While Ling Yu was still lying on the sofa in his dormitory, watching the news about the horrible giant pit he had created on TV.

At the same time, the school's top leaders also learned of this shocking news!

Faced with such a sudden incident, they immediately convened an emergency meeting without hesitation to discuss their views and response decisions on the matter.

At the meeting, everyone talked about it and expressed their opinions, but everyone agreed that only the legendary beasts could create such a huge pit!

However, problems followed one after another-all the beasts known to exist in the world have not appeared in the city of Modu at this moment!

So where did this mysterious beast come from?

What kind of attitude does it have towards humans?

Is it friendly and kind, or hostile?

Coincidentally, it is not just the top leaders of Huaqing University who are discussing this matter, the entire Dragon Country has fallen into anxiety because of this incident.

After all, every appearance of a beast indicates that it will bring unpredictable variables and potential threats to human society.

At this moment, in a conference room at the Dragon Alliance headquarters, an old man with white hair and flowing beard sat.

He sat calmly in the chief seat of the conference room, as if he had everything under control.

Facing the meeting on the mythical beast incident, he stood up, glanced at the other people in the conference room with sharp eyes, and said in a low voice:

"We can't just sit there and wait for death. We must find out the origin of this mysterious beast as soon as possible. Immediately send agents to the Magic City to investigate, and strengthen domestic security measures. In addition, notify all countries to jointly deal with possible threats."

The conference room was silent, and everyone realized the seriousness of the situation.

At this time, another middle-aged man spoke:

"Maybe this beast has no ill intentions, and its appearance may be some kind of opportunity. We should try to communicate with it and understand its purpose."

Everyone discussed it, some people thought that they should find an opportunity to communicate with the beast, while others insisted on using tough measures to solve the problem.

In the end, the respected old man made the final decision:

"At present, we should focus on the investigation, but at the same time, we should also be fully prepared to deal with various crisis situations. After all, the power of the mythical beast is unfathomable, and the slightest carelessness may lead to catastrophic consequences, so we must not take it lightly."

As the order was issued, all relevant departments in Dragon Country immediately started to operate efficiently.

A pursuit journey around the mysterious beast officially kicked off...

Since the elf secret realm appeared in the world, many advanced technologies that humans are proud of have failed one after another, and even the five stars have lost contact.

Faced with such a dilemma, it is undoubtedly becoming more and more difficult to find out the truth behind this beast.

On the other hand, what about Ling Yu? He just successfully wiped out the mysterious organization, but he acted like nothing happened. He still led his elves in daily training as if nothing had happened, as if the thrilling battle had nothing to do with him. As the saying goes, there is no wall that is impenetrable.

After the alliance's continuous and in-depth investigation, they finally got a valuable clue from a young insect catcher who happened to be near the explosion site at the time.

On that quiet night, the moonlight fell like water in the forest.

The insect catcher was catching green caterpillars in the forest.

He carefully shuttled between the woods, holding a bug net in his hand, his eyes flashing with a desire for new things.

Suddenly, a loud noise broke the silence of the night.

The bug catcher looked up in astonishment, his eyes drawn to the sky.

He widened his eyes, almost scared to death.

He saw a huge, pitch-black mysterious elf falling from the sky.

It had two sharp dragon horns on its head, and four golden tentacles dancing around its body. It was slender and looked a bit like a green caterpillar, but it exuded an unparalleled majesty.

With a roar, the mysterious elf rushed to the ground like lightning, causing a thrilling explosion.

However, just as the bug catcher tried to see what happened at the center of the explosion, a powerful shock wave swept over and knocked him unconscious.

When he slowly woke up, there was only a huge bottomless pit in front of him.

The horrible scene seemed to be imprinted in the depths of his mind, leaving him with an indelible psychological shadow.

Later, when people heard the insect-catching boy describe the mysterious beast in detail, they began to read and compare the precious documents excavated from various ancient ruins.

After some in-depth research, the mystery was finally solved: it turned out that the beast that caused a sensation was the legendary Rayquaza!

What's more shocking is that it was a rare shining Rayquaza, and not only that, it was in a super-evolved state at the time.

This amazing discovery made everyone present dumbfounded!

According to historical records, Rayquaza is a beast that lives in the atmosphere, and very few people can see it with their own eyes.

However, this time it not only appeared openly, but also left such a thrilling huge pit on the earth. It is really puzzling, and no one knows what it wants to do.

As the investigation progressed, the alliance's investigation team actually pried out some key information from several members of the mysterious organization: the place where the explosion occurred happened to be the nest of the mysterious organization!

After hearing this news, everyone was more and more shocked. If so, why didn't Rayquaza stay in the atmosphere, but came here to raze the base of this mysterious organization to the ground?

After thinking hard for a long time, they finally came up with two possible speculations:

First, could it be that the mysterious organization angered Rayquaza without knowing the consequences?

But after a thorough investigation, they found that this mysterious organization had no ability to provoke this great beast.

Then there was only one other explanation, that this Rayquaza was very likely controlled by someone else.

After this conjecture was thrown out, it was like a heavy bomb exploded in the conference room of the alliance headquarters. Everyone was dumbfounded and their faces were full of disbelief.

This news was too shocking and unacceptable!

How could someone be able to subdue such a powerful and terrifying beast?!

Although there are many trainers in the alliance who have subdued beasts, they have subdued nothing more than second-level gods such as the Three Sacred Birds and the Three God Pillars.

However, this incident was unprecedented in subduing a first-level god!

You know, at the level of a first-level god, any beast has the power to destroy the world.

How powerful a person must be to tame such a fierce beast?

While everyone was worried about this, the owner of the Rayquaza, Ling Yu, was training his elves at the advanced training ground of Huaqing University.

Ling Yu was completely unaware of what was happening outside. He was completely immersed in the training.

"Charizard, use Jet Flame!"

With Ling Yu's command, the Charizard opened its bloody mouth, and a stream of blazing flames gushed out like a volcanic eruption, sweeping straight towards the Frog with the power of destroying the world.

"Quack-headed frog, block it with water waves!"

Seeing the raging fire coming, Ling Yu made a prompt decision and issued an order. The quack-headed frog did not dare to neglect it, and jumped up suddenly with its legs, and opened its mouth at the same time, and several powerful water waves shot out, fiercely hitting the burning flames. There was a loud"bang", and water and fire collided, stirring up water vapor all over the sky.

For a moment, the whole battlefield was shrouded in hazy water mist.

Although the level of the quack-headed frog is slightly lower than that of the fire-breathing dragon, due to the mutual restraint of attributes, the water system has a natural advantage over the fire system. This confrontation did not present a one-sided situation. The two sides were evenly matched and it was difficult to tell the winner.

In the battle on the other side, Ling Yu distracted himself and directed:

" Young Kiras, use rockfall to restrict its movement!"

Before the words fell, Young Kiras understood and immediately used his rockfall skill.

In an instant, countless huge rocks fell from the sky, like raindrops, trying to trap the forest lizard below.

Ling Yu then commanded the forest lizard to:

"The forest lizard used high-speed movement to dodge, and then used blades."The forest lizard heard the command and nimbly dodged the falling boulders, seized the opportunity and suddenly exerted force, rushing towards the young Kiras at lightning speed.

Then, using the extremely sharp blades, it cut through the sky like a sword and launched a fierce attack on the young Kiras.

The battle became more and more intense, and both sides refused to give in.

Ling Yu's eyes flashed with excitement. He knew the importance of training elves in actual combat. So he commanded Charizard and Frog to:

" Charizard, use Dragon's Fury!"

With a roar, Charizard raised his head to the sky and let out a deafening roar.

In an instant, a dazzling and powerful energy wave gushed out of its mouth like a volcanic eruption, and rushed straight towards the frog with unparalleled power.

Faced with such a fierce attack, the frog was not afraid at all.

Then Ling Yu commanded the frog:

"Quack-headed frog, jump up and dodge immediately! Then use water waves to counterattack!"

The quack-headed frog flashed, and jumped up with a nimble movement, easily avoiding the fatal blow of Dragon's Fury.

Then, it quickly adjusted its posture in mid-air, waving its hands rapidly, controlling the surrounding water to form circles of surging water waves, sweeping towards Charizard like a blue whirlwind.

However, Charizard was not frightened by this sudden attack.

It flapped its wings flexibly, flew into the air, and cleverly avoided the water waves of the quack-headed frog.

Seeing this, Ling Yu was secretly delighted, and couldn't help cheering for the outstanding performance of his elf.

He knew very well that this training match was not only a fierce battle, but also an opportunity to improve strength and hone skills. Perfect opportunity.

In this thrilling duel, time seemed to freeze, and every moment was full of endless variables and challenges.

The four elves fought back and forth, refusing to give in to each other. The brilliant tactical arrangements and superb use of skills were dazzling and breathtaking.

After an arduous battle, Charizard finally won with its own slight advantage.

At the same time, on the other side of the battlefield, the forest lizard also successfully defeated the young Kiras.

Looking at the outstanding performance of his beloved elves in the battle, Lingyu's face was filled with a satisfied smile.

So he walked towards the elves, healed them with the power of Evergreen, and said to them:

"Well done, your battle was indeed very exciting, but we must not be satisfied with this, we must continue to strive and forge ahead!"

Soon after Ling Yu had just finished treating them, something unexpected happened - the whole body of the quack frog suddenly burst into a dazzling white light, and then began its evolution!

Along with this mysterious light, the body of the quack frog gradually swelled and grew larger, and two horn-like objects grew on its head. At the same time, its already long tongue became even longer, and it was intertwined and entangled around the neck, eventually forming a strange structure like a scarf.

When the light gradually dissipated, what appeared in front of Ling Yu was a Greninja with a dark blue coat, white tones on the knees and elbows, and a red tongue around its neck!

Faced with such an amazing change in the Greninja, Ling Yu did not hesitate to use his���According to the Eye ability, he looked up the detailed information of this new partner in detail:

【Name: Greninja】

【Race value: 530】

【Gender: Female】

【Skills: Slap, Howl, Bubble, Lightning Flash, Licking, Water Wave, Shadow Sneak, Scattering, Surprise Attack, Flying Water Shuriken】

【Level: 36】

【Qualification: Champion】

【Attribute: Water】

【Personality: Introverted】

【Features: Torrent (When HP decreases, the power of water-attribute moves will increase)】

【[Carrying: Leftovers]

When he saw the data of Greninja, he was shocked - it was a shock from the improvement of strength! The evolved Greninja had obviously been reborn and completely renewed.

This rapid progress made him ecstatic!

He couldn't help but reach out and gently stroked the top of Greninja's head, and said excitedly:

"Congratulations, Greninja! You have finally completed this gorgeous transformation."

The excitement and joy in his voice could not be concealed.

Greninja stared at Ling Yu, with a firm light in his eyes, and responded in the same cheerful tone:

"Thank you, Master! Now that I have evolved successfully, I can help you better."

It knows that it has a mission and is willing to do its best to help its master solve problems.

Facing the sincere loyalty and remarkable progress of Greninja, Ling Yu nodded happily, expressing his recognition and appreciation.

At this moment, my heart is filled with endless comfort and satisfaction.

For a chapter of 4,000 words, I hope you will like it.

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