After that, Ling Yu's one-month vacation was over in a few days.

After the vacation, students began to return to school, and the Pokémon Duel held by the school was about to begin.

The Pokémon Duel was a competition to test the strength of students. The stronger the students, the better the university they could enter.

After all the students returned to school, the principal called all the students to the playground and announced the rules and rewards of the Pokémon Duel.

The rules of the Pokémon Duel are:

"Each side can only send out one Pokémon. Whoever's Pokémon loses its ability to fight will be eliminated, and the winner will advance to the next round."

"The champion will be rewarded with a quasi-god cub, 10 advanced balls, and 2 million alliance coins."

"And after this Pokémon duel is over, people from various universities will come to recruit students. If you are recruited by a good school, your future will be impeccable."

After listening to what the principal said, the students began to applaud the principal.

However, Ling Yu did not applaud, because Ling Yu knew that Li Cheng was his son, so he ignored the principal. The principal who was speaking also saw Ling Yu.

He also knew that his son's Pokémon egg was robbed by Ling Yu. He planned to use his identity as the principal to match his son and Ling Yu to a game, and then let his son make a bet.

He knew that these students loved to watch the show. Even if Ling Yu refused such a battle with Pokémon at stake, it would be useless because the pressure of public opinion would force him to agree.

Li Cheng sent someone to kill me, and the principal must have known it, but he did not stop his son, which shows that the two of them are in the same group, really a pair of father and son in collusion. Just like that, the Pokémon showdown began.

There were 512 students in the school who passed the Pokémon qualification exam, so they were divided into 256 groups in the first round. The opponents were assigned by computer. In order to make the competition go faster, there were a total of 8 arenas.

Because there were too many people, Li Cheng planned to ask his father to put Ling Yu and himself in the later rounds.

In the first round, Ling Yu was assigned to No. 216, and the venue was Arena No. 4. His opponent was a level 6 Pidgeot. Ling Yu released his Charmeleon, which shocked the surrounding students and his opponent.

So the students talked about it.:

"Look, it’s Charmeleon. His Pokémon have already evolved. How can we defeat him?"

"Brothers, I feel that the champion of this competition is this Ling Yu"

"Not necessarily. Maybe there are other stronger ones."

"I heard that the school beauty Luo Mengyi in venue 1 is also an evolved Pokémon, it seems to be a green vine snake"

"As expected of the school beauty, she is really amazing."

Li Cheng, who was standing on the viewing platform, saw Lingyu's Charmeleon and felt as if his things were taken away by someone else.

In order for him to defeat Lingyu, his father spent a lot of money to buy him a Frog, because Frog is a water-type, which can restrain Lingyu's Charmander. However, he never expected that Lingyu's Charmander had evolved into Charmeleon.

Now that things have come to this point, there is no turning back. My Frog is about to evolve under my hellish training. This Charmeleon should have just evolved. I can restrain it through attributes, and with the guidance of the elite trainers invited by my father, my combat experience must be higher than his, so I will definitely win.

Thinking of this, Li Cheng didn't care. Just like that, after the principal's speech, the Pokémon showdown began.

【Ding, checking that it is the first day of this month, have you started signing in? There are good things for signing in on the first day.] When

Ling Yu heard the system's voice, he remembered that he didn't get anything good from signing in last month. This is the first time he got something good this month, so Ling Yu said to himself: System, sign me in.

【OK, congratulations to the master for obtaining a Darkrai, which has been stored in the system space.

At this moment, Ling Yu was very excited. Damn, I got a divine beast, system, I love you so much, please open the Darkrai panel for me quickly.

【Name: Darkrai】

【Race value: 600】

【Gender: None】

【Skills: Trick, Dark Hole, Evil Wave, Shadow Ball, Shadow Clone, Surprise Attack, Strange Wind, Hypnosis, Nightmare, Dream Eater, Curse of the Night, Lightning Flash, Trick】

【Level: 80 (Champion Level)】

【Qualification: Level 2 God】

【Attribute: Evil】

【Personality: Stubborn】

【Features: Nightmare (inflicts damage to sleeping opponents)】

【[Carrying items: None]

With this kind of Darkrai, I really don’t know how I can lose.

Because there are very few mythical beasts in this world, let alone owning a mythical beast. In this way, Lingyu, who owns a mythical beast, is basically invincible. As long as he doesn’t encounter those well-trained quasi-gods and then gang up on Darkrai, no one can be Lingyu’s opponent in a one-on-one fight.

However, the alliance has existed for so long, it is impossible that there is no power to counter the mythical beasts, so there is only one Darkrai, and Lingyu does not intend to expose it.

In this way, the competition was carried out round by round. The opponents encountered along the way were not very strong, so the school belle Luo Mengyi, Lingyu and Li Cheng all swept all the way and entered the top 8, and the three of them also became the favorites to win the championship.

When they reached the top 8, Li Cheng planned to take action. He contacted his father and asked his father to operate it and successfully matched him with Lingyu.

When Lingyu saw that he was matched with Li Cheng in Group 1, he planned to teach Li Cheng a lesson.

But unexpectedly, as soon as he came on the court, Li Cheng proposed a bet with Lingyu. Li Cheng said:

"Ling Yu, we meet again. Last time you didn't accept my challenge, let's see how you run this time. Come on, let's bet on Pokémon and have a real match!"

After hearing what Li Cheng said, Ling Yu replied:

"I've already said that Charmeleon is my partner, not something I'll use as a bet, so I won't agree to your request."

At this moment, a few noisy discussions suddenly came from the viewing platform:

"It's just a game, why make it so tense? If you lose, you can just give the Pokémon to the other party!"

""Yes, yes, let's start now, we don't have the patience to wait any longer!"

These voices came from several corners of the viewing platform. They didn't seem to be real spectators, but rather agents arranged by Li Cheng in advance. They deliberately said such words to try to stir up the emotions of other spectators.

Sure enough, under the influence of these words, the people who were still hesitant at first also echoed:

"Yeah, it’s just a game anyway, just give it a try!"

"That's right, maybe we can win!"

For a moment, the entire viewing platform was filled with noise, and everyone was infected by this atmosphere and wanted to see this fierce duel.

Ling Yu and Li Cheng became the focus of everyone's attention. Everyone's eyes were focused on them, expecting the two to make a decision.

Faced with such enthusiastic calls, Ling Yu couldn't help feeling a little pressured.

He knew that this game was of great significance to him, but at the same time he didn't want to take out his partner to gamble with him.

However, under the urging of many spectators, he seemed to have no choice but to agree to Li Cheng's bet and start their game.

Li Cheng took out his Poké Ball and released a Frog. Seeing

Li Cheng take out the Frog, Ling Yu didn't waste time and released his Charmeleon.

In the previous game, Charmeleon successfully reached level 19.

After releasing Charmeleon, Ling Yu opened the Eye of Insight and began to check the information of this Frog

【Name: Bubble Frog】

【Race value: 314】

【Gender: Female】

【Skills: Slap, Howl, Bubble, Flash, Licking, Water Wave】

【Level: 15 (Amateur)】

【Qualification: Elite】

【Attribute: Water】

【Personality: Introverted】

【Features: Torrent (When HP decreases, the power of water-attribute moves will increase)】

【[Carrying Items: None]

After seeing the information about the Frog, Ling Yu felt that it was a bit tricky. Although the Frog had not evolved and the Charmeleon was 4 levels higher than the Frog, the opponent was a water type and could restrain the Charmeleon, so Ling Yu began to take this duel seriously.

At the beginning, Li Cheng launched an attack without hesitation.

""Frog, use foam!"

Following his command, Frog immediately opened its mouth and sprayed a large amount of foam at Charmeleon.

Seeing this, Ling Yu calmly ordered Charmeleon to dodge:

"Charmeleon, get out of the way!"

After receiving the instruction, Charmeleon quickly jumped up and nimbly avoided the bubble attack of the Bubble Frog.

However, just as Charmeleon landed, Ling Yu issued another order:

"Charmeleon, use Dragon's Fury on Frog!"

As soon as the words fell, Charmeleon opened its mouth, and a ball of angry shockwave gushed out, turning into a ferocious dragon shadow, rushing straight towards Frog.

Because the incident happened suddenly, Frog had not yet come to its senses, and was hit head-on by this powerful Dragon's Fury.

It flew straight out like a kite with a broken string, and then fell heavily on the ground.

Li Cheng watched Frog suffer heavy damage, and he shouted hurriedly with a face full of haste:"Frog, hold on! Stand up!"

He yelled to Frog:"Frog, stand up quickly, get up and defeat it!"

After hearing the anxious and angry words of its master Li Cheng, the Bubble Frog relied on its tenacious willpower and desire for victory to support its wounded body with difficulty and stood up again.

However, all this seemed to be in vain.

Ling Yu on the opposite side continued to issue orders to the Fire Dinosaur mercilessly:

"Charmeleon, take advantage of the victory! Continue to use the 'Grab' skill to firmly grasp the Frog, and then release the 'Dragon's Fury' at close range.’!"

After receiving the instruction, Charmeleon rushed towards the newly-risen Frog like an arrow, and quickly grabbed it with its sharp claws.

Then, Charmeleon approached the Frog without hesitation and used the amazing"Dragon's Fury".

A violent energy wave with endless anger hit the Frog fiercely. The defenseless Frog was caught off guard by this sudden attack and instantly lost all its fighting power.

The referee witnessed this scene and immediately pronounced:

"Li Cheng's Frog was no longer able to fight, so Ling Yu won the match. Let's congratulate Ling Yu for advancing to the top 4!"

Ling Yu won. According to the bet, Li Cheng had to look at Ling Yu with resentment, and then gritted his teeth and gave Ling Yu the Poké Ball of Frog in his hand. Then he said harshly::

"Lingyu, just wait for me, I won’t lose next time."

After saying that, he angrily walked off the field.

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