After a long flight of several hours, Ling Yu finally arrived at the legendary Magic City.

When the door of the plane slowly opened, a mixture of hustle and bustle and prosperity came to his face.

Ling Yu took a deep breath and stepped out of the cabin, full of anticipation and excitement.

As soon as he stepped down the gangway, Ling Yu quickly summoned the Shining Metagross.

The huge body of the Metagross shone with a dazzling light, all white, exuding an unparalleled majesty.

Ling Yu turned over and jumped onto the broad back of the Metagross, holding the smartphone tightly in his hand, and guided the Metagross to fly towards Huaqing University through the built-in navigation system. The dazzling appearance of the Shining Metagross and the powerful gym-level aura instantly shocked everyone present.

Before going to the Magic City, Ling Yu asked the Metagross to suppress its aura to the gym level.

Otherwise, the aura of the Metagross King level alone would scare a large number of people.

People stared at this behemoth with their eyes wide open, revealing all kinds of emotions: some were full of envy, longing to have such a powerful Pokémon; some were jealous, dissatisfied with Ling Yu's ability to control such a powerful being; and some even cast malicious eyes, as if they were planning something bad.

However, Ling Yu didn't care about these strange looks.

He knew the purpose of his trip and focused on the road ahead.

He couldn't wait to get to Huaqing University to meet with the vice president of the school.

At the lightning speed of the giant gold monster, the street scene of the city passed by like a picture scroll.

Ling Yu lay tightly on the back of the giant gold monster, feeling the refreshing wind blowing across his cheeks.

He secretly made up his mind that no matter what difficulties and challenges he encountered, he must be firm in his beliefs and move forward courageously.

Because only in this way can he achieve his goals...

In the sky, a white figure passed by like lightning, attracting the attention of many passers-by. They stopped and looked up, with astonishment on their faces.

As the distance got closer, it could be seen that the white figure turned out to be a huge, all-white Pokémon Metagross!

And sitting on its back was a young and handsome man named Ling Yu.

At this moment, they were flying towards Huaqing University. When they arrived at the school gate, Ling Yu found that a large number of freshmen had gathered here to register.

However, since he was specially recruited by the vice-president, he did not need to wait in line.

When Ling Yu descended from the sky on Metagross, the students on the ground were instantly shocked by the scene before them.

They stared at the domineering Metagross with their eyes wide open, their mouths opened so wide that an egg could almost fit in.

Then, there were whispers from the crowd:

"Who is this person? He actually possesses such a powerful Shiny Metagross!";

" I don't know, but judging from his extraordinary temperament, he must be from a famous family."

" I'm so envious. It would be great if I could have a shiny Metagross like this.……"

" Stop dreaming. With our current strength, we are not worthy of having a Pokémon of the level of Shiny Metagross. Let’s work hard to improve ourselves first!"

Everyone was talking about Ling Yu, and all kinds of speculations were flying around.

However, in the face of these remarks, Ling Yu just smiled slightly and did not make any response.

He took back the Shiny Metagross and walked straight towards the school, leaving behind a group of envious and jealous classmates.

Just as he was about to step into the campus, suddenly someone stood in front of him and blocked his way.

"Hey! Where did you come from? Who allowed you to come in so brazenly?"

A burly and arrogant boy blocked his way.

Ling Yu glanced at him indifferently and did not respond.

He really had no interest in getting entangled with such people who were making trouble out of nothing.

However, the boy did not seem to realize that he was not welcome, but became more arrogant:

" Let me tell you, I am a cadre of the Student Union! Everyone must abide by the school rules and regulations and line up honestly!"

Faced with such an arrogant person, Ling Yu couldn't help but frowned slightly, secretly unhappy in his heart, but still suppressed his anger and remained silent.

Then, he slowly took out the admission letter sent by the vice-president himself, and handed it to the boy expressionlessly.

The boy took the letter nonchalantly, glanced at it casually, and his face instantly became extremely embarrassed.

"What? You are actually the student specially recruited by the vice-president! I am so disrespectful. Please forgive me for not recognizing you just now. I hope you will forgive me if I have offended you! Hehehehe... Please come in. It was all a misunderstanding just now. Don't take it to heart.~"

At this moment, the boy's tone was completely different from before, full of flattery and fawning.

Ling Yu was already accustomed to this kind of attitude, and even felt a little annoyed.

So he didn't even look at the boy again, and walked straight around him, and walked into the campus without looking back.

The boy looked at Ling Yu's figure getting farther and farther away, and his originally gentle face suddenly became fierce. He gritted his teeth fiercely and thought to himself:

"You little brat, how dare you be so arrogant? One day I will make you suffer!"

At this moment, his heart was filled with resentment and unwillingness, like a burning fire.

After entering the campus, Ling Yu was a little at a loss. This school was huge and as complicated as a maze.

He scratched his head and said to himself in distress:

"This is really troublesome. How can I find the vice-president's office?"

Just when Ling Yu was at a loss, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a beautiful garden not far ahead.

So, he walked towards the garden with a try-it attitude, hoping to get some clues from there.

When he walked into the garden, he saw an old man who was carefully pruning flowers and trees.

Ling Yu walked up quickly, ready to ask the old man about the location of the vice-president's office.

When he approached and looked carefully, he found that the old man had an extraordinary temperament, like a hermit.

Ling Yu took a deep breath, and then asked respectfully:

"Hello, old sir! I am new here and would like to ask where the vice-president's office is located."

The old man smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and slowly pointed in a direction, and whispered the route.

Ling Yu thanked him repeatedly, turned around and strode forward in the direction he pointed.

But just after taking a few steps, a strange feeling came to his heart.

He became alert and hurriedly looked back, but was surprised to find that there was nothing behind him. The amiable old man just now had disappeared, and only the flower tree that was trimmed exquisitely and neatly stood quietly in the same place.

In an instant, a chill rose from the spine, and Ling Yu's heart was shocked, and he suddenly realized:

It turned out that he had the honor of meeting a powerful trainer just now!

He couldn't help but feel scared of what happened just now...

Ling Yu concentrated and carefully looked at every move of the surrounding environment, while his hands tightly grasped the advanced ball belonging to the giant golden monster hidden in his palm.

It was said that it was a flash! In an instant, Ling Yu suddenly realized that an unparalleled and extremely powerful superpower was overwhelming and rushing towards him.

"Hey! You are very responsive, young man."

A sudden word suddenly rang in Ling Yu's ears.

Frightened, Ling Yu turned around to find out what was going on. It turned out that the old man who was trimming the flowers and trees just now had appeared in front of him without anyone noticing.

"Who are you??"

Ling Yu frowned and questioned the other party with a suspicious look on his face.

" I am the president of Huaqing University"

The old man introduced himself with a smile and a friendly tone.

" I wonder why you came to look for the vice-principal of our school??"

Hearing this, Ling Yu, who had been in a state of high tension, finally relaxed a little, and told the principal everything without reservation.

After the principal listened patiently, he smiled with satisfaction and nodded frequently, and then led Ling Yu straight to the vice-principal's office without saying anything.

The principal knocked on the door gently, and after getting the answer, he slowly opened it, and then asked the vice-principal with a smile:

"Is this the Ling Yu classmate you mentioned? He is really good.

Ling Yu walked into the office with a firm step, and his eyes fell on a middle-aged man wearing glasses and with a serious expression. This man was sitting behind his desk and staring at him.

There was no doubt that the person in front of him was the vice-president who had visited him personally and extended a warm invitation not long ago.

Seeing this, the vice-president hurriedly got up and left his seat.���With a sincere and warm smile on his face, he took the initiative to extend his right hand:

"Welcome, Lingyu! I have been looking forward to your joining us for a long time."

Lingyu shook hands with him politely, and after a brief greeting, he went straight to the point and stated the purpose of his visit.

The vice-president smiled slightly, showing his understanding, and then took out a carefully prepared list from the drawer, gently placed it on the table, and then pushed it to Lingyu:

"Your generous reward is listed in detail here, including various skill learning CDs and props for you to choose from. You can consider it carefully and make a careful selection."

Ling Yu took the list carefully and looked at it carefully.

I saw that the thin paper was densely packed with various props and CDs, which was dazzling.

However, Ling Yu was not confused by these various things. He quickly browsed the list with a sharp gaze, as if he could see the power and value hidden behind each item through the text.

After careful consideration, Ling Yu finally chose the two most precious and unique carrying items without hesitation - the momentum shawl and a skill learning CD for a sunny day.

After the selection was completed, Ling Yu expressed his gratitude to the vice-president.

The respected vice-president smiled and waved his hand, saying that all this was due to Ling Yu's own efforts. The unremitting efforts deserved rewards.

Then, the vice-president told Ling Yu that the right to use the secret realm for one week and the right to use the advanced training ground for one month had been properly arranged.

Not only that, there would be sufficient advanced energy blocks delivered to the door of his dormitory on time every day, together with the props and CDs that he had carefully selected before.

Hearing this, Ling Yu nodded with satisfaction and thanked the vice-president again.

Then, he turned and left, walking towards his own dormitory with firm steps.

There, what awaited him was not only a comfortable environment and precious resources, but also an unknown journey full of challenges and opportunities.

According to the vice-president's prompts, he found the location of his dormitory at once.

When he came to the student dormitory area, he saw 10 independent villas of different shapes, and each villa was marked with ten numbers from 1 to 10 according to size.

Seeing these villas and numbers, Ling Yu thought: It turns out that dormitories are allocated according to strength.

He walked to the villa with the number 5 written on it, muttering to himself:

"No. 5, does the principal think that I can only be ranked 5th among the freshmen? I wonder if the students ahead of me are as good as me!"

After thinking about it, he walked into Villa No. 5.

As soon as he entered, Ling Yu saw that it was decorated super luxuriously, with all kinds of facilities.

He skipped to his room, threw his backpack on the bed, and then opened the window with a"clatter", enjoying the scenery outside.

At this time, his mobile phone

"The phone rang. Ling Yu picked up the phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar number. He answered the call and asked:


"Is this Lingyu? I am the vice principal just now!"

The vice principal's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Vice Principal, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Ling Yu asked curiously.

"It's like this, the school holds a Pokémon competition every month, I hope you can come and participate!" said the principal.

Ling Yu hesitated for a moment, after all, he had just arrived at the school and didn't know the situation very well.

But he thought that this was also a good opportunity to show his strength, so he readily agreed.

The principal was very happy to hear this:

"That's it! I'll have someone send you the specific time and rules of the competition. Prepare well, I believe you can achieve good results!"

After hanging up the phone, Ling Yu took a deep breath and secretly made up his mind to amaze everyone in the competition!

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