After defeating Li Cheng, he got Li Cheng's Frog.

Seeing the Frog's Poké Ball in his hand, he thought to himself::

"Li Cheng is such a good man. He rushed to give him a spirit, so he would accept it reluctantly. Although it is only an elite-level bubble frog, there is still a bottle of qualification improvement potion in the system space, which is just right for it."

After advancing to the top 4, he began to prepare for the next game to enter the finals. He planned to send Charmeleon this time. Because he wanted to finish the game quickly, and then collect the task reward to let Charmeleon absorb the essence of the Phoenix King to improve his qualifications and try to comprehend the law of fire.

Because there is still a game for him. So Lingyu found an empty corner, released the bubble frog, and then took out the qualification improvement potion from the system space and prepared for it to drink it.

When the bubble frog came out, it had wounds all over its body because it had fought with Lingyu's Charmeleon before.

The bubble frog looked at the new owner in front of it. It knew that the previous owner didn't want it anymore, so it was very sad.

Seeing the sad look of the bubble frog, Lingyu hurriedly comforted it.:

"It's okay, Frog. Although your previous master abandoned you, I won't be like him. I will treat you as a friend. Let's become stronger together and make your previous master regret it."After hearing Ling Yu's comfort, Frog seemed to have made up his mind and decided to become Ling Yu's elf.

After seeing Frog cheer up again, he handed it the aptitude improvement potion and said:

""Quack Bubble Frog, this thing can help you become stronger. Drink it and you will have a better future."

After hearing Ling Yu's words, the Quack Bubble Frog took the aptitude improvement potion and drank it.

After drinking the aptitude improvement potion, the Quack Bubble Frog was actually upgraded to level 16 and began to evolve.

The whole body of the Quack Bubble Frog began to burst out with dazzling white light. The strong light was like a shining star, and Ling Yu could hardly open his eyes.

In this dazzling white, the figure of the Quack Bubble Frog began to change wonderfully.

Its body gradually stretched upward, as if it was held up by a mysterious force, and it gradually stopped when it was close to one meter. At the same time, its original arms became much longer.

When the dazzling light gradually dissipated, what appeared before his eyes was a brand new Quack Frog!

At this moment, the Quack Frog was so tall and straight that it looked like a fairy.

It was so tall and straight that it looked like a fairy.

It was so tall and straight that it looked like a fairy.

The reason is that it is a little taller than the ordinary quack frog (note: the ordinary quack frog is about 0.

6 meters), about one meter, and the texture on its body surface has changed from the original light blue to a deep dark blue, giving people a sense of calm and majesty.

The foam growing on its neck extends a little to the back, and looks like a white scarf from a distance. Its long arms appear more slender and full of power.

And the eyes of the quack frog are obviously sharper than those of the cute quack frog before, revealing a firm expression.

After seeing the evolution of the quack frog, he originally wanted to send the Charmeleon to the field for a quick battle, but now the quack frog has evolved, so he plans to send the newly evolved quack frog to get used to the strength and body after the evolution.

He checked the current information of the quack frog

【Name: Quaking frog】

【Race value: 405】

【Gender: Female】

【Skills: Slap, Howl, Bubble, Flash, Licking, Water Wave】

【Level: 16 (Amateur)】

【Qualification: Champion】

【Attribute: Water】

【Personality: Introverted】

【Features: Torrent (When HP decreases, the power of water-attribute moves will increase)】

【Carrying items: None]

After seeing the information of the frog, Ling Yu walked up to it, touched its head and said:

"I'll let you play in the next match, show your strength and let your previous master see it."

After hearing Ling Yu's words, the frog shouted excitedly.:

【"Quack, quack."

Seeing Frog so excited, Ling Yu was also very happy.

After a while, it was Ling Yu's turn to compete

, so he put Frog away and walked onto the stage.

The trainer opposite him sent out a water jumper. When the water jumper appeared, its cute appearance directly attracted a lot of girls.

Ling Yu looked at his opponent quietly, took a deep breath, threw the Poké Ball in his hand, and shouted,":

"Come out, Quacker Frog."

As soon as the Quacker Frog appeared on the field, Li Cheng in the audience could not sit down, because the Quacker Frog on the field was the evolution of the Quacker Bubble Frog that he lost to Ling Yu.

He gritted his teeth and looked at Ling Yu on the ring, and left here angrily.

As soon as the Quacker Frog came out, it looked at the Water Leaping Fish aggressively.

Then, Ling Yu began to check the situation of the Water Leaping Fish through the Data Eye.

【Name: Water Leap Fish】

【Race value: 310】

【Gender: Male】

【Skills: Impact, Shout, Water Gun, Rock Breaking, Rock Falling, Hold】

【Level: 14】

【Qualification: Elite】

【Attribute: Water】

【Personality: Brave】

【Features: Torrent (When HP decreases, the power of water-attribute moves will increase)】

【[Carrying items: None]

After seeing the information of the water leaping fish, he felt that this match might be a bit difficult to win. Both sides are water attributes, and the quack frog can't be strong, so he can only take it one step at a time.

As the sound of the game started, the opponent gave an order, and the water leaping fish pounced on the quack frog like an arrow, and at the same time sprayed a strong water gun from its mouth.

Ling Yu remained calm in the face of danger, and calmly commanded the quack frog to dodge sideways swiftly and easily avoid the attack.

Then, he ordered the quack frog to open its mouth, extend its long tongue, and lick the water leaping fish fiercely.

This sudden tongue licking seemed to anger the water leaping fish. Seeing this, the opponent immediately drove the water leaping fish to launch a fierce impact and rushed straight towards the quack frog.

In a flash, Ling Yu made a prompt decision and let the quack frog display a powerful water wave. With the help of the power generated by the water wave, he successfully resisted the impact of the water leaping fish, and took the opportunity to command the quack frog to launch a swift slap and fight back.

This palm was full of power, hitting the water leaping fish hard, knocking it back several steps.

Taking this opportunity, Ling Yu decisively ordered the Quaking Frog to quickly distance itself from the water leaping fish, and once again used a powerful water wave to bombard the water leaping fish.

At this time, the water leaping fish was just beaten back by the Quaking Frog's slap, and it had not yet recovered and was completely unable to avoid this attack. The water wave hit it squarely, but unfortunately, because both of them belonged to the water system, the damage caused by this attack was not very high.

After seeing that the Quaking Frog's water skills did not pose much threat to the water leaping fish, Ling Yu decided to change his strategy.

He gave the order:

""Quack-headed frog, use your tongue to lick away the frog that keeps disturbing the leaping fish!"

As soon as the words fell, the quack-headed frog quickly extended its long tongue and attacked the leaping fish like lightning.

The sudden attack caught the leaping fish off guard, and it immediately fell into anger and launched counterattacks one after another, but unfortunately, these attacks were easily avoided by the quack-headed frog with its agility.

In this way, the quack-headed frog kept consuming the leaping fish's physical strength.

Gradually, the leaping fish became more and more sluggish due to exhaustion. Seeing that the time had come, Ling Yu decisively ordered:

"Now! Quaking frog, take advantage of its unpreparedness to give it a fatal blow!"

After receiving the instruction, the Quaking frog immediately jumped up and launched a series of fierce slaps at the water-leaping fish.

The first heavy blow hit the vital part of the water-leaping fish fiercely. At this time, the water-leaping fish had no ability to resist or dodge, and could only watch itself being defeated by the subsequent continuous slaps and fell to the ground, losing its ability to fight.

As the referee loudly announced that Lingyu won, the atmosphere on the scene was instantly ignited to a climax.

This hearty victory not only belongs to the Quaking Frog, but also to the trainer who was witty, courageous, and calm in the face of danger-Lingyu.

The audience was all overwhelmed by their superb skills and tacit cooperation, and cheers and applause resounded throughout the arena.

And Lingyu also successfully entered the finals.

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