After just finishing an extremely fierce battle, Ling Yu and Luo Mengyi, who also won, successfully met in the finals.

After a short rest, the two returned to the stage to take the time to let their elves recover their strength to ensure that they can show their best condition in the next ultimate showdown.

As time passed, the players on both sides finally returned to the stage and were ready to fight. Then, they released their carefully cultivated elf partners without hesitation.

Ling Yu summoned a majestic, ferocious and domineering fire dinosaur.

On Luo Mengyi's side, he sent out a vigorous and emerald green vine snake.

When he saw Luo Mengyi's green vine snake, Ling Yu immediately activated the data eye and checked the information of this Pokémon:

【Name: Green Ivy Snake】

【Race value: 413】

【Gender: Female】

【Skills: Impact, Stare, Vine Whip, Tighten, Grass Whirlwind, Substitute, Leaf Blade】

【Level: 17】

【Qualification: Gym level】

【Attribute: Grass】

【Personality: Introverted】

【Features: Dark green (when HP When it drops below one-third, the power of grass-type moves will increase to 1.5 times the original power.】

【Carrying Items: Miracle Seed (Increases the power of Grass-type skills by 20%)

After seeing the information of the Green Vine Snake, he couldn't help but frowned and thought to himself:

"This match may not be easy for Charmeleon! Although their attributes are mutually exclusive, there is only a 3-level difference between them."

After all, Ling Yu's Charmeleon was successfully promoted to level 20 after defeating the Frog, and learned the genetic skill Dragon Claw.

With the referee's order, the fierce duel officially kicked off!

In an instant, Ling Yu quickly commanded Charmeleon to use sparks on the Green Vine Snake.

A blazing flame swept straight towards the Green Vine Snake.

However, facing the fierce flames, Luo Mengyi calmly manipulated the Green Vine Snake, and cleverly avoided this wave of attacks with her agility.

At the same time, the Green Vine Snake also swung its tail and threw out tough vines in an attempt to tightly entangle the Charmeleon.

Unexpectedly, Ling Yu reacted quickly and decisively ordered the Charmeleon to dodge sideways, easily avoiding the attack of the vines.

Then, the Charmeleon pounced on the Green Vine with lightning speed. Snake, and grabbed it tightly with its extremely sharp claws.

However, surprisingly, the Green Vine Snake did not show the slightest fear after being captured. On the contrary, under Luo Mengyi's exquisite command, it quickly used its vine whip to tightly wrap the body of the Fire Dinosaur, making it difficult to break free.

The Fire Dinosaur struggled hard, but could not break free from the Green Vine Snake's restraints.

So, Lingyu commanded the Fire Dinosaur to launch the Dragon's Fury close to its face. Powerful energy burst out instantly, and the Green Vine Snake was blown away.

Seeing this, Luo Mengyi hurriedly ordered the Green Vine Snake to use"Grass Tornado" to fight back.

For a moment, the wind blew violently on the field, and the leaves fluttered, forming a green whirlwind that swept towards the Fire Dinosaur.

The Fire Dinosaur did not retreat in the face of the Green Vine Snake's attack, and a firm light flashed in its eyes.

Under Lingyu's command, it A raging fire spurted out of its mouth, interweaving with the grass whirlwind released by the Green Ivy Snake.

Due to the attribute restraint and the gap in strength, the grass whirlwind of the Green Ivy Snake was instantly defeated by the powerful sparks of the Charmeleon.

However, the battle was not over. The Charmeleon immediately launched a second wave of offensive, not giving the opponent any chance to breathe.

At this time, the Green Ivy Snake had not yet recovered from the previous confrontation, and it was hit by a new round of sparks from the Charmeleon.

Unprepared, the sparks fell on the Green Ivy Snake like raindrops, causing it unbearable pain.

The originally emerald green body turned black, as if it had been burned by flames.

Witnessing all this, Luo Mengyi's heart was torn, but she knew that the contest had not yet been decided.

Although her beloved Green Ivy Snake suffered a serious injury, she still had faith and would never give up easily.

So Luo Mengyi made up her mind She risked everything and commanded the Green Vine Snake to move closer to the location of the Charmeleon without hesitation.

She directly ordered the Green Vine Snake to use a fierce attack.

With Luo Mengyi's command, the Green Vine Snake rushed towards the Charmeleon like an arrow from a string.

Faced with this sudden collision, the Charmeleon immediately spewed out raging flames in a hurry.

Faced with the raging flames of the Charmeleon, the Green Vine Snake struggled to dodge its attack. Then it continued to rush towards the Charmeleon's position.

Looking at the Green Vine Snake rushing over, Lingyu commanded the Charmeleon to rush over as well.

Just when Luo Mengyi thought that the Charmeleon would fight her Green Vine Snake head-on.

At the moment of collision, Lingyu commanded the Charmeleon to dodge the Green Vine Snake's attack, and then let it use the dragon claw to hit the Green Vine Snake.

This attack of the dragon claw hit the abdomen of the Green Vine Snake, causing it to be seriously injured.

Luo Mengyi widened her eyes. She didn't expect Lingyu to be able to deal with it so cleverly.

But she refused to give up and continued to command the Green Vine Snake to fight. Unfortunately, the Green Vine Snake was already seriously injured at this time and could no longer withstand the attack of the Fire Dinosaur.

In the end, the Fire Dinosaur's spark completely defeated the Green Vine Snake.

The referee announced that Ling Yu won, and the audience burst into warm applause.

Ling Yu walked up with a smile, shook hands with Luo Mengyi, and expressed his respect.

Although she lost the game, Luo Mengyi was not discouraged. She knew that she still had a lot to learn and improve, and this game made her see her own shortcomings.

For Ling Yu, this victory is just a starting point. He knows that the challenges in the future will be more arduous, but he is fully prepared to meet more challenges.

With the end of the final, Ling Yu also successfully won the first place.

Ling Yu walked to the podium with the attitude of a winner, and the host said excitedly:

"Congratulations to Ling Yu for winning the championship of this competition. Please come to the stage to receive the award!"

Amid the cheers of the audience, Ling Yu accepted his reward, which included the Poké Ball containing the quasi-god cub Young Kiras, 10 advanced balls, and 2 million Alliance Coins. He was extremely excited, but at the same time he also knew that this was just the beginning.

He decided to train the quasi-god Young Kiras into the most powerful desert tyrant Bangilas.

On the way out of the arena, Ling Yu met Luo Mengyi. Luo Mengyi walked forward to congratulate him:

"Congratulations, Lingyu, you are indeed very strong, and I look forward to meeting you next time."

Lingyu smiled and responded:

"Thank you, you are great too. I learned a lot from this competition."

The two smiled at each other, and both were full of expectations for the future.

After returning home, Lingyu released the young Kiras and began to check its information:

【Name: Young Kiras】

【Race value: 300】

【Gender: Male】

【Skills: Impact, Stare】

【Grade 1】

【Qualification: King level】

【Attributes: Rock, Ground】

【Personality: Stubborn】

【Features: Perseverance (If it becomes abnormal, it will use perseverance and the attack will increase)】

【[Carrying items: None]

After seeing the information of the young Kiras, Ling Yu was overjoyed, so he released Charmeleon, Metagross and Darkrai that he had obtained by signing in before.

Let them get to know each other, and by the way, feed them some energy cubes to improve their combat capabilities.

In this way, the four Pokémon made a big fuss together and almost tore down Ling Yu's house.

【Ding——Host mission detected: Winning the school competition championship has been completed, do you want to receive the reward?

Ling Yu couldn't wait to click yes, and then the reward for completing the mission entered his system space.

First of all, there is the skill disc to choose from. Ling Yu decided to keep it for later use, as he was not short of skills for the time being.

Then, he distributed the top-grade energy cubes according to the needs of the elves.

Finally, he took out the original power of the Phoenix King and handed it to Charmeleon.

Charmeleon saw such a strong breath of life and directly spit out the original power of the Phoenix King handed over by Ling Yu.

After Charmeleon swallowed the original power of the Phoenix King, the red flame on its tail turned golden.

It also made Charmeleon's height grow to more than 1.5 meters (Note: Charmeleon's height is generally only 1.1m).

So Ling Yu opened Charmeleon's panel to check it out.

【Name: Fire Dinosaur (Flash)】

【Race value: 405】

【Gender: Male】

【Skills: Grab, Shout, Spark, Smokescreen, Dragon's Fury, Dragon Claw, Glare, Rage, Flame Jet】

【Inheritance: Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, Dragon Fury, Dragon Breath】

【Level: Level 22 (Ordinary)】

【Qualification: Level 2 God】

【Attribute: Fire】

【Personality: Stubborn】

【Ability: Fierce Fire (When HP decreases, the power of Pokémon's moves will be increased)】

【What to bring: Charcoal】

【[Comprehension of the Law of Fire, progress of comprehension 100/1]

Since Charmeleon used the power of the King of Phoenix, it was upgraded by two levels, and learned its fire-type ultimate move, Flame Spray, in advance.

Its qualifications were also upgraded to the champion level, and it was lucky enough to comprehend the Law of Fire, although it only comprehended a little bit, but it doesn't matter, take it slowly.

Seeing that Charmeleon's strength has improved greatly, Ling Yu was very happy.

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