On the first day after the school competition, Lingyu's cell phone rang non-stop.

Admissions teachers from major well-known universities called Lingyu one after another, expressing their hope that he would choose to join their schools.

Faced with these continuous calls, Lingyu felt overwhelmed and even seriously affected his normal rest.

In desperation, Lingyu turned off his cell phone and wanted to have a good rest.

However, just when he thought everything was over, not long after, a hurried knock on the door broke the silence at home.


As time went by, the knocks on the door became louder and more frequent. Ling Yu couldn't stand such interruptions, so he finally got up and went to open the door.

When he opened the door reluctantly, he saw a middle-aged man in a neat suit and glasses standing outside the door.

Seeing Ling Yu appear, the man raised his lips slightly, revealing a kind smile, and said:

"Hello, I am the admissions director of Tsinghua University.���I came here to invite you to join our school."

After hearing this, Ling Yu said helplessly:

"I am already very annoyed, can you please stop bothering me?"

The admissions director said with a smile:

"Don't get me wrong, young man, our school is the top institution in the country and can provide you with the best methods to train elves and the best help in growth."

Ling Yu's heartbeat quickened slightly, but he still shook his head firmly and said softly:

"Thank you for your kindness, but this is a serious matter, I need time to think it over carefully." As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and prepared to close the door.

At this moment, the admissions director quickly stretched out his arm to stop the door from closing, and handed Ling Yu an exquisite business card and a detailed list, and said earnestly:

"This is my business card. If you have any questions or need help, you can contact me at any time. This list lists a series of attractive admission benefits that our school provides to outstanding students. We sincerely hope that you can become a member of our Tsinghua University."

After hesitating for a moment, Ling Yu took the business card and the list, glanced at them quickly, and then put them in his pocket.

Then, he raised his head, looked at the admissions director with a frank look, and slowly said:

""Okay, I will seriously consider this proposal."

Upon hearing this, the admissions director smiled with satisfaction, nodded with satisfaction, and then politely said goodbye to Ling Yu and turned to leave.

As the footsteps faded away, the corridor returned to silence, leaving only Ling Yu standing quietly at the door, thinking...

Ling Yu gently closed the door, thinking to himself:

"These universities are really crazy, but maybe this is really a crazy place that can help me grow quickly."

However, not long after the door was closed, a rapid knock on the door came again.

Ling Yu sighed helplessly, thinking to himself, could it be another admissions teacher from another school?

He reluctantly opened the door, and sure enough, there stood an old man in a Zhongshan suit at the door.

"Hello, I am the vice president of Huaqing University."

The old man introduced himself in a steady and powerful voice.

Ling Yu stared at him in surprise. Huaqing University is one of the top universities in the country. How could he not be shocked that the vice president came to visit in person?

The vice president smiled and said in a pleasant manner:

"The teachers in our school are full of talents. Not only are they all extremely powerful, but the school also has many advanced secret realms and advanced training grounds. As long as you come, I will grant you the right to explore any secret realm for a week and the qualification to use the advanced training ground for a month, plus 10 million Alliance coins."

Hearing such tempting conditions, Ling Yu couldn't help but be moved.

He has always been full of expectations for the secret realm, eager to explore powerful elves and magical props in it.

Hearing that some secret realms may even encounter legendary beasts, this makes him even more excited.

However, Ling Yu pretended to be calm and responded calmly:

"I will consider it carefully."

The vice president nodded slightly and left a well-made promotional material.

Then, teachers from the admissions offices of several famous universities came one after another, but Ling Yu declined them without hesitation and only kept the information and treatment they provided.

Finally, he carefully sorted out the admissions information he received, and after careful consideration, he resolutely chose the university with the best conditions, Huaqing University.

So he dialed the number on the information, and the voice coming from the other end of the phone was the vice president's voice.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Ling Yu asked directly:

"I want to know, if I join your school, besides the treatment you mentioned before, are there any other benefits?"

Ling Yu went straight to the point.

The vice principal was silent for a moment, and then slowly replied:

"If you are willing to join Huaqing University, we will provide you with an exclusive list of elf carrying props and skill learning machines.

You can choose any of them as long as they are carried by our school.

In addition, there is a supply of advanced elf energy blocks.

However, I will add an additional condition.

You must undergo a training test once a month.

If you pass the test successfully, your treatment may be further improved; however, if you fail the test, you will lose these treatments.

Can you accept it?"

Hearing the treatment and conditions given by the vice-president, Ling Yu replied calmly:

"This sounds quite tempting. I am willing to accept the test you put forward. I accept your invitation."

The vice-president seemed to have foreseen this. He said with a smile:

"Great, Ling, welcome to Huaqing University. The Alliance Coins will be directly transferred to your mobile phone. The rest of the rewards will be issued after you enter the school. The admission letter will be mailed to your doorstep tomorrow. One week later, you can come to the school to register with the admission letter."After listening to the vice-president's words, Ling Yu nodded slightly, indicating that he agreed with the principal's arrangement, and then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Ling Yu tightly grasped the information in his hand, with a firm light in his eyes.

He knew that his future was about to open a new chapter, which was a college journey full of challenges and opportunities.

After the call, Ling Yu remembered that he had not signed in today, so he silently said in his heart:

"System, start today's sign-in for me"

【Ding——Sign in successfully, congratulations to the owner for getting 10 magical candies (one magical candy for each Pokémon, the level of the Pokémon will increase by 1 level unconditionally)】

Seeing what he got from signing in today, he was very happy because magical candies are only in the game and do not exist in reality.

I didn't expect that the system could even get such things that do not exist in reality.

So he thought, who should he give the magical candies to?

The strength of Metagross is enough at this stage, and the same is true for Darkrai, so there are only three choices: Charmeleon, Frog and Baby Kiras.

Since he likes all three Pokémons, he gives 5 magical candies to Frog and Charmeleon.

As for Baby Kiras, he has other plans.

After Charmeleon and Frog used the magical candies, they only felt that they were much stronger.

Charmeleon increased by 5 levels to level 27, and also learned a skill called anger.

And Frog increased by 5 levels to level 21, and also learned a new skill called smoke screen.

Seeing that the two of them are getting stronger and stronger, Ling Yu's heart became more excited.

After that, he decided to go and see the house first. Because the house was too small, he wanted to buy a quiet and large house to live and train the elves.

He searched for some houses on the Internet and finally found a villa in the suburbs with a beautiful surrounding environment, which was very suitable for him.

The next day, Ling Yu came to the villa.

The house was large and had a spacious yard where the elves could move freely.

He was very satisfied and signed the contract immediately.

After solving the housing problem, Ling Yu began to prepare for admission.

He bought some necessary living supplies and was also studying various things about Huaqing University.

While waiting for the start of school, Ling Yu was not idle.

He took his elves and trained every day to improve their strength.

He believed that in the study and training at Huaqing University, he and his elves would become stronger.

Here I have something to say. There was no suitable reason for the giant gold monster to be taken out before, but it was different when he arrived at the university. He could have many excuses to explain this giant gold monster, so when he arrived at the university, it was time for the giant gold monster to show its power.

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