On the fifth day, Ling Yu led his elves to the depths of the quiet forest, trying to explore the hidden mysteries.

However, just as he was concentrating on moving forward, his feet suddenly became empty and his body fell down involuntarily.

It turned out that a hidden big hole appeared on the road at some point, covered by dense grass.

Ling Yu fell into the hole without any preparation, and his eyes suddenly became dark.

When he came to his senses, he found himself in a completely unfamiliar and mysterious place.

The light here was dim, as if it had been forgotten by time for a long time, and the air was filled with an ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

A trace of fear surged in Ling Yu's heart, but he soon calmed down.

He stood up carefully and looked around with the help of the weak light.

Suddenly, Ling Yu noticed a faint light flashing not far ahead.

This light was so weak, but full of attraction, which made him curious.

However, Ling Yu did not rush forward to explore, but let Gardevoir, who was still at the entrance of the cave, lead several other elves to use the teleportation skill to come to his side.

As soon as Gardevoir landed, he quickly ran to Lingyu and asked with concern:

"Master, are you okay? Let me check for you."

Before she finished speaking, Gardevoir carefully checked Lingyu's physical condition.

After confirming that Lingyu was safe and sound, she breathed a sigh of relief, her eyes full of worry.

Seeing Gardevoir carefully checking her body, Lingyu couldn't help but feel warm in her heart, and at the same time, she replied hurriedly with some embarrassment:

"It's really okay, I just accidentally fell down from up there, my butt hurts a little, it's no big deal."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ling Yu raised his hand and waved to the other elves, signaling them to come over, and then said to them:

"It looks like some kind of ancient ruins. Charizard, Frog, Baby Kiras, and Forest Lizard, you guys are still relatively weak now, so go back to the Poké Ball first, it will be safer this way."

After listening to Ling Yu's arrangement, these elves nodded sensibly, expressing their understanding and agreement.

Seeing that no one had any objection, Ling Yu was relieved to put them back into their respective elf balls one by one.

Then, he took out the advanced ball containing Darkrai and opened it gently.

With a flash of light, Darkrai appeared in front of everyone.

Ling Yu whispered to it to hide in its own shadow, so that it could protect itself in case of any emergency.

After making all the necessary preparations, Ling Yu took a deep breath, and then ordered Gardevoir and Metagross to stand on his left and right sides respectively, and the three of them slowly moved forward in the direction of the faint light.

Along the way, they always remained highly vigilant and walked cautiously, not daring to relax at all.

As they kept getting closer to the light, Ling Yu finally saw its true face.

It turned out to be an extremely huge door! It was engraved with dense, intricate and mysterious patterns, as if it contained the vicissitudes and mysteries of endless years.

Ling Yu stared at the complicated and strange lines and symbols on the door, and an indescribable feeling of awe surged in his heart:

"This place seems to have existed for thousands of years."

Out of curiosity, he couldn't help but reach out and touch the surface of the door. The moment his fingers touched the door frame, the huge door that had been closed for a long time began to slowly open, revealing a dark and deep mysterious passage leading to an unknown area!

Faced with the wonders in front of him, Ling Yu couldn't help but gasp, but soon calmed down.

He took a deep breath and resolutely stepped into this road full of mysteries and variables.

Along the way, the walls on both sides were covered with all kinds of strange and puzzling patterns; despite racking his brains and thinking hard for a long time, Ling Yu still couldn't figure out the mystery.

After walking and stopping for an unknown period of time, the view in front suddenly became wider.

It turned out that they had arrived At the end of the passage! Overjoyed, Ling Yu quickly quickened his pace and rushed to the exit.

When he reached the end, he suddenly felt that the view in front of him was suddenly clear: he looked around and saw a spacious room; in the room were placed several ancient stone statues of elves that were simple and solemn, lifelike, and exuded a powerful aura!

After a careful look, they were confirmed to be the four ancient Pokémon, Gengar, Alakazam, Garchomp, and Charizard.

Looking at the stone statues of the ancient elves in front of him, Ling Yu was overwhelmed with an indescribable shock.

Although they are only stone statues, just staring at them is enough to make people terrified.

With a heart full of curiosity and awe, Ling Yu He walked towards the super ancient elf stone statues.

When he finally came to the side of these stone statues, he was surprised to find that there was an ancient and old book on the stone platform under each stone statue.

Then, Ling Yu's eyes were attracted by the super ancient fire-breathing dragon statue, and he walked towards it unconsciously.

As soon as he arrived there, he immediately noticed that the book on the stone platform was exuding a mysterious and ancient atmosphere.

He walked forward carefully, staring at this ancient book, then slowly stretched out his fingers and gently turned the pages.

In an instant, a secret about the super ancient fire-breathing dragon appeared before his eyes.

Just as Ling Yu was concentrating on reading, a sudden change occurred.

The whole room opened... The ground around the ancient Charizard platform suddenly cracked, and an extremely large ancient Charizard broke out of the crack.

Ling Yu looked at this powerful ancient Charizard in amazement, and felt the powerful force contained in its body.

After seeing the ancient Charizard, Gardevoir and Metagross immediately entered combat mode, ready to meet the challenge.

However, the ancient elf did not attack immediately. It stared at Ling Yu, as if conveying some kind of information.

Ling Yu calmed down and tried to understand the intention of the ancient elf.

After a moment, he suddenly realized that this elf was testing his courage and wisdom.

So Ling Yu first used the Data Eye to check the other party's information:

【Name: Fire-breathing dragon (super ancient) shadow】

【Race value: 534】

【Gender: None】

【Skills: Claw, Shout, Spark, Smoke Screen, Dragon's Fury, Dragon Claw, Glare, Rage, Flame Jet, Air Slash, Dragon Breath, Flame Fang, Cleave, Dragon Dance, Big Word Explosion, Flame Vortex】

【Level: 60】

【Qualification: None】

【Attributes: Fire, Flying, Dragon】

【Personality: Stubborn】

【Ability: Fierce Fire (When HP decreases, the power of Pokémon's moves will be increased)】

【[Carrying items: None]

After seeing the detailed information of this super ancient Charizard, he was surprised to realize that it was just an illusory image, and its level was relatively low.

This discovery gave Ling Yu more confidence, and he decided to show his true strength.

First, Ling Yu activated the super evolution bracelet in his hand that shone with mysterious light without hesitation, and super evolved his powerful Metagross!

In an instant, Metagross exuded amazing power fluctuations all over his body and evolved into Mega Metagross.

Then, Ling Yu decisively issued an order, ordering Gardevoir and Mega Metagross to launch a fierce attack on the enemy together.

A thrilling and fierce battle then kicked off!

Both sides tried their best and refused to give in to each other, and it was difficult to tell the winner for a while.

Fortunately, however, because Gardevoir and Metagross were higher in level than their opponents, this battle was not too difficult for them.

When the fierce battle was in full swing, Ling Yu noticed that the opponent's level was much lower than his Pokémon, and he immediately had a plan in his mind.

He quickly gave the order:

"Gardevoir, use your mental power to disrupt the actions of the ancient elves! Mega Metagross, seize the opportunity to launch a powerful attack!"

After receiving the instructions, Gardevoir immediately used its powerful mental power skills to successfully disrupt the rhythm of the ancient elves' movements; and Mega Metagross took this opportunity to use all its strength to launch a fatal attack.

Under the righteous group fight of Gardevoir and Mega Metagross, the violent attack like a storm finally succeeded in defeating the phantom of the ancient Charizard.

As the phantom of the ancient elf fell to the ground with a bang, the whole room returned to peace again.

Ling Yu breathed a sigh of relief. He realized that this adventure was not just a simple exploration, but also a"secret about the ancient elves."

When the phantom of the fallen ancient Charizard gradually dissipated like smoke, the stone platform that was originally covered by its huge body finally appeared.

And on this stone platform, there was a mysterious bead emitting a faint light lying quietly.

Seeing this, Ling Yu was delighted, and hurriedly stepped forward a few steps, carefully picked up the bead, held it in the palm of his hand and examined it carefully.���After some observation

, he was surprised to find that this bead was actually Charizard x Super Evolution Stone!

"I can actually get a Charizard Mega Evolution Stone here.……"

Ling Yu murmured to himself, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"I wonder if the stone platforms under the other super ancient elves also hide similar treasures?"

With full of expectations and curiosity, he decided to try to activate the other three stone statues of super ancient elves again according to the method he used when defeating the super ancient fire-breathing dragon. Sure enough

, with his operation, dazzling lights lit up one after another, and then, the huge shadows of the other three super ancient elves appeared in the air one after another.

Faced with these powerful super ancient elves, Ling Yu did not dare to be negligent and went all out to fight fierce battles with them.

After a hard battle, he relied on his tenacious perseverance and excellent fighting skills to finally defeat all his opponents.

When the last super ancient elf fell to the ground, Ling Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't take time to rest, and walked quickly to the corresponding stone platform, and got the Gengar Mega Evolution Stone, Alakazam Mega Fossil, and Garchomp Mega Evolution Stone as he wished.

Looking at the four extremely precious Mega Evolution Stones in his hand, Ling Yu showed a satisfied smile.

He was very satisfied with the harvest in this ultra-ancient ruins, and secretly thanked God that he did not miss this rare opportunity.

Ling Yu put away the Mega Evolution Stone and prepared to leave.

He looked back at the stone statues of these ultra-ancient elves, and his heart was full of respect.

On the way back, Ling Yu thought about how to use these Mega Evolution Stones to improve the strength of himself and Pokémon.

"This Charizard x Mega Evolution Stone is just for Charizard, which has just evolved successfully. As for the other Mega Evolution Stones, there are no corresponding elves for the time being, so I will put them in the system space first and use them when I find these elves."He said to himself.

After that, when he returned to the ground, he immediately summoned Charizard, Frog, Young Kiras and Forest Lizard.

After seeing them come out, Ling Yu walked towards Charizard without hesitation.

When he got closer, he took out the Charizard x Mega Evolution Stone obtained in the ruins from his arms and carefully put it on Charizard.

Charizard stared at the Charizard x Mega Evolution Stone handed over by Ling Yu, with a puzzled look in his eyes:

"Boss, what is this bead? I can feel that this bead contains a powerful force, which seems to be able to make me evolve again."

Ling Yu stood by and explained patiently:

" This bead is your exclusive super evolution stone, it can help you achieve super evolution in a short period of time and show the form of Charizard x"

Hearing this, Charizard was extremely excited, his joy was beyond words:

"That's wonderful! This way, I can become even stronger"

At this moment, the quack frogs and other elves who were watching from the sidelines were full of envy.

Ling Yu naturally noticed the expressions of his companions. He turned to face the elves and comforted them:

"Don't be anxious, and don't envy Charizard. Believe me, I will find good things for you in the future."

After hearing Ling Yu's words, the other elves also became happy.

Then, Ling Yu led the elves to continue to go deep into the quiet forest.

More than 3,000 words of chapters are presented. I hope everyone can urge for updates and send free love power. Your love power is my motivation to update.

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