After taking back Rayquaza and Metagross, he hugged the flushed Gardevoir tightly and asked her to use the teleportation skill to send them to the portal together.

Then, he gently put Gardevoir into the advanced ball, turned around and stepped into the portal, successfully returned from the secret realm, and finally arrived at his dormitory.

Just as he walked to the door of the dormitory, he saw the box with the words"Advanced Energy Cube" written on it at the door.

After Ling Yu looked at it for a few times, he quickly bent down and stored it in the system space.

Then, he summoned Metagross.

There was a flash of light, and the huge Metagross appeared in front of him.

Ling Yu jumped up with agility and sat steadily on the broad and solid back of Metagross.

As the Metagross floated into the sky, he took Ling Yu away from Huaqing University quickly and flew towards the forest outside the Magic City.

Not long after, they landed in a dense forest near the Magic City.

The Metagross landed smoothly, and Ling Yu jumped off the body of the Metagross briskly.

He released Gardevoir from the Advanced Ball and told her to carefully scout around to see if anyone was around.

After making sure the surroundings were safe, Ling Yu took a deep breath and threw out the Master Ball containing Rayquaza.

In an instant, a dazzling light flashed, and the legendary Shining Rayquaza suddenly appeared in mid-air!

Ling Yu looked at Shining Rayquaza with a firm gaze and gave an order:

"Go ahead, head to the atmosphere to look for meteorites to eat, and accumulate energy in your body as soon as possible!"

Shining Rayquaza raised his head and howled, as if he understood the master's order, twisted his body and flew into the distant sky, disappearing above the clouds.

After watching Rayquaza escape from the Master Ball and fly straight into the sky, he couldn't help but feel a strong sense of anticipation in his heart:

"I really hope to see with my own eyes what it will look like when it absorbs enough energy and completes its super evolution next time!"

Then, with the help of Gardevoir's magical teleportation ability, he returned to his own luxurious villa on the campus of Huaqing University in the blink of an eye.

After a short rest and adjustment, he set out for the portal of the Quiet Forest again, stepped into it without hesitation, and re-entered this secret world full of unknowns and challenges.

This time, Ling Yu came to the secret realm with a clear goal, which was to capture a few new Pokémon, and also wanted to take this opportunity to train and improve his Charmeleon, Frog and Young Kiras.

In his current team, the only drawback is that he still doesn't have a Grass Pokémon.

Therefore , this time he entered the secret realm and planned to find a suitable grass-type Pokémon to carefully cultivate.

Not long after entering the forest, Ling Yu devoted himself to the search for grass-type Pokémon.

Along the way, although he encountered many kinds of wild Pokémon, they were all not the grass-type Pokémon that Ling Yu dreamed of.

Just when he was a little frustrated, suddenly, a very faint sound came into his ears.

He carefully groped in the direction of the sound, and finally found the target under a towering tree - a small, cute and lovable wood gecko was eating tree fruits with relish.

Seeing this scene, Ling Yu couldn't help but feel a surge of joy in his heart:

Isn't this one of the three grass-type starters he has always dreamed of!

The opportunity is rare, he immediately summoned Darkrai, and when the time came, while the woodbine was enjoying the food wholeheartedly, he did not hesitate to use hypnosis.

The poor little guy's eyes rolled up in an instant, and he fell to the ground drowsily and fell into a sweet dream.

Then, Ling Yu quickly took out the Poké Ball that he had prepared long ago, aimed at the sleeping woodbine and threw it out with force.

The Poké Ball hit the woodbine's body squarely, and then it turned into a dazzling The red light flashed, and it went into the Poké Ball with a whoosh.

However, what happened next surprised Ling Yu. He saw that the Poké Ball began to shake violently, as if the Bokeh inside was struggling to resist.

Seeing that the Poké Ball had shaken twice, just when Ling Yu was feeling uneasy, he heard a muffled"bang" and the Poké Ball finally stopped shaking.

Success! Ling Yu was ecstatic, he knew that he had successfully captured the Bokeh that he had long admired.

Ling Yu hurried forward, excitedly picked up the Poké Ball with the Bokeh inside, then raised his hand and said Xiaozhi's exclusive saying:

"I have captured a Gecko!"

Looking at the Poké Ball with Gecko in his hand, Ling Yu could not hide his excitement. Although he already had many powerful Pokémon, this was his first time to successfully capture a Pokémon in the wild. This novelty made him very excited.

Ling Yu showed a satisfied smile on his face. He first took back Darkrai, and then released Charmeleon, Frog, Baby Kiras and Gecko one by one.

He used the Data Eye on Gecko and carefully checked its information:

【Name: Wood Ghoul】

【Race value: 310】

【Gender: Female】

【Skills: slap, glare, absorb, lightning】

【Level: 13】

【Qualification: Gym level】

【Attribute: Grass】

【Personality: Timid】

【Trait: Lush (When HP decreases, the power of grass-attribute skills will increase)】

【Carrying items: None]

After reading the information from the Wood Gecko, Ling Yu secretly rejoiced:

"This little guy is really good. It is rare to encounter a Starter Pokémon with gym-level qualifications in the wild. I am so lucky!"

After saying that, he looked at the other three Pokémon again and began to think about the next move in his mind.

Ling Yu decided to take advantage of the fact that he still had the right to use the secret realm and level up crazily in it until the permission expired.

So he released Gardevoir and Metagross, and asked them to lead two Pokémon to level up respectively.

In this way, Gardevoir took Baby Gilas and Wood Gecko, and Metagross took Charmeleon and Frog, and they embarked on a journey to find wild Pokémon to fight.

It was called a battle, but in fact it was more like a"massacre" without suspense.

Gardevoir and Metagross used powerful telekinesis to control the wild Pokémon, allowing the four of them to go forward and output continuously until they defeated the opponent.

Because the levels of Gardevoir and Metagross crushed most of the Pokémon in the secret realm, their leveling journey was particularly smooth.

And Ling Yu followed them slowly, as if strolling in the garden.

When Ling Yu and his party came to the depths of the forest, they suddenly heard a noisy sound.

Ling Yu looked over vigilantly, and saw a group of giant hornets like a group of hungry wolves, fighting fiercely with a Charmeleon

"Looks like we met other trainers!"

Zero Feather said softly.

So, he walked towards the direction of the battle, ready to lend a helping hand to the unfortunate trainer.

I saw that classmate was busy commanding his Charmeleon, struggling to fight against the giant bee that swooped down from time to time.

Facing the siege of many giant bees, although his Charmeleon was a fire-type, it was difficult to resist and was overwhelmed for a while.

As time passed, new wounds continued to appear on Charmeleon's body, and it was about to collapse.

In a flash, Zero Feather immediately asked Gardevoir and Metagross to use their telekinesis, like a pair of invisible big hands, firmly controlling those giant bee with bared fangs and claws.

Then, he commanded Charmeleon and other Pokémon to rush up and harvest the group of giant bee like a tiger descending from the mountain.

Facing the giant bee that had no power to fight back, the four of them kept attacking the giant bee swarm.

So, Zero Feather saved the trainer so easily.

After being rescued, he felt relieved and sat down on the ground.

Zero Feather looked at him and said softly:

"Hello, I am Ling Yu, a freshman at Huaqing University."

Hearing Ling Yu's words, he stood up, patted the dust off his body, and responded:

"Hello, my name is Lin Yan, and I am your senior from the previous class. Thank you for saving me, otherwise I would be dead today."

"It's okay, I just happened to pass by. But how come you were chased by a group of giant bees?"

Ling Yu asked in confusion.

Lin Yan explained with a wry smile.:

"I had just finished exploring the secret realm and was about to go to the portal to exit the secret realm, but I accidentally walked into the habitat of the giant bee. When I realized that something was wrong and wanted to leave, it was too late. My Pokémon had no stamina, and only one Charmeleon could fight. So the giant bee chased me all the way here."

"I see. Then would you like me to give you a ride?"

Ling Yu kindly suggested.

"Really? That's too much trouble for you! Thank you, thank you."

Lin Yan said excitedly

"No trouble."

Ling Yu replied softly.

After that, Ling Yu looked in the direction of Charmeleon and found that they were almost destroying the Beedrill swarm. He prepared to let Gardevoir use instant teleportation to send Lin Yan to the portal.

"I was able to leave safely today, thanks to your help, Lingyu. If you need my help in the future, just ask, I will do my best."

Lin Yan said gratefully

"Why thank you? We are all classmates and should help each other."

Ling Yu smiled and responded softly.

After Ling Yu and Lin Yan said goodbye, he continued to level up in the secret realm.

This experience not only allowed him to meet a new like-minded friend, but also made him cherish the good times in Huaqing University even more.

Everyone can generate electricity with love for free. This is the author's motivation to update. Thank you.

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