[Ding! Congratulations to the host, your Lucario has absorbed the secret treasure of the fighting attribute - the black belt, and the fighting elemental energy in his body has skyrocketed, gaining 800,000 experience points, and the absorption time is about 5 days]

Congratulations to the host, your Geng ghost has absorbed the ghost attribute secret treasure - the cursed talisman, and the ghost element energy in his body has skyrocketed, gaining 800,000 experience points, and the absorption time is about 7 days]

With Lucario and Gengar absorbing the last attribute treasure at the same time, the two of them also gained 800,000 XP each.

Wait until they're done absorbing.

The strength level is LV.67!

Quasi-Heavenly King High Rank!

The other elven companions are used to it.

Only Bicchitini, who sat on Xu Jing's shoulder, felt a novelty.


Bicchitini's two little paws are still holding ~ a grape.

Grapes are this thing, too, and it's the first time I've eaten it.

The smell made it go all at once.

Xu Jing carried half a backpack of grapes, all of which were for the little guy Biktini, whose stomach seemed to be a bottomless pit, and he couldn't eat enough to eat a lot of things.

Beside. ......

"Roar~~~" Seeing Lucario and Geng so happy, the fossil pterosaur was even happier!

It was after the defeat of Dean Chen Lin's Super Lizard King.

I've figured out a lot of things in my heart!

Now I wish I could get stronger!

In this way, at least there will be no such thing as Xu Jing said and there will be nothing that can be done!

It also wants to protect Xu Jing!

Seeing Xu Jing's gaze fall on him.

The fossil pterosaur flapped its wings twice in excitement.

"4 attribute secret treasures, I don't know how much you can absorb now, let's absorb the hard stones of the rock system first. "

As he spoke, Xu Jing pressed the two black stones in his hand on the dragon wings of the fossil pterosaur.

The energy of the rock system turns into a torrent and is absorbed into its stomach and mouth by its mouth and nose.

Congratulations to the host, your fossil pterosaur has absorbed the rock attribute secret treasure - hard stone × 2, and the rock element energy in his body has skyrocketed, gaining 1.6 million experience points, and the absorption time is about 12 days]

After the two Rock Treasures provided 1.6 million experience points for the Fossil Pterodactyl, Xu Jing picked up the Flying Treasure again and pressed it on the Fossil Pterodactyl.

Originally, the attribute secret treasure would be absorbed when it touched the elf's body, but a magical scene appeared!

I saw that the sharp beak like a bird's beak first emitted a flutter, and then there was a sound similar to the blowing of a strong wind.

This sharp beak cannot be absorbed for the time being.

"It looks like we'll have to wait 12 days. "

Xu Jing looked at the fossil pterosaur, and probably estimated the strength level of the fossil pterosaur after absorbing the 4 attribute secret treasures for the fossil pterosaur!


LV.71 level!

Heavenly King Beginner!

4 Attribute Treasure can provide up to 3.2 million experience points for Fossil Pterodactyl!

It will become the second king-level elf on Xu Jing's side!

Of course, it was originally the first one.

It's just that Xu Jing subdued Biktini.

Therefore, the fossil pterosaur can only be relegated to the second Heavenly King level.

"Okay, you all take it and feel it on the side. "

"Now it's time for the main event!"

Xu Jing took out the fire-based pure crystal.

It was the most precious and rarest treasure he had ever acquired.

- Fire Crystal!

A treasure that can be absorbed by fire spirits!

Worth hundreds of millions!

Worth hundreds of millions is just one statement.

A statement that proves that pure crystals are very precious!

If anyone is willing to take out 100 million, 2 billion, or even 4 alliance coins to buy with Xu Jing, Xu Jing will definitely not sell it!

How can this kind of treasure be compared to the Alliance Coin!

"Pini?" Bictini had just finished settling a grape.

Unexpectedly, Xu Jing looked at himself.

Its little paw pointed at itself.

"Yes, it's you next, come, I don't know if you've absorbed this treasure before, try it~"

Xu Jing took Biktini off his shoulders with one hand and placed it on the table, and with the other hand he placed the Fire Pure Crystal in front of Biktini.

The other elf companions looked at each other.

They know.

This treasure is more precious than all their treasures!

"Biktini, come, try!"

Xu Jing's eyes were burning and he hurriedly urged.

Biktini is LV.79!

If it can absorb fire-based pure crystals.

That means......

Xu Jing will get his first champion-level elf!

And it's a phantom beast!

Can't wait!

Under the gaze of Xu Jing and the other elves, Biktini stretched out his small claws and slowly landed on the fire-type pure crystal.


Unlike other treasures.

When Bictini touches a fire-based crystal.

The fire-based pure crystal made a crisp sound.

Immediately, the whole thing turned into a flame.

The flames soon surrounded Biktini.

Xu Jing also got the hint he wanted the most!

Congratulations to the host, your Biktini has absorbed the fire-based pure crystal, and the fire-type elemental energy in his body has skyrocketed, gaining 1.2 million experience points, and the absorption time is about 3 days]

As long as 3 days!

Worthy of the victory star Bictini!

You can absorb 1.2 million XP in 3 days!

The experience points that Pure Crystal can provide are clear.

1.2 million points!

Bictini will be able to break through to LV.81 by then!

Champion Junior

"I don't know if Biktini will be able to absorb the other treasures. "

Seeing that Biktini could absorb it in such a short time, Xu Jing immediately turned his mind to other treasures.

Fire attribute essence, fire stone, super attribute essence, super power stone, he plans to give it a try!

"Super Stone, yes, there's a Super Stone in your backpack!"

Xu Jing's eyes lit up, and he immediately took the backpack over, opened the attribute stones placed in it, searched for them one by one, and found the super power stones!

This is one of the attribute stones harvested in the secret territory of the Red River.

Xu Jing soon began to validate his ideas.

The result......

No response!

Biktini has no reaction to the Power Stone!

Can't absorb!

This means that Biktini has absorbed the Power Stone before!

"It's a pity!"

"Forget it, greed is not enough to swallow elephants, and the speed of my strength progress is already very terrifying. "

Xu Jing's regretful sigh made him already puzzled.

"Haha, it's okay, Biktini will be the most powerful in the future, can you give us a try of your victory now?"

Xu Jing rubbed Biktini's big V-shaped ears.


The first person to bestow the power of victory on Bictini was Xu Jing!

"Damn, I feel like there is no end of strength in my body!"

Xu Jing clenched his fist, and there was a clicking sound between the fingerbones of his fist, giving him a stone, he felt that he could crush the stone with his bare hands!

That's that exaggerated!

Xu Jing jumped up slightly, and the place where his eyes could be seen was much shorter in an instant, good guy!

In the shocked gaze of the elf companions.

Xu Jing jumped directly to a height of three or four meters!


The increase in Xu Jing is so terrifying.

Not to mention the increase in elves!(If you read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lucario, Gengario, Gerala, Menas, and Fossil Pterodactyl have all experienced the power of Bicchitini's victory!

Suddenly, one by one finally understood.

I understand why Xu Jing chose to accept the little cutie of Biktini.

Where is this cutie, this is clearly a little horror!

With Biktini's abilities, in. []

It is equivalent to doubling everyone's overall strength!

When strength is low, doubling strength may be a no-brainer.

Wait until the king level, or even the champion level!

At this time, the strength doubled again......

After understanding this, Biktini was promoted to become the group pet!

Everybody's spoiled for it!

"Here's what I did to you in the coming days. After absorbing the treasure, Xu Jing began to assign work.

"First of all, it's a fossil pterosaur, all you have to do is to fully appreciate the effect of rock-based elemental energy, and strive to master a few more rock-based skills!"

"In addition, you have awakened the Tough Head trait, and you can learn some reactive but powerful steel and rock skills that other elves dare not learn!"

Sacrificing the ram and the double-edged hammer!

Xu Jing took a fancy to these two skills!

One is steel and the other is rock!

Especially the double-edged head hammer, Ouyang Su's senior Bosco Dora mastered this skill, and Xu Jing was deeply impressed in the Champions Cup competition!

When the time comes, you can ask Senior Ouyang Su for help.

Let his Boskodora teach fossil pterosaurs!


- No problem!

The fossil pterosaur received its life with its mouth wide open!

"Geraora, Menas, you two haven't absorbed new treasures, Geraorado knows the electrical skills, and it's best to master your exclusive skills next!"

Gelaora also has an exclusive ability.

It's called Plasma Lightning Punch!

"Also, you have one more task, and you still have to master your own characteristics, and your strength will be even higher at that time!"


Seeing that everyone's strength has been promoted rapidly, Gera Ola also has a sense of urgency.

"Menas, your positioning will be long-range attack + support in the future, as well as recovering your physical strength with life drops for everyone, so your own safety is also very important, I want to train you to see if you can master this skill!"

If Menas can hold on.

With it, it absorbs the treasure leftovers, plus the two skills of water flow ring and self-regeneration.

Attackable milk!

Menas also nodded, indicating that he would not hold everyone back.

"Lucario, your mission is the same as Menas, I hope you can learn to defend, this skill is also very useful to you, see which of you can learn it faster!"


In terms of comprehension ability, Lucario asked himself if he was confident that he would not lose to his other elven companions.

"As for Biktini. "

I heard Xu Jing mention himself again.

Bicquitini put down the grapes.

"Biktini, your task is the heaviest, I have to find a way to make you learn to teleport!


More tasty?


- In a word, I want to eat delicious food_

Biktini's head is non-stop, and he is the easiest to flicker~

In the game, Bicchitini can't learn to teleport.

But this is the real world.

Phantom beast elves have the particularity of phantom beasts in the qualification column, Xu Jing thinks that learning to teleport, it shouldn't make sense to learn it, right?

"As for me, in addition to accompanying everyone for special training, I also have to make a plan myself!"

One decision after another was arranged by Xu Jing.

And himself!

The next month.

It is also the last month of the semester at the Defense Genie Academy.


A few days later, Xu Jing's Darkrai was successfully hatched!

The next day, the exploration of the secret realm of the Red River finally came to an end!

The trainers led by the Dragon Kingdom and the trainers led by the United States have launched an unprecedented battle in the secret territory of the Red River!

The outcome of the battle.

Leave everyone stunned!

One of the titled kings of the Dragon Kingdom, He Yan, the king of flames!

With the power of the ace main force Charizard, the Flame King and the Flying King, Anderson, a trainer of the United States on the opposite side and one of the equivalent of one of the titled kings, was seriously injured and escaped!

Even the ace elves lost 2!

As soon as the news spread back home.

All the trainers in the country are excited!

The United States has always been at odds with the Dragon Kingdom internationally.

Suppress the Dragon Kingdom and find ways to make trouble for the Dragon Kingdom!

Internationally, dragons are not much cheaper.

But now, the Flame King and the Flying King have seriously injured Anderson, who is of the same strength on the opposite side, and also killed the two ace main forces on the opposite side, which is definitely a victory, a big victory!

The head of the United States of Parliament, Tefergus, blatantly violated the United Nations Trainer Convention and killed the Red River Secret Realm as a champion!

The head of the council is equivalent to the crown of the dragon country.

Tefergus was going to the Red River Secret Realm despite violating the United Nations Trainer Convention, and everyone thought that the United States was angry because Anderson was killed by the two Flame Kings and lost his armor!

Not really!

Soon, some foreign media broke the news one after another!

If the previous news is just speculation about the super evolution stone.

Now the foreign media broke the news that it was a direct real hammer!

There are even some pictures and videos of the elves who have long been thought to be the final evolutionary form again!

It turns out that there are treasures in the secret realm of Chihe that can make many elves evolve again!

This would explain why Tefergus was so angry, and Anderson was beaten and fled, doesn't this mean that the United States has lost the first opportunity in the Red River Secret Realm?

In the current international situation.

Whether it's the Dragon Kingdom or the United States.

The evolution of the elves is like the arrival of a new era!

Which side has more resources about the new era.

Which side will have a greater say in the world!

Although everyone felt angry about Tefergus's blatant violation of the United Nations convention, the immediate urgency was that the Flame King and the Flying King were in danger!

But everyone didn't worry for long.

International elf news broke out frequently.

Before the United States Tefergus first violated the trainer's convention, Long Jun, the champion of the Dragon Kingdom, also arrived at the Red River Secret Realm in order to protect the Dragon Country Trainers!

Long Jun and Tefergus broke out in the Chihe Secret Realm, and the battle between the two sides lasted for 3 hours!

Long Jun faintly has the upper hand!

Long Jun even let Tefergus go home to practice again!

Of course, it's not just the arrival of the champions of the Dragon Kingdom and the United States.

Mao Bear Country, the European Union and other countries, because they were afraid that the battle between Long Jun and Tefergus would affect their people, so several champions arrived at the Chihe Secret Realm one after another!

No one thought of it.

Black Island and the city of Kairo.

Such an inconspicuous little city.

It detonated the eyes of the whole world!

Whether it's a championship fight or the coming of a new era, the world is in an uproar!

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