After a few jokes, Ji Yun fed Pikachu and the ultrasonic larvae, then held the Riolu egg in his arms and soothed Riolu's soul with his waveguide. This way, he could practice his control of the waveguide. He could feel that Riolu would hatch in the next few days. So, Ji Yun planned to stay in the dormitory these days. First, to prepare for the birth of Riolu. Second, to avoid the limelight. After a few days, when the heat went down, there would probably not be so many people watching him. However, Ji Yun's otaku plan had just begun when he was called out by the counselor Guan Wangxuan. "The dean wants to see you."

Just this one sentence forced Ji Yun to go out.

He knew in his heart that it was probably because of what happened yesterday afternoon.

"You are really good, you are causing trouble right after entering school."

In front of the administrative building, Guan Wangxuan patted Ji Yun on the shoulder and teased with a smile.

"I am also helpless."

Ji Yun shrugged.

"Okay, let's go, the dean is waiting for you."

Then, the two walked into the administrative building, went upstairs and came to an office.

"We are here, go in."

Guan Wangxuan stopped in front of the door and motioned Ji Yun to enter by himself.

Seeing this, Ji Yun stepped forward and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

A majestic voice came from inside the door.

Then, Ji Yun pushed the door open.

What caught his eye was a plain desk, and sitting behind the desk was Liu Qingxiong, the dean of the Elf Academy.

Ji Yun had met him once during the opening speech.

"Student Ji is here, please sit down."

After Ji Yun sat down on the chair in front of the desk, he asked:

"Excuse me, is there anything the dean wants to talk to me about?"

Liu Qingxiong did not answer immediately, but curiously looked at the Pikachu on Ji Yun's shoulder.

"This is the magical Pikachu in the video."

Liu Qingxiong smiled and said:

"Ji Yun, you have cultivated Pikachu very well."

"And you also have an ultrasonic larva."

"A freshman who just entered the school can suppress the junior students throughout the whole process."

"Your strength is far beyond that of ordinary freshmen, and even most junior students are not as good as you."

"I am happy that the college has such a talented student."

"It seems that next year, your strength will be enough to represent the school to participate in the college league."

"Thank you for the compliment, dean, I was just a little lucky."

After listening to Liu Qingxiong's words, Ji Yun replied neither servile nor arrogant.

"Besides, Jinling University is one of the top universities in the country. The seniors in the school are very capable, and I am just a junior."

Well... time travel, cheating, he was indeed just a little bit lucky.

After hearing Ji Yun's words, Liu Qingxiong nodded slightly:

"You are very humble, which is good."

"But young people should be aggressive occasionally. When they are teenagers, they should put their ambitions on their faces and face their desires, instead of being overly humble."

After hearing this, Ji Yun raised his eyebrows, then changed his face and said calmly:

"The dean taught me right, so I was just humble before, but I was actually very proud in my heart."

As soon as Ji Yun finished speaking, Liu Qingxiong laughed out loud:

"Hahaha! You little guy, you are very interesting."

After laughing , Liu Qingxiong told him the reason for asking him to come today:

"There are two main reasons for asking you to come today."

"The first thing is about the private fight yesterday afternoon."

"The school has expressly prohibited private fights on campus outside the battle site. This will not only damage school facilities, but also risk hurting others."

"So, the school will punish you."

"In view of the serious impact you have caused, Yun Tiande will be punished and will be placed on probation."

"As for you..."

At this point, Liu Qingxiong stopped and looked at Ji Yun with interest, wanting to see Ji Yun's reaction.

However, he miscalculated, and saw Ji Yun sitting there calmly, not panicking at all.

Seeing this, Liu Qingxiong continued with some disappointment:

"In view of the fact that you just want to help your classmates, the school gives you a warning. Do you have any objections?"

"No objection."

Ji Yun shook his head calmly.

After all, he did take action.

And it was just a warning. Compared with Yun Tiande, his

The punishment is already very light.

Hearing this, Liu Qingxiong nodded, and then continued:

"The second thing is that I want you to enter the college's reserve team in advance, what do you think?"

"Reserve team?"

Ji Yun was slightly stunned and a little confused.

Seeing this, Liu Qingxiong began to explain.

The so-called reserve team refers to the reserve members of the school team.

However, the reserve team is generally selected from the junior students.

For example, this year's college league is in progress, and the players participating in the Elf Academy this time are the school team, and the players are the top seniors.

At this time, the reserve team will start to select people to prepare for the next college league.

The standard for selecting people is generally based on the final competition of the last semester of the sophomore year, and the most outstanding talents are selected from them.

Then, during the entire academic year of the junior year, the college will send professional teachers to conduct special training for the reserve team during the weekend after school.

Finally, the weakest few will be eliminated, and the strongest players will be selected to form a new school team.

After that, when the new school starts in September of the new year, the new school team will participate in the new college league.

Liu Qingxiong wants Ji Yun to join the reserve team in his freshman year, which is considered an exception.

You know, Ji Yun is still a freshman, and he can beat the juniors now. If he can participate in the competition with the team next year and accumulate experience...

Then how strong will Ji Yun be the year after next and the year after next?

Liu Qingxiong has begun to look forward to the scene of Ji Yun becoming the school team's trump card with absolute advantage in the third and fourth years.

Here, after listening to the dean's words, Ji Yun fell into thinking.

He had discovered before that the experience gained from fighting with trainers was about three times more than the experience he gained from bullying wild Pokémon of the same level.

Just now, the dean said that after entering the reserve team, there will be special training.

Since it is special training, battle practice is indispensable.

If I could fight against the top three trainers every weekend in the next year...

Thinking of this, Ji Yun's eyes lit up and he immediately said:

"I agree, thank you, Dean!"

Seeing Ji Yun agree, Liu Qingxiong nodded with satisfaction.

"That's good, the reserve team will gather in October and start special training, and the teacher will notify you at that time."

"If there is nothing else, you can leave."

"Okay, I understand."

After Ji Yun nodded, he was ready to get up and leave.

"Then I'll go back first, goodbye, Dean."


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