Cong Youbing's former home was by a lake.

The vegetation was lush and the water was clear.

The fallen leaves blown down by the wind drifted slowly on the shadows of the trees in the lake.

A yo-yo sugar ball moved quickly in the water, creating circles of ripples.

There were also a few round tadpoles chasing each other in the water grass by the lake, watching the harmonious scene..

"This place is great."

Natsume took a deep breath and stretched his body.


Lalulas sat down by the lake.

Lalulas put his legs into the water.

Jirachi flew to the middle of the lake.

His little hands drew circles in the water, watching them swing out in circles.


Jirachi seemed to think this was fun.

The happiness of the elves was really very simple.

In the river, many water elves seemed to be attracted by Jirachi.

They gathered around Jirachi and made happy calls.

Elves like Jirachi were naturally liked by the elves in nature.

Natsume picked up a flat piece of gravel and threw it into the lake.


Eighteen times in a row

"It's not bad."

Natsume said happily as he looked at the water splashes.

"Natsume, this looks like fun.

Jirachi looked at the water splashes made by Natsume and came to Natsume with some curiosity.

"Want to learn?"


Jirachi nodded.

Natsume smiled and said,"Then I'll teach you."

Natsume picked up a relatively flat stone from the ground and leaned back slightly.

"Jirachi, watch this."

Natsume taught as he performed the movements:"Then use your index finger to flick it, and throw it like this~"


The stone flew out quickly, making a dozen beautiful splashes, and then sank into the lake.


Jirachi nodded, indicating that he had learned it.

"Then give it a try."

Jirachi picked up a stone from the ground.

""Watch me~"

Jirachi's hand condensed energy.


Jirachi threw it hard.

Natsume instantly felt as if a strong wind blew by!


Natsume looked at the stone thrown by Jirachi and was stunned for a moment.

It was like a high-speed flying cannonball!

The high-speed rotating stone slid on the lake at high speed, splitting the lake water in half.

Then, the stone jumped out of the water again.


The stone hit a big tree on the shore.


The big tree on the opposite side of the lake shook and collapsed.

Natsume's mouth twitched slightly.

Natsume suddenly felt that the game of skipping stones was boring.

Not fun, boring.

Jirachi poked his little brain 203 bags and looked into the distance.

"Natsume, is that so?"

Natsume doesn't want to talk to Jirachi anymore.


Lalulas covered his mouth and laughed.

Jirachi stuck out his tongue and then floated towards the fallen tree.

Natsume walked towards the onion soldier beside him:"Onion soldier"

"Where are the tribesmen you mentioned?"

The green onion soldier was standing blankly on a patch of grass at this time.

It looked very silent as it looked at the empty space here.

There used to be a lot of green onions growing here.

But now they are gone, and only weeds are left around.


The green onion soldier pulled aside the grass.


Climbed up the tree?



Congyoubing supported himself on the edge of the lake with both hands and plunged into the lake to search everywhere.


"Onion Ranger, your race shouldn't build nests at the bottom of the lake, right?"


Cong Youbing looked at Natsume in despair.

All of Cong Youbing's people were gone.

He thought he was the king's return, but he didn't expect his hometown to be deserted.

"Cheer up, Onion Soldier."

Natsume looked at the Onion Soldier and consoled him,"In this case, is it possible that they have moved their territory?"


After hearing what Natsume said, Cong Youbing immediately regained his spirits.

This is very possible!

"However, if the territory is moved, there must be a reason."

"The territory has been invaded?"

Natsume looked around.

It seemed that there were no elves occupying this place.

"Lack of food?"

That doesn't seem like it.

Natsume thought about it and muttered,"Could it be taken away by another trainer?"

"After all, it looks like the onions here have been removed."


The Onion Duck was stunned again after hearing what Natsume said.

"Anyway, let's look around first."

Natsume said, looking at Larus and asked,"Larulas, can you sense if there are any other Onion Ducks nearby?"

Larus shook his head.

After all, the Onion Soldier had been away from home for too long.

In more than three years, anything could have happened.

Natsume looked around.

The scope of Daxingling is much larger than that of Qingshan District.

It is not an easy task to find a group of Onion Ducks that left here at some point.

After thinking for a while, Natsume looked at the Onion Soldier and said,"Onion Soldier, let's search around here for two days first."

"If they are still here, the nearby elves should know."

"However, if there is still no progress after two days, we will go to the grassland first."

"Of course, I will also help you find out if anyone has caught a group of Onion Ducks here."


The mood of the green onion soldiers seemed a bit negative, but there was no other way.

Natsume thought:"If the members of the green onion soldiers cannot be found for the time being, let's try to complete the task first."

Natsume set his sights on this river.

It is said on the Internet that the overlord in the water is likely to be a group of weaklings gathered together.

Natsume plans to give it a try.

Natsume just saw a lot of weaklings in this lake.

However, because of Jirachi's move, they are now scattered.

Natsume took out a handful of rolling beans from his bag and sprinkled them into the river.

Secret technique: making a nest!

Soon, the weaklings who sensed the smell of food gathered together.

They opened their mouths and swallowed the rolling beans.

Natsume's eyes swept over their data.

Among this group of weaklings, the highest level is a weakling at level 21.

"Larus, can you catch it?"

Natsume said to Larus who was sitting by the river.


Lalulas' psychic energy spread into the river.


A water ball wrapped around the body of the mullet and pulled it from the river to in front of Lalulas.

The mullet did not resist immediately.

It just looked at Lalulas with some curiosity.

Lalulas controlled the water ball and let it float in front of Natsume.

Although the mullet is weak, when the mullet senses danger, it will summon its companions.

So, Natsume plans to scare the mullet and let it summon its companions as soon as possible. Jirachi flew back at this time

, and the big tree on the other side of the river magically returned to its original state.

Jirachi looked at the little mullet, stretched out his hand and greeted him:"Hello~"

Lalulas followed with:"Don't be afraid"

"You just need to call your classmates over~"

The fish looked at Jirachi and then at Larulas with a happy expression.

The fish even turned around in the water ball.

The schools of fish around did not seem to gather.

The intimacy of Jirachi from nature and the kindness of Larulas made the fish feel at ease. Natsume looked at Jirachi helplessly and said,"You two, this won't work."

Jirachi looked at Natsume in confusion.

"Forget it."

Natsume took out the Windy Dog's Poké Ball.

"Windy Dog, come out!"


Windy Dog ran out of the Poké Ball.

Natsume pointed at the water ball in front of him.

"Wind speed dog, bite it"


The wind speed dog immediately opened its mouth.

Its sharp fangs were exposed.

The wind speed dog bit the weakling fish.

Larus quickly moved the weakling fish away.

Larus knew that Natsume just wanted to scare the weakling fish.

But the wind speed dog really intended to bite it.


The weak fish was immediately scared and cried when he saw the dog's mouth that was much bigger than his whole body.

The eyes like water waves immediately emitted a light blue light.

A strange energy swayed in all directions.


The originally calm water surface immediately shook.

Natsume gave a thumbs up to the wind speed dog:"Sure enough, at this time, it depends on you, wind speed dog~"


Windy Dog looked at the weakling stupidly.

Lalulas suddenly looked at the river.

"Natsume, there are a lot of squids coming over."

Put this squid back," Natsume said."

Pop~ the squid went back into the water.

At the same time, the entire lake began to emit a faint blue light.

A creature that looked extremely huge was quickly taking shape.

Splash~ water splashed in all directions, and then a huge blue creature that was more than four meters long suddenly jumped out of the water.

【Name: Weak fish school】

【Attribute: Water】

【Level: lv39】

【Features: Fish School]

Natsume frowned slightly when looking at the level of the weakling fish school:"Only level 39?"

"This level shouldn't be called the overlord of the water, right?"

At the same time, a huge stream of water comparable to a water cannon sprayed towards the wind speed dog.

The wind speed dog dodged.

The water flow hit the depressed green soldiers behind.

The green soldiers sensed the crisis and instinctively raised their shields.



The water burst in front of the shield of the green onion soldier!

The green onion soldier looked at the school of fish angrily.

"You wanna fight, green onion soldier?"


The essence of the Congyoubing is still a fighting spirit.

The desire to fight is enough to suppress the emotional loss.

"All right, let's go!"

Natsume gave the order:"Onion soldiers, attack head-on!"


The onion soldier jumped high, waving his onion like a long sword.


The scallion soldier swung his sword and chopped off the heads of the weakling fish!

The light green fluorescence wrapped around the scallion soldier's weapon.

This energy spread like sword energy and hit the heads of the weakling fish!


The energy explosion pushed in all directions.

Under the counter-pushing of this force, the scallion soldier did a backflip and stood on the shore again.


The water around them surged.

The mullet suddenly raised its huge tails and slapped the onion soldiers on the shore.


Scallion Soldiers once again raised their shields.

Iron Wall!


The wind speed dog was so excited that it let out a long howl.

Listening to the howl of the wind speed dog, Natsume felt himself getting excited.

The long howl is a special skill.

It can mobilize the fighting enthusiasm of one's own side.


The Scallion Soldier heard the long howl of the Wind Speed Dog and also roared in response.


With a flash of lightning, the body of the green onion soldier slid low in the sky.

The"long sword" in its hand stabbed straight into the middle of the brain of the weakling fish group.


The weakling fish that faced the attack of the green onion soldier head-on could not bear it.

There was a gap in the body of the weakling fish group.

Some weakling fish began to flee.


The weakling fish group was like this.

When a weakling fish began to flee, the originally huge school of fish instantly scattered.

Natsume looked at the story on his phone.

There was no prompt in the game.

This meant that the weakling fish group was not a water monster.

"It's not a school of squids?"

Natsume frowned and thought,"What else could it be?"

"If it's not a group of weaklings, then it's also possible to have a swarm of swarms."

Swarms are also huge, and from the appearance alone, they also have the sense of oppression of the overlord of the water.

But their IQ doesn't seem to be very high.

So in the wild, swarms will cooperate with Milion.

Milion is about the same length as a weakling.

But their IQ is very high.

Even among dragon-type elves, Milion's IQ is ahead.

"But it's not necessarily the case. It could also be that the fish is too weak."

In a post that Natsume saw online, it was said that a school of fish could be as long as 10 meters.

And there are studies showing that the stronger the fish, the more companions it can gather.

"Natsume, eat some fruit."

Larulas looked at Natsume, who was frowning and thinking, and took out a fruit that he had picked with his superpowers.

Natsume looked at Lallula holding the fruit in both hands and immediately felt relaxed.

"Thank you, Lalulas~"

Natsume took it and took a bite

"Very sweet"

"Lalulas, you take a bite too."

Lalulas then took a bite as well.

"Jirachi wants one too~"

Jirachi came up next.

Natsume smiled at Jirachi and Larulas.

Natsume thought: If I can't find it, then I can't find it.

Anyway, it's not a task that needs to be completed urgently.

Just take your time.

Natsume adjusted his mentality.

"Natsume, another elf I haven't seen before is coming."

Larulas suddenly looked towards the woods.

"Very normal"

"After all, this is Daxingling, and there are many elves that are not found in the south."


Larulas didn't care.

Natsume thought that the elf was probably attracted by the fighting here.

"What does that elf look like?"

Natsume asked casually.

"Like this."

Larulas shared the appearance of the Pokémon with Natsume through telepathy.

A light blue Pokémon immediately appeared in Natsume's mind.

It had dark blue diamond-shaped spots on its ears, back and tail.

This was Glaceon!


Natsume was slightly stunned.

Glaceon is one of the evolved forms of Eevee.

There are two ways for Eevee to evolve into Glaceon.

Method 1: Evolve using Ice Stone.

Method 2: There is a kind of frozen stone covered with ice and snow, which has magical powers.

Special Pokémon can complete their evolution near such magical frozen stones!

Pokémon like Glaceon, if they are domesticated Pokémon, are basically impossible to be abandoned.

After all, who would spend one or two million to buy an Ice Stone to evolve their Eevee and then throw it away?

So, this Glaceon probably evolved naturally nearby!

"Could there really be a mine of ice stone?"

Natsume thought in shock.

"La Rulas, let's chase them!"...

In the woods.

Glaceon was walking slowly.

Glaceon was originally looking for fruit nearby.

There was a lot of fighting noise near the lake not far away.

Glaceon ran to take a look out of curiosity.

As soon as Glaceon passed by, he saw the Onion Ranger waving green onions and the howling Windy Hound.

Fire and Fighting are definitely one of the attributes that Ice Pokémon dislike the most.

Glaceon turned around and left without hesitation.


Glaceon yawned and lay down on a rock.

Although this forest is big, it can be boring sometimes.

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