
The Onion Duck held the onion stem in his right hand and the onion leaf in his right hand, like a warrior holding a sword and shield!

Natsume looked at the Onion Duck at this moment and said,"Go ahead, Onion Duck, follow your instinct!".


Fat Onion Ducky used Lightning Flash and quickly rushed towards Infernape!

"Calm down, Infernape!"

Zhang Ran stared at Farfetch'd and said,"Now, spray the flames!"

Farfetch'd jumped high and chopped down Infernape with the"long sword" in his hand.


Infernape roared, looked up at the Farfetch'd jumping high, and took a deep breath.


Flame spray!

【Hint: Farfetch'd has automatically learned how to split tiles!】


The Onion Duck roared, and the"long sword" in his hand suddenly split the flames!


The broken onion in Onion Duck's hand carried an amazing energy and chopped down the body of Infernape. The body of Infernape fell down with a bang.

Infernape lost its ability to fight.

【Battle Mission: Trainer's Journey (4/10)]

Natsume's battle mission progress has been updated.

At the same time, a ray of light instantly shone from Farfetch'd.

Soon, the light faded away.

Farfetch'd's feathers had completely turned pure white.

The broken onion in its hand really turned into a sword and a shield.

【The Onion Duck evolved into the Onion Ranger】

【Onion Ranger gains combat experience value: 26743, Onion Ranger's current level is 39 (31549/49237)】

【The Onion Soldier has learned a new skill, Iron Wall, Head-on Attack.

The experience points gained in this game are much higher than the previous one.

The onlookers around looked at Natsume's Onion Soldier and clapped their hands.

"This is the first time I have seen evolution in combat."

"This onion soldier looks so handsome"

"Then again, the strength of this gym owner is too strong."

Zhang Ran was a little unwilling:"Damn, I still lost!"

Xia Mu looked at Zhang Ran and said:"Although your bond is deep, don't underestimate the efforts of Cong Youbing."

"This guy is training hard every day."

Zhang Ran looked at Cong Youbing, who had a resolute look on his face, and said,"I understand."

"Sure enough, my practice is not enough"

""Master Natsume, I will continue to challenge you."

Zhang Ran said and put away his Infernape. Natsume looked at the evolved Onion Soldier and said,"Your efforts have paid off, Onion Soldier."


The evolved Onion Ranger looks much more stable.

"Natsume Gym Master."

At this time, a young man with a bag on his back stepped forward and said,"My name is Zhang Yue, and I'm the one who has made an appointment for the gym battle today."

"I want to ask, how long do you have to till the land before you can have a gym match?"

Natsume listened to Zhang Yue's words and looked at Sandsam.

Sandsam had already run back into the field.

Natsume said,"There is no hard and fast requirement." Zhang

Yue heaved a sigh of relief after hearing what Natsume said.

"Great, I can't do it anymore."

Xiamu looked at him and smiled:"As a trainer, you still need a certain amount of physical strength."

Zhang Yue said a little embarrassedly:"I will train hard later."

"Because I never thought about becoming a trainer before, I didn't take care of my body."

"Why do you want to be a trainer now?"

Zhang Yue said:"Because I watched a movie and was very moved"

"So I think I can also travel the world with my own spirit like those people in the movie and do what I want to do"

"Therefore, I decided to become a professional trainer!"

Natsume nodded slightly:"I understand"

"Little Flame Monkey."

Natsume waved at the Little Flame Monkey.

"Since you are a newcomer and this is your first time playing in a gym match, let it be your opponent in this match."


Flame trotted over to Natsume.

Flame looked a little nervous, but also very excited.

On the battlefield,

Rotom began to announce the rules of the game.

Natsume looked at Flame and said,"Relax.""

"Your advantage is in close combat, so you can observe the opponent's actions first."

"If the opponent attacks you from a distance, you should dodge and get closer."

"If the opponent rushes towards you, just wait for the moment it rushes up and attack."

The little flame monkey listened carefully to Natsume's instructions.

Natsume touched the little flame monkey's head and smiled:"Go, win this battle."

Although the little flame monkey's level is very low, the opponent is almost a pure rookie.

The gap between the two sides will not be too big.


The little flame monkey came to the battlefield

""Go, Bubot."

Zhang Yue released his own Pokémon.

Bubot was an orange-yellow electric mouse.

It crouched on the ground.

This Bubot was level 16.

Although Bubot had some advantages in level, its individual value was much lower than that of the Flame Monkey.

Rotom looked at the Pokémon from both sides and said,"The game begins!"

Zhang Yue looked very excited.

"Bu Bo, this is our first gym competition, so we must win this game!"

"Then, on the road to the Elf Master, keep moving forward!"

Zhang Yue shouted:"Bubo, use electric shock!"

Zila~ a stream of electricity condensed and then struck the little flame monkey.

The little flame monkey remembered Natsume's teachings and did not release skills in a hurry.

The little flame monkey is a speed-type elf with a very agile body.

It jumped left and right and easily avoided Bubo's electric shock.

Zhang Yue saw that the electric shock missed and immediately changed his fighting method

"The cloth flicked and a flash of lightning appeared!"


Bubo rushed towards the little flame monkey quickly.

The little flame monkey stopped where it was.

The flame burned on the little flame monkey's fist.


Just as Bu Bo was about to hit the little flame monkey, the little flame monkey quickly swung his fist!


Bu Bo was knocked away by a punch!


The little fire monkey looked at Bubo lying on the ground and instinctively chose to move forward!

Bubo got up from the ground. As soon as he raised his head


The little flame monkey punched again.


Two consecutive punches.

Bu Bo's eyes suddenly became bright and he fell to the ground.

【Flame Monkey gains 2122 experience points, and Flame's level rises to level 14 (913/2212】


The little flame monkey looked at Bubo at the bottom and turned to look at Natsume with some excitement.

Natsume gave him a thumbs up and praised:"Well done, that's it!"


Blaze suddenly lowered his head and looked at his body.

The light of evolution emanated from Blaze.

Blaze's evolution speed was the fastest among the three fire-type starters.

The three fire-type starters usually evolved at level 16, and the slower ones at level 17.

But Blaze only needed level 14 to complete the first evolution.

Among the three fire-type starters, only Infernape was also level 14.

【The little flamingo successfully evolved into a fierce flamingo】

【Infernape has learned a new skill: Sonic Punch.

The victory in the first battle gave Infernape confidence.


The fierce fire monkey looked at Zhang Yue.

"Damn it, we won't lose so easily."

Zhang Yue took a deep breath and said,"Go ahead, my trump card!"


This is a dog-type Pokémon that looks very old-fashioned.

Hayok, level 19, a normal Pokémon

"Hayok, let's not rush to attack this time, let's observe Menghuohou's movements first!"


The Infernape turned around and looked at Natsume.

Natsume said:"If it doesn't come, then let's go over there!"

"Infernape, Sonic Fist!"


The Fire Monkey ran towards Hayok!

Zhang Yue watched the Fire Monkey getting closer and closer.

"Right now, bite it!"

Hayok looked at the moment when the Infernape rushed in front of him and opened his mouth, the Infernape quickly raised his fist.

Sonic punch!


This punch hit Hayok's mouth.


Hayok whimpered in pain and stepped back in a hurry.


The fierce fire monkey attacked without mercy.

The super-fast sonic punches rained down on Hayok.


Hayok's body swayed and he fell to the ground.

【Flame Monkey gains 3123 experience points, and Flame's level rises to level 15 (1824/2814】

"how come.."

Zhang Yue looked at Hayok lying on the ground, with an expression of doubt about his life.

Zhang Yue thought it would be a fierce battle.

But he never expected to lose without any chance to fight back.

Natsume said:"Becoming a trainer is not an easy thing."

"Although chasing dreams is good, if it is just because of the momentary passion"

"I think I still need to think about it more."

After listening to Xia Mu's words, Zhang Yue lost all his previous high spirits.

Zhang Yue said bitterly:"I understand, I will reconsider."

He once dreamed of traveling the world with a sword, but his dream of becoming a master was shattered by a punch.

Zhang Yue's strength did not meet the standards required for the battle mission.

So this was not counted in the battle mission.

The next challengers are all amateurs like Zhang Yue.

"Infernape, I'll leave the rest to you."

Natsume looked at them and said,"If you get tired of fighting, let Hercules and Houndoom come on and practice a bit."


The little flame monkey waved his fist to show that there was no problem at all

"Onion Soldier, you just stay here to hold the line"

"If you encounter a powerful elf, you will go on stage"


Cong Youbing looked at Natsume with a hesitant expression.

Natsume looked at Cong Youbing's expression and asked curiously:"What's wrong, Cong Youbing, do you have anything to tell me?"

Cong Youbing nodded.

"Then let's go out and talk"


The Green Onion Soldier followed Natsume out of the battle field.

Inside the field, someone else came up to challenge.

The official website of Linhai City has already released the rules here.

Although the gym owner has left the field, if the challenger is willing, he can still fight with the gym owner's Pokémon.

The Green Onion Soldier followed Natsume and sat down beside a field ditch.

The wind blew in the field.

The hair on the Green Onion Soldier fluttered slightly.

Looking at the sun that was gradually setting in the west, the Green Onion Soldier's expression became melancholy.

"Chamu, Chamu."

Translation: I had a favorite Onion Duck, but she chose a blue ugly duck.


After hearing what the green onion soldier said, Natsume was stunned.

Natsume looked at the green onion soldier in astonishment.

You still have this story?

"Natsume, what is the blue ugly duck?"

Jirachi asked curiously while sitting on Natsume's lap.

Natsume said with a strange expression:"Congyoubing may be talking about Gotha Duck"


Jirachi asked curiously:"Then what is love?"

When Lalulas heard this, he looked at Natsume.

Natsume looked up at the sky.

The trainer's manual didn't say that he had to talk to Pokémon about this kind of question.

""Natsume, what is love?"

Jirachi floated in front of Natsume.

The light shining on Natsume's face was blocked by Jirachi's small body.

Natsume decided to use a slightly more literary word to explain Jirachi's question.

"The most direct feeling of love, I think, is the desire to meet"

"Want to hug"

"Want to do whatever we love together."

Jirachi then hugged Natsume's arm:"Then Jirachi has wanted to see Natsume for a long time.~"


Cong Youbing asked: Are you still listening?


Natsume said,"Jirachi, let's listen to what Cong Youbing has to say first."

Cong Youbing's eyes were focused on the distance again.


When Onion Duck was still a Farfetch'd, he lived in a deep mountain in the north.

Farfetch'd at that time was very happy.

Eating, sleeping, playing.

Of course, he also looked for better onions for a Farfetch'd that he liked.

Although the female duck didn't like him, Farfetch'd believed that he would impress her sooner or later.

However, one day, two Ullas invaded their territory.

883 Ullas wanted to steal their elf eggs.

Although Farfetch'd fought back, it was no match at all.

At the critical moment, a Golduck suddenly appeared and helped them.

The crisis was resolved, but Farfetch'd was heartbroken.

Farfetch'd felt that all the pain came from his weakness!

So Farfetch'd began a practice with the goal of evolving into Onion Duck.

Farfetch'd felt that as long as he evolved and defeated the Golduck, he would definitely be liked!


The Green Onion Soldier looked at Natsume.

The Green Onion Soldier wanted to defeat the Golduck and bring the Farfetch'd back to live with him.

"I see."

Natsume looked at Cong Youbing and said,"Then let's go to your former home together tomorrow."


"That's right."

Natsume suddenly remembered something important.

"By the way, Cong Youbing, how many years have you been away from home?"

Cong Youbing lowered his head and thought for a while:"Chamu!"

Cong Youbing has experienced three snow seasons.

Xia Mu's expression suddenly became a little strange.

"Isn't it more than three years?"

The Green Onion Soldier nodded.

In more than three years, if Farfetch'd and Golduck were truly in love, they would probably have a child.

Many elves do not have a strong sense of race.

Therefore, even if they are not of the same race, they will still love each other if they like each other.

This is why there are always news reports about humans and elves getting married.

For elves, if they like each other, it doesn't matter if they are not from the same egg group.

"Onion Soldier, do you have any other dreams besides this obsession?"

Natsume decided to let Onion Soldier have some psychological preparation first.


Cong Youbing wants to become the strongest warrior on the farm!

"This is a good goal!"

Natsume immediately said:"Congyoubing, no matter what happens, you must be strong!"

Congyoubing looked at Natsume in confusion.

Natsume patted Congyoubing on the shoulder and said:"Today, just have a good rest."


"Come on, Lalulas, let's go back to the farm and pack up our things."

"Let's go to the north with Cong Youbing tomorrow."

Jirachi floated beside Natsume:"Jirachi wants to go to the north to play~"

The sky has gradually darkened.

The sun sets and the moon rises.

The thousand-year-old comet in the sky is still moving in the starry sky.

This is the second night of the seven nights....

Farm Diary:

Ongoing Quests:

【Battle Mission: Trainer's Journey (4/10)】

【Farm Quest: Herding Milk Cans】

【[Jirachi limited time event in progress]

Farm Pokémon: Dragonite, Windy Hound, Sandslash, Monarch, two Long-eared Rabbits, Buzzbat. Chinchilla, Uchiha, Rotom, Kokoro, Onion Ranger; two Scythers, Infernape; baby Jiras Pokémon egg. Farm tribes: Nanny Bug tribe; Houndoom tribe; Diglett tribe, Heracross tribe;

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