As night fell, Ling Yu, who had been busy for most of the day, suddenly realized that he had not signed in yet!

He slapped his forehead and blamed himself, while muttering silently in his heart:

"System, please sign me in quickly."

As soon as the voice fell, the familiar voice of the system rang out.

【Ding——Since the master is entering a new field for the first time and is in the leading school in the Demon City, the rewards will be greatly upgraded. Congratulations to the master for successfully signing in and obtaining 1 Split Sky Seat (automatically stored in the system space)】

Looking at the system in front of him showing the elves obtained today, Ling Yu was stunned

"What the hell is going on? It's Rayquaza? Oh my god, wouldn't I be invincible with it? System, I love you so much!"

Ling Yu couldn't hold back his inner ecstasy, and secretly rejoiced.

Presumably, everyone is familiar with the Pokémon Rayquaza, which is a legendary elf!

As the leader of the three mythical beasts in the Fengyuan region, its strength is beyond imagination, and it can even suppress the other two mythical beasts by itself.

At this moment, looking at the Master Ball containing Rayquaza in the system space, the ecstasy in Ling Yu's heart can no longer be described in any words.

Who would have thought that he would be so lucky to get a Rayquaza by signing in?

After trying to calm his inner excitement, Ling Yu quickly left the dormitory and walked straight to the hall where the secret realm portal was located.

He couldn't wait to see the demeanor of Rayquaza with his own eyes, but he was worried that when he released it in the advanced training ground, it would scatter... The powerful aura emitted will attract the attention of others.

After all, if others know that he has the first-level Kamiya Sora too early, it will likely bring him endless troubles and troubles.

So he had no choice but to go to the secret realm. It is a coincidence that the people who were originally qualified to enter the high-level secret realm were rare, and at this critical juncture, there are even fewer people coming to the high-level secret realm. Thinking of this, he came to the front desk, ready to register first, and by the way, to find out which secret realm has the least number of people.

However, just as he stepped forward and was about to ask, a boy with dyed yellow hair suddenly came over, followed by two younger brothers.

The yellow-haired man pushed Ling Yu hard with an arrogant attitude, and shouted:

"Get out of the way! Didn't you see that your brother Wang wanted to register?"

Before he finished speaking, the two younger brothers behind him echoed in unison:

"That's right, didn't you see your brother Wang coming? Get out of the way!"

Faced with the arrogant behavior of these people, Ling Yu's eyes turned cold, and he stepped forward without hesitation, kicked the guy with dyed yellow hair, and shouted:"Don't you even understand such a simple principle as first come first served? If you really don't understand, let me teach you!"

This sudden kick and the impolite words resounded around like a thunderclap, not only stunned the many students who were watching the excitement, but also made the yellow-haired boss who was about to cause trouble for Lingyu a little confused for a moment.

You have to know that this brother Wang is not an ordinary person. As one of the famous gangster leaders in the school, he always relies on the support of some forces behind him to bully the weak everywhere, and many students have suffered from him.

Now seeing that Lingyu dared to touch him in public and said such words, everyone couldn't help but feel relieved and worried for Lingyu.

After all, Lingyu just did something that many people have always wanted to do but have never dared to do. It is necessary to teach this helpless man a lesson. Fa Wutian's brother Wang.

Therefore, while everyone secretly cheered for Ling Yu in their hearts, they could not help but worry that he might be subjected to crazy revenge from brother Wang and his followers in the future...

When they saw brother Wang, they saw him lying on the ground in a mess, with a trace of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, the sudden kick just now caught him off guard.

You know, brother Wang usually relies on his own power and is always domineering and arrogant.

Maybe because of this, he did not expect that Ling Yu would dare to attack him without any warning.

Moreover, the force of this kick was very great, and it can be seen that Ling Yu used all his strength.

After suffering such a heavy blow, brother Wang collapsed directly to the ground, and seemed unable to get up in a short time.

However, despite being at a disadvantage, brother Wang still stubbornly said a cruel word:

"You rascal, wait and see! I'll take note of this grudge today, and one day, I'll get it back with interest!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he signaled his younger brother to help him up, and then he fled the scene like a dog with its tail between its legs.

Watching this group of clowns go away, Ling Yu did not bother them too much, but returned to the front desk to continue registering as if nothing had happened.

The young lady in charge of registration had already been stunned.

After all, as a front desk staff who had worked here for a long time, she was very familiar with this yellow-haired man - this man often took pleasure in bullying students.

Not only that, because this young lady had a good appearance, Huang Mao would occasionally come to harass her, but she could only choose to swallow her anger due to the power behind the other party.

However, today, he actually witnessed with his own eyes that the always domineering and arrogant Huang Mao suffered such a big loss in front of a student! This scene was really jaw-dropping.

Seeing this, he was anxious and lowered his voice to remind Ling Yu who was registering:

"Classmate, the student who caused the trouble just now is quite powerful. In my opinion, you should find a safe place to avoid being retaliated by him."

Faced with the concerned warning of the kind receptionist, Ling Yu just smiled and responded calmly.:

"It's okay, I'm invincible." Before she finished speaking, she resolutely turned around and walked towards the road leading to the advanced secret realm.

Looking at Ling Yu's departing back and his fearless tone, she couldn't help but admire him, thinking that Ling Yu was so charming and handsome at this moment.

Although Ling Yu���It's okay, but she was still worried deep down in her heart, fearing that Ling Yu would be maliciously retaliated by Huang Mao.

Unfortunately, he was just a small receptionist, powerless, so what could he do?

When Ling Yu came to the portal of the secret realm, he stared at the words"Quiet Forest" shining with mysterious light on the door.

A feeling of expectation and curiosity surged in his heart.

The moment he resolutely stepped into the portal, an unprecedented strange feeling surged into his heart like a tide.

It seemed that an invisible force was hugging him tightly, and the surrounding scene gradually became hazy.

Then, a violent dizziness suddenly hit him, making Ling Yu almost unable to stabilize his body.

However, at the same time as this dizziness, he realized that his body was gradually becoming extremely light, as if he had broken free from the shackles of gravity. In a moment, an extremely powerful gravitational force suddenly dragged him into the portal.

During the transmission process, brilliant and dazzling lights flashed frequently in front of his eyes, and deafening whistles rang in his ears.

At this moment, Ling Yu seemed to be in a fantasy time tunnel, shuttling between the void and time at an astonishing speed.

Finally, when he opened his eyes again, he was surprised to find that he had arrived in a completely unfamiliar place.

What appeared before his eyes was a vast, lush primeval forest, with towering trees everywhere, with luxuriant branches and leaves, as if telling the world about the vicissitudes of time and the tenacity of life.

There was a unique breath in the air, fresh and pleasant, refreshing and refreshing.

This feeling was brand new to Ling Yu, and he was filled with unprecedented freedom and excitement. He had just experienced the wonderful journey of the portal, which made him deeply realize that this world has endless possibilities.

And now, they are in an era full of miracles and opportunities for exploration.

With full expectations, Ling Yu decided to find an open space in this forest and release the Split Sky Seat that he had just signed in to obtain.

He summoned Metagross and lightly jumped onto its back, and together they soared into the sky.

On the way to find an open space, in order to avoid being seen by other students, Ling Yu deliberately instructed Metagross to fly in a certain direction for a long time, until he arrived at a secluded open space far away from human habitation and stopped.

However, Ling Yu was not in a hurry to summon Rayquaza.

Instead, he released Gardevoir first, allowing her to use her perception ability to carefully explore whether there were people around.

After ensuring that everything was foolproof, he took out the Master Ball containing Rayquaza from the system space.

He took a deep breath, tried to calm himself down, then held the Master Ball tightly in his hand and threw it forward with force.

The Master Ball bounced twice after landing, and suddenly burst into a dazzling white light.

As the white light rose, a dazzling white light column rushed straight into the sky.

Then, a huge and majestic dragon appeared in the air.

It has a pair of sharp horns on its head, and its body is as black as ink, with gorgeous and dazzling golden lines all over its body.

This majestic dragon is the legendary Rayquaza!

It stretched its strong and powerful body to its heart's content, and let out a deafening roar towards the sky. The incomparable and powerful aura instantly swept the area within a radius of several miles, and even the surrounding dense forests trembled.

As a mysterious elf living in the earth's ozone layer, Rayquaza feeds on water and meteorites in the atmosphere.

The benefit of swallowing meteorites is that it can help its special structure called"Emperor Organ" accumulate energy.

Once the skill"Drawing the Finishing Touch" is mastered, Rayquaza can use the surging energy stored in the Emperor Organ to achieve super evolution.

At this moment, Ling Yu looked up and stared at Rayquaza in the sky, his heart full of awe and uncontrollable excitement.

He finally got what he wanted and witnessed this legendary existence with his own eyes. What surprised him even more was that the Rayquaza in front of him was actually a rare flashing form!

In the memories of his previous life, the shocking scene of Shining Rayquaza defeating seven mythical beasts by himself became a classic scene that Ling Yu will never forget.

Now, he also owns a Shining Rayquaza.

Although the intimacy of the elves obtained by signing in to the system is full, at such a close distance, Ling Yu can still deeply feel the majesty of Shining Rayquaza.

So he checked the information of Rayquaza through the Data Eye:

【Name: Rayquaza (Flash)】

【Race value: 680】

【Gender: None】

【Skills: Tornado, Ghost Face, Primal Power, Crunch, Dragon Claw, Loud Voice, Dragon Dance, Sleep, Crunch, Air Slash, Fly, Reverse Scale, Speed, Awakening Power, Freeze Beam, Hold, Earthquake, Dragon Wave, Destruction Ray】

【Level: 90】

【Qualification: Level 1 God】

【Attributes: Dragon, Flying】

【Personality: Cheerful】

【Features: Airlock (When it appears, all weather conditions on the field are invalidated)】

【Carrying items: None]

Gardevoir and Metagross surrounded Rayquaza, as if to welcome it.

Rayquaza looked down at Lingyu, with a hint of spirituality in his eyes.

Lingyu took a deep breath and tried to establish a spiritual connection with Rayquaza.

Gradually, he was able to feel Rayquaza's thoughts and emotions.

"Rayquaza, you will be my partner from now on." Ling Yu said softly.

Rayquaza roared, as if responding to Ling Yu's words.

Looking at the shining Rayquaza in front of him, he felt unreal.

He had only traveled to this world for less than two months, and he already had the power to shake the entire alliance.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly checked in the system space. He hadn't sorted out his props for a long time.

【System space: Top-quality energy blocks: 80 copies, 10 copies of advanced ability blocks, 80 Poké Balls, 50 Super Balls, 60 Advanced Balls, 1 Master Ball, Skill Discs: 1 Hold, 1 Sunny Day, 1 Self-selected Disc, Props: 1 Leftovers, 1 Weakness Insurance, 1 Aura Cloak, 5 Healing Medicines, 5 Anti-anesthesia Drugs】

When he saw the skill discs for completing the task before, he directly chose the"finishing touch" skill that could enable Rayquaza to achieve super evolution! It was as if all this was destined.

Then, he gave the disc in his hand to Rayquaza without hesitation.

Not only that, he also put on the aura cloak given by the school.

Shortly after Rayquaza successfully mastered the"finishing touch", its entire Pokémon exuded an unprecedented powerful aura, which shocked people.

At this moment, he was anxious and wanted to immediately witness the spectacular scene of Rayquaza performing the"finishing touch" and completing the super evolution.

However, the reality did not match his wish. Since the Emperor Organ in Rayquaza's body had not stored enough energy, it could not achieve super evolution for the time being.

Faced with the helplessness of reality, he had to give up.

Originally, Ling Yu planned to send Rayquaza to the vast space to forage for meteorites containing huge energy to replenish the energy needed for the super evolution of the Emperor Organ, but he soon realized that this was not the real world but a secret place, and there was no so-called space environment at all.

In desperation, he had no choice but to put his beloved Rayquaza back into the Master Ball and find another way.

For a chapter of 4,000 words, I hope readers will urge for more updates, and use their love to generate electricity for free.

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