After leaving the training ground, Ling Yu decided to go to the city of Magic City to find out.

Since he came to this mysterious and charming city, he has been confined to the campus of Huaqing University and has never really experienced the style and prosperity of Magic City.

Walking in the streets and alleys of the Magic City, Ling Yu looked around with curiosity.

The scene in front of him was dazzling: bustling crowds, colorful shop signs and a wide range of goods...

What's more surprising is that there are not only human figures here, but also many smart and cute elves shuttled through them.

Just as Ling Yu was intoxicated with this unique atmosphere, a Bobo suddenly flew towards him and landed steadily in front of him.

The little guy blinked his big watery eyes, as if telling Ling Yu something.

Obviously, it seemed to have encountered difficulties and needed the help of human friends.

Faced with such a lovely helper, Ling Yu did not hesitate to extend a friendly hand.

Bobo also jumped lightly and landed on Ling Yu's arm.

After careful observation, Ling Yu found that Bobo's foot was injured.

So Ling Yu used the power of Changpan directly on the injured Bobo, and soon healed Bobo's injuries.

Seeing the rejuvenated Bobo, Ling Yu was filled with joy.

Then, he gently released Bobo and let it fly freely in the sky.

After doing these good deeds, Ling Yu did not think much about it and continued to move forward leisurely, not realizing that his use of Changpan's power to heal Bobo had attracted the attention of several nearby shadows.

"Here, we actually met a guy with the power of Evergreen. We are so lucky. Should we attack him?"

One of the shadows said in a low voice.

The other shadow nodded slightly to show his agreement:

"Follow him and see if you can find a chance to catch him."

At this time, Ling Yu was immersed in excitement, and he was completely unaware of the danger approaching step by step. He was still watching the surrounding scenery with interest.

However, just as he walked to a quiet and dark alley, he suddenly felt a strange breath behind him.

He became alert and turned around quickly, but saw several dark shadows rushing towards him like ghosts.

In a flash, Ling Yu instinctively dodged the attack.

Then, he threw out a high-level ball containing a giant gold monster.

In an instant, a light flashed, and the giant gold monster appeared. Without saying a word, it immediately exerted its powerful telekinesis to bind the men in black tightly.

Seeing the situation reversed, Ling Yu was secretly happy.

But at the same time, he was also curious about the identities of these mysterious people.

So he stepped forward, slapped the leader in the face, and shouted angrily:

"Who are you? Why did you attack me?"

"Who sent you to arrest me??"

Ling Yu stared at the people in front of him with cold eyes.

They were terrified and quickly replied::

" No one sent us to arrest you. It was because the power of Changpan you displayed when you saved Bobo just now was too dazzling, which attracted our attention."

Ling Yu frowned slightly when he heard this:

" Evergreen's power? How did you know about the existence of Evergreen's power??"

The leading man in black replied with a slightly fearful tone:

"Brother, we belong to a mysterious organization that has long been committed to exploring the whereabouts of those with powerful powers.

When we saw you display such amazing power of Changpan, we became greedy and wanted to take your power for ourselves.

In this way, we can more smoothly promote the grand cause of the organization.

As long as I can successfully capture you, I will definitely be highly praised and generously rewarded by the organization.

That's why we wanted to capture you.


Hearing this, Ling Yu sneered with disdain:

"Humph! I have no interest in the so-called"great cause" you mentioned. However, since you dare to set your sights on me, don't blame me for being rude! Today, I will uproot the entire organization behind you! And now, I will start with you!"

Before he finished speaking, Ling Yu waved his arm and issued an order to the giant golden monster beside him:

" Go, get rid of this garbage, do it cleanly and neatly!"

After receiving the order, the Metagross immediately took action and prepared to kill.

Looking at Ling Yu's figure gradually moving away until he disappeared, the men in black suits with grim expressions looked at each other, and a feeling of despair surged in their hearts:

"It's over... I'm afraid I won't survive today.……"

They knew very well that they had no chance of winning against such a powerful and terrifying opponent!

As expected, not long after, under the casual attack of the Metagross, the unlucky guys from the mysterious organization died tragically on the spot, without even being able to fight back. After getting rid of these minions, Ling Yu clapped his hands, as if he had done something insignificant, and then turned around and left without looking back, leaving only blood and corpses on the ground.

"A mysterious organization? Haha, it's getting more and more interesting~ I hope you won't let me down with your next performance! After all, my boring and dull life really needs some fun to spice it up!"

Ling Yu thought to himself, with a playful smile on his face.

However, the most urgent thing now is to rush back to Huaqing University and report what just happened to the vice president.

As soon as Ling Yu returned to Huaqing University, he went straight to the vice president's office without stopping.

After listening to Ling Yu's story about the mysterious organization, the vice president's face instantly became extremely gloomy, and his brows were furrowed.

He knew very well in his heart that if this mysterious organization was as dangerous and cunning as Ling Yu said, then it would very likely bring disaster to the entire school and even all Teachers and students are posed a huge threat!

So after careful consideration, the vice-president decisively ordered to strengthen the security work on campus: not only to send more security personnel to patrol and stand guard, but also to select a group of elite students with outstanding strength to form a special action team, responsible for monitoring all suspicious movements in the school.

At the same time, the vice-president also repeatedly warned Ling Yu to always remain highly vigilant and report to him immediately if he finds any disturbance around him.

But Ling Yu didn't care about what the vice-president said, and said to the vice-president with confidence:

"It's okay, I'm invincible."

After hearing Ling Yu's arrogant words, the principal quickly warned Ling Yu:

"You must not underestimate others. As the saying goes, there is always someone better than you. Although I admit that you are very strong at the moment, the other party is an extremely mysterious organization after all. Its members are all experienced and powerful trainers, so you must act with caution."

Faced with the vice-principal's earnest concern, Ling Yu seemed a little impatient and just perfunctorily said a few words and left it at that:

""Okay, okay, I know what to do, don't worry."

However, at this moment, in the mysterious organization far away, the leader of the mysterious organization had already learned the news that his group of people had failed in their mission, and he was immediately furious.

"You good-for-nothings are nothing but a bunch of losers! You can't even handle a mere brat!"

The furious leader immediately made an important decision - he would go and meet the young man with the power of Tokiwa himself.

Coincidentally, just as the leader of the mysterious organization was preparing to take action, Ling Yu also fell into deep thought and began to seriously think about how to deal with this huge threat from the mysterious organization.

After pondering for a long time, Ling Yu finally sorted out his thoughts: I am so powerful, what is there to be afraid of? It's just a mysterious organization, right? If you make me angry, I will directly command Rayquaza to super evolve, and the entire organization can be wiped out with one finishing touch.

Just like that, because of being targeted by the mysterious organization, Ling Yu felt It was very tricky.

Fortunately, he learned the location of the mysterious organization's base by controlling a member of the organization.

Not only that, he also found out that the mysterious organization was about to hold a meeting.

So, Ling Yu decided to catch them all in one fell swoop when they were in the meeting.

Time passed by minute by minute, and finally it was night. Ling Yu decided to catch them all in one fell swoop when they were in the meeting.

Time passed by minute by minute, and finally it was night.

With the help of Gardevoir's instant movement, Ling Yu flashed like a ghost above the base of the mysterious organization. Gardevoir's powerful telekinesis was like an invisible big hand, holding them steadily in the sky.

He overlooked the base under his feet and whispered in his heart:

"Today is your destruction.���If you want to arrest me, don't blame my men for being ruthless."

After saying this, Ling Yu prepared to summon his Rayquaza. He commanded Gardevoir to fly high into the sky.

Breaking through the clouds and mist, and reaching above the clouds, Ling Yu summoned it with the telepathy of Rayquaza.

Rayquaza came rushing like a meteor, and its powerful aura swept like a storm.

Ling Yu was very excited. When Rayquaza approached, he immediately asked Rayquaza to activate the Emperor Organ in his body and start super evolution.

In an instant, Rayquaza's whole body burst out with dazzling white light, and the double horns on its head extended backwards like two smart whips; the lower jaw extended forward, and also grew two slender tentacles.

The body gradually expanded, became longer and larger, and the tail also extended, growing a gorgeous tail.

As the dazzling white light dissipated, a super Rayquaza with a black body, four golden tentacles shining on its head, majestic and awe-inspiring appeared out of nowhere.

Looking at the majestic and powerful super Rayquaza in front of him, Ling Yu commanded without hesitation:

""Face the base below and use the finishing touch with all your strength!"

Before he finished speaking, Rayquaza rushed into the sky like a flash of lightning, and then fell straight into the base of the mysterious organization like a meteor at an astonishing speed.

The people in the base felt the approach of death in an instant, but everything was irreversible.

In just a few breaths, the light-like figure of Super Rayquaza, with the blessing of the finishing touch, hit the base of the mysterious organization like a meteorite. There was a deafening"boom" and the shock wave of the explosion seemed to tear the whole world apart. The base where the mysterious organization was located before instantly turned into a huge deep pit.

After seeing the base of the mysterious organization disappear, Ling Yu was not in a hurry to leave.

With the help of Gardevoir's superpower sensing, he carefully checked the big pit to determine whether there was anyone there. Survived the explosion just now.

After confirming that there were no survivors, Lingyu commanded Super Rayquaza to cancel its super evolution state and let it return to the atmosphere.

Watching Rayquaza leave, Lingyu also asked Gardevoir to use teleportation to bring him back to his dormitory.

When he returned to the dormitory, the entire Magic City was in an uproar.

Although the base of the mysterious organization was located in the suburbs, the aftermath of Super Rayquaza's powerful finishing touch directly affected the Magic City like a surging wave.

Sensing such an earth-shaking movement, the personnel of the Magic City Investigation Bureau immediately rushed to the site of the explosion, which was the base of the mysterious organization.

When they arrived, the scene before them stunned them, and endless fear surged in their hearts:

"What kind of terrifying power could cause such huge destruction?"

Looking at the pit that looked like a huge mouth of the abyss, everyone's heart was in turmoil and could not calm down for a long time.

But Ling Yu was completely different from everyone else. He was lying on the sofa alone, watching TV leisurely and eating snacks comfortably.

When he saw the news on TV about a huge pit appearing on the outskirts of the Magic City, which was suspected to be caused by a powerful elf, he couldn't help but secretly rejoice in his heart:

"Haha, I'm so awesome! I always adhere to the principle of 'If no one offends me, I won't offend anyone; if someone offends me, I'll cut off the roots.'

This powerful strength is like an indestructible fortress, which brings him unparalleled confidence.

For a chapter of 3,600 words, I hope you will like it. Please give me some reminders and send me some free love. Your reminders and love are the driving force of my writing.

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