"Natsume~Wake up~"

Jirachi jumped on Natsume.

Natsume opened his eyes and quickly hugged Jirachi who was jumping on him.

"Jirachi, stop stepping on me!".

Jirachi tilted his head.

Natsume got down from the bed with his upper body naked.

The balcony window had been opened.

The wind blew in from outside.

Natsume put Jirachi on his shoulders and walked towards the balcony.

The Wangwang Valley and the rolling beans that were just planted not long ago have sprouted.

The fields are full of green.

Natsume turned on his phone and checked the battle situation of the gym yesterday.

【Dalubi participated in the battle and gained 21341 experience points】

【Dalubi's level has risen to 24, and it has successfully evolved into Houndoom.】.

【Heracross participated in the battle, gained 12723 experience points, and reached level 23】...

【Infernape participated in the battle and gained 37321 experience points, and its level was raised to 19.】...

Yesterday, many ordinary tourists came to Linhai City.

Their challenges provided a lot of combat experience to Infernape and other Pokémon.

Unfortunately, high-level Pokémon will get much less combat experience when fighting low-level Pokémon.

This prevented Dragonite and others from leveling up quickly in the gym.

However, for most Pokémon in the farm, the existence of the gym is of great help to them.

Because it can allow some Pokémon with weaker levels to quickly improve to the point where they can stand on their own.

Natsume put down his phone and walked downstairs.


The long-eared rabbit was dragging two trays in its hands.

It gently placed the plates on the table.

The plates contained fruits cut by Lalulas.

There was also a long-eared rabbit standing in front of the kitchen, looking at the porridge cooking in the pot and the steak being fried on the side.

Natsume felt that his long-eared rabbit was almost becoming an all-round little maid.

"Good morning, Lotom~"

Rotom flew over and greeted Natsume.

"Good morning, Rotom."

"Rotom, where are Infernape and the others?"

Rotom said,"Infernape and Heracross went down the mountain to train a long time ago."

"In addition, someone left a message on the association's official website saying that they hope to add a pool to our gym."

"A pool?"

Natsume thought for a moment and said,"I know."

The pool is easy to deal with.

Natsume plans to let Dragonite use two freezing punches to make two pits. Just put some water in the pits.

Subsequent maintenance?


After dinner.

Natsume began to prepare the equipment to go north.

According to the description of the green soldier, Natsume learned that its hometown was probably deep in the Daxingling Mountains in the north.

The border of the Daxingling Mountains is the Bell Grassland in eastern Mongolia.

Natsume also plans to visit the Big Milk Can Ranch there.

In addition, many people think that the Northeast only has the three provinces in the east.

But in fact, the eastern part of Mongolia also belongs to the Northeast.

Natsume checked his backpack.

Outdoor tents, food, emergency supplies.

And the most important Poké Ball*100

"Everything is ready."

Natsume put the backpack on his back and walked into the yard.


Windy Dog ran to Natsume excitedly.

Natsume rubbed Windy Dog's big head and said with a smile:"After we deal with the Green Onion Soldiers, let's go for a stroll in the grassland."

"I think you will like the prairie."

"Because there you can run wild"


Windspeed Dog wagged his big tail


All the Dalupis in the farm have evolved into Houndoom.

Five big black dogs standing together still look quite oppressive.

Natsume said to the leader of Houndoom:"Houndoom, I'll trouble you to patrol the farm."

"Also, at night, say hello to the buzzing bats for me."


The leader of Houndoom nodded.

Natsume went to look at the nanny bug of the hatching baby Kiras.


The nanny bug told Natsume that the life activities of the baby Kiras were becoming more and more intense.

It could already sense the small body of the baby Kiras through the elf egg.

If nothing unexpected happened, the baby Kiras would be born in less than a week.

By the stream~


"Chou Chou Fish, we are going on a long journey."

Natsume squatted by the river and fed Chou Chou Fish two pieces of fruit.

"It won't take too long, it will be back in about two or three days."


The ugly fish spit bubbles

"Monarch snake 「"

"I'll leave the farm to you."

Natsume reached out and stroked Serpent's cheek.

Natsume carried with him Dragonite, Striker, Arcanine, Rallas, and Jirachi on this trip.

Serpent stayed at the farm.

With Serpent around, unless a national gym leader came to cause trouble, there would be basically no problems.

Of course, even if a national gym leader really wanted to cause trouble, he would not attack the Pokémon in Natsume's farm without a reason.

The society of Dragon Country is relatively stable.

Gym leaders also have to pay attention to their image.

Of course, even if something really happened.

With Jirachi around, it won't take long for them to fly back.


The King Snake put its cheek against Natsume's face."

Cha ~"

Natsume kissed the King Snake on the forehead, and then sat on Dragonite.

"Let's go Dragonite, let's go to the gym at the foot of the mountain"


Dragonite flapped its wings and flew down the mountain.

The early rising Sandsam King is always very hardworking.


Sandslash, who was busy in the field, raised his head and waved to Dragonite flying in the sky.

On the battlefield,

Onion Ranger was teaching his combat experience to Infernape and Heracross.

The battlefield here has become bumpy.


Dragonite landed beside Congyoubing.


"Good morning, everyone."

Natsume greeted them and then jumped down from Dragonite.

Natsume looked at Infernape and the others and said,"You work very hard. You started training so early."


Infernape threw a punch on the spot.

Infernape wanted to become stronger, as strong as Dragonite!

Natsume smiled and said,"You have ambition."

"Dragonite, come!"

"Give them some motivation."

Natsume said, motioning for everyone to make way.


Dragonite stretched out his fist, and the cold air gathered on his hand.

Frozen Fist!


With this punch, the ground shook instantly.

The soil shattered like a spider web, and then collapsed, forming a big pit.

At the same time, the cold air from the Frozen Fist froze all the soil.

A huge ice pit appeared at the original place.

""It's raining."

Dragonite controlled the rain clouds.

The water quickly filled the ice pit.



Infernape and Hercules widened their eyes and stared at Dragonite in a daze.

This is too strong!

Natsume laughed;"Infernape, Hercules"

"Let's work towards this goal together."


Dragonite stretched out his arms, with a proud expression on his face. Dragonite was happy to be admired. Natsume took out the Poké Ball and pointed it at the Onion Soldier and said,"Let's go, Onion Soldier



The onion soldier entered the Poké Ball.

"Infernape, Heracles, I'll leave this gym to you."

"If you encounter a situation where the difference in strength is too great, call the Monarch Snake."

The Fire Monkey nodded.

"Rotom, if you have any questions, please contact me."

"Okay, Loto~"

After Natsume gave everyone instructions, he turned over and rode on Dragonite.

"Let's go, Dragonite."


Dragonite flapped its wings.

The wind started~

Dragonite took Natsume to the sky.


Dragonite yelled at Jirachi who was flying beside him.

Dragonite wanted to compete in speed again!

Jirachi looked at Dragonite with a smile:"Okay~"

Natsume said while sitting on Dragonite holding Ralts;"Then listen to my command."

"3,2,1, let's go!"


Two thunderous sounds exploded in the air!

Heading north~

Dragonite and Jirachi disappeared above the farm in an instant.

The rumbling sound of the sonic boom even shook the entire Linhai City.

Someone walked to the window with a confused look on his face and looked up at the sky.

There were only two long flying traces in the sky.

What's going on?

An explosion or a thunder?

The citizens of Linhai were confused and thought......

North, Daxingling


Dragonite stopped angrily.

In front, Jirachi said with a smile:"Jirachi won~"

Dragonite turned around and was angry.

Natsume looked at the time.

It took only more than an hour to fly from Lin Province to the north.

"It's really fast."

Natsume sighed and then looked at the angry Dragonite and said with a smile:"Dragonite, do you know what this means?"


Dragonite looked at Natsume in confusion.

Natsume patted Dragonite's body and said,"Little friend, you still need to practice."

Jirachi followed suit and patted Fei Da:"You still need to practice.~"


Dragonite was depressed

"Okay, Dragonite, drop in front.���"

Dragonite landed in a forest.

The temperature here is much lower than in the south.

Natsume even noticed that many grass leaves were still covered with frost.

The temperature difference between day and night in Daxingling is very large.

Therefore, frost in July is not a strange thing.

However, it is noon now.

It is a bit strange to still have frost at this time.

Natsume took out his mobile phone and opened Farm Story.

As expected, a new exploration mission appeared.

【Daxingling Exploration Mission Triggered】

【Task 1: The frost phenomenon in Daxingling is very strange, and there may be special reasons behind it】

【Mission requirements: Please find out the truth】

【Mission Reward: Attribute Gem Extraction*3】...

【Mission 2: According to legend, there lives a terrifying water spirit in the lake of Daxingling. It may appear in any river of Daxingling, so it is called the overlord of the water.】

【Mission requirements: Please find it and defeat it】

【Mission Reward: Secret Treasure Extraction*3】

【After all the tasks are completed, the Daxingling map will be unlocked.

There are only two tasks this time.

However, the way to complete them is obviously much more difficult than the one in Qingshan District.

After all, the tasks in Qingshan District only require a certain time to complete.

"Dragonite, you should take a rest first."

Natsume took out the Poké Ball and put Dragonite in it.

"Come out, Onion Ranger"


The green onion soldier appeared in the open space.

Natsume looked at the green onion soldier and said,"Green onion soldier, do you know why it is so cold here?"

The green onion soldier looked around and then shook his head slightly.


Although Cong Youbing didn't know why it was so cold here, he still had an impression of this place.

There were many ice elves active here.

As Cong Youbing was talking, a little boar arched its nose and walked slowly past Natsume and the others.

Boars usually live in cold places.

In order to resist the cold, their hair is very long, so long that it completely covers their short legs.

Therefore, the boar looks like a semicircular sphere.

【Name:Little Pig】

【Attribute: Ice/Ground】

【Level: lv31】

【Features: Snow Hide】.......

【Skills: Crash, Snow, Mist, Frozen Wind, Hold On, Frozen Teeth】

【Potential: Gym】


The little boar raised his head and sniffed the air, then set his sights on Natsume.


The little boar smelled a very fragrant scent on Natsume's body!

Natsume looked at the little boar that stopped in front of him and said,"You said you smelled something delicious on me?"


The little boar nodded.

Natsume remembered that the little boar's favorite food was mushrooms.

If it smelled the tempting aroma, the little boar would rush over regardless of everything.

Natsume took out a sticky mushroom from his bag:"Is this what you are talking about?"

The little boar's eyes lit up immediately when he saw the sticky mushroom in Natsume's hand.

""Kuai Yi!"

The little pig nodded repeatedly.

���Natsume handed the sticky mushroom to the little pig.

The little pig immediately bit it and ate it.

Natsume looked at the little pig and asked,"Little pig, do you know why it's so cold around here?"

The little pig looked at Natsume in confusion.


The little pig only knew that it was so cold here.

As for why?

The little pig didn't care.

"It seems that I need to investigate it carefully."

Natsume sighed as he looked at the little boar.

Natsume thought of the following possibilities for the special climate.

First: The natural environment here gave birth to the ice treasure, and the ice treasure affected the surrounding environment.

Second: There may be an undiscovered ice stone vein here.

Third: There lives a very powerful ice elf here.

"Little pig, have you ever heard of the overlord in the water?"

Little pig shook his head.

Natsume looked at the green onion soldier.

The green onion soldier also shook his head.

"Well, let me think about it."

(Wang Dehao)

Xia Mu thought about it and decided to use the help of netizens.

Xia Mu turned on his mobile phone to search for information about the water overlord of Daxingling.

There are many speculations about the water overlord of Daxingling on the Internet.

Some people say that there is a huge roaring overlord living in the river of Daxingling.

Some people say that it is actually a mutated ghost tail black fish.

If you are pulled into the river by the ghost tail black fish, you will be taken to the underworld.

There are all kinds of things on the Internet.

Xia Mu patiently searched for a while and really found a post that looked more reliable.

This was said by an old fishing brother.

The fishing brother said that he once caught a weak fish when he was fishing.

As soon as the weak fish was pulled up, it immediately cried loudly.

The fishing brother saw that it was crying pitifully, so he put it back.

Unexpectedly, hundreds of weak fish suddenly gathered around to form a huge school of fish and attacked him.

The individual weak fish is only 0.2 meters long and is a very weak elf.

But when they gather together in groups, they are nicknamed the sea monster.

In the sea, even Gyarados doesn't dare to provoke schools of squid.

Natsume looked at the post of the fishing brother and thought: If it is a school of squid, it is really possible.

After all, squid can call their companions from 40 kilometers away.

Squid with this ability may really be the water overlord in the mission.

Natsume put down his phone and looked at the little boar who had not left yet and said:"Little boar, will you come with me?"

"There are plenty of glutinous mushrooms."

The little boar is the first wild elf that Natsume met here.

Such a fate, of course, cannot be missed.


The little pig nodded in agreement

"Then come in, little boar."

Natsume took out the Poké Ball.


Red light shot out.

Shake~ Shake~ Ding!

The little boar was successfully captured.

Natsume held the Poké Ball and looked at Larulas and Jirachi beside him and smiled:"It's a good start!~"

"Let's go, Onion Soldier, let's go to your former territory first"

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