Chihe Secret Realm has suffered a big change, and there is even a photo!"

Although Granny Long is older, she still has the confidence to speak, and everyone can hear what she said.

All eyes were on it.

"It's ......"

"You can't be wrong. "

"Space Portal!"

"Yes, the same spatial portal as the Gate of the Secret Realm!"

The image projection is next to the secret gate of the Chihe Secret Realm, and there is a ball of light that has grown to the size of a basketball.

Inside the sphere of light.

You can also vaguely see a little scene in the secret realm.

Thirty years to be able to become a heavenly king.

Is there anyone who didn't see the birth of the Gate of the Secret Realm back then? (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Therefore, the image of this ball of light was immediately recognized by everyone.

"Never before had a secret gate appeared at such a close distance. "

"Your Majesty, this matter should be sooner rather than later, and I suggest that the Titled Heavenly King be sent as soon as possible. "

Granny Long gave her own opinion after speaking.

This view has also been shared by others. []

"Well, the Great Flame King, the Flying King, I have to ask you two to go and find out, be sure to pay attention to safety. "

Long Jun pondered for a few seconds.

looked at the two middle-aged men next to him.

As the crown of the Dragon Kingdom, even if he is the title of the Heavenly King, he has the right to give orders directly at critical moments.

The Great Flame King, the Flying King, these two are one titled Great Flame, the other is titled Flying, as the name suggests, one is good at fire elves, and the other is good at flying!

"Yes, please rest assured, Your Majesty. "

"Haha, I haven't been out with He Yan for a long time, and this time it's just time for other countries to see our progress!"

The Flame King had short dark red hair, and the Flying King on the other side was a tall middle-aged man in a green shirt.

"Other Heavenly Kings, if they are interested, they can also follow the two Titled Heavenly Kings to act together, and if there are new discoveries, they will be transmitted back to China as soon as possible. "

Long Jun instructed again.

A similar situation has occurred in various other countries.

In short, the top Heavenly King-level powerhouses in various countries have set off.

The destination is this Chihe Secret Land!

He Yan and Chen Lin are old friends, and He Yan was stopped by Chen Lin as soon as he walked out of the conference room.

"What, Lao Chen, you also have the heart to go with me?"

He Yan joked.

"Lao He, no, you go to the Chihe Secret Realm this time, you must do me a favor if you have something!" Chen Lin did not have the idea of teasing and arguing with He Yan in the past, but had a sad face.

"What's the matter?Lao Chen, don't tell me which of your juniors is in the Chihe Secret Realm?" He Yan was shocked and hurriedly asked.

"Yes, it's not, it's a student of our national defense......" Chen Lin smiled bitterly, and then told He Yan about Xu Jing's trip to the Chihe Secret Realm.

In fact, Chen Lin was also Xu Jing who swiped the alliance card in the Chihe Secret Realm, and he knew that Chen Lin had actually gone to the Chihe Secret Realm, which was far away in Heizhou and Kailuo City......

It's not far away, and it's even running over there.

If there is no such thing as the birth of a new secret realm.

Chen Lin is not in a hurry, Xu Jing's strength is no problem in the three-star secret realm of Chihe Secret Realm.

Now the Heavenly King-level of so many kingdoms will go there.

Then Xu Jing's situation is a bit dangerous.

The greatest danger does not come from the Mysteries.

It's the trainers from other countries!

If those top powerhouses knew that a Dragon Kingdom genius like Xu Jing was in the secret territory of Chihe, they would definitely be very happy to solve it!

Chen Lin just wanted to ask He Yan to bring Xu Jing back.

That kid must become a heavenly king or even a champion-level existence in the future, but he can't die in the Chihe Secret Realm!

"Lao Chen, this kid from your National Defense Academy is really bold, but now it's pointless to dwell on this, I'll call the Flying King immediately, I will act with him first, don't wait for the other Heavenly Kings!"

He Yan also knew that this matter was very important.

Obviously, Xu Jing's name.

Even this titled king has heard of it!

He Yan even decided not to wait for the other Heavenly Kings to determine the number.

Pull the Flying King and go first.

After informing the Flying King of the matter, the Flying King didn't say a word, and a Poke Ball opened directly in the corridor of the Dragon Elf Headquarters with a "bang", releasing a fast dragon in the space outside the corridor!

"Lao He, hurry up, Dean Chen rest assured, we will rush over as soon as possible!" The Flying King jumped and landed on the back of the fast dragon.

He Yan followed.

The fast dragon roared, and the faint dragon groan mixed with the coercion of the dragon elves spread, provoking the people at the headquarters of the Dragon Elf Alliance to look at it one by one.

I don't have time to explain!

"Hurry Dragon, go!"


The fast dragon flapped its wings and soared into the sky!


Congratulations to the host, the side quest has been completed, and you have obtained the intermediate gacha ×1]

Red River Secret Realm!

The clock is 07:40!

The space in the secret realm is changing and moving.

As a trainer in the secret realm.

Xu Jing learned because of the information provided by the god-level card that as long as he stayed where he was, there would be no danger when the secret realm was fused!

And this time the secret realm is fused.

From the beginning of the fusion to the end of the fusion.

Trainers who are already in the secret territory of the Red River.

Have half a day more than others!

Can be used to collect treasures!

Because the secret realm fusion will be completed first!

However, the original door to the secret realm of the Chihe Secret Realm on the other side of the urban world has no effect, and the only way to enter is through the newly born space portal.

The new space portal should be thoroughly expanded and stabilized.

It will take half a day at the earliest!

In this half a day, the trainers who are already in the secret realm can go crazy - the secret realm is fused, and many secret realm treasures will appear!

And Xu Jing, wait for the completion of the fusion of the secret realm.

Naturally, it is still in the original super-large volcanic mountain.

"A side quest has finally been completed!"

Sure enough, it was necessary to wait for the fusion of the secret realm to determine whether he was in the depths of the secret realm.

Now the fusion is complete.

The side quest pops up.

Use the intermediate gacha directly!

Damn, hope to draw something good!

Another side quest is to complete the achievements of all the Quasi-Heavenly Kings, and now Fossil Pterodactyl and Gera Ola are still far away!

Congratulations to the host, you have drawn a Silver XP Crit Card ×1]

All wishes come true, whatever you want, Tongzi is powerful!

Xu Jing almost burst out laughing!

I've got a Silver XP Crit Card again!

1~5 times experience crit in 60 minutes!

Combined with the current fusion of the Red River Secret Realm.

The wild elves inside have skyrocketed......

Brush up, and the level is not slowly rising?

But Xu Jing has more important things to do now!

Victory Star Bictini!

This is a phantom beast spirit like Geraola!

And it's still a phantom beast with special abilities.

It's sure to give him a big surprise!

"According to the god-level card prompt, Biktini is in a ruin, and the location of the ruin is 6.5 kilometers directly east of the super-large volcanic mountain!"

Xu Jing's gaze shifted to the right.

"Fossil pterosaur, go, hurry up and take me to meet the sixth elf companion!" Xu Jing patted the fossil pterosaur and made the fossil pterosaur tremble, and swallowed the energy cube in his mouth before he could understand it.


Listen to the sixth elf companion.

Fossil pterosaurs are in good spirits.

Xu Jing told everyone when he came in.

This time there will be a new elf companion to join the gang!

Now it's finally time to meet!

Fossil pterosaurs fly high with wings!

Rush in the direction of your destination!

It's only 6.5 kilometers, and it's only a blink of an eye!

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