After seeing the title of the post, Ji Yun was speechless.

The person who posted this post knows how to choose a title.

After entering the post, it first introduced the cause and process of the incident in text, and then attached a video below.

"This perspective is that Rotom..."

Recalling the Rotom that caught a glimpse during the battle, Ji Yun immediately understood.

Then, Ji Yun scrolled down and saw comments one after another, with dozens of pages to turn.

In such a short time, so many floors were built.

[1st floor! This Pikachu is a bit outrageous, right? ! What are the moves of Piao Piao Falling and Electric Speed ​​​​Up? Does anyone know? ]

[With this kind of strength, you told me this is a freshman? ]

[This freshman must have started training elves very early]

[You guys are focusing on the wrong thing, shouldn't you scold Yun Tiande? He is still pestering and embarrassing]

[Yun Tiande is arrogant, narrow-minded, and often bullies his classmates. He deserves it! ]

[He is really socially dead now, he deserves it! ]

[The freshman is really a tough guy]

[This school girl is so beautiful! ]

[Zhang Chuyao, class 1 of the combat trainer class of 2024. Wasn't she named the school beauty before? ]

[This freshman is so handsome too! ]

["Do you know your ignorance?", he is really good at pretending]

[Pikachu can also be this strong? ! ]

[Yun Tiande does deserve a beating, but this freshman seems to have mocked the Battle Club, which is not good]

[The above, Yun Tiande is messing around in the name of the Battle Club, why can't people mock him? If I were to ask, the Battle Club should be mocked for accepting Yun Tiande]

[Anyone from the Battle Club have a personal story? How did this guy join the club?]

[Don't ask, just ask that his cousin is the main player in the senior year]

These comments, in summary, can be roughly divided into those who marvel at Ji Yun's strength, those who are curious about Pikachu, those who mock Yun Tiande, those who speculate on Ji Yun's background, those who are curious about what the Battle Club and the school will do, and those who are horny.

After reading some comments, Ji Yun left the forum.

"Oh my! Old Ji, your video has been uploaded to the video website and has become popular!"

At this time, Li Jiaqi exclaimed again.

Hearing this, Ji Yun was shocked.

If it was posted on the school forum, Ji Yun could ignore it, but if it was posted on a video website...

He quickly logged onto the video website to take a look.

Logically speaking, how could such a small thing become popular?

After a moment, he knew the reason.

It was the National College Student League period, and Jinling University was already popular, so news about it naturally circulated faster, which was a traffic blessing.

In addition, Yun Tiande in the video was from the famous Battle Club of Jinling University...

Well, students from other schools all added fuel to the fire.

Now, Yun Tiande has become a sinner for damaging the school's image.

Ji Yun flipped through it again, and most of the comments were curious, and there were also many who denounced Yun Tiande.

Fortunately, this world has a strong supervision of the Internet, and basically no one dares to spread rumors.

If you really dare to spread rumors, and the consequences are serious, the official Rotom integrated with a supercomputer will be able to find your home through the Internet that day.

Think about the Internet environment in his previous life, all kinds of rumors are flying all over the sky.

For example, a girl just dyed her hair and posted a selfie, and someone spread rumors that she was a prostitute.

Real case.

Such things are everywhere.

As the saying goes, there are all kinds of birds in a big forest, not to mention the endless emergence of all kinds of monsters and demons on the Internet.

There are some black fans who just want to black for the sake of black, and all kinds of rumors and slander are commonplace.

The most disgusting thing is human flesh, which not only harasses the person, but also harasses other people's families.

Compared with the Internet environment in the previous life, the Internet environment in this world can be said to be quite mild.

In this way, Ji Yun does not need to worry too much. At most, people will think that his Pikachu is unusual.

However, no matter how unusual it is, it is still Pikachu, and it will not attract too many people's attention.

But Zhang Chuyao...

Thinking of this, Ji Yun immediately sent a message to Zhang Chuyao.

After all, she is also one of the parties involved.

Here, Zhang Chuyao looked at the message sent by Ji Yun, her face changed slightly, and then she immediately took out her mobile phone and logged into the video website.

After a while, Zhang Chuyao looked at the comments under the video, her face slightly red


Her eyes were all fixed on certain comments.

[Wow! This handsome guy and beautiful girl are a perfect match]

[The guy is handsome and strong, the girl is beautiful, a match made in heaven]

Comments like these made Zhang Chuyao blush and her heart beat fast.

"Damn, I seem to really like him..."

After reading it, Zhang Chuyao fell back and lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling blankly, muttering.

After slowly closing her eyes, her mind was full of images of her and Ji Yunshi.

The first meeting in the forest, the underwater gaze, the artificial gill that allowed them to kiss indirectly, and the exposure on the shore.

Also, watching the game together, shopping together, laughing together, and taking risks together...

Finally, the picture was fixed on the tall back of Ji Yun when he stood in front of her today, and this picture was deeply imprinted in her heart.

At the same time, in Beijing, Zhang Chuyao's home.

"This little bastard named Yun Tiande actually dared to bully my daughter!"

Dad Zhang, who had just watched the video, had a very interesting expression.

"Wife, take a charter, let's go and deal with this little bastard!"

"Also, who is this boy in red? It's only been a few days since we last met, how could Yaoyao have a boyfriend so soon?!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Dad Zhang was in a state of impotent rage.

In response, Chu Wan'er rolled her eyes and said:

"Shut up!"


Dad Zhang instantly quieted down.

Then, Chu Wan'er looked at the boy in red in the video, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.

Soon, next year...

The next day, early morning.

On the way out for breakfast with his roommates, Ji Yun felt the treatment of a celebrity.

His Chi Ye suit and Pikachu on his shoulder were too conspicuous.

Along the way, male and female students looked at him and Pikachu, pointing and whispering from time to time.

Ji Yun bought breakfast with a speechless face, and then quickly fled back to the dormitory.

"Hey, Lao Ji, how does it feel to be a celebrity?"

After returning to the dormitory, Li Jiaqi laughed and teased.

In response, Ji Yun glanced at him speechlessly.

"Get out, don't talk nonsense here."

"Hehe, isn't it good to be famous? Lao Ji, you are in a blessed place and don't know how to be blessed."

"Tsk! I don't want to be famous because of such a dog-blood thing."

As he said, Ji Yun looked Li Jiaqi up and down.

"As for you, if you want to be famous, I can help you."

"Oh? There is such a good thing, how to help?"

"Strip you naked and throw you to the school square."


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