Ruins are the most important place to pay attention to in every elven secret realm, because the competition here will be the most understandable, and the good things will be the most!

The ancient ruins discovered by the Qingbei Elf Academy a few years ago changed the rewards of the Elf Championship Cup National Competition, which is a good example!

The emergence of each new type of Secret Realm.

All means that there is a high probability that new ruins will be unearthed!


"But now, I'm the first person to discover this ruin, maybe there are other trainers next to me who will come over soon, but in the three-star secret realm, there is no Heavenly King level in theory!"

"It will take time for the Heavenly King level outside to come in. "

"So, I've got to hurry!"

Xu Jing, who was standing on the back of a fossil pterosaur, was excited~.

Thoughts turned.

Eyes fall on the destination.

See the target at a glance!

It was a crimson - the gate of the cave.

"Right there, go down!" Without Xu Jing's command, the fossil pterosaur could see the conspicuous crimson cave and gate.

After landing.

Xu Jing couldn't wait to jump off the back of the fossil pterosaur.

"Bang bang bang!"

4 Poke Balls opened, and for his own safety, Xu Jing released the big guys!

"Lucario, see if there's a way to open this door. "

In front of the 3-meter-high crimson cave gate.

Lucario's eyes flashed with energy, his claws raised slightly, and the force of the waveguide moved.

It's probing the crimson cave gate, and what's behind it!

After a few seconds of probing, the power of the waveguide, which had never been unbeatable, ...... Lapsed!

Lucario can't find out what's behind the gate!

After Xu Jing learned of this, he also frowned.

You know, in the secret.

Unknown in addition to representing possible chances.

It also represents that there is a risk!

But this is the cave where Biktini appeared.

In any case, Xu Jing would not give up on Bicchitini without trying, thinking of this, he looked at Lucario and asked, "Is there a way to open the door?" "


- Of course.

Lucario nodded, then looked at the fossil pterosaur.


Fossil pterosaurs don't quite understand what is going on.

Didn't you let Lucario open it?

After Lucario's call, I knew how I was going to operate, and it turned out that I was going to use rock-based energy!

I saw that its two claws pressed on the crimson gate, and the rock elemental energy in its body surged, and the gate trembled frequently!

Make a "boom" sound.

Xu Jing, who instructed him to be careful, was speechless on the side, this voice is a bit loud!

"Forget it, now is not the time to worry about this. "

"Fossil pterosaur, why don't you just increase your horsepower and turn on the full power!"

Regardless of him, Xu Jing questioned that he had three quasi-heavenly king-level elves, even if other quasi-heavenly kings really came, he was not afraid.


The fossil pterosaur that received the master's orders was at full power.

The rock-based energy in the body is becoming more and more turbulent.

The crimson gate trembled more and more violently.

Finally, there was a click, as if some junction was broken.

The entire crimson gate cracked open a path that could be passed by two people, and you could enter!


Xu Jing was not in a hurry.

He looked at Lucario.

Lucario understood, the power of the waveguide probed again, and this time everything was normal and he was able to probe!

Xu Jing stretched out his palm and pressed it on Lucario's back, and the power of the waveguide also poured out, sharing vision!

In a flash.

All the scenes seen by the power of the waveguide were fed back to Xu Jing.

Inside the ruins are a variety of rugged and winding paths.

The condition of each trail varies.

There is only one passage that leads to the depths of the ruins.

Soon the power of the waveguide probed a curtain of light in the depths.

This should be the enchantment, the enchantment of the black and white dragon!

And the intelligence of the god-level card mentions that Biktini is in the deepest part, but there is a special enchantment in it - the black and white dragon is waiting here!

Xu Jing called it the black and white enchantment.

This barrier made it impossible for Biktini to leave.

And what Xu Jing needs to do is to find Biktini, and then he can use the god-level card to bring out Biktini who can't leave the enchantment!

"Lucario, Gera Ora, you two come with me into the cave, Geng, you follow in the dark. "

"Fossil pterosaur and Menas go back to the Poké Ball to rest first. "

Three under five divided by two, Xu Jing quickly arranged it.

With Lucario and Geraola, he stepped through the crimson gate.

At the beginning, it is extremely narrow, and only then can it be passed.

Repeat dozens of steps, suddenly enlightened!

After a two-person wide path through the gate cracked.

Xu Jing asked Jieraola to urge the electric element.

All of a sudden, the surroundings became much clearer.

Although the power of the waveguide can also detect the situation.

But Xu Jing still prefers to look directly with his eyes!

And the power of the waveguide must be maintained all the time, but the eyes can be swept at will, and there is Lucario next to him from time to time!

Lucario led the way, and in the middle was Xu Jing.

Her Royal Highness Jeraola.

However, the electrical elements in its hair flickered, and even at the end, it did not affect the lighting of Xu Jing in the slightest.

There were no other wild spirits in the ruins passage, and the three of them could only hear their own footsteps in the passage.


- Go this way.

Lucario led the way after walking for more than ten minutes.

Gradually, we came to the end of the path.

Xu Jing could already see the glimmer of light ahead.

This is the curtain of light that entered the barrier!

Coming to the light curtain, Xu Jing sighed, don't look at him, it is very simple to follow Lucario all the way to this place.

If you change to someone else.

There is no waveguide force or similar detection methods.

If you go by yourself, if you make a mistake, you will be blind......

This step alone is estimated to be able to stop many people.

As for brute force attacks?

The trainers will not make a big deal in the ruins that have not been unveiled, for fear of touching something in the ruins, resulting in the loss of the wife and the loss of the army.

"Let's go, let's go in together!"

Looking at the light curtain of faint light in front of him, Xu Jing no longer hesitated and stepped out!

There was an earth-shaking feeling of dizziness in the surrounding area.

Similar to the feeling of entering the door of the secret realm for the first time.

Fortunately, this feeling comes and goes quickly.

When Xu Jingneng saw what was in front of him, he found that he had come to an ancient city, and the surrounding buildings had a simple and heavy sense of age.

On the left and on the right, there are two huge statues.

A building is snow-white, surrounded by flames.

The other one was pitch black, with thunder and light beside it.

"Leshiram, Zekrom!"

Xu Jing looked at the two statues and confirmed that this was the statue of the black and white dragon, he was a little nervous, whether it was the real dragon Leshiram or the ideal dragon Zekrom, they were too supermodels for him.

Let's just hit the target of Bicchitini.

Victory Star Bictini is the one who has a chance to get his hands on it~


Take a long breath.

Xu Jing thought to himself, worthy of a black and white dragon.

Just two statues can affect him!

"Don't worry, with the help of Tongzi, sooner or later I will also stand at the top and take my time. "

Stood still and calmed down.

Xu Jing felt much better when he felt.

Unexpectedly, next to them, Geraora and Lucario were also observing the statue of the black and white dragon.

"Lukalu~" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)


Good guys, let's talk about it, right?

"Don't look at it, let's go!"

After recalling the attention of the two elven companions, Xu Jing set his eyes to the bottom of the city, where was a huge orchard.

In the god-level card prompt, Biktini is in this orchard, he likes to eat sweets, and the fruit of the orchard is its food. []

And to subdue Biktini, he had to make Biktini willing to leave, and Xu Jing could take it away with a god-level card.

Now what he has to do is simple.

First, go to the orchard and find Biktini.

Second, find a way to get to know Bicchitini and get close.

Third, use the god-level card to take away Biktini and take it!

As he learned in advance that Bicketini likes sweets.

Xu Jing prepared a delicious dessert in his mountaineering bag in advance before entering the Chihe Secret Realm, isn't this thing more delicious than tree fruits?

Hey, Biktini, I'm coming!


The orchards of the ancient city cover an area of more than 100,000 square meters, and the fruit trees here grow in batches, and now this season is the time for the last batch of fruit trees to blossom and bear fruit.

The orchard is filled with floral and fruity aromas.

In the canopy of a certain fruit tree, there was a small sound of chewing, and it sounded like it was chewing quite quickly.


It turned out to be a little guy staring at the big V-shaped ears, and it looked very strange, and it wasn't any of the elves that had already appeared on the market.

At first glance, it looks a bit like a mouse.

Large, flickering blue eyes, large V ears, and a pair of large eyes occupy most of its head.

The body hair is mainly creamy yellow, the limbs are small at the ends, each limb has three small claws, and the buttocks are flanked by wing-like tails.

Now, this cute little guy is enjoying his own breakfast on a sweet tree fruit!

"Mi woo ~ Mi ~ "

The two small paws of the forelimbs hold the tree fruit and gnaw it quickly.

The flesh of the tree fruit fills the little one's mouth, and it likes to take a big bite to stuff it in its mouth, and finally chew it and swallow it all at once!

When he was full, the little one usually lay down in the canopy to rest, and today it is the same.

Suddenly, V's ears flicked.

What's going on, there are other voices?

The little one's drooping V ears immediately stood up and floated up from the canopy, and his eyes looked at the source of the sound.

The person who came was naturally Xu Jing!

When he arrives at the orchard, he is directing his elven companions to pick various tree fruits.

"Lucario, you like to eat the Spirit Void Fruit, don't you, over there, go pick it. "

"Geraola, you can pick whatever fruit you like to eat. "

"Hey!Fossil pterosaur, don't gnaw it directly, it's too late to pick the fruit before eating, don't eat the leaves!"

"Menas, Geng, you two come with me~"

Soon, Xu Jing picked a lot of tree fruits around him.

Xu Jing asked everyone to sit on the grass, and then took out a box of high-grade energy cubes from the mountaineering bag.

Prepare for one for each elf.

As soon as the box of the high-grade energy cube was opened, the enticing aroma immediately wafted away, and a certain little guy hiding in the canopy smelled this smell and immediately couldn't stay!

Big eyes stared at the box in Xu Jing's hand without blinking, and it knew that the fragrance was wafting out of this small box.

It didn't even notice it.

When you smell it yourself.

The little tongue couldn't wait to lick his lips.

I just ate the tree fruit.

Now I feel hungry again.

Xu Jing began to distribute energy cubes.

The energy cube is made by using various tree fruits that can be absorbed by the elves and various special seasonings for the elves.

There is no way, if Xu Jing wants to gain the favor of Biktini, he must first lower the vigilance of the little guy.

How to reduce?

That's for food, of course!

By the time Biktini himself couldn't help but take the initiative to come over, his vigilance must have decreased a lot at that time.

Although there is an embarrassment of fooling a child, Xu Jing has no other way, he doesn't know how many levels he has than Khotini!

Several elves were happy together, and the energy cube ate the tree fruit after eating, and more than ten minutes passed, Biktini did not appear, and Xu Jing was not in a hurry.

"It's time to blow up the king next!"

In order not to disturb Biktini, Xu Jing and Lucario's waveguide power was not released, but he knew that the other party must have been paying attention to this!

It's a phantom beast!

It's impossible not to hear such a big movement, right?

"Mi Pi ......" Biktini stays in this orchard, and there are many flavors of tree fruits, but it can only eat this to satisfy its cravings, and it has not seen the energy cube that Xu Jing took out!

was looking at it, but saw Xu Jing take out a new box again.

The box opened, and suddenly a rich aroma far more fragrant than the energy cube began to permeate the orchard......

The already big eyes of the secretly Bicchitini immediately widened!

- I really want to eat, what should I do!

- They seem to have a share of this, can I get a share of it too?

- Go over and have a look?

Biktini has a small ass and goes straight into stealth.


Lucario, who has the power of a waveguide, is the first to notice that something is wrong, and it seems that something is approaching?

A palm landed on its shoulder and patted it, and Xu Jing said in a low voice: "It's okay, don't worry." "

Xu Jing, who knew that there was only Biktini in the orchard, was not worried, and took care of himself to distribute the desserts and snacks to everyone.

Then pick up your share and stuff it in your mouth.

With a single bite, the dessert melts in your mouth!

The taste buds explode instantly.

At the same time, he also held another dessert in his other hand and tossed it in his hand, and the invisible Bicchitini was about to drool next to him!

It smells so good!

Seeing that Xu Jing was about to put this piece of snack in his mouth, Biktini finally couldn't help it, and hurriedly showed his figure from the stealth state, and waved his hand at Xu Jing with two small paws, meaning don't eat, don't eat, big eyes!

It's out!

Xu Jingjian succeeded in inducing Biktini out.

I was also relieved.

The other elves were not frightened by the sudden appearance of Biktini because Xu Jing had been vaccinated in advance.

Everyone looked at each other.

I didn't expect the new elf companion to grow so small!

And so ...... Lovely!

Can this little guy be awesome?

"Look at how high this little guy's level is. "

Xu Jing's eyes looked at Biktini who was still waving his hand.

[Elf: Biktini (Super +) Genderless]

[Qualification: Phantom Beast Exclusive]

[Level: LV.79 (Celestial King High)]

[Individual Talents: Stamina (30) Attack (31) Defense (31) Special Attack (31) Special Defense (31) Speed (31)]

[Trait: Victory Star (Exclusive trait of Biktini, which can bring victory blessings to partners, and skills are more likely to hit the opponent's vital points)]

[Skills: Lightning Flash, Energy Charge Flame Attack, Telekinesis, Qi Gathering, Self-Motivation, Head Hammer, Flame Sputter, Jet Flame, Mind Head Hammer, ......]

[Exclusive Skills: Fire Charge (Uncontrolled), V Flame (Uncontrolled)]

[Exclusive ability: As a star of victory, Biktini can provide victory power to elf partners, and the lifeform that obtains the power of victory will receive a full 100% increase]

Xu Jing's eyes were shocked!

"I ......"

Xu Jing almost exploded and scared Biktini.

This little guy is especially high-level Heavenly King!

Can this still be successfully subdued?

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