The elf library at the headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance!

The most precious batch of elven eggs collected from the elven secret realms across the country are gathered here, and the elven eggs are preserved through special methods.

Only those who have contributed to the development of the elves of the Dragon Kingdom or those who have special significance to the Dragon Kingdom can choose an elf egg among them.

Xu Jing didn't think that he would choose an elf egg in it before he came.

It's a complete surprise!

Walking into the elevator, the elevator slowly descends.

Xu Jinggang did a good job of psychological construction for himself.

The elevator doors opened.

"Xu Jing is here. Walking out of the elevator, the old man waiting outside took the initiative to greet Xu Jing, which made Xu Jing a little flattered.

"Well......" Xu Jing was a little stuck for a while, and he didn't know what to call the person in front of him, so he had to call "Great Elder is good." "

"Hehe, let's go, take you to the elf treasury. "

The old man obviously didn't care about the salutation.

Seeing Xu Jing's restraint, he took the initiative to take Xu Jing's hand and walked towards the gate not far away.

"Xiaolong and I mentioned you. The old man smiled, and there was no shelf, but Xu Jing still felt an invisible pressure.

"said that you are likely to take his position in the future, and you are ready to find an opportunity for you to make some achievements, but I didn't expect you to make achievements yourself. "

"You have made a great contribution to the matter of the Chihe Secret Realm this time, Xiaolong is going to get you the identity of the honorary keeper of the Dragon Kingdom, I don't know what you think?"

The old man came to the door and entered the code.

While asking Xu Jing.

Honorary Nurse is a special identity among trainers, and every big city elf alliance has a nurseryman.

Conservationists don't need tickets or anything else to enter the Elven Secret Realm, and when they wander in the Secret Realm, they are no different from normal trainers.

If you encounter something like deliberately mutilating an elf in a secret realm, it's time for the conservationist to take action.

City-level conservationists can only enter the secret places of the local city, which is a small privilege.

And the honorary conservator.

It's national!

With this identity, Xu Jing will not need any trainer level to go to any elf secret realm in any city in the Dragon Kingdom in the future!

You can enter by swiping your alliance card directly!

This kind of good thing, Xu Jing naturally has no reason to refuse.

As for things like deliberately mutilating elves.

Not to mention the identity of a childcare family.

Even if you don't have the status of a nurseryman, any qualified elf trainer will take care of it if you meet it, right?

"Elder, I am willing to take on the responsibility of a nursery. "

"Well, that's okay, the door is open, I'll take you in to see if there is any elf egg you like, pick one and take it away to cultivate." The door of the 800 Elf Treasury creaked open.

Xu Jing followed the Great Elder in a regular manner.

Although the Elven General Library is a collection of elven eggs from the entire Dragon Country, not all elven eggs can be stored here.

Xu Jing looked at it.

The entrance is a hole carved out of the stone wall, and there is an oval-shaped thing in the hole, so there is no need to say what it is.

That's right, the elf eggs in this are actually stored like this, and they are placed in the stone wall?

After all, the elf eggs here are theoretically stored for a long time, and it would be bad if the storage conditions were not good enough to reduce the activity of the elf eggs.

There are no lights in the Elf Vault.

The stone walls are inlaid with palm-sized light stones.

The light stone emits a soft light.

Make the lighting in the elf library not a problem.

The Great Elder took Xu Jing to the first stone wall cave, as if he had sensed something, the light stones in the stone wall cave flickered collectively, and the elf eggs placed in it were crystal clear.

The lines on the shell of the elf egg seem to come to life, fluorescent, beautiful, like a large night pearl!

"I don't know what attribute of the elf egg you want to choose, you can take a look here, don't worry. "

The first elf egg that the Great Elder took Xu Jing to see was an elf egg of the fire-breathing dragon of the Royal Three Families!

Xu Jing's Eyes of Exploration have been opened!

【Elf Egg: Little Fire Dragon】

【Attribute: Fire】


[Individual Talents: Stamina (31) Attack (31) Defense (28) Special Attack (30) Special Defense (30) Speed (31)]

[Incubation success rate: 96%]

I'll go!

Xu Jing was shocked!

It is worthy of being an elf egg that can be stored in the Dragon Country Elf Treasury, and this little fire dragon elf egg is probably the best choice for any trainer!

Little Fire Dragon - Fire Dinosaur - Charizard!

Especially now that the super evolution will be made public, it is estimated that Charizard can super evolve into a Super Charizard X Super Charizard Y will also be widely publicized.

This elf has two super-evolved forms.

Even if you look at the entire elf world, it is a very explosive existence!

At that time, the price of Charizard series elves will skyrocket, and it is normal to surpass the elf eggs of other royal three families!

And the champion-level qualification, 6 small fire dragon elf eggs with such excellent individual value talents, this price, tsk...... (cifb)

I really want to take it away!

However, Xu Jing did not make a decision immediately.

What's the hurry?

It's all time in the Dragon Kingdom Elf Treasury!

Can't you read all the elf eggs in this general library before making a decision?

What if there is an even more rebellious elf egg in this?

Xu Jing doesn't do such stupid things!

And Charizard is a fire + flight type.

These two attributes......

Xu Jing's elf team already has it!

The fire system of Bicchitini.

Fossil pterosaur flight system!

It's best not to have overlapping attributes for a team of 6 elves, because this will make your team's attack area extraordinarily wide!

"This elf egg has been here for a while? "

The Great Elder personally introduced Xu Jing.

It's just that the name in his mouth made Xu Jing a little embarrassed.

Senior Long Jun is a little dragon in the mouth of the Great Elder.

He Yan, the predecessor of the Flame Heavenly King also became Xiao Yan in the mouth of the Great Elder......

There is some information about the elf eggs next to the elf eggs.

These are all descriptions of identifying the egg.

Xu Jing looked at it "pretendedly".

And then.

"Great Elder, I want to see it again. "

Seeing that Xu Jing was not in a hurry to make a decision, the Great Elder nodded, thinking that what Xiaolong said was right, Xu Jing's concentration was very good!

In the face of an elf egg that has reached the championship level qualification, it can still be so calm, which is very rare at this age!

The second elf egg is an elf egg that is more than an eagle!

Although in the circle of elven trainers, almost everyone has one eagle, but the qualifications of other people's eagles are most likely not as good as this egg!

Champion qualifications are standard!

It can be known from Xu Jing's probing eyes.

This is only one of the 6 individual talents of the eagle.

Speed is 31 full value!

Comparison of eagles, general department + flight department.

is still the same sentence, Xu Jing's flight system has a fossil pterosaur.

Unless he encounters an elf that really makes Xu Jing's heart move, he will consider repeating the elf attributes.

Otherwise, there is no need to talk about it!

The third, a champion-level qualified flame chicken elf egg!

Fire + Fight!

Although the Flame Chicken can also be super evolved.

But...... Attribute duplication!

"Look again!" Xu Jingyi gritted his teeth.

Three elf eggs in a row failed to satisfy Xu Jing.

This made Xu Jing couldn't help but doubt in his heart.

The elven egg in this elf vault.

Isn't there no attribute he needs?

The Great Elder next to him didn't care.

For the development of the Dragon Kingdom.

His own elves didn't have much time to train and cultivate.

They all rely on digesting attribute treasures to improve their strength.

Xu Jing didn't like it, so he continued to watch. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Today he took the time to meet this young man who could praise Xiaolong.

Time flies.

More than ten minutes passed.

Xu Jing looked at the elf egg in front of him.

There was something unreal in his eyes...... []

[Elf Egg: Darkrai (Genderless)]

[Attribute: Evil]

[Qualification: Phantom Beast Exclusive]

[Individual Talents: Stamina (31) Attack (31) Defense (31) Special Attack (31) Special Defense (31) Speed (31)]

[Incubation success rate: 100%]

Darkrai, it turned out to be Darkrai!?

In the general treasury of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance.

There's Darkrai's elven egg!?

Xu Jing decided to ask for this without hesitation!

"Great Elder, I choose this elf egg!"

Phantom beast, another phantom beast!

What else are you struggling with if you have a phantom beast?

Xu Jing chose the phantom beast brainlessly!

It's still a phantom beast with evil attributes, and the attributes are not repeated!

6V body value, awesome!

"This elf egg is from the same secret realm as the elf egg that your academy was rewarded with when it won the Elf Championship Cup. "

The Great Elder was a little surprised.

Because of the elf egg that Xu Jing chose.

I don't know exactly what kind of elves will be hatched.

This is also one of the few elf eggs in the entire elf library that doesn't know what elves can hatch!

"Kid, are you sure you want this?"

The Grand Elder confirmed again.

Xu Jing nodded.

"Great Elder, I'll choose this one, I feel quite eye-catching. "

The eye rim is fake, mainly because the probing eye has seen that this is the Darkrai elf egg!

At the same time, Xu Jing only then knew that the place where Senior Long Jun obtained the Elf Egg of Jielaora also obtained other Elf Eggs!

Where exactly this secret realm is, you have to ask.

Just ask the Great Elder, Xu Jing felt pressured.

Let's find time to ask Senior Long Jun!

The elf egg is chosen.

The surprise is really unexpected, it's amazing!

Until Xu Jingtong left the elven treasury.

He pinched his face.

Well, it hurts a little.

The unavoidable phantom beast elf, the phantom beast elf egg, which is rarer than the quasi-god elf, he is already lucky to get Gera Ora, and if he doesn't find it, he can get another one!

looked at the back of Xu Jing leaving.

The Great Elder smiled, this child is really interesting, I hope he can grow up as soon as possible!


"Xu Jing, what did you choose?"

Dean Chen Lin, who was waiting for Xu Jing outside, looked at the elf egg in Xu Jing's arms, looked at it a few times and couldn't determine what kind of elf egg it was, and hurriedly asked.

Knowing that Xu Jing actually chose an egg that no one knew what kind of elf could hatch, Chen Lin was speechless for a long time......

"Forget it, you kid can always do something unexpected, don't you think that you have hatched an electric elf that you have never seen before, and this elf egg still wants to repeat the old tricks, right?"

Chen Lin's words choked Xu Jing on what he was about to say.

Because that's really the way it is now......

Darkrai, good has also appeared......

Hehe smiled, Xu Jing didn't say much.

"Let's go, go back to Star City first, and I've got all the treasures for you. As soon as Chen Lin said, Xu Jing suddenly remembered that he had to prepare treasures for Darkrai.

"Dean, I'm afraid I can't leave yet. "

"Can't go?" Chen Lin's heart moved.

The tentative asked, "Does that one have anything for you?"

"Well, it's not, it's Senior Long Jun who arranged for me to be an honorary nurseryman, and I may have to trouble the dean a lot, etc., I'm already going through the process. "

Chen Lin was shocked!

"Long Jun...... It's really important to you, it's good, you kid doesn't like to wander around the secret realms, now that you have this identity, you can go to any elf secret realm in the Dragon Kingdom, you don't need to look at the trainer's identity level, I am a little envious of you. "

One-star secret realm, two-star secret realm, normal trainers can go, and higher-level secret realms must have strength requirements.

"Dean, what do you envy, you should also have the status of an honorary nurseryman, right?"

"Go, go, go, of course I have, how difficult it is for me to get this identity, how can I be like you kid, you have it at such a young age!"


After the relationship between Xu Jing and Dean Chen Lin became closer and closer.

At the request of Chen Lin

Xu Jing didn't use honorifics like "you" anymore.

The relationship between the two now is more like a year-end friendship.

It didn't take long for Xu Jing to get the certificate of honorary nurseryman, which looked quite compelling.

On the surface is a golden Poké Ball.

Turning over the first side, inside is Xu Jing's basic information.

It doesn't matter if it's all that, it's the identity inside!

A member of the Dragon Country Honorary Nursery Family!

This thing is in the same nature as the previous national security.

With some unimaginable privileges.

Xu Jing was going to get some more evil attribute treasures at the headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance, but then he thought about it.

Darkrai has not yet hatched.

It didn't make sense for him to directly prepare the evil attribute treasures in advance.

Let's go back to Star City and get it again!

No hurry!

In this wave, he had to wait for all the elves to break through to the quasi-heavenly king before going to the next secret realm.

So there's still plenty of time!

After leaving the Imperial Capital Headquarters and returning to Star City.

This time, Xu Jing did not go directly to the elf hatching room in the dormitory building, but went to the exclusive hatching room of the National Defense Elf Academy to start the incubation process of Darkrai's elf eggs.

Xu Jing took his elf companions to the attribute energy house.

With the improvement of the elven level strength, the role of the attribute energy house has become more and more minimal.

But talk is better than nothing.

It's better than the usual rest of the world.

Xu Jing began to distribute 6 attribute treasures!


- The strength is about to skyrocket.

Lucario, with his hands folded over his chest, looked at Geng.

"Hey, hey~" Geng Ghost smiled, licked his lips with his tongue, his strength skyrocketed or something, he liked it the most!


- Envy!

Menas writhed his body, a little envious.

It has only one water-based property and can no longer absorb it.

Only water-based pure crystals can be absorbed, but Xu Jing didn't get water-based pure crystals, so this time the strength improvement is not its share.

The same goes for Gellaola.

Gelaora clasped her hands behind her head, her white fur comfortably seated in one of the seats in the energy room.

The powerful magnet energy in its body is still being absorbed!

Nothing is more awaited than the fossil pterosaur!

Xu Jing has already told it.

This time it can absorb the most stuff!

4 Attribute Treasures!.

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