Time flies, day after day, Ling Yu goes further and further, deep into the heart of the quiet forest.

However, despite the flow of time, seven days have passed, but before he encountered the ruins, his luck seemed to have run out, and he did not encounter anything good in the following days, but he only had the right to use the secret realm for 7 days.

In desperation, Ling Yu had to bid farewell to this mysterious and unpredictable secret realm of the quiet forest.

Looking back on these 7 days, in addition to the power of Changpan obtained at the beginning of the sign-in, the things he obtained are as follows:

【One miracle seed, one potion that can help the elves improve their qualifications, 100,000 alliance coins, 10 elf balls, 200,000 alliance coins, 10 elf balls.

Not only that, the strength of the elves he brought with him also improved:

Charizard successfully promoted to level 38 after years of hard work;

Frog worked tirelessly and learned the new skill"shoot down" when it reached level 35;

Young Kiras fought bravely and jumped to level 27;

Forest Lizard accumulated a lot and mastered the"blade leaf" skill at level 29.

After stepping out of the secret realm, Ling Yu rushed back to the dormitory without stopping, and couldn't wait to start sorting out the treasures he had obtained from the hard signing in these days.

Ling Yu carefully fed the bottle of extremely precious potion that could improve qualifications to the forest lizard.

Although this bottle of potion is not as advanced as the one used before, it is enough to raise the qualifications of the forest lizard to the level of the king.

Then, he gently put a miracle seed emitting mysterious light on the forest lizard.

Looking at the elves that were gradually becoming stronger, Ling Yu felt a strong sense of pride in his heart.

During this period of time, they have been growing and improving, as if they were climbing to a higher peak every moment.

This process of witnessing the transformation and evolution of life made Ling Yu extremely excited and satisfied.

The next morning, the sun shone on the earth, and Ling Yu came to the classroom early.

Since he was a student specially recruited by the vice president, he was naturally assigned to the top elite class of Huaqing University.

Before that, because he needed to go to the secret realm to explore, he asked the vice president for a full seven-day vacation before the class officially started.

The moment he stepped into the classroom, he immediately felt an unusual atmosphere permeating it.

The classmates cast strange eyes on him, and some even whispered and talked about it.

Ling Yu knew very well that most of these people were dissatisfied with the fact that he had asked for leave just after the start of school. However, Ling Yu did not pay too much attention to or take it to heart.

He walked through the crowd without hesitation and went directly to the seat near the window in the back row of the classroom and sat down.

At this time, a well-dressed and elegant teacher slowly walked into the classroom.

After scanning the classroom, her eyes finally stopped at Ling Yu who was sitting in the corner.

The teacher frowned slightly, with a flash of surprise in her eyes, but soon regained her composure.

"Okay, students, let's start the class."

The teacher cleared his throat and said:

"Today we are going to talk about how to better train your own Pokémon, which is crucial for you to become an excellent trainer."

The teacher's voice was clear and pleasant, echoing throughout the classroom.

However, this knowledge was very familiar to Lingyu, who was once a Pokémon enthusiast.

Gradually, Lingyu felt that the class became boring, so he couldn't help but lie on the table and fell asleep.

The classmates around him saw that Lingyu was sleeping so blatantly during class, and they couldn't help but feel very disdainful of his behavior.

They whispered to each other, talked about it, and some even cast contemptuous eyes.

But Lingyu, who was sleeping soundly at this time, knew nothing about it. He was immersed in his own sweet dream and didn't care about other people's opinions at all.

In his heart, as long as he was strong enough, he could overcome all difficulties.

""Student Lingyu! Student Lingyu!"

The teacher shouted several times in a row, trying to wake up the sleeping Lingyu.

Seeing that the other party had no response, the teacher picked up a piece of chalk and threw it at Lingyu.

In a flash, the white chalk flew straight towards Lingyu like a bullet.

It hit Lingyu's forehead exactly. The sudden pain woke Lingyu up from his sleep. He raised his head blankly and looked around, at a loss.

" Lingyu, please come and talk about what you think about what I just explained?"

The teacher raised his lips slightly, revealing a gentle smile, and asked Lingyu softly.

Hearing the teacher's name, Lingyu stood up from his seat in a panic, scratched his hair uncomfortably, and hesitated for a moment before hesitating and saying:

" Uh......You talked about how to cultivate your own spirit more effectively"

The teacher did not show dissatisfaction with Ling Yu’s nervousness, but maintained a friendly attitude and continued to ask:

" Then, please elaborate on how to implement it?"

At this time, Ling Yu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he had already mastered this knowledge.

He took a deep breath, sorted out his thoughts, and then answered clearly:

" Yeah......The first task is to deeply explore the unique characteristics and skills of each elf. On this basis, we need to carry out special training in a targeted manner to make up for their shortcomings. In addition, we must pay close attention to the emotional fluctuations and physical and mental conditions of the elves, and give them encouragement and rewards in a timely manner."

The teacher nodded slightly to show his approval, and at the same time waved his hand to signal Lingyu to take a seat, and said earnestly:

"Your answer is quite good, which shows that you have a certain foundation. However, falling asleep in class is not a good habit, and I hope you can improve in the future."

Ling Yu didn't take what the teacher said to heart at all. After all, with his current ability, he was already strong enough, and that knowledge was a piece of cake for him, and he didn't need to learn it anymore.

If it weren't for the school's rigid rule that he had to go to school for classes, he probably wouldn't be here at all.

Thinking of this, Ling Yu decided to go directly to the principal after class to show him his true strength, and then apply to stop coming to class.

Having made up his mind, he continued to lie on the table and fell asleep with peace of mind.

Seeing this, the teacher on the podium could only shake his head helplessly, but did not interfere any more.

When other students saw Ling Yu fall asleep again, they began to whisper:

"Could this be the student that the vice-president specially recruited? He doesn't look that good!"

"That’s right. He falls asleep as soon as the class starts. Could it be that he got into our class through the back door?"

"It’s very possible! Maybe he is a relative of the vice-president and got in through connections!"

Faced with the sarcasm and contempt of the students around him, Ling Yu remained indifferent, and even didn't bother to open his eyes.

Anyway, these people had nothing to do with him, so why should he waste his words to explain anything?

It would be more practical to make good use of this time to make up for sleep.

Accompanied by the melodious bell for the end of class, Ling Yu slowly opened his eyes and stretched.

It turned out that he had just taken a short nap, but his spirit had recovered.

After a little thought, he decided to talk to the principal, and walked straight to the door of the classroom.

He summoned his own shining giant gold monster with ease, and jumped on its back nimbly, rushing towards the vice-principal's office.

The students around witnessed this scene, all of them were shocked-especially the students who had previously mocked Ling Yu in the classroom for only being able to go through the back door. At this moment, they were even more ashamed, and they all lowered their heads silently and slipped away in disgrace.

In the blink of an eye, Ling Yu arrived at the door of the vice-principal's office.

He put the shining giant gold monster back into the advanced ball, calmed down his excitement a little, raised his hand and knocked on the door gently.

&#"Come in!"

The vice-principal's deep and rich voice came from inside the room.

Ling Yu took a deep breath, gently opened the door, and walked into the room with firm steps.

The vice-principal looked up and found that it was Ling Yu. His originally serious face instantly became amiable and he showed a smile full of love and kindness:

"Oh, it's Ling Yu, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Facing the vice-president's question, Ling Yu did not hide or beat around the bush, but answered frankly and straightforwardly:

"Principal, I feel that attending classes is a complete waste of time for me. With my current abilities and knowledge, I really don’t need to continue sitting in the classroom to attend classes."

Hearing this, the vice principal smiled slightly, nodded in understanding, and then said earnestly:

"Young man, don't be too conceited! Although you do have outstanding abilities, learning is still a very critical and essential part."

However, Ling Yu disagreed. He frowned slightly and responded firmly:

"But I really don't want to waste my precious time anymore."

The vice principal fell into a brief silence, and after thinking for a moment, he suggested:

"How about this? I will prepare a special test for you. As long as you can pass this test, you will be able to plan your study life flexibly in the future; however, if you fail to meet the standard, you must unconditionally obey the school regulations and return to class to study hard."

"No problem, I am willing to accept this test challenge."

Ling Yu said without thinking and agreed without hesitation.

The vice principal nodded with satisfaction and took Ling Yu to the school's training ground.

"The theme of this test is battle. You must defeat my three Pokémon to pass the test."

The vice principal said, pointing to the three Pokémon on the field.

Ling Yu looked closely and saw that they were Mosquito, Steelix and Jolteon.

""Okay, let's get started!"

With the vice-principal's order, the duel officially kicked off.

Ling Yu threw out a shining high-level ball without hesitation, and inside it was the extremely powerful Shining Metagross!

At this moment, the vice-principal couldn't help feeling a little uneasy - you know, even with his status and position, only a few main Pokémon are equipped with high-level balls; however, this seemingly ordinary orphan boy in front of him can actually own such a precious thing...

So, the vice-principal, who originally had some contempt in his heart, immediately corrected his attitude and decided to use his real skills to give the other party a warning, and take this opportunity to teach this ignorant kid a lesson.

However, things are unpredictable!

At the moment when Shining Metagross stepped out of the high-level ball and released the terrifying pressure of the gym level...

, the vice-principal who was full of confidence and wanted to teach Ling Yu a lesson suddenly stopped and completely gave up the original idea...

Because the vice-principal just wanted to teach Ling Yu a lesson, and didn't think about taking real action, so he didn't plan to use the most powerful elves in the first echelon at his disposal, and just picked out three ordinary elves in the third echelon.

After all, these elves are only at the professional level of combat power.

After Ling Yu released the Shining Metagross, he ordered it to launch an offensive without saying a word, and smashed it towards Steelix with a comet punch!

Seeing this, Steelix didn't dare to neglect it, and hurriedly used the rock blockade move to try to block the attack route of Metagross.

Unfortunately, the difference in strength between the two sides was too great, and Steelix's efforts were completely in vain. Ah!

Look, in the blink of an eye, it was hit hard by a punch from the Metagross, and then fell heavily to the ground, completely losing the ability to continue fighting.

The vice-principal was shocked to see this scene: he knew very well that Lingyu's Metagross was indeed very powerful, but he never expected that the opponent's Shiny Metagross was so ferocious and easily defeated his Steelix with just one move!

Realizing that the situation was not good, the vice-principal made a prompt decision and quickly sent out Jolteon to fight the enemy, trying to suppress the Metagross with the help of electric skills.

However, all this had actually been expected by Lingyu! He calmly commanded the Metagross to use the alloy claws, and easily resisted the electric shock released by the Jolteon.

Then, the Metagross used again The powerful mental power tightly wrapped around Jolteon like an invisible rope, making it unable to move.

Then, Metagross suddenly swung a powerful Comet Fist and hit Jolteon hard.

This punch was like a meteor across the sky, with unparalleled impact force, directly knocking Jolteon to the ground and losing the ability to continue fighting.

Finally, the Mosquito Warrior appeared. It attacked Metagross without fear and fired water cannons with all its strength.

However, Metagross's indestructible defense made these water cannons as powerless as an ant trying to shake a tree, and failed to cause it any substantial damage.

At this moment, Ling Yu keenly captured an excellent opportunity and decisively ordered Metagross to launch the skill Earthquake.

In an instant, the entire venue was shaken and the ground shook violently.

The Mosquito Warrior had no power to fight back under this earth-shaking blow and was easily defeated.

"Awesome, Lingyu!"

The vice-president couldn't help but exclaimed sincerely, his eyes full of admiration.

"Your ability is far beyond my expectation. From today on, you can freely manage your time. However, I still hope that you can participate in more school activities and communicate more with your classmates."

"Thank you, Principal!"

Ling Yu answered excitedly. His face was filled with a happy smile.

Finally, Ling Yu and the vice principal left the training ground together.

Looking at Ling Yu walking away, the vice principal thought to himself:

"This child is still young and an orphan. How could he possess such a powerful spirit? He must have had an extraordinary experience."

After saying that, he also walked towards his office.

For a chapter of 4,000 words, the reason why the Metagross has a gym-level pressure is because Ling Yu had agreed with the Metagross before coming to the Magic City to suppress the pressure to the gym level.

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